Initial Query

gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere

LLM Generation


gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere


To ignore any file called `.KEYFILE` anywhere under a directory named `foo`, regardless of where `foo` is located in your repository, you can add the following pattern to your `.gitignore` file:

Explanation: - `foo/` matches any directory named `foo`. - `**/` is a wildcard that matches any directory and subdirectory (it's recursive). - `.KEYFILE` matches the file named `.KEYFILE`. This pattern tells Git to ignore any file named `.KEYFILE` that is located inside a directory named `foo`, or inside any subdirectory of `foo`, anywhere in the repository. Note: Make sure to commit any changes to your `.gitignore` file for them to take effect in your repository. If you've already committed files that match this pattern and want Git to stop tracking them, you'll need to use `git rm --cached` on those files after updating your `.gitignore`.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE: False