Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The term "hidden dimension" is commonly used in machine learning to refer to the dimensionality of the latent space in a model, where the model learns to represent input data in a more compact and abstract form. In the case of LLAMA-2 70b, it is a large language model developed by Meta (formerly Facebook AI). It is a variant of the LLAMA (LAnguage Model Analysis) model, which is based on the transformer architecture. The "70b" in LLAMA-2 70b refers to the size of the model, specifically the number of parameters it has, which is approximately 70 billion. However, this does not directly correspond to the "hidden dimension" of the model. To determine the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b, we need to look at the architecture of the model. According to the model card for LLAMA-2 70b, it uses a transformer architecture with 24 layers, each with 16 attention heads and a hidden size of 4096. Therefore, the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is 4096.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b refers to the size of the intermediate representations or "hidden states" that the model uses to process and generate text. In the case of LLAMA-2 70b, the hidden dimension is 4096. This means that the model uses a vector of 4096 numbers to represent the meaning and context of the text it is processing at any given time. The larger the hidden dimension, the more expressive the model can be, but it also makes the model more computationally intensive to train and use.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


LLAMA-2 is a large language model developed by Meta AI, and the "70b" in its name refers to the fact that it has 70 billion parameters. However, the term "hidden dimension" is not typically used to describe the size or capacity of a language model. Instead, it usually refers to the dimensionality of the hidden layers in the model's neural network architecture. Without more information about the specific architecture of LLAMA-2, I cannot provide an exact answer to your question. However, in general, the hidden dimension of a transformer-based language model like LLAMA-2 is the size of the hidden state vectors that are passed between the layers of the network. These vectors typically have a fixed length, which is a hyperparameter that is chosen during the design of the model. For example, the BERT language model, which is a popular transformer-based model, has a hidden size of 768. It's possible that LLAMA-2 has a similar hidden size, but without access to the model's architecture details, I cannot confirm this.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


LLAMA-2 is a large language model developed by Meta (formerly Facebook). The model has 70 billion parameters and is designed to generate human-like text based on input prompts. Regarding your question about the "hidden dimension" of LLAMA-2 70b, in the context of transformer-based language models like LLAMA-2, the hidden dimension refers to the size of the internal representations that the model uses to process and generate text. Specifically, it refers to the number of units in the feedforward neural network (FFNN) that is applied to the output of each self-attention layer in the transformer architecture. The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is not explicitly stated in the available information from Meta. However, based on the architecture of similar large language models, it is likely to be in the range of several thousand units. For example, the GPT-3 language model, which has 175 billion parameters, has a hidden dimension of 12,288 units. Therefore, it's possible that LLAMA-2 70b has a similar or slightly smaller hidden dimension. However, without more information from Meta, it's difficult to say for certain.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


LLAMA-2 is a large language model developed by researchers at Meta. The "70b" in its name refers to the fact that it has 70 billion parameters. However, the term "hidden dimension" is not typically used to describe language models like LLAMA-2. In the context of neural networks, the hidden dimension refers to the size of the hidden layers in the network. However, for language models like LLAMA-2, it is more common to refer to the model's architecture in terms of the number of layers and the size of the embedding space, which determines the dimensionality of the word representations that the model learns. Without more information, it's not possible to determine the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2. However, based on the description of the model in the research paper that introduced it, LLAMA-2 has 48 layers and an embedding size of 1024. The size of the hidden layers is not explicitly stated in the paper, but it can be inferred from the model architecture that they have a size of 4096.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False