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QuestionDeepSeek r1
Claude 3.5 Sonnet
GPT 4o
DeepSeek v3
Claude 3.5 Haiku
GPT 4o-mini
GitSimple Test if the model can guide a user in a conversation to setup a git repo.
tags: bash, git, agent
ProgramRewriteCSimple Test if the model can rewrite a very simple Python program into an equivalent C program.
tags: code, c
ExplainPrime Test if the model can interpret a minified JavaScript function and explain its function.
tags: code, explain
GitMerge Test if the model can guide a user through a series of git commands to merge a specific branch into the main branch.
tags: bash, git, agent
WhatIsStarStar Test if the model can understand and interpret a request to gitignore any file called "foo/.KEYFILE" regardless of its location in a repository.
tags: explain
PrintHello Test if the model can generate a basic python program that prints "hello world".
tags: code, python
RecoverExpiredPage Test if a model knows how to get the HTML for the entire webpage; not just the body.
tags: explain, html
ShortenPyGet Test if the model can shorten a line of python with an equal line.
tags: code, python
UnitConversion Test if a model can do basic math with some EE equations.
tags: explain
WhatIsAutoModel Test if the model can interpret vague questions and will respond with the answer I want, not the answer that's easy to find.
tags: explain
WhatIsFloatFormat This test case checks if models can format f strings with floats.
tags: explain, python
WhatIsInv This test case is designed to check if the model can correctly identify the Python operator used for the tilde (~) symbol.
tags: explain, python
Dedent Test if the model can write a Python function that removes excess indentation from a given block of code.
tags: code, python
ExtractEmail Test if the model can accurately extract and identify invalid email addresses from a given text file. Models that are "overly safe" will fail.
tags: data
FreeCADCircle Test if the model understands a rambling question about how to make construction circle in FreeCAD.
tags: explain, fun
SqlMakeTable Test if the model can generate a SQL query to create a database table.
tags: sql
Make16FilesEasy Test if the model can write a Python script that merges a list of file paths into 16 files of approximately equal size.
tags: code, python
VectorizeSmall Test if the model can replace a for loop with a vectorized version.
tags: code, python, performance
BashRenamer Test if the model can write a bash script that renames files with a specific pattern.
tags: code, bash
ExplainBroadcast Test if the model can correctly explain what the VPBROADCASTB instruction does.
tags: explain
Regex Test if the model can write a Python function with a straightforward regex.
tags: code, python
WhatIsSlice This test case checks if the model can say how to properly get the end of a slice.
tags: explain, python
GetVocab This test case is designed to check if the model can print out the tokens in a AutoTokenizer's vocabulary.
tags: explain, python
VagueLoopFormat Test if the model can follow vague instructions for how to print IDs following an example.
tags: code, python
FixDockerCuda This test case checks if the model can debug a docker cuda error
tags: explain
CRC32 Test if the model understands the CRC-32 spec well enough to implement it.
tags: code, c
SumSomeData Test if the model can infer what data to sum and what to ignore by example with vague instructions.
tags: code, python
Flexbox Test if the model can generate an HTML file using flexbox
tags: code, html
ProgramSqrt Test if the model can implement a sqrt function.
tags: code, python
FixJnpBug Test if the model can identify and fix a bug in a given jax.numpy function.
tags: code, python
SqlSubquery Test if the model can generate a Python program that retrieves data from a SQL file.
tags: sql
QuestionThreadedFix Test if the model can explain a poorly worded error message in a short threaded python program.
tags: code, python, explain
SimpleFix Test if the model can identify and fix an issue with a tokenizer in a Python code snippet. Identifying the problem is in the regex, and fixing the regex, are both hard.
tags: code, fix, python
ImgResize Test if the model can resize several images in a given subdirectory.
tags: code, python
BashIncrementalUpdate Test if a model can run an incremental update of a bash command without overwriting files that already exist
tags: bash
ProgramRewriteC Test if the model can rewrite a given Python program into an equivalent C program.
tags: code, c
LlamaKnowledge Test the knowledge cutoff of the model to see if it knows the LLAMA-2 hidden dimension size.
tags: explain
DrawTriangle Test if the model can generate an HTML file with WebGL code that draws an image.
tags: code, visual, html
WhatIsLPR This test case checks if the model knows lpr commands.
tags: explain
TorchBackwardFix Test if the model can fix and explain a bug in PyTorch code related to forgetting to zero gradients.
tags: code, python, fix
SimpleBNF Test if the model can understand a vague BNF-style grammar and write a Python function that evaluates expressions based on the grammar rules.
tags: code, python
ExtractRef Test if the model can extract paper tiles from a block of text.
tags: code, python
MissingStep Test if the model can identify a missing incredient in a recipe. Identifying incorrect steps is much harder than missing steps.
tags: explain, fun
ExplainPrime2 Test if the model can interpret a minified and obfuscated JavaScript function and explain its function.
tags: explain
MakeJson Test if the model can successfully convert unstructured data to JSON.
tags: data
DisasPrimes Test if the model can disassemble Python bytecode and create a function that returns a list of prime numbers and their negations.
tags: code, python
SqlExplore Test if the model can interact with an SQLite database and provide the correct command to add a new person with specific criteria.
tags: sql, agent
WhatIsStarStarB Test if the model can understand and interpret a request to gitignore any file called "foo/.KEYFILE" regardless of its location in a repository.
tags: explain
UPythonMQTT Test if a model can write upython code with an obscure module.
tags: python, code
BashFindDontContain Test if a model can implement (the negation of) a simple bash 1-liner searching for files that don't contain some text.
tags: bash
ProgramRewriteCCrypto Test the ability of the model to rewrite a simple c program so it will run on ubuntu, and keep bugs in place.
tags: code, c
FixNode Test if the model can identify a node error message
tags: explain
LatexNewline Test if a model can fix a latex newline error in a caption
tags: explain
EasyFlagDrawBMP Test if the model can write a C program that draws an image. This test requires the ability to understand the .bmp specification, and draw a flag that can be correctly parsed and seen by the evaluator.
tags: code, c, visual
RustCountNoLib Test if the model can write a rust program that performs word counting.
tags: code, rust
MakeShiftOp Test if the model can generate a python program that defines dataflow DSL.
tags: code, python
NumpyIx Test if a model can identify the _ix function as a method for simplifying some code.
tags: explain, python
EmojiMovie A for-fun test to see if the model can go movie title -> emoji -> movie title.
tags: fun
MakeTreeEasy Test if the model can create a tree from a string.
tags: code, python
ProgramStrided Test if the model knows how to use the strided trick with numpy.
tags: code, python, performance
GitMergeConflict Test if the model can guide a user through a series of git commands to merge a specific branch into the main branch.
tags: bash, git, agent
TwentyQuestionsLlama Test if the model is able to ask questions to get to an answer.
tags: fun
HallucinateReference Test if the model will hallucinate references that don't exist.
tags: explain
RustCount Test if the model can write a rust program that performs word counting.
tags: code, rust
LispSilencePython Test if the model can understand a vague error for an emacs lisp question.
tags: explain
TorchJnp Test if the model can convert a torch neural network to a jax numpy model.
tags: code, python
NewAssemblySquareNumbers Test if the model can write a program in a new assembly language. This ability to learn a new language on-the-fly is important for many tasks.
tags: code
DrawHouse Test if the model can generate an HTML file with WebGL code that draws an image.
tags: code, visual, html
Disas1 Test if the model can disassemble a simple Python function from its bytecode.
tags: code, python
FastL2 Test if the model can optimize a given Python program for speed and memory efficiency.
tags: code, performance, python
Make16Files Test if the model can write a Python script that merges a list of file paths into 16 files of approximately equal size.
tags: code, python
PyChessPrefix Test if the model can correctly call a python API for a moderately popular python library.
tags: code, python
IsUU Test if the model can correctly identify a block of text is uuencoded.
tags: explain
ImplementAssembly Test if the model can implement an interpreter for a new assembly language from a text description.
tags: code, python
ExplainWeirdCEasy This test case is meant to test if the model can correctly evaluate a complex C expression.
tags: explain, c
DataYearExtract Test if the model can extract structured data from (somewhat) unstructured text.
tags: data
StateTableStepbystep Test if the model can process a large table of text and identify rows with specific values.
tags: data
ProgramStringSlice Test if the model can write code to perform string slicing with vague instructions.
tags: code, python
FlagDrawBMP Test if the model can write a C program that draws an image. This test requires the ability to understand the .bmp specification, and draw a flag that can be correctly parsed and seen by the evaluator.
tags: code, c, visual
CodeUnderstanding Test if a model can solve a simple capture-the-flag like entry in C.
tags: c, explain
CallCFromPy Test if the model can write rust code that can be imported from python and knows how to build it.
tags: rust, c, python, code
FixPatch Test if the model can generate a .patch file to fix a bug in a given Python code.
tags: code, fix, python
PythonToCLoopUpdate Test if a model can convert a python program to c, with a loop that makes it difficult.
tags: code, python, c
MakeTree Test if the model can create a tree from a string.
tags: code, python
Base64Thought Test if a model will follow instructions to the letter without lots of cajoling. Thinking in base64 is also interesting.
tags: explain, fun
Crref Test if the model can rewrite a given python in C that performs reduced row echelon form (rref) on a 2D matrix.
tags: code, c, performance
WhyBuggyPythonCountPar Test if a model can explain a bug in a parallelized wordcount function.
tags: explain, python, fix
BashListSize Test if the model can provide the correct bash command to list files in a directory and sort them by the least significant digit of their size.
tags: bash
BrokenExtraBrace This test checks is the model can figure out the user has put an accidental extra brace in the request body.
tags: explain, python
ProgramNumbaLev Test if the model can generate a numba implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm.
tags: code, python, performance
PythonCountPar Test if the model can parallelize a python program to perform a wordcount.
tags: code, python, performance
TrainSchedule Test if the model can extract structured data from (somewhat) unstructured text.
tags: data
FixJSONHelp Test if the model can fix broken JSON objects.
tags: code, python
ShortenC2 Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
ExplainWeirdC This test case is meant to test if the model can correctly evaluate a complex C expression.
tags: explain, c
NumpyAdvancedIndexEasier Test if a model correctly understands how advanced indexing works in numpy.
tags: explain, python
SimTorchGrad This test case checks if the model can predict what the gradient of a variable is in PyTorch.
tags: explain, python
RLEDecode This test case tests if the model can convert a Game of Life pattern represented in RLE format to a numpy array.
tags: code, python
MakeShiftOpC Test if the model can generate a C++ program that defines dataflow DSL.
tags: code, c
GitCherrypick Test if the model can guide a user through a series of git commands to identify and cherrypick a specific commit from a branch onto the main branch.
tags: bash, git, agent
ShortenC Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
StateTable Test if the model can process a large table of text and identify rows with specific values.
tags: data
UUDecode Test if the model can successfully uudecode a given string.
tags: explain
DB9 Test if a model knows about old computer ports when prompted ambiguously.
tags: explain
AWSV6 Test if the model can identify the error in an AWS Lambda code for authorizing a new network. This type of error is generally difficult to find via search.
tags: explain
ImplementAssemblyByExample Test if the model can implement an interpreter for a new assembly language given an example.
tags: code, python
ShortenCHard Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
TorchBackwardExplain Test if the model can fix and explain a bug in PyTorch code related to forgetting to zero gradients.
tags: code, python, fix
DisasRref Test if a model can decompile a long (300 line) python bytecode function back to python.
tags: code, python
FixJSON Test if the model can fix broken JSON objects.
tags: code, python
NumbaRref Test if a model can rewrite a fairly complex Python function to Numba.
tags: code, python, performance
ShortenCStep Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
CallRustFromPy Test if the model can write rust code that can be imported from python and knows how to build it.
tags: rust, c, python, code
RustParCount Test if the model can write a rust program that performs parallel word counting.
tags: code, rust, performance
ShortenC2Step Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
InnerHTMLEventListener Test if a model knows that editing the innerHTML clears event listeners.
tags: explain
LatexRedef Test if a model can use latex \renewcommand, and do a bit more than what I actually asked.
tags: explain
PrintHelloPoly Test if the model can generate a program that prints "hello world" when run either as a C or a python program.
tags: code, python
TwentyQuestionsBook Test if the model is able to ask questions to get to an answer.
tags: fun
RustParCountNoLib Test if the model can write a rust program that performs parallel word counting.
tags: code, rust, performance
DateNewsHeadlines Test if the model can predict the date a few news headlines were published.
tags: fun
FindBugPaper Test if a model can find math errors in the latex source of a paper.
tags: explain
ProgramRemoveDP Test if the model can understand a DP algorithm and then convert it into an iterative implementation.
tags: code, performance, python
UnholyMatrix Test if the model can solve a rather hard dynamic programming problem
tags: code, c
UnholyMatrixStep Test if the model can solve a rather hard dynamic programming problem
tags: code, c
FindBugPaperEasy Test if a model can find math errors in the latex source of a paper.
tags: explain
JaxOneHot Test if the model can correctly convert a list of indexes to a one-hot vector in Python using JAX.
tags: code, python
TrainSchedulePython Test if the model can extract structured data from (somewhat) unstructured text.
tags: data
AppendNotExtend This test checks is the model can figure out from context when it's right to use extend versus append.
tags: explain, python
TrainScheduleHard Test if the model can extract structured data from (somewhat) unstructured text.
tags: data
PrintHelloPoly2 Test if the model can generate a program that prints "hello world" when run either as a C or a python program.
tags: code, python
WhereIsSbox This test case checks if the model knows what latex package to import for the Sbox environment to work.
tags: explain
MakePNGToELF Test if the model can make a PNG get detected as an ELF executable.
tags: coding
NumpyAdvancedIndex Test if a model correctly understands how advanced indexing works in numpy.
tags: explain, python
NewAssemblyPrimeNumbers Test if the model can write a program in a new assembly language. This ability to learn a new language on-the-fly is important for many tasks.
tags: code
FlagDraw Test if a model can write a program that directly writes a jpeg file. This requires precise understanding of the jpeg spec.
tags: code, python, visual
ProgramTB Test if the model can identify the buf and fix a program that handles python tracebacks. Useful to know if the model can handle more advanced python libraries.
tags: code, fix
ShortenC2Hard Test if the model can significantly shorten a repetitive C functions.
tags: code, c
WhatIsBlockByOrb Test if the model knows what ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB means.
tags: explain
WhisperMerge Test if the model can implement some string logic given a fuzzy description.
tags: code, python