Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


You can achieve this by using the following command:

ls -S foo/ | sort -n -k1.1 | awk '{print $9}'
Explanation: - `ls -S foo/`: Lists all files in the directory `foo/` and sorts them by size, largest first. - `sort -n -k1.1`: Sorts the files by the least significant digit of their size in ascending order. - `awk '{print $9}'`: Prints only the file names, assuming that the file names do not contain spaces. If your file names contain spaces, you may need to adjust the `awk` command accordingly. This command will output the file names in the desired order.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls -S foo/ | sort -n -k1.1 | awk '{print $9}'

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls -S foo/ | sort -n -k1.1 | awk '{print $9}'
And got the output:


Resulting in output:

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


You can achieve this by using the following command in bash:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}' 
This command will list all files in the directory "foo/" in descending order of their size. The `awk` command is then used to only print the 9th column, which contains the file names.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}'

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}'
And got the output: 0 1 5 3 7 4 6 9 2 8


Resulting in output: 0 1 5 3 7 4 6 9 2 8

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


You can achieve this by using the `ls` command with the `-S` flag to sort by file size, and then piping the output to `awk` to extract and print only the file names. Here's the command you can use:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $9}'
This command will list all files in the `foo/` directory, sort them by size in descending order, and then print only the file names.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $9}'

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $9}'
And got the output:


Resulting in output:

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


You can use the following command to achieve this:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $NF}'
This command will list all files in the `foo/` directory, sorted by size in descending order, and then use `awk` to print only the file names without their sizes.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $NF}'

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls -S foo/ | awk '{print $NF}'
And got the output: 0 1 5 3 7 4 6 9 2 8


Resulting in output: 0 1 5 3 7 4 6 9 2 8

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


You can use the following command to achieve this:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/foo\///' | sort -n
Explanation: 1. `ls -lS foo/`: Lists all files in the `foo/` directory in long format and sorts them by size. 2. `awk '{print $9}'`: Extracts only the file names from the output. 3. `sed 's/foo\///'`: Removes the `foo/` prefix from the file names. 4. `sort -n`: Sorts the file names numerically by the least significant digit of their size.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/foo\///' | sort -n

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls -lS foo/ | awk '{print $9}' | sed 's/foo\///' | sort -n
And got the output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Resulting in output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False