Initial Query

In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"

LLM Generation


In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"


You can silence the "Process python-process finished" message in Emacs Lisp by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to nil. This variable controls whether Comint (the Emacs mode for interacting with subprocesses) displays messages about process start and termination. Here's how to do it:

(setq comint-process-echoes nil)
You can add this line to your `init.el` file to make the change permanent. **Explanation:** * `comint-process-echoes`: This variable controls the echoing of process-related messages in the *compilation* buffer (where Comint output usually appears). * `nil`: Setting the variable to `nil` disables echoing of these messages, including the "Process ... finished" message. **Alternative: Customize** You can also change this setting through the Customize interface: 1. Type `M-x customize-variable RET comint-process-echoes RET` 2. Uncheck the box next to "Comint Process Echoes". 3. Click "Save for future sessions" to make the change permanent. **More Granular Control (if needed):** If you want to silence *only* the "finished" message but keep other process echoes, you'll need to advise the `comint-send-string` function. This is more complex, but provides finer control:
(defadvice comint-send-string (around suppress-finished-message activate)
  "Suppress the 'Process ... finished' message."
  (unless (and (string-match-p "^Process \\(.*\\) finished$" str)
               (eq (process-status (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))) 'exit))
This advice checks if the string being sent to the *compilation* buffer matches the "finished" message pattern and if the process has exited. If both are true, it suppresses the message; otherwise, it lets the original function run. Choose the method that best suits your needs. For simply silencing the "finished" message, setting `comint-process-echoes` to `nil` is the easiest and recommended approach. If you need more specific control, the advice approach provides that flexibility.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel: False

Initial Query

In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"

LLM Generation


In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"


You can silence the "Process python-process finished" message in Emacs Lisp by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to `nil`. This variable controls whether Comint (the Emacs mode for interacting with subprocesses) displays messages about process termination. Here's how to do it:

(setq comint-process-echoes nil)
You can add this to your `init.el` file to make the change permanent. **Explanation:** * `comint-process-echoes`: This variable is a boolean. When `t` (the default), Comint echoes messages about process start and finish to the echo area. When `nil`, these messages are suppressed. **Example (with `run-python`):** If you're specifically using `run-python`, you can also leverage its `process-environment` argument to suppress the output directly within the Python process:
(run-python  "" nil t (list "PYTHONUNBUFFERED=x"))
This sets the `PYTHONUNBUFFERED` environment variable, which, while primarily aimed at unbuffering stdout and stderr, can also have the side effect of suppressing certain messages related to process termination in some environments/setups. This approach might be more suitable if you only want to silence the message for specific Python processes. **More Targeted Approach (using advice):** If you want more granular control and only silence the "finished" message but still see other Comint messages, you can use advice:
(defadvice comint-send-string (around silence-finished activate)
  (unless (and (string= (ad-get-arg 0) "finished\n")
               (eq major-mode 'comint-mode))
This code advises the `comint-send-string` function. It checks if the string being sent is "finished\n" and if the current major mode is `comint-mode`. If both are true, it prevents the message from being displayed. Otherwise, it lets the original function run (`ad-do-it`). This is a more targeted approach that only affects the specific "finished" message. Choose the approach that best suits your needs. Setting `comint-process-echoes` to `nil` is the simplest and most common solution for completely silencing process termination messages. The advice approach provides the finest level of control, while the environment variable approach can be useful for targeting specific Python processes.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel: False

Initial Query

In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"

LLM Generation


In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"


You can silence the "Process python-process finished" message in Emacs Lisp by customizing the `comint-process-echoes` variable. This variable controls which process-related messages are displayed in the echo area. Here's how to do it:

(setq comint-process-echoes nil)
This will completely suppress all process-related messages, including the "finished" message. If you want to be more selective and only silence the "finished" message while keeping other messages (like errors), you can use a regular expression:
(setq comint-process-echoes '("^finished"))
This tells Emacs to only echo messages *starting* with "finished". Since the actual message is "Process <process-name> finished", this effectively silences it. **Where to put this code:** You can place this code in your `init.el` file (or wherever you keep your Emacs customizations) so that it takes effect every time you start Emacs. **Alternative for Python processes specifically (using `python-shell-completion-setup`):** If you're using `python-shell-mode` or similar, and the messages are coming from the completion system, you can advise the `python-shell-completion-setup` function to suppress the message:
(defadvice python-shell-completion-setup (around suppress-finished-message activate)
  (let ((comint-process-echoes nil))  ; Temporarily disable echoes
    ad-do-it                             ; Run the original function
This approach is more targeted and only affects the setup of Python completion, leaving other process messages untouched. **Example using `run-python`:** If you're using `run-python`, you can temporarily set `comint-process-echoes` around the call:
(let ((comint-process-echoes nil))
This will only silence the message for that specific invocation of `run-python`. Choose the method that best suits your needs and how you're interacting with Python processes in Emacs. The first method (`setq comint-process-echoes nil`) is the simplest and most general, while the others offer more fine-grained control.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel: False

Initial Query

In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"

LLM Generation


In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"


You can silence the "Process python-process finished" message in Emacs Lisp by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to nil. This variable controls whether Comint (the Emacs mode for interacting with subprocesses) echoes process start and exit messages. Here's how you can do it:

(setq comint-process-echoes nil)
You can put this in your `init.el` file to make it permanent. **Explanation:** * `comint-process-echoes`: This variable controls the echoing of process-related messages in the minibuffer. By default, it's set to `t`, meaning messages like "Process started" and "Process finished" are displayed. Setting it to `nil` suppresses these messages. **Example (with `run-python`):** If you're specifically running Python processes using `run-python`, you might want to ensure this setting is active within the Python process buffer. You can achieve this by adding a hook:
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
          (lambda () (setq comint-process-echoes nil)))
This code snippet adds a function to the `python-mode-hook`. This function will be executed whenever `python-mode` is activated (e.g., when you open a Python file or start a Python process). Inside the function, `comint-process-echoes` is set to `nil`, silencing the process messages specifically for Python buffers. **More targeted silencing (using filters):** For more granular control, you can use message filters. This is useful if you only want to silence specific messages and not all process echoes.
(defun my-filter-python-process-finished (process event)
  (when (and (string-match "finished" event)
             (string-match "python" (process-name process)))
    t)) ; Return t to suppress the message

(add-to-list 'comint-output-filter-functions 'my-filter-python-process-finished)
This code defines a filter function `my-filter-python-process-finished`. This function checks if the event string contains "finished" and if the process name contains "python". If both conditions are true, it returns `t`, which tells Comint to suppress the message. The function is then added to the list of output filter functions. Choose the method that best suits your needs. Setting `comint-process-echoes` to `nil` is the simplest and most comprehensive way to silence the messages, while using filters provides finer control. Using the hook ensures the setting is applied specifically to Python buffers.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel: False

Initial Query

In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"

LLM Generation


In emacs lisp how do I silence "Process python-process finished"


You can silence the "Process python-process finished" message in Emacs Lisp by setting the `comint-process-echoes` variable to nil. This variable controls whether Comint (the Emacs mode for interacting with subprocesses) displays messages about process termination. Here's how you can do it:

(setq comint-process-echoes nil)
You can add this line to your `init.el` file to make the change permanent. If you only want to silence the message for specific modes or buffers, you can use a mode hook or buffer-local variable setting: **Example for Python mode:**
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local comint-process-echoes nil)))
This code snippet adds a function to the `python-mode-hook`. This function sets the `comint-process-echoes` variable to `nil` *locally* within the buffer, meaning it will only affect Python buffers. **Explanation of approaches:** * **Global setting:** `(setq comint-process-echoes nil)` Affects all Comint processes in all buffers. * **Mode-specific setting:** Using a mode hook like the Python example above confines the setting to buffers in that specific major mode. This is generally the preferred approach as it avoids unintended side effects in other modes that use Comint. * **Buffer-local setting:** If you need even finer-grained control, you could set the variable buffer-locally within a specific buffer using `(setq-local comint-process-echoes nil)` directly in that buffer. **Important Considerations:** While silencing these messages can be convenient, be aware that it also hides potential errors. If your Python process exits with a non-zero exit code, you won't see an indication in the echo area. You might want to consider alternative approaches like customizing the message format instead of completely silencing it if you need to debug issues. For example:
(setq comint-process-echoes t)  ; Make sure echoes are enabled
(defun my-comint-process-echo (exit-status msg)
  (unless (zerop exit-status)
    (message "Process finished with exit code: %d (%s)" exit-status msg)))
(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'my-comint-process-echo)
This code provides a more informative message only when the process exits with an error. It first ensures echoes are enabled, defines a custom echo function, and then adds it to the `comint-output-filter-functions`. This way, you see messages only for non-zero exit statuses. Choose the method that best suits your needs and coding style. Mode-specific hooks generally offer the best balance between convenience and maintaining awareness of process completion status.

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string set-process-sentinel: False