Here is the description of a new assembly language: * 8 registers (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8) that can hold integers. * 1 flag that can hold a boolean value (True or False). * 100 memory addresses (0-99) that can hold integers. * 1 instruction pointer that points to the current instruction being executed. Each instruction is of the form OP ARG1 ARG2 ... where ARGn can be either a register (e.g., R1) or a constant (e.g., 10). Labels are written with a lowercase word followed by colon. The assembly language supports the following instructions: * SET Rx C: Assigns the value C to register Rx. * ADD Rx Ry Rz: Adds the values of Ry and Rz and stores the result in Rx. * (similarly for SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD) * EQ Rx Ry: Sets the flag to True if Rx and Ry are equal, False otherwise. * (similarly for NEQ, LT (Rx < Ry), LTE, GT, GTE) * INC/DEC Rx: Increments/Decrements the value of Rx by one. * JMP L: Jumps to label L unconditionally. * JT/JF (jump if true / jump if false) L: Jumps to label L if the is set or not set. * LOAD Rx M: Loads the value at memory address M into register Rx. * STORE Rx M: Stores the value of register Rx into memory address M. * HCF: Stops the program (with pizzazz) Given this assembly language, write a program that puts the first 20 prime numbers in memory cells 0..19
Here is the description of a new assembly language: * 8 registers (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8) that can hold integers. * 1 flag that can hold a boolean value (True or False). * 100 memory addresses (0-99) that can hold integers. * 1 instruction pointer that points to the current instruction being executed. Each instruction is of the form OP ARG1 ARG2 ... where ARGn can be either a register (e.g., R1) or a constant (e.g., 10). Labels are written with a lowercase word followed by colon. The assembly language supports the following instructions: * SET Rx C: Assigns the value C to register Rx. * ADD Rx Ry Rz: Adds the values of Ry and Rz and stores the result in Rx. * (similarly for SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD) * EQ Rx Ry: Sets the flag to True if Rx and Ry are equal, False otherwise. * (similarly for NEQ, LT (Rx < Ry), LTE, GT, GTE) * INC/DEC Rx: Increments/Decrements the value of Rx by one. * JMP L: Jumps to label L unconditionally. * JT/JF (jump if true / jump if false) L: Jumps to label L if the is set or not set. * LOAD Rx M: Loads the value at memory address M into register Rx. * STORE Rx M: Stores the value of register Rx into memory address M. * HCF: Stops the program (with pizzazz) Given this assembly language, write a program that puts the first 20 prime numbers in memory cells 0..19
Below is an assembly program written in the described assembly language that stores the first 20 prime numbers into memory addresses `0` through `19`. The program utilizes registers to manage counters, candidate numbers, and divisors, systematically checking each number for primality and storing primes as they are found.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | ; Initialize registers SET R1 0 ; R1: Memory index (0-19) SET R2 2 ; R2: Candidate number starting from 2 SET R6 1 ; R6: Increment value (1) SET R7 20 ; R7: Maximum prime count (20) main_loop: ; Check if 20 primes have been stored EQ R8 R1 R7 JT halt_program ; Initialize divisor to 2 for prime checking SET R3 2 check_divisor: ; If divisor > candidate number, candidate is prime GT R8 R3 R2 JT store_prime ; Calculate R2 MOD R3 MOD R4 R2 R3 ; If MOD result is 0, candidate is not prime EQ R8 R4 0 JT not_prime ; Increment divisor ADD R3 R3 R6 JMP check_divisor store_prime: ; Store the prime number in memory at index R1 STORE R2 R1 ; Increment memory index ADD R1 R1 R6 ; Increment candidate number to check the next number ADD R2 R2 R6 JMP main_loop not_prime: ; Increment candidate number to check the next number ADD R2 R2 R6 JMP main_loop halt_program: ; Halt the program HCF |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | Memory[0] = 2 Memory[1] = 3 Memory[2] = 5 Memory[3] = 7 Memory[4] = 11 Memory[5] = 13 Memory[6] = 17 Memory[7] = 19 Memory[8] = 23 Memory[9] = 29 Memory[10] = 31 Memory[11] = 37 Memory[12] = 41 Memory[13] = 43 Memory[14] = 47 Memory[15] = 53 Memory[16] = 59 Memory[17] = 61 Memory[18] = 67 Memory[19] = 71 |
I extracted the following code from that output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | ; Initialize registers SET R1 0 ; R1: Memory index (0-19) SET R2 2 ; R2: Candidate number starting from 2 SET R6 1 ; R6: Increment value (1) SET R7 20 ; R7: Maximum prime count (20) main_loop: ; Check if 20 primes have been stored EQ R8 R1 R7 JT halt_program ; Initialize divisor to 2 for prime checking SET R3 2 check_divisor: ; If divisor > candidate number, candidate is prime GT R8 R3 R2 JT store_prime ; Calculate R2 MOD R3 MOD R4 R2 R3 ; If MOD result is 0, candidate is not prime EQ R8 R4 0 JT not_prime ; Increment divisor ADD R3 R3 R6 JMP check_divisor store_prime: ; Store the prime number in memory at index R1 STORE R2 R1 ; Increment memory index ADD R1 R1 R6 ; Increment candidate number to check the next number ADD R2 R2 R6 JMP main_loop not_prime: ; Increment candidate number to check the next number ADD R2 R2 R6 JMP main_loop halt_program: ; Halt the program HCF |
Resulting in output: False
Here is the description of a new assembly language: * 8 registers (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8) that can hold integers. * 1 flag that can hold a boolean value (True or False). * 100 memory addresses (0-99) that can hold integers. * 1 instruction pointer that points to the current instruction being executed. Each instruction is of the form OP ARG1 ARG2 ... where ARGn can be either a register (e.g., R1) or a constant (e.g., 10). Labels are written with a lowercase word followed by colon. The assembly language supports the following instructions: * SET Rx C: Assigns the value C to register Rx. * ADD Rx Ry Rz: Adds the values of Ry and Rz and stores the result in Rx. * (similarly for SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD) * EQ Rx Ry: Sets the flag to True if Rx and Ry are equal, False otherwise. * (similarly for NEQ, LT (Rx < Ry), LTE, GT, GTE) * INC/DEC Rx: Increments/Decrements the value of Rx by one. * JMP L: Jumps to label L unconditionally. * JT/JF (jump if true / jump if false) L: Jumps to label L if the is set or not set. * LOAD Rx M: Loads the value at memory address M into register Rx. * STORE Rx M: Stores the value of register Rx into memory address M. * HCF: Stops the program (with pizzazz) Given this assembly language, write a program that puts the first 20 prime numbers in memory cells 0..19
Here is the description of a new assembly language: * 8 registers (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8) that can hold integers. * 1 flag that can hold a boolean value (True or False). * 100 memory addresses (0-99) that can hold integers. * 1 instruction pointer that points to the current instruction being executed. Each instruction is of the form OP ARG1 ARG2 ... where ARGn can be either a register (e.g., R1) or a constant (e.g., 10). Labels are written with a lowercase word followed by colon. The assembly language supports the following instructions: * SET Rx C: Assigns the value C to register Rx. * ADD Rx Ry Rz: Adds the values of Ry and Rz and stores the result in Rx. * (similarly for SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD) * EQ Rx Ry: Sets the flag to True if Rx and Ry are equal, False otherwise. * (similarly for NEQ, LT (Rx < Ry), LTE, GT, GTE) * INC/DEC Rx: Increments/Decrements the value of Rx by one. * JMP L: Jumps to label L unconditionally. * JT/JF (jump if true / jump if false) L: Jumps to label L if the is set or not set. * LOAD Rx M: Loads the value at memory address M into register Rx. * STORE Rx M: Stores the value of register Rx into memory address M. * HCF: Stops the program (with pizzazz) Given this assembly language, write a program that puts the first 20 prime numbers in memory cells 0..19
Below is an assembly program written in the described assembly language that computes the first 20 prime numbers and stores them in memory cells `0` to `19`. The program uses the following registers for specific purposes: - **R1**: Current candidate number to test for primality. - **R2**: Count of primes found so far (ranges from `0` to `20`). - **R3**: Inner loop index for iterating through existing primes. - **R5**: Temporary register to hold prime divisors loaded from memory. - **R6**: Temporary register to store the result of modulo operations. - **R7**: Temporary register for comparison results. ### Program Overview 1. **Initialization**: - Set the prime count (`R2`) to `0`. - Initialize the first candidate number (`R1`) to `2`. 2. **Main Loop** (`loop`): - Check if `20` primes have been found. If yes, halt the program. - Assume the current candidate is prime by setting the flag to `True`. - Initialize the inner loop index (`R3`) to `0`. 3. **Inner Loop** (`inner_loop`): - Iterate through all previously found primes stored in memory. - For each prime, check if the current candidate is divisible by it. - If divisible, set the flag to `False` and exit the inner loop. 4. **After Checking** (`after_check`): - If the flag remains `True` (i.e., the candidate is prime), store it in memory and increment the prime count. - Increment the candidate number to test the next number. 5. **Termination** (`halt`): - Stop the program once the first `20` primes have been stored. ### Assembly Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | start: SET R2 0 ; Initialize prime count to 0 SET R1 2 ; Initialize candidate number to 2 loop: EQ R7 R2 20 ; Compare prime count (R2) with 20 JT halt ; If count == 20, jump to halt EQ R5 R5 ; Set flag to True (since R5 == R5 is always True) SET R3 0 ; Initialize inner loop index to 0 inner_loop: LT R7 R3 R2 ; Check if R3 < R2 JF after_check ; If not, exit inner loop LOAD R5 R3 ; Load the prime at memory[R3] into R5 MOD R6 R1 R5 ; Compute R6 = R1 mod R5 EQ R7 R6 0 ; Set flag if R6 == 0 (i.e., divisible) JF next_divisor ; If not divisible, continue to next divisor NEQ R0 R0 ; Set flag to False (since R0 != R0 is always False) JMP after_check ; Exit inner loop next_divisor: INC R3 ; Increment inner loop index JMP inner_loop ; Repeat inner loop after_check: JT store_prime ; If flag is True, store the prime JMP increment_candidate ; Otherwise, skip storing store_prime: STORE R1 R2 ; Store the prime number in memory[R2] INC R2 ; Increment prime count increment_candidate: INC R1 ; Increment candidate number JMP loop ; Repeat the main loop halt: HCF ; Halt the program |
I extracted the following code from that output:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | start: SET R2 0 ; Initialize prime count to 0 SET R1 2 ; Initialize candidate number to 2 loop: EQ R7 R2 20 ; Compare prime count (R2) with 20 JT halt ; If count == 20, jump to halt EQ R5 R5 ; Set flag to True (since R5 == R5 is always True) SET R3 0 ; Initialize inner loop index to 0 inner_loop: LT R7 R3 R2 ; Check if R3 < R2 JF after_check ; If not, exit inner loop LOAD R5 R3 ; Load the prime at memory[R3] into R5 MOD R6 R1 R5 ; Compute R6 = R1 mod R5 EQ R7 R6 0 ; Set flag if R6 == 0 (i.e., divisible) JF next_divisor ; If not divisible, continue to next divisor NEQ R0 R0 ; Set flag to False (since R0 != R0 is always False) JMP after_check ; Exit inner loop next_divisor: INC R3 ; Increment inner loop index JMP inner_loop ; Repeat inner loop after_check: JT store_prime ; If flag is True, store the prime JMP increment_candidate ; Otherwise, skip storing store_prime: STORE R1 R2 ; Store the prime number in memory[R2] INC R2 ; Increment prime count increment_candidate: INC R1 ; Increment candidate number JMP loop ; Repeat the main loop halt: HCF ; Halt the program |
Resulting in output: False