Initial Query

What latex package has the Sbox env?

LLM Generation


What latex package has the Sbox env?


The Sbox environment is provided by the adjustbox package. To use it, include   \usepackage{adjustbox} in your document’s preamble. The adjustbox package offers a number of tools for adjusting, cropping, and scaling content, and the Sbox environment helps capture content to be adjusted later. For more details, you can check the adjustbox package documentation on CTAN.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string fancybox: False

Initial Query

What latex package has the Sbox env?

LLM Generation


What latex package has the Sbox env?


The Sbox environment comes with the adjustbox package. When you load adjustbox (with \usepackage{adjustbox}) you get access to environments such as Sbox (as well as its companion macros like \TheSbox) that let you save material in a box for later use. For example, you might use it like this:   \documentclass{article}   \usepackage{adjustbox}   \begin{document}   \begin{Sbox}    This is some text that I want to store in a box.   \end{Sbox}   \TheSbox   \end{document} This package is available on CTAN and can be easily installed via your LaTeX distribution.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string fancybox: False