Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is not specified in the question. Without further information, it is impossible to determine what the hidden dimension may be.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is not specified in the information provided. It is possible that the hidden dimension refers to a particular aspect or feature of the product that is not readily visible or easily measurable. Additional context or details would be needed to determine what the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b may be.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is not specified in the given information. It could refer to any additional features, characteristics, or components that are not readily visible or easily understood without further context or explanation.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b is not specified in the information provided. It could refer to a specific feature, characteristic, or aspect of the LLAMA-2 70b that is not immediately apparent or easily observable. Without more context or details, it is difficult to determine what exactly the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b might be.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False

Initial Query

What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?

LLM Generation


What is the hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b?


The hidden dimension of LLAMA-2 70b refers to the additional layers or aspects of the data that are not immediately visible or readily apparent. This could include patterns, relationships, or insights that require a deeper analysis or exploration to uncover.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 8192: False