Initial Query

What does the VPBROADCASTB instruction do?

LLM Generation


What does the VPBROADCASTB instruction do?


VPBROADCASTB is an AVX2 SIMD instruction that takes a single 8‑bit value—either from a memory location or from the low byte of a register—and replicates (broadcasts) it into every byte element of the destination vector register. In other words, after executing VPBROADCASTB, every byte in the target XMM, YMM, or ZMM register will contain the same 8‑bit value. This is especially useful when you need to perform vector operations that require a constant or identical value in every lane.

LLM Generation


Below is a student's answer to a question about what a particular instruction does: VPBROADCASTB is an AVX2 SIMD instruction that takes a single 8‑bit value—either from a memory location or from the low byte of a register—and replicates (broadcasts) it into every byte element of the destination vector register. In other words, after executing VPBROADCASTB, every byte in the target XMM, YMM, or ZMM register will contain the same 8‑bit value. This is especially useful when you need to perform vector operations that require a constant or identical value in every lane. Does the student's say something similar to "Load integer data from the source operand (the second operand) and broadcast to all elements of the destination operand (the first operand)."? If the answer is correct say "The student passes" otherwise "The student fails".


The student's answer does convey a similar meaning to "Load integer data from the source operand (the second operand) and broadcast to all elements of the destination operand (the first operand)." The student explains that VPBROADCASTB takes a single 8-bit value from a source (either memory or a register) and replicates it across all byte elements of the destination vector register. This aligns with the concept of loading data from a source and broadcasting it to all elements of a destination. The student passes.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string student passes: True

Initial Query

What does the VPBROADCASTB instruction do?

LLM Generation


What does the VPBROADCASTB instruction do?


VPBROADCASTB takes an 8‐bit value (from either a register or a memory location) and replicates it across every byte of the destination vector register. For example, if you use VPBROADCASTB with a source byte of 0x42 and an XMM register destination (which holds 16 bytes), all 16 bytes in that register will be set to 0x42. The same idea applies to larger registers like YMM (32 bytes) or ZMM (64 bytes) where every byte gets filled with the same value. This instruction is useful when you need to initialize a vector with the same byte value across all its elements, which can then be used in subsequent SIMD operations.

LLM Generation


Below is a student's answer to a question about what a particular instruction does: VPBROADCASTB takes an 8‐bit value (from either a register or a memory location) and replicates it across every byte of the destination vector register. For example, if you use VPBROADCASTB with a source byte of 0x42 and an XMM register destination (which holds 16 bytes), all 16 bytes in that register will be set to 0x42. The same idea applies to larger registers like YMM (32 bytes) or ZMM (64 bytes) where every byte gets filled with the same value. This instruction is useful when you need to initialize a vector with the same byte value across all its elements, which can then be used in subsequent SIMD operations. Does the student's say something similar to "Load integer data from the source operand (the second operand) and broadcast to all elements of the destination operand (the first operand)."? If the answer is correct say "The student passes" otherwise "The student fails".


The student's explanation is similar to the statement "Load integer data from the source operand (the second operand) and broadcast to all elements of the destination operand (the first operand)." The student describes how VPBROADCASTB takes an 8-bit value from a source and replicates it across all bytes of the destination vector register, which aligns with the concept of broadcasting a value to all elements of the destination operand. The student passes.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string student passes: True