Initial Query

In latex when I force a newline in a caption with \\ it gives an error saying \Hy@tempa has an extra } runaway argument?

LLM Generation


In latex when I force a newline in a caption with \\ it gives an error saying \Hy@tempa has an extra } runaway argument?


The error you're encountering is due to the fact that LaTeX's `\caption` command is not designed to handle line breaks (`\\`) directly. When you use `\\` in a caption, it can cause issues with the hyperref package, which is often used for creating hyperlinks in documents. To resolve this issue, you can use the `\protect` command before the `\\` to prevent it from being interpreted incorrectly. Here’s how you can do it:

\caption{This is the first line of the caption.\protect\\ This is the second line.}
Alternatively, you can use the `\newline` command instead of `\\`:
\caption{This is the first line of the caption.\newline This is the second line.}
Both of these methods should prevent the error and allow you to insert a line break in the caption. If you are using the `caption` package, you can also use the `\captionof` command, which provides more flexibility:
\captionof{figure}{This is the first line of the caption.\\ This is the second line.}
This approach might also help avoid the error. Remember that forcing line breaks in captions is generally discouraged unless absolutely necessary, as it can disrupt the document's formatting and readability.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string \protect: True