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What latex package has the Sbox env?

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What latex package has the Sbox env?


The `Sbox` environment is not a standard LaTeX environment. However, I believe you might be referring to the `sbox` environment or the `\sbox` command, which is used to create a saved box. The `\sbox` command is a TeX primitive, so it's available in plain TeX and LaTeX without the need for any specific package. But if you're looking for a package that provides a similar functionality, you might be interested in the `adjustbox` package, which provides an `sbox` environment (among others) for creating and manipulating saved boxes. Another package that provides an `sbox` environment is the `collectbox` package. It's worth noting that the `sbox` environment is not as commonly used as other environments in LaTeX, and its usage might be specific to certain use cases or applications. If you could provide more context or information about what you're trying to achieve, I might be able to provide a more specific answer or suggestion.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string fancybox: False