Initial Query
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
LLM Generation
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
This pattern will ignore:
* `.KEYFILE` files directly within the `foo` directory.
* `.KEYFILE` files in any subdirectory within `foo`, regardless of depth.
* `.KEYFILE` files in any `foo` directory, regardless of where `foo` is located in your repository. The `**/` at the beginning handles this.
For example, it would match all of these:
* `/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/foo/bar/.KEYFILE`
* `/some/other/path/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/some/other/path/foo/baz/qux/.KEYFILE`
If you only want to ignore `.KEYFILE` directly under `foo` and not in its subdirectories, you would use:
Substring Evaluation
Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE
: True
Initial Query
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
LLM Generation
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
This pattern will match:
* `.KEYFILE` files: Specifically targets files named `.KEYFILE`.
* Anywhere under `foo`: `**/foo/` means "any directory named `foo`, regardless of its depth in the repository". The `**` is a wildcard matching zero or more directories.
* At any depth within `foo`: The second `**` ensures that `.KEYFILE` files are ignored within any subdirectory of `foo`, no matter how deeply nested.
If your repository structure looks like this:
| repo/
├── some_dir/
│ └── foo/
│ ├── bar/
│ │ └── .KEYFILE (Ignored)
│ └── .KEYFILE (Ignored)
└── another_dir/
└── foo/
└── .KEYFILE (Ignored)
All three instances of `.KEYFILE` would be ignored. However, a file named `.KEYFILE` *outside* of a `foo` directory would *not* be ignored. For example:
| repo/
└── .KEYFILE (NOT Ignored)
Substring Evaluation
Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE
: True
Initial Query
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
LLM Generation
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
This pattern will ignore:
* Any file named `.KEYFILE`
* Located within any directory named `foo`
* Regardless of the depth of `foo` within the repository's directory structure.
This will match and ignore:
* `/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/some/path/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/another/deeper/path/foo/some/subdirectory/.KEYFILE`
It will *not* match:
* `/foo.KEYFILE` (because `foo` is not a directory)
* `/some/other/directory/.KEYFILE` (because it's not under a `foo` directory)
* `/foo/KEYFILE` (because the filename is missing the leading dot)
If you only want to ignore `.KEYFILE` files directly within `foo` directories and not in their subdirectories, use:
Substring Evaluation
Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE
: True
Initial Query
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
LLM Generation
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
This pattern will match:
* Any directory named `foo`, regardless of its depth in the repository. The `**/` matches zero or more directories.
* Any directory within `foo`, again regardless of depth (`**/`).
* A file named `.KEYFILE` within those directories.
This would ignore:
* `/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/some/path/foo/.KEYFILE`
* `/foo/bar/baz/.KEYFILE`
* `/a/long/path/to/foo/another/long/path/.KEYFILE`
It would *not* ignore:
* `/foo/KEYFILE` (missing the leading dot)
* `/some/other/dir/.KEYFILE` (not under `foo`)
* `/foo/bar/.keyfile` (wrong capitalization)
If you want to ignore files named `.KEYFILE` only directly within `foo` (and not in its subdirectories), use:
Substring Evaluation
Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE
: True
Initial Query
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
LLM Generation
gitignore any file called .KEYFILE anywhere under a directory foo, which itself is anywhere
This pattern will ignore any file named `.KEYFILE` within any directory named `foo`, regardless of its location in your repository.
* `**`: Matches any number of subdirectories (including zero).
* `/foo/`: Matches a directory named `foo`.
* `**`: Matches any number of subdirectories within `foo`.
* `/.KEYFILE`: Matches a file named `.KEYFILE`.
Alternatively, if you only want to ignore `.KEYFILE` files directly within `foo` and not in its subdirectories, you can use:
And if your `foo` directory is always at the top level of your repository, you can simplify it further:
(If you also need to ignore KEYFILEs in subfolders of foo)
Substring Evaluation
Testing if the previous output contains the string **/foo/**/.KEYFILE
: True