Initial Query

Redfine \paragraph to be \bigskip\textbf

LLM Generation


Redfine \paragraph to be \bigskip\textbf


To redefine the `\paragraph` command in LaTeX to insert a big vertical skip followed by bold text, use the following code:

**Explanation:** - `\par` ensures starting in vertical mode, ending any current paragraph. - `\bigskip` adds a large vertical space. - `\noindent` prevents indentation of the new paragraph. - `\textbf{#1}` makes the heading bold. - `\space` inserts a space after the heading. - `\ignorespaces` ignores any spaces after the command, preventing unintended whitespace. This redefinition mimics the run-in style of the original `\paragraph` while applying the desired formatting.

Check if all of the following conditions are true:

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \noindent: True

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \textbf: True

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \bigskip: True

Check if any of the following conditions are true:

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \renewcommand\paragraph: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \renewcommand{\paragraph}: True

Final Answer: True

Final Answer: True