Initial Query

I have a webpage that's open in a chrome browser but the page no longer exists. What javascript should I type in the console to get a copy of the entire page html?

LLM Generation


I have a webpage that's open in a chrome browser but the page no longer exists. What javascript should I type in the console to get a copy of the entire page html?


To get a copy of the entire page HTML, you can use the following JavaScript command in the Chrome browser console:

This will log the entire HTML document to the console, including the `html`, `head`, and `body` elements. You can then copy and paste the output into a text editor or other tool to work with the HTML. Alternatively, if you want to get the HTML as a string without logging it to the console, you can use:
var html = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
Then, you can copy the value of `html` by typing `html` in the console and then copying the output. Note: If the page is very large, logging the entire HTML document to the console may cause performance issues or even crash the browser. In such cases, you may want to consider using the browser's built-in "View Page Source" feature (usually accessible by pressing `Ctrl + U` on Windows or `Cmd + Opt + U` on Mac) or using a browser extension that allows you to save the page HTML.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string outerHTML: True