from evaluator import *
DESCRIPTION = "Test if the model can generate a program that prints \"hello world\" when run either as a C or a python program."
TAGS = ['code', 'python']
question = 'Write a single file that I can save as that I can run as either a C program or a python program, and so both will print "hello world". Specifically if I run `python` or `gcc && ./a.out` I should see "hello world" printed to the console.'
answer = "hello world"
TestPrintHelloPoly = question >> LLMRun() >> ExtractCode(keep_main=True) >> ((PythonRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)) & (CRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)))
question2 = '''
Write a single file that I can save as that I can run as either a rust program or a python program, and so both will print "hello world". Specifically if I run `python` or `rustc -o a.out && ./a.out` I should see "hello world" printed to the console.
To help you out, here's a valid answer for how to do this in C:
#include <stdio.h>
#define sdf b /*
print("hello world")
#define wer b */
int main() {
printf("hello world\n");
#define ert s """
TestPrintHelloPoly = question >> LLMRun() >> ExtractCode(keep_main=True) >> ((PythonRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)) & (CRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)))
TestPrintHelloPoly2 = question2 >> LLMRun() >> ExtractCode(keep_main=True) >> ((PythonRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)) & (RustRun() >> SubstringEvaluator(answer)))
if __name__ == "__main__":