Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:

Looping until done

Iteration 0

LLM Generation


You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git branch`


Resulting in output: git branch

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git branch
And got the output: * main other


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 1

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git merge-base main other`


Resulting in output: git merge-base main other

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git merge-base main other
And got the output: 2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 2

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6 | head -n 1`


Resulting in output: git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6 | head -n 1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^2014b0cb359bfdd76efd5a5870c60f3bb37667d6 | head -n 1
And got the output: 39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 3

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git cherry-pick 39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741`


Resulting in output: git cherry-pick 39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git cherry-pick 39a3e5ad9d91ae9a245e926fccaac87275218741
And got the output: [main 8293298] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 06:40:03 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `[main 8293298] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 06:40:03 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 4

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `[main 8293298] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 06:40:03 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: No further commands needed.


Resulting in output: No further commands needed.

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

No further commands needed.
And got the output: line 1: No: command not found


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: No: command not found `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 5

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: No: command not found `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


That output suggests a previous command wasn't successful. My last instruction *should* have been the final one. To confirm the commit was added to main, please run: INPUT: `git log --oneline main -n 5` This will show the last 5 commits on main. If the cherry-pick worked, the commit with hash `39a3e5ad` (or a shortened version of it) should appear. If it doesn't, and you still see the "command not found" message for other commands, something is wrong with your shell environment. Try restarting your terminal. If that doesn't work, provide the full sequence of commands and outputs since the beginning so I can help debug.


Resulting in output: git log --oneline main -n 5

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --oneline main -n 5
And got the output: 8293298 Add d 5788b3e Add e 2014b0c Initial commit


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `8293298 Add d 5788b3e Add e 2014b0c Initial commit `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


final: False Resulting in output: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:

Looping until done

Iteration 0

LLM Generation


You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git branch`


Resulting in output: git branch

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git branch
And got the output: * main other


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 1

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git merge-base main other`


Resulting in output: git merge-base main other

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git merge-base main other
And got the output: e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 2

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5 --reverse | head -n 1`


Resulting in output: git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5 --reverse | head -n 1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --pretty=format:"%H" other ^e59341913b22c80e9d7617384aac5c47d95541e5 --reverse | head -n 1
And got the output: 7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 3

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git cherry-pick 7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c`


Resulting in output: git cherry-pick 7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git cherry-pick 7baceb66651b04ce0ce87afa7dcfeb8c6250896c
And got the output: [main 2803209] Add c Date: Wed Oct 23 04:01:57 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 c


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `[main 2803209] Add c Date: Wed Oct 23 04:01:57 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 c `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


final: True Resulting in output: True

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:

Looping until done

Iteration 0

LLM Generation


You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git branch`


Resulting in output: git branch

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git branch
And got the output: * main other


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 1

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git merge-base main other`


Resulting in output: git merge-base main other

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git merge-base main other
And got the output: 86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 2

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git log --pretty=format:%H other ^86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d | head -n 1`


Resulting in output: git log --pretty=format:%H other ^86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d | head -n 1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --pretty=format:%H other ^86120efd253baa9009cc77b4237b48520cdea61d | head -n 1
And got the output: 9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 3

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git cherry-pick -n 9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5`


Resulting in output: git cherry-pick -n 9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git cherry-pick -n 9f18b9a8fa4c3cbbfa58a8c9af508264ef2afce5
And got the output:


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ``. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 4

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: ``. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"`


Resulting in output: git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"
And got the output: [main e95dfe8] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `[main e95dfe8] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 5

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `[main e95dfe8] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: (Nothing, we are done)


Resulting in output: (Nothing, we are done)

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

(Nothing, we are done)
And got the output: line 1: Nothing,: command not found


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: Nothing,: command not found `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


final: False Resulting in output: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:

Looping until done

Iteration 0

LLM Generation


You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git branch`


Resulting in output: git branch

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git branch
And got the output: * main other


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 1

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git merge-base main other`


Resulting in output: git merge-base main other

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git merge-base main other
And got the output: 46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 2

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353 `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git log --pretty=format:%H other ^46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353 | head -n 1`


Resulting in output: git log --pretty=format:%H other ^46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353 | head -n 1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --pretty=format:%H other ^46db2b414e3f711d7d2646f6b4b253c51d779353 | head -n 1
And got the output: e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 3

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git cherry-pick e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e`


Resulting in output: git cherry-pick e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git cherry-pick e4b9192c1d08583243d050369fd799a43cc12c9e
And got the output: [main 8b8b40c] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 05:26:49 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `[main 8b8b40c] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 05:26:49 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 4

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `[main 8b8b40c] Add d Date: Wed Oct 23 05:26:49 2024 +0000 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:




Resulting in output: N/A

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

And got the output: line 1: N/A: No such file or directory


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: N/A: No such file or directory `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 5

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: N/A: No such file or directory `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


You ran `N/A` as a command, which is what I suggested to indicate that no further commands are needed. The objective was to apply the first differing commit from `other` to `main`, and the output from the `git cherry-pick` command shows that this has been done. Thus, the task is complete.


Resulting in output: N/A

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

And got the output: line 1: N/A: No such file or directory


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: N/A: No such file or directory `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


final: False Resulting in output: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:

Looping until done

Iteration 0

LLM Generation


You are in a git repository. I have two branches, main and some other one I forgot the name of. Take just the first commit that differs between main and the other branch, and commit it onto main. On each round you should just give me just one command to type, I'll run it exactly as-is, and give you the exact output. I will not make any changes. So do not write any placholder text. I'll get started: INPUT: `pwd` OUTPUT: `/usr/src/app` INPUT: `ls` OUTPUT: ` a b` Now your turn. What do you want to run? Do not explain yourself, just give me exactly one command. Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git branch`


Resulting in output: git branch

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git branch
And got the output: * main other


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 1

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `* main other `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git merge-base main other`


Resulting in output: git merge-base main other

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git merge-base main other
And got the output: 6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 2

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git log --pretty=format:%H other ^6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a | head -n 1`


Resulting in output: git log --pretty=format:%H other ^6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a | head -n 1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git log --pretty=format:%H other ^6ba750896e40bc41da268811d120f561281bac5a | head -n 1
And got the output: 9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 3

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git cherry-pick -n 9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc`


Resulting in output: git cherry-pick -n 9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git cherry-pick -n 9cf1e7f9a9b82097d5c66f5389a1f137908ff7bc
And got the output:


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ``. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 4

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: ``. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: `git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"`


Resulting in output: git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

git commit -m "Cherry-picked first differing commit from other"
And got the output: [main adae60b] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: `[main adae60b] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:

Iteration 5

LLM Generation


I get an OUTPUT: `[main adae60b] Cherry-picked first differing commit from other 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 d `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


INPUT: No further commands needed.


Resulting in output: No further commands needed.

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

No further commands needed.
And got the output: line 1: No: command not found


Resulting in output: I get an OUTPUT: ` line 1: No: command not found `. What is the exact command I should run next? Start your response with INPUT:


final: False Resulting in output: False