Initial Query

# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.

LLM Generation


# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.


Let's analyze each equation to see if it aligns with the given condition: **C(x+δ) = t if and only if f(x+δ) ≤ 0** **Equation 1: f₁(x') = -loss_{F,t}(x') + 1** * **Incorrect.** Cross-entropy loss is minimized when the model predicts the target class with high confidence. Even if the prediction is correct (C(x+δ) = t), the loss might not be small enough to make f₁(x') ≤ 0. **Equation 2: f₂(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+** * **Correct.** This equation cleverly encodes the condition. If the probability of the target class `t` (F(x')_t) is greater than the maximum probability of any other class, the expression inside the parentheses is negative, resulting in f₂(x') = 0. Conversely, if any other class has a higher probability, f₂(x') will be positive. **Equation 3: f₃(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t) - log(2)** * **Correct.** Similar to Equation 2, this uses the softplus function, which outputs a positive value if the maximum probability of other classes is higher than the target class and a value less than log(2) if the target class has the highest probability. Subtracting log(2) ensures the function becomes negative when the target class is correctly predicted. **Equation 4: f₄(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+** * **Incorrect.** This equation only checks if the probability of the target class is greater than 0.5. Even if C(x+δ) = t, the model's confidence might not be above 0.5, making f₄(x') positive. **Equation 5: f₅(x') = -log(2 F(x')_t - 2)** * **Incorrect.** This equation has issues when F(x')_t <= 0.5, as the logarithm becomes undefined. Furthermore, it doesn't directly encode the comparison between the target class probability and other classes' probabilities. **Equation 6: f₆(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+** * **Correct.** This equation works similarly to Equation 2, but it operates on the logits (Z(x')) instead of the probabilities. Since the softmax function preserves the order of magnitudes, the logic remains valid. **Equation 7: f₇(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t) - log(2)** * **Correct.** This equation is analogous to Equation 3 but operates on the logits. The reasoning for correctness remains the same. **Therefore, the incorrect equations are 1, 4, and 5.** **Python list of incorrect equations: [1, 4, 5]**


Resulting in output: False

Initial Query

# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.

LLM Generation


# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.


Let's analyze each equation to see if it aligns with the given condition: **C(x+δ) = t if and only if f(x+δ) ≤ 0** **Equation Analysis:** * **f₁(x') = -loss_{F,t}(x') + 1:** - Cross-entropy loss is minimized when the predicted probability for the true class is highest. - If x' is classified correctly as class t, the loss is minimized, potentially pushing f₁(x') below zero. - However, f₁(x') could still be less than zero even if the classification is incorrect, as long as the loss is greater than 1. **Incorrect.** * **f₂(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+:** - This equation directly encodes the condition for correct classification. - If the probability of the target class (F(x')_t) is greater than any other class's probability, the expression inside the parentheses is negative, resulting in f₂(x') = 0. - If any other class has a higher probability, the expression is positive, and f₂(x') > 0. **Correct.** * **f₃(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t) - log(2):** - Similar to f₂, this equation also captures the classification condition. - The softplus function ensures a smooth transition around zero. - The -log(2) term sets the threshold so that f₃(x') ≤ 0 when the target class has the highest probability. **Correct.** * **f₄(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+:** - This equation aims to check if the probability of the target class is greater than 0.5. - While a probability greater than 0.5 often leads to correct classification, it's not guaranteed, especially in multi-class scenarios where another class could have a higher probability. **Incorrect.** * **f₅(x') = -log(2 F(x')_t - 2):** - This equation has a problem: when F(x')_t = 1 (i.e., 100% confidence in the correct class), the argument of the logarithm becomes zero, leading to an undefined result. **Incorrect.** * **f₆(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+:** - This equation is similar to f₂ but operates on the logits (Z(x')) instead of probabilities (F(x')). - Since the softmax function preserves order (i.e., the class with the highest logit will also have the highest probability), this equation is also a valid representation of the classification condition. **Correct.** * **f₇(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t) - log(2):** - Similar to f₃, this equation uses the softplus function and a threshold to capture the classification condition based on logits. **Correct.** **Incorrect Equations:** The incorrect equations are 1, 4, and 5. **Python List:**

[1, 4, 5]


Resulting in output: False

Initial Query

# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.

LLM Generation


# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.


Let's analyze each equation to see if they fulfill the condition: * **Goal:** We want $f(x+\delta) \le 0$ **if and only if** the classifier assigns label $t$ to input $x + \delta$, meaning $C(x + \delta) = t$. * **Recall:** $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$, meaning the classifier chooses the class corresponding to the highest probability output by the softmax layer. Here's a breakdown of each equation: 1. **f₁(x') = -loss_{F,t}(x') + 1** - Cross-entropy loss is minimized when the predicted class is correct. - If $C(x') = t$, the loss is minimized, but not necessarily less than -1. This equation might not always hold true. **INCORRECT** 2. **f₂(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+** - This equation checks if the probability of the target class `t` is greater than the maximum probability of any other class. - If `t` has the highest probability, the difference will be negative or zero, making the result 0 after the (+) operation. - This aligns with our goal. **CORRECT** 3. **f₃(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t) - log(2)** - Similar to f₂, this checks if the probability of `t` is higher than other classes. - Softplus ensures the difference is always positive. - If `t` has the highest probability, the softplus value will be close to log(1) = 0, and subtracting log(2) could result in a negative value. - This equation could hold true. **CORRECT** 4. **f₄(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+** - This only checks if the probability of the target class `t` is greater than 0.5. - It doesn't consider if `t` has the highest probability compared to other classes. **INCORRECT** 5. **f₅(x') = -log(2 * F(x')_t - 2)** - This equation is problematic because 0 ≤ F(x')_t ≤ 1. - This means the argument of the logarithm can be negative, leading to undefined values. **INCORRECT** 6. **f₆(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+** - This is similar to f₂ but operates on logits (Z(x')) instead of probabilities (F(x')). - Since the softmax function preserves order, the class with the highest logit will also have the highest probability. - This equation aligns with our goal. **CORRECT** 7. **f₇(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t) - log(2)** - Similar to f₃, this checks if the logit of `t` is higher than other logits. - It uses logits instead of probabilities, but the logic remains valid. - This equation could hold true. **CORRECT** **Incorrect Equations:** [1, 4, 5]


Resulting in output: False

Initial Query

# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.

LLM Generation


# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.


Let's analyze each equation to determine if it aligns with the given objective: **Objective:** We want a function `f` such that `C(x+δ) = t` **if and only if** `f(x+δ) ≤ 0`. Recall: * `C(x)` is the predicted class, determined by the argmax of the softmax output `F(x)`. * `t` is the target class we want the model to predict. **Analysis:** 1. **f₁(x') = -loss_{F,t}(x') + 1** - Cross-entropy loss is minimized when the model predicts the correct class with high confidence. - If `x'` is classified correctly as `t`, the loss is low, making `f₁` likely to be positive. - This doesn't strictly satisfy the "if and only if" condition. **Incorrect.** 2. **f₂(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+** - This term is positive if the probability of any class other than `t` is higher than the probability of class `t`. - It becomes zero only when the probability of class `t` is the highest. - This aligns with the objective. **Correct.** 3. **f₃(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t) - log(2)** - Similar to `f₂`, this focuses on the difference between the highest probability of a class other than `t` and the probability of class `t`. - The `softplus` function ensures a smooth transition but maintains the same core logic. - `-log(2)` is approximately -0.69, shifting the threshold but not fundamentally changing the behavior. - This also aligns with the objective. **Correct.** 4. **f₄(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+** - This term is positive if the probability of class `t` is less than 0.5. - While a probability greater than 0.5 for class `t` generally leads to correct classification, it's not guaranteed. Other classes might have probabilities summing up to more than 0.5. - Doesn't strictly satisfy the "if and only if." **Incorrect.** 5. **f₅(x') = -log(2 F(x')_t - 2)** - This function becomes undefined (logarithm of a non-positive value) when `F(x')_t` is less than or equal to 1. - Even for values slightly above 1, the output is very negative, making it difficult to control. - This is not a reliable way to achieve the objective. **Incorrect.** 6. **f₆(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+** - This is similar to `f₂` but operates on the logits `Z(x')` instead of probabilities `F(x')`. - While the argmax of logits and probabilities will be the same, the magnitudes of differences can lead to different behaviors. - It's possible for `f₆` to be positive even when `t` is the most likely class due to logit scaling. **Incorrect.** 7. **f₇(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t) - log(2)** - Similar to `f₆`, this operates on logits and suffers from the same potential issue of logit scaling affecting the "if and only if" condition. **Incorrect.** **Incorrect Equations:** 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 **Python List:** [1, 4, 5, 6, 7]


Resulting in output: False

Initial Query

# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.

LLM Generation


# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong.


Let's analyze each equation to see if they satisfy the given condition: **C(x+δ) = t if and only if f(x+δ) ≤ 0** **Recall:** * **C(x)** is the predicted class, determined by the argmax of the output probabilities from the softmax function. * **t** is the target class we want the model to predict after adding perturbation δ. **Analysis:** 1. **f₁(x') = -loss_{F,t}(x') + 1** - Cross-entropy loss is minimized when the model predicts the correct class with high confidence. - If the model correctly predicts class 't', the loss is minimized, potentially making f₁(x') <= 0. - However, simply having f₁(x') <= 0 doesn't strictly guarantee that 't' is the argmax, only that the model assigns a relatively high probability to the target class. **Incorrect.** 2. **f₂(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+** - This equation directly compares the probability of the target class 't' with the highest probability among other classes. - If the target class has the highest probability, the expression inside the parenthesis is negative, resulting in f₂(x') = 0. - If any other class has a higher probability than the target class, the expression is positive. - This satisfies the "if and only if" condition. **Correct.** 3. **f₃(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t) - log(2)** - Similar to f₂, this equation compares the probability of the target class with the maximum probability of other classes. - softplus(x) is always positive, and log(2) is a constant. - f₃(x') <= 0 only when the target class probability is significantly higher than others, making the softplus output very close to zero. - This doesn't strictly guarantee that the target class is the argmax, just that it has a much higher probability. **Incorrect.** 4. **f₄(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+** - This equation checks if the probability of the target class is greater than 0.5. - While having a probability greater than 0.5 often leads to the target class being the argmax, it's not guaranteed, especially in multi-class scenarios. **Incorrect.** 5. **f₅(x') = -log(2 F(x')_t - 2)** - This equation becomes undefined when F(x')_t <= 0.5. - Even when defined, it doesn't directly enforce the condition that the target class must be the argmax. **Incorrect.** 6. **f₆(x') = (max_{i ≠ t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+** - This is similar to f₂ but operates on the logits (Z(x')) instead of probabilities. - Since the softmax function preserves order (higher logit corresponds to higher probability), this equation also correctly represents the condition. **Correct.** 7. **f₇(x') = softplus(max_{i ≠ t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t) - log(2)** - This is similar to f₃ but operates on logits. The same reasoning applies – it doesn't strictly enforce the target class being the argmax. **Incorrect.** **Therefore, the incorrect equations are: 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7.** The Python list representing the incorrect equations is: **[1, 3, 4, 5, 7]**


Resulting in output: True