Why I attack

by Nicholas Carlini 2024-06-24

Yesterday I was forwarded a bunch of messages that Prof. Ben Zhao (a computer science professor A full professor with tenure, so I feel entirely within my rights to call him out here. at the University of Chicago) wrote about me on a public Discord server with 15,000 members, including this gem:

Now I'll be the first to admit it: I study how to attack systems not because I'm driven by some fundamental desire to “do good”, but because it's what I enjoy and find interesting and exciting. Some people in the world are motivated by doing good; they become public defenders, or work at homeless shelters, or care for the elderly, and are better people than you or me. But I'm motivated by solving puzzles, and so that's what I do.

So I thought that, in this post, I would explain why I write attack papers that expose security vulnerabilities. Because you can have fun writing attack papers and still also “give a shit about people”.

The Spectrum of Attacks

Before I start responding to this message, I need to start with some background.

All security vulnerabilities lie on a spectrum of how hard they are to resolve. On one end, there are vulnerabilities that are easily patched, and on the other side, are those that are not. Whenever doing security research, it's important to understand which you are dealing with. Here's a handy visual aid I drew: What? You don't like my MS Paint skills?

Patchable vulnerabilities

A vulnerability is patchable if the people who built the system can fix it, and in fixing it, can prevent the exploitation of the system.

The classical example of this is a web server with some vulnerability---say, a SQL injection vulnerability or XSS vulnerability. Once someone has shown the web server is vulnerable to this attack and notifies the developers, it's basically trivial to roll out a fix and prevent any future exploitation of the system. You don't have to wait for users to update their software, you just push it to production. And the fact that the system was vulnerable can't impact anyone else in the future.

And so for vulnerabilities like this, it makes complete sense to give the developers time to fix the vulnerability before going public.

Unpatchable vulnerabilities

A vulnerability is basically unpatchable if there's nothing that you can do to prevent its exploitation. The most extreme example of this would be an exploit on one of the foundational cryptographic primitives that we take for granted, like AES or RSA.

If someone found a way to decrypt AES or RSA-encrypted messages, sure you could “patch” the vulnerability by creating AES “2.0” or switching to another non-broken cipher. But there are probably petabytes of data out there already on the Internet that are encrypted with AES. Anyone who had downloaded any of these encrypted files could now decrypt them. And so these vulnerabilities, while from one view are “patchable”, aren't actually.

This means that for vulnerabilities like this, it makes sense to go public immediately. Because basically all of the damage that can be cause already has been: waiting to disclose is only going to mean more people will become impacted as they use the vulnerable system. Sure you might want to find the most high profile targets to disclose to and give a heads up, but it's important to go public quickly.

Why does the spectrum matter?

Identifying where a given vulnerability lies on the spectrum is important because it helps to determine how you should disclose the vulnerability. Of course there are other considerations. If publishing your exploit would literally cause someone else to be murdered, maybe you shouldn't. But what if not publishing it could cause five more people to be murdered in the future? Now we have ourselves a proper trolley problem. Things are always going to be fuzzy in the real world, and in this post I'm going to focus on this one aspect which will become important later.

As I've discussed above, the more patchable a vulnerability is, the more you should favor giving the system owners time to fix the vulnerability before going public.

On the other hand, the less patchable a vulnerability is, the more you should favor going public immediately---because what good does it do to disclose the vulnerability to only a few people if they're not going to be able to do anything about it?

How I handle disclosing attacks

Okay so that's some general discussion around vulnerabilities. Let me now talk about specific case studies for how I've handled various vulnerabilities I've found. Since I've spent basically all of my adult life finding vulnerabilities in computer systems, I've decided to pick and choose a few examples I think best explore how this is handled both in standard security, but also how I try to apply it to ML security.

Web application vulnerabilities

The early 2010s were a great time to attack web applications. Everything was moving online, but no one knew how to secure anything. Over a period of a few years, I found easily a hundred XSS/CSRF/SQLi vulnerabilities in web applications. In fact, the front page of my web-site used to lead with the sentence “I occasionally look for vulnerabilities in websites. (There’s a reasonable chance if you’ve found this site, it’s because of that.)”

And every time I did, I would report these vulnerabilities to the developers. Then they'd fix it. Maybe I'd get a bug bounty. And then I'd move on. I wouldn't even go public with these, except in cases where it was on some open source software and the developers wanted to create a CVE, because there wasn't really anything to be learned by this specific exploit.

Telebears: The Berkeley Enrollment System

Let me give you one specific web application vulnerability I found that required some more thought. It was one of the first vulnerabilities I found and was my first experience with responsible disclosure.

When I was a freshman at Berkeley, I found a vulnerability in the tool that students would use to manage their enrollment in the university. This system did many things e.g., it managed your classes and would even let you withdraw from the university. I found a severe vulnerability that would let me make arbitrary changes to any other student's enrollment status if they visited a webpage I controlled.

This was a very severe vulnerability. I could have caused massive havoc. Coupled with a vulnerability I found in the university's email client, I could have sent an email to every student in the university so that, upon opening the email, they would drop out of the university completely.

But it was also a very patchable attack: it was just a few XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities that could be chained together.

Unfortunately, this tool was old. Very old. (The system was called “Telebears” because it was a web front-end from the before-times when you would have to call in to a phone system to enroll in classes. And it had some quirks... Only a few hundred people could use the system at once because that's how many phone lines they had. Every Sunday the system would go down for twelve hours because they would turn it all off and back on again. You couldn't use the back button on your browser because state was maintained by the server, from a time when you'd be keying numbers on a phone.)

This means that everyone who built it had long since left the university, and there was no one who could fix it. So what did I do? I sat on the vulnerability. For four years I didn't go public with it. (In fact, I think this is the first time I've ever mentioned it publicly.)

Why wait? Because (a) I knew that this attack would be trivial to immediately exploit if I went public, (b) I knew it would take them a while to fix it, but most importantly, (c) going public sooner wouldn't minimize the harm in any way. It's not like students had a choice to stop using the system. And it's not like other universities were in any danger of looking at this system and saying “we should use that too!” Waiting here was the safest option. And so I waited.

Attacks on Chrome extensions

Let's now skip ahead a few years to the first research paper I ever worked on. With (who would later become) my PhD advisor, we found that most of the most popular Chrome extensions were vulnerable to a variety of attacks that could let us do very bad things. Over half of the extensions we studied were vulnerable to attack, impacting millions of users.

Again, we reported these vulnerabilities to the developers and let them fix the specific attacks we found before going public with our paper. But we did eventually go public with the paper, because the class of vulnerabilities we found were not going to be fixed by just fixing the specific attacks we found.

This is an important theme we'll return to again and again. When a vulnerability is not just a single bug, but an instance of a new class of bugs, it's important to go public with it so that others can learn from it and not make the same mistakes in the future.

ML Attacks

Let's again skip forward in time. This time to 2018 when I started attacking machine learning models. Whereas before I was attacking standard security systems with well-defined disclosure policies, now I was attacking systems a new field with no such policies.

And what set this field most significantly apart was the fact that no one was really using machine learning models in 2018. And so while we thought about the possibility for performing some kind of responsible disclosure, we decided that there wouldn't be much of a benefit. And so, except for notifying the authors of the models we attacked that their models were vulnerable and making sure we hadn't made any errors in our papers, we felt it was completely reasonable to go public with our attacks. (And I don't think anyone has disagreed with us on this.)

Practical Poisoning Attacks

But a lot has changed since 2018. Most importantly: machine learning models are now used everywhere. And so that means that now, when we discover attacks, we're considerably more careful about how we disclose them.

For example, earlier this year, at IEEE S&P, I presented a recent paper of ours that shows how to “poison” machine learning models in a way that is practical and costs under a hundred dollars.

This attack worked by purchasing expired domains that hosted images that were used to train machine learning models. We could then host whatever malicious images we wanted on these domains, and then whenever anyone trained a model using these images, they would be training on our malicious images.

Before going public with this attack, we made sure to contact the people who owned these datasets that linked to expired domains, and let them know they should probably include integrity checks in their data pipelines. And they did exactly that! They rolled out a fix before we went public with our attack, minimizing the potential harms of doing this work. (We also had an exploit on Wikipedia which we disclosed to them as well.)

But we felt strongly it was important to publicize this attack: poisoning as a category of attacks wasn't going to be fixed by any one person, and we wanted to make sure that people were aware of the risks as early as possible.

Practical Model Stealing

In another recent paper (that I will present at ICML next month), I showed how to develop an attack that would let me steal (part) of a language model hosted by another company. I used this attack to, e.g., steal part of OpenAI's ChatGPT model for a few hundred dollars.

But because this attack was a vulnerability in the way some specific API was implemented, I was able to contact OpenAI and they were able to roll out a fix before we went public with the attack.

But again we definitely wanted to go public with this attack. While it's true that it does pose some risk to a company's business, the underlying vulnerability is a fairly simple consequence of (1) how language models work, and (2) some facts about linear algebra. Someone else was bound to be able to re-discover this attack, and if we didn't go public with it, then the next person to discover it might not be so nice and just sit on it to exploit it for their own gain. (As it happens, someone else did discover this attack independently and went public with it the week after we did.)

Training data extraction attacks

Finally, more broadly, a lot of my recent work has been focused on showing how to extract training data from machine learning models. That is: you train a model on some private dataset, release the model, and then I show how to recover some of the original training data you used to train your model.

We basically go public with these attacks as soon as we find them, because delaying the disclosure won't help anyone. All that might happen is someone else might train another model on sensitive data, and as a result expose more peoples' data.

The one exception to this is an attack we discovered on ChatGPT that allowed us to extract training data from the model. We reported this attack to OpenAI and let them take a full 90 days to patch before we went public with exploit. But again: the reason we did this is because patching was possible. The exploit was on the API, which could be changed. And so by delaying we can reduce the potential harm of the attack.

In contrast, when we find attacks on papers that propose privacy-preserving encryption schemes, we go public with them as soon as we can. This is because, like AES, there's nothing to patch. As soon as someone releases an encrypted dataset, it's public forever---even if someone finds a way to break the encryption. And because when the defense is created it had no users, every day we wait before going public was another day that someone might have used the (broken) defense and exposed their data.

Malaysia Government's Immigration System

Incidentally, does anyone know how to get in touch with the Malaysian government? I have a Moderate severity vulnerability in their passport/immigration system that I've been sitting on for a few months because I can't find a way to contact them, and it's definitely easily patchable so I'd like to disclose it.

What is Ben going on about?

To be clear, Ben's belief that I don't care about actually improving security isn't recent. It's not like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and was grumpy that afternoon. He apparently actually believes it: here's a quote I was sent of him saying basically the same thing last year as well:

So what's the context on this? Ben's research group has published several defenses that I've broken. And so I guess he's unhappy that I break his things.

Most recently, I helped write a paper that shows how to break his Glaze defense that aims to protect artists from having their images used to train machine learning models.

This is a noble goal. Unfortunately, the approach that Ben is taking is fundamentally flawed. I'm not going to go into the details of the attack here, because that's a story for another day. If you want to read the paper, you can find it here.

But the short version of the story is this: Ben's idea is that artists should add some adversarial noise to their images before releasing them to the public. This adversarial noise is supposed to make it so that, if someone tries to train a machine learning model on these images, the model will be bad.

But the most important thing to notice with this defense is that it's unpatchable in the same way that a break on AES would be unpatchable. Once someone has published their adversarially noised images, they've lost control of them---they can't update them after that. And someone who wanted to train a model on these protected images only needs to download a bunch of images all at once, wait a few weeks or months for an attack on the defense, and then can retroactively train a model on these images.

As it turns out, the attack is quite simple: it's not that hard to remove this adversarial noise through various techniques, and then, you can train a good model on these images. This makes the any exploit on the defense violate the security of everyone who has uploaded their images up to this point.

Sure, a future (second) version of the defense might prevent this attack---but the damage has already been done for everyone who published their images with the first version of the defense. You can't patch the images that have already been released.

What this means is that it is strictly better to publish the attack on this defense as early as possible. We did provide Ben's group with an initial draft of the paper to make sure they could check any errors in our work, but it doesn't make sense to wait for a patch in the same way as it would be for the other cases I've discussed above. Every day we wait to publish the attack is another day that someone might publish more of their images with this defense, and then be vulnerable to attack later.

Why I attack, then

As I said at the top, I mainly attack systems because it's fun. I enjoy solving puzzles, and a defense is just a puzzle waiting to be solved.

And, for some reason, I seem to be one of the few people who really wants to spend time breaking things. (If you look at adversarial examples, for instance, I've coauthored more attacks on adversarial example defenses than the rest of the community combined.) It may be true that attacking things is easier than defending them, but if no one else is going to attack then I'll be happy to be the one who does.

But I also attack systems because you can't fix something if you don't know it's broken, and so someone needs to show what's broken.

And here's where it really comes down to why I attack things: because I think it's important work to do. If you can find something that (a) you're interested in and (b) is important to do, you'll be far more productive than trying to force yourself into doing something that you don't care about. And this is something that I care about.

Philosophizing aside, let's get back to the paper at hand. There is no single benchmark for security. You can't just evaluate your defense on “the attack benchmark” and call it a day. Because the only attack that matters is the one that's designed to break your specific defense. This means it's an important part of the research process to understand that once you publish a defense paper, other people will try to break it. Because it's exceptionally important that we know which defenses do and don't work in this new machine learning era we're entering.

You won't always make friends by doing this. Some people will take it personally when you break their defenses. But that's okay; the people who are worth being friends with won't mind, and will appreciate the work you're doing.

As a note, if you're someone who also enjoys solving puzzles, I'd encourage you to also try your hand at breaking things. It's a lot of fun, and you'll learn a lot about how systems work. (In fact, I'd say the best way to learn how systems work is to try and break them. The only way you'll come up with an exploit is by understanding the system better than the person who built it in the first place! Because they (presumably) aren't aware of any exploits, and so if you understand it less well, you won't find any either.)


So no, Ben, just because someone spends their days breaking things doesn't mean they don't care about the impact of their work. I, for one, spend a lot of time trying to minimize the damage that my work may cause.

But sometimes the best thing to do is to just rip off the bandage. When a vulnerability is so unpatchable that delaying disclosure only increases the damage that will be done, it's better to just go public.

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