from evaluator import *
DESCRIPTION = "Test if the model can generate a Python program that retrieves data from a SQL file."
TAGS = ['sql']
question = """
I have a sqlite3 database name TEXT, favorite_friend TEXT, age INT, profession TEXT.
Write me a python program that prints out the favorite friend of the youngest person who isn't anyone's favorite friend.
The database is called people.db and the table is called people.
def setup():
import sqlite3
# Create a connection object using the connect function
conn = sqlite3.connect('people.db')
# Create a cursor object using the cursor method
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Create table named people with columns for name, favorite friend, age, and profession
cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE people
(name TEXT, favorite_friend TEXT, age INT, profession TEXT)''')
# List of people data to insert into the people table
people_data = [
('Alice', 'Bob', 29, 'Engineer'),
('Bob', 'Alice', 32, 'Doctor'),
('Charlie', 'Alice', 28, 'Artist'),
('David', 'Eve', 35, 'Architect'),
('Eve', 'Frank', 26, 'Teacher'),
('Frank', 'Alice', 31, 'Scientist'),
('Grace', 'Heidi', 30, 'Nurse'),
('Heidi', 'Ivy', 25, 'Lawyer'),
('Ivy', 'Charlie', 34, 'Chef'),
('Judy', 'Grace', 27, 'Accountant')
# Insert each person into the people table
cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO people VALUES (?,?,?,?)', people_data)
# Commit the changes
# Close the connection
TestSqlSubquery = Setup(setup) >> question >> LLMRun() >> ExtractCode(keep_main=True, lang='python') >> Echo() >> PythonRun() >> SubstringEvaluator("Grace")
if __name__ == "__main__":