# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong. Specifically, make sure that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. Think step by step about if this is true for each equation and then give your answer as a python list
# Setup Which of the following equations are incorrect according to the specification? # Notation A neural network is a function $F(x) = y$ that accepts an input $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ and produces an output $y \in \mathbb{R}^m$. The model $F$ also implicitly depends on some model parameters $\theta$; in our work the model is fixed, so for convenience we don't show the dependence on $\theta$. In this paper we focus on neural networks used as an $m$-class classifier. The output of the network is computed using the softmax function, which ensures that the output vector $y$ satisfies $0 \le y_i \le 1$ and $y_1 + \dots + y_m = 1$. The output vector $y$ is thus treated as a probability distribution, i.e., $y_i$ is treated as the probability that input $x$ has class $i$. The classifier assigns the label $C(x) = \arg\max_i F(x)_i$ to the input $x$. Let $C^*(x)$ be the correct label of $x$. The inputs to the softmax function are called \emph{logits}. We use the notation from Papernot et al. \cite{distillation}: define $F$ to be the full neural network including the softmax function, $Z(x) = z$ to be the output of all layers except the softmax (so $z$ are the logits), and \begin{equation*} F(x) = \softmax(Z(x)) = y. \end{equation*} A neural network typically \footnote{Most simple networks have this simple linear structure, however other more sophisticated networks have more complicated structures (e.g., ResNet \cite{he2016deep} and Inception \cite{szegedy2015rethinking}). The network architecture does not impact our attacks.} consists of layers \begin{equation*} F = \softmax \circ F_n \circ F_{n-1} \circ \cdots \circ F_1 \end{equation*} where \begin{equation*} F_i(x) = \sigma(\theta_i \cdot x) + \hat\theta_i \end{equation*} for some non-linear activation function $\sigma$, some matrix $\theta_i$ of model weights, and some vector $\hat\theta_i$ of model biases. Together $\theta$ and $\hat\theta$ make up the model parameters. Common choices of $\sigma$ are tanh \cite{mishkin2015all}, sigmoid, ReLU \cite{maas2013rectifier}, or ELU \cite{clevert2015fast}. In this paper we focus primarily on networks that use a ReLU activation function, as it currently is the most widely used activation function \cite{szegedy2015rethinking,springenberg2014striving,mishkin2015all,distillation}. # Specification: We define an objective function $f$ such that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. There are many possible choices for $f$: # The equations \begin{align*} f_{1}(x') &= -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1\\ f_{2}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{3}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2)\\ f_{4}(x') &= (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+\\ f_{5}(x') &= -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2)\\ f_{6}(x') &= (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+\\ f_{7}(x') &= \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \end{align*} where $s$ is the correct classification, $(e)^+$ is short-hand for $\max(e,0)$, $\text{softplus}(x) = \log(1+\exp(x))$, and $\loss_{F,s}(x)$ is the cross entropy loss for $x$. # Your task Consider each equation one by one. End your answer with a python list of numbers [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] for those that are wrong. Specifically, make sure that $C(x+\delta) = t$ if and only if $f(x+\delta) \le 0$. Think step by step about if this is true for each equation and then give your answer as a python list
Let's analyze each equation step by step to determine whether \( C(x+\delta) = t \) if and only if \( f(x+\delta) \le 0 \). --- ### **Equation \( f_1(x') = -\loss_{F,t}(x') + 1 \)** - The cross-entropy loss \( \loss_{F,t}(x') \) is minimized when \( F(x')_t \) is maximized (i.e., when \( C(x') = t \)). - However, \( f_1(x') \le 0 \) does not directly correspond to \( C(x') = t \). For example, \( f_1(x') \le 0 \) could hold even if \( C(x') \ne t \), depending on the value of the loss. - **Incorrect**. --- ### **Equation \( f_2(x') = (\max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)^+ \)** - \( f_2(x') \le 0 \) implies \( \max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) \le F(x')_t \), which means \( C(x') = t \). - Conversely, if \( C(x') = t \), then \( \max_{i \ne t}( F(x')_i) \le F(x')_t \), so \( f_2(x') = 0 \). - **Correct**. --- ### **Equation \( f_3(x') = \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) - F(x')_t)-\log(2) \)** - \( \text{softplus}(x) \ge \log(2) \) when \( x \ge 0 \), so \( f_3(x') \le 0 \) implies \( \max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) \le F(x')_t \), which means \( C(x') = t \). - Conversely, if \( C(x') = t \), then \( \max_{i \ne t}(F(x')_i) \le F(x')_t \), so \( f_3(x') = -\log(2) \le 0 \). - **Correct**. --- ### **Equation \( f_4(x') = (0.5 - F(x')_t)^+ \)** - \( f_4(x') \le 0 \) implies \( F(x')_t \ge 0.5 \), but this does not guarantee \( C(x') = t \). For example, \( F(x')_t \) could be \( 0.6 \) while another class has \( 0.7 \), so \( C(x') \ne t \). - **Incorrect**. --- ### **Equation \( f_5(x') = -\log(2 F(x')_t - 2) \)** - This equation is problematic because \( 2 F(x')_t - 2 \) can be negative, making the logarithm undefined. Even if \( F(x')_t \ge 1 \), \( f_5(x') \le 0 \) does not guarantee \( C(x') = t \). - **Incorrect**. --- ### **Equation \( f_6(x') = (\max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)^+ \)** - \( f_6(x') \le 0 \) implies \( \max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) \le Z(x')_t \), which means \( C(x') = t \) (since softmax preserves the order of logits). - Conversely, if \( C(x') = t \), then \( \max_{i \ne t}( Z(x')_i) \le Z(x')_t \), so \( f_6(x') = 0 \). - **Correct**. --- ### **Equation \( f_7(x') = \text{softplus}(\max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) - Z(x')_t)-\log(2) \)** - Similar to \( f_3 \), \( f_7(x') \le 0 \) implies \( \max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) \le Z(x')_t \), which means \( C(x') = t \). - Conversely, if \( C(x') = t \), then \( \max_{i \ne t}(Z(x')_i) \le Z(x')_t \), so \( f_7(x') = -\log(2) \le 0 \). - **Correct**. --- ### **Final Answer** The incorrect equations are \( f_1 \), \( f_4 \), and \( f_5 \).
1 | [1, 4, 5] |
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