Write me a function called `move` that, given a string x, returns all possible alternate strings y' such that y' is derived from x by moving a substring of x to an arbitrary position
Write me a function called `move` that, given a string x, returns all possible alternate strings y' such that y' is derived from x by moving a substring of x to an arbitrary position
Below is one acceptable Python solution. In this solution the function move(x) loops over every possible contiguous substring of x (i.e. every substring x[i:j] for 0 ≤ i < j ≤ len(x)). It “removes†that substring from x, then reinserts it at every possible insertion position in the remaining string. (We use a set so that we don’t get duplicate strings.) We also exclude the case where no change is made (i.e. the candidate string is equal to the original x). You can adjust that behavior if needed. Here’s the code: ------------------------------------------------ def move(x): results = set() # use a set to avoid duplicates n = len(x) # Loop over all possible substrings x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] # Remove the substring from x remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Insert the substring into every possible position in the remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): new_string = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] # Exclude the trivial (no change) case if new_string != x: results.add(new_string) return list(results) # Example usage: if __name__ == "__main__": s = "abcd" moves = move(s) for m in moves: print(m) ------------------------------------------------ Explanation: 1. We iterate with i and j so that substring = x[i:j] is every nonâ€empty contiguous substring of x. 2. Removing that substring gives us remainder = x[:i] + x[j:]. 3. Then we try every insertion point (from 0 up to len(remainder)) to obtain a candidate new string. 4. The candidate new string is added to the results if it differs from the original x. 5. Finally, we return the unique candidates. This function returns all strings y′ that are derived from x by “moving†one of its substrings to another position.
I extracted the following code from that output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | #!/usr/bin/env python3 def move(x): results = set() # use a set to avoid duplicates n = len(x) # Loop over all possible substrings x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] # Remove the substring from x remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Insert the substring into every possible position in the remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): new_string = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] # Exclude the trivial (no change) case if new_string != x: results.add(new_string) return list(results) |
Running the following program:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | #!/usr/bin/env python3 def move(x): results = set() # use a set to avoid duplicates n = len(x) # Loop over all possible substrings x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] # Remove the substring from x remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Insert the substring into every possible position in the remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): new_string = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] # Exclude the trivial (no change) case if new_string != x: results.add(new_string) return list(results) answer = set(move('abcdef')) expected = set(['abcdef', 'abcdfe', 'abcedf', 'abcefd', 'abcfde', 'abdcef', 'abdecf', 'abdefc', 'abecdf', 'abefcd', 'abfcde', 'acbdef', 'acdbef', 'acdebf', 'acdefb', 'adbcef', 'adebcf', 'adefbc', 'aebcdf', 'aefbcd', 'afbcde', 'bacdef', 'bcadef', 'bcdaef', 'bcdeaf', 'bcdefa', 'cabdef', 'cdabef', 'cdeabf', 'cdefab', 'dabcef', 'deabcf', 'defabc', 'eabcdf', 'efabcd', 'fabcde']) assert answer == expected, f'Wrong answer; got {answer} instead of {expected}' print('All tests passed') |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/app/main.py", line 28, in <module>
assert answer == expected, f'Wrong answer; got {answer} instead of {expected}'
AssertionError: Wrong answer; got {'acdebf', 'abcefd', 'aebcdf', 'abdefc', 'bacdef', 'abcedf', 'eabcdf', 'cdefab', 'defabc', 'fabcde', 'abfcde', 'abefcd', 'acbdef', 'cdeabf', 'acdbef', 'bcdeaf', 'abdecf', 'adebcf', 'dabcef', 'aefbcd', 'cabdef', 'abdcef', 'adefbc', 'deabcf', 'acdefb', 'bcdefa', 'efabcd', 'bcdaef', 'abecdf', 'afbcde', 'abcfde', 'adbcef', 'abcdfe', 'bcadef', 'cdabef'} instead of {'acdebf', 'abcefd', 'abdefc', 'aebcdf', 'bacdef', 'abcedf', 'eabcdf', 'cdefab', 'defabc', 'fabcde', 'abfcde', 'abefcd', 'acbdef', 'cdeabf', 'acdbef', 'bcdeaf', 'abdecf', 'adebcf', 'dabcef', 'aefbcd', 'abcdef', 'cabdef', 'abdcef', 'adefbc', 'deabcf', 'acdefb', 'bcdefa', 'efabcd', 'bcdaef', 'abecdf', 'afbcde', 'abcfde', 'adbcef', 'abcdfe', 'bcadef', 'cdabef'}
Testing if the previous output contains the string All tests passed
: False
Write me a function called `move` that, given a string x, returns all possible alternate strings y' such that y' is derived from x by moving a substring of x to an arbitrary position
Write me a function called `move` that, given a string x, returns all possible alternate strings y' such that y' is derived from x by moving a substring of x to an arbitrary position
Below is one acceptable solution in Python. In this solution the function move(x) goes over every possible substring of x (using two nested loops), removes that substring to obtain the remainder, and then “reâ€inserts†the removed substring at each possible position within the remainder. (We check that we don’t produce the original string.) The result is returned as a set of strings. Here is the code: ---------------------------------------------------------------- def move(x): """ Returns a set of all strings derived from x by moving one contiguous substring to a different location in the string. A move consists of: 1. Removing the substring x[i:j] (with 0 <= i < j <= len(x)). 2. Inserting that substring somewhere in the remainder. (The substring is inserted in all possible positions in the remainder.) Note: The original string x is not included. """ results = set() n = len(x) # Choose every possible substring x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Try inserting substring in every possible position in remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): # Build the new string new_str = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] if new_str != x: # Optionally, skip if nothing changes. results.add(new_str) return results # Example usage: if __name__ == "__main__": test_str = "abc" moves = move(test_str) print("All possible moves for", test_str, "are:") for s in sorted(moves): print(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Explanation: 1. The outer two loops (using indices i and j) extract every non-empty substring of x. 2. Removing that substring produces the remainder. 3. The innermost loop considers every possible position (from 0 to len(remainder)) to insert the removed substring. 4. We add the new string to a set (to avoid duplicates) and skip adding the original string x. This implementation exactly fulfills the problem’s requirements: it returns every string that can be obtained by moving one contiguous part of x to another position.
I extracted the following code from that output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | def move(x): """ Returns a set of all strings derived from x by moving one contiguous substring to a different location in the string. A move consists of: 1. Removing the substring x[i:j] (with 0 <= i < j <= len(x)). 2. Inserting that substring somewhere in the remainder. (The substring is inserted in all possible positions in the remainder.) Note: The original string x is not included. """ results = set() n = len(x) # Choose every possible substring x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Try inserting substring in every possible position in remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): # Build the new string new_str = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] if new_str != x: # Optionally, skip if nothing changes. results.add(new_str) return results |
Running the following program:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | def move(x): """ Returns a set of all strings derived from x by moving one contiguous substring to a different location in the string. A move consists of: 1. Removing the substring x[i:j] (with 0 <= i < j <= len(x)). 2. Inserting that substring somewhere in the remainder. (The substring is inserted in all possible positions in the remainder.) Note: The original string x is not included. """ results = set() n = len(x) # Choose every possible substring x[i:j] for i in range(n): for j in range(i+1, n+1): substring = x[i:j] remainder = x[:i] + x[j:] # Try inserting substring in every possible position in remainder for k in range(len(remainder) + 1): # Build the new string new_str = remainder[:k] + substring + remainder[k:] if new_str != x: # Optionally, skip if nothing changes. results.add(new_str) return results answer = set(move('abcdef')) expected = set(['abcdef', 'abcdfe', 'abcedf', 'abcefd', 'abcfde', 'abdcef', 'abdecf', 'abdefc', 'abecdf', 'abefcd', 'abfcde', 'acbdef', 'acdbef', 'acdebf', 'acdefb', 'adbcef', 'adebcf', 'adefbc', 'aebcdf', 'aefbcd', 'afbcde', 'bacdef', 'bcadef', 'bcdaef', 'bcdeaf', 'bcdefa', 'cabdef', 'cdabef', 'cdeabf', 'cdefab', 'dabcef', 'deabcf', 'defabc', 'eabcdf', 'efabcd', 'fabcde']) assert answer == expected, f'Wrong answer; got {answer} instead of {expected}' print('All tests passed') |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/app/main.py", line 36, in <module>
assert answer == expected, f'Wrong answer; got {answer} instead of {expected}'
AssertionError: Wrong answer; got {'dabcef', 'aebcdf', 'abcfde', 'afbcde', 'cdabef', 'efabcd', 'adebcf', 'abdecf', 'acbdef', 'adefbc', 'bcadef', 'abcedf', 'cdeabf', 'fabcde', 'abdcef', 'acdebf', 'deabcf', 'cabdef', 'cdefab', 'defabc', 'bcdeaf', 'aefbcd', 'adbcef', 'bcdaef', 'abecdf', 'abcefd', 'bacdef', 'bcdefa', 'acdefb', 'abefcd', 'acdbef', 'abcdfe', 'abdefc', 'abfcde', 'eabcdf'} instead of {'dabcef', 'aebcdf', 'abcfde', 'afbcde', 'cdabef', 'efabcd', 'adebcf', 'abdecf', 'acbdef', 'adefbc', 'bcadef', 'abcedf', 'cdeabf', 'fabcde', 'abdcef', 'abcdef', 'acdebf', 'eabcdf', 'deabcf', 'cabdef', 'cdefab', 'defabc', 'bcdeaf', 'aefbcd', 'adbcef', 'bcdaef', 'abecdf', 'abcefd', 'bacdef', 'bcdefa', 'acdefb', 'acdbef', 'abcdfe', 'abdefc', 'abfcde', 'abefcd'}
Testing if the previous output contains the string All tests passed
: False