In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In Emacs Lisp, to silence the "Process python-process finished" message, you can use one of these approaches: 1. Using `set-process-sentinel`:
1 2 3 4 5 | (set-process-sentinel (get-process "python-process") (lambda (proc event) (when (string= event "finished\n") (delete-process proc)))) |
1 2 | (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-strip-ctrl-m) |
1 2 3 4 | (advice-add 'comint-write-output :around (lambda (orig-fun &rest args) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (apply orig-fun args)))) |
1 2 3 4 | (advice-add 'process-sentinel :override (lambda (proc msg) (unless (string-match "exited abnormally" msg) (delete-process proc)))) |
Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel
: True
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In Emacs Lisp, you can silence the "Process python-process finished" message by setting `comint-process-echoes` to `nil` or by using `(setq compilation-always-kill-buffer t)`. Here are a few approaches: 1. For comint-based processes:
1 | (setq comint-process-echoes nil) |
1 | (setq compilation-always-kill-buffer t) |
1 2 3 4 | (defadvice display-message-or-buffer (around no-python-process-message activate) (unless (and (stringp message) (string-match "Process.*finished" message)) ad-do-it)) |
1 2 3 4 5 | (defun my-suppress-process-finish-message (orig-fun &rest args) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (apply orig-fun args))) (advice-add 'display-message-or-buffer :around #'my-suppress-process-finish-message) |
Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel
: False
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In Emacs Lisp, you can silence the "Process python-process finished" message by configuring the `comint-process-echoes` variable or by using advice. Here are a few approaches: 1. Set `comint-process-echoes`:
1 | (setq comint-process-echoes t) |
1 2 3 4 | (advice-add 'comint-output-filter-function :around (lambda (orig-fun &rest args) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (apply orig-fun args)))) |
1 2 3 4 5 | (set-process-sentinel (get-process "python-process") (lambda (proc event) (when (string= event "finished\n") (message "")))) |
Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel
: True
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In Emacs Lisp, you can silence the "Process python-process finished" message by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to `t` or by using advice to filter out the message. Here are a few approaches: 1. Set `comint-process-echoes`:
1 | (setq comint-process-echoes t) |
1 2 3 4 5 | (defun my-advice-ignore-process-exit (orig-func &rest args) (let ((inhibit-message t)) (apply orig-func args))) (advice-add 'comint-output-filter-function :around #'my-advice-ignore-process-exit) |
1 2 3 4 5 | (defun my-comint-filter (str) (let ((filtered-str (replace-regexp-in-string "Process .+ finished\n" "" str))) filtered-str)) (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions #'my-comint-filter) |
Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel
: False
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"
In Emacs Lisp, you can silence the "Process python-process finished" message by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to `t` or by using advice to suppress the message. Here are a few approaches: 1. Set `comint-process-echoes`:
1 | (setq comint-process-echoes t) |
1 2 3 4 | (advice-add 'compilation-filter :around (lambda (orig-fun proc string) (unless (string-match "Process .+ finished" string) (funcall orig-fun proc string)))) |
1 2 3 4 | (advice-add 'python-shell-filter-process-output :around (lambda (orig-fun proc string) (unless (string-match "Process python-process finished" string) (funcall orig-fun proc string)))) |
1 2 3 | (defun my-filter-process-output (proc string) (unless (string-match "Process .+ finished" string) (comint-output-filter proc string))) |
Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel
: False