Initial Query

What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?

LLM Generation


What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?


ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB is an error message that can occur when trying to access a website or web application. It indicates that the request has been blocked by the Origin Bound Request (ORB) policy, which is a security feature designed to protect users from malicious requests. The ORB policy is implemented in web browsers and prevents websites from making cross-origin requests to other websites. This helps to prevent malicious websites from accessing sensitive information or performing unauthorized actions on other websites. If you encounter the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error, it means that the website or web application you are trying to access is not allowed to make requests to the website or web application that you are currently on. This could be due to a security policy set by the website or web application that you are currently on, or it could be due to a misconfiguration in the website or web application that you are trying to access. To resolve the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error, you can try the following steps: 1. Check the security policy of the website or web application that you are currently on. Make sure that it allows cross-origin requests to the website or web application that you are trying to access. 2. Check the configuration of the website or web application that you are trying to access. Make sure that it is not blocking cross-origin requests. 3. Contact the website or web application that you are trying to access and ask them to resolve the issue. If you are unable to resolve the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error, you may need to contact your browser support for assistance.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string opaque resource blocking: False

Initial Query

What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?

LLM Generation


What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?


ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB is an error message that can occur when a web page is trying to load a resource that is being blocked by the Origin Bound Requests (ORB) policy. ORB is a security feature in Chrome that restricts access to cross-origin resources, such as images, scripts, and stylesheets. This policy helps to protect users from malicious websites that try to access sensitive data or track users across different websites. If you see the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error message, it means that the web page you are trying to visit is trying to load a resource that is being blocked by the ORB policy. This could be because the resource is from a different domain than the web page, or because the resource is being loaded over an insecure connection. There are a few things you can do to try to fix the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error message: * **Make sure that the resource is from a trusted source.** If you are not sure whether the resource is safe, you should not try to load it. * **Check the connection settings for the web page.** Make sure that the web page is being loaded over a secure connection (HTTPS). * **Disable the ORB policy in Chrome.** You can do this by going to chrome://flags/#enable-resource-fetch-blocking and setting the flag to "Disabled". If you are still having trouble loading the web page, you can contact the website's administrator for assistance.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string opaque resource blocking: False

Initial Query

What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?

LLM Generation


What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?


ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB is a Google Chrome error that occurs when a page is blocked by the Origin Bound Restrictions (ORB) policy. This policy is designed to prevent websites from accessing data from other websites that they do not own. When a page is blocked by ORB, users will see the following error message:

This request has been blocked by the browser because it violates the Origin Bound Restrictions policy.
There are a few reasons why a page might be blocked by ORB. One reason is if the page is trying to access data from a website that is not on the same origin as the page itself. For example, if a page on `` tries to access data from ``, this would be blocked by ORB. Another reason why a page might be blocked by ORB is if the page is trying to access data from a website that has not been granted permission to do so. For example, if a page on `` tries to access data from ``, but `` has not granted permission to `` to access its data, this would be blocked by ORB. If you see the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem. One thing you can do is to check the URL of the page that is being blocked. If the URL is not on the same origin as the page itself, you will need to contact the website owner and ask them to grant permission to your page to access their data. Another thing you can do is to check the permissions for the website that is being blocked. If the website has not been granted permission to access your data, you can grant permission by clicking on the lock icon in the address bar and then clicking on the "Site settings" button.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string opaque resource blocking: False

Initial Query

What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?

LLM Generation


What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?


ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB is an error message that is displayed when a web page is trying to access a resource that is blocked by the Origin-Bound Request Blocking (ORB) policy. This policy is designed to prevent websites from making requests to other websites that are not within the same origin. For example, a website that is hosted on cannot make requests to resources on unless the ORB policy is disabled. There are a few ways to fix the ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB error message. One way is to disable the ORB policy in your browser. Another way is to make sure that the resource that you are trying to access is within the same origin as the website that you are accessing it from.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string opaque resource blocking: False

Initial Query

What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?

LLM Generation


What does "ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB" mean?


ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB is an error message that may appear when you are trying to access a website or other online resource. It usually means that there is a problem with the way that your browser is communicating with the server that hosts the website. This can be caused by a number of factors, including: * **Firewall or security software:** Your firewall or security software may be blocking your browser from accessing the website. Try disabling your firewall or security software temporarily to see if that resolves the issue. * **Browser settings:** Your browser settings may be configured in a way that is preventing you from accessing the website. Try resetting your browser settings to their default values to see if that resolves the issue. * **Server issues:** The server that hosts the website may be experiencing problems. Try accessing the website again later to see if the issue has been resolved. If you are unable to resolve the issue on your own, you may need to contact the website's administrator or your internet service provider for assistance.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string opaque resource blocking: False