Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


To list all files in the `foo/` directory and sort them based on the least significant digit of their size, you can use the following bash command:

ls foo/ | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo $(du -b "{}" | cut -f1) {}' | sort -n -k1.1 | cut -d' ' -f2
Explanation: 1. `ls foo/`: Lists all the files in the `foo/` directory. 2. `xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo $(du -b "{}" | cut -f1) {}'`: For each file, it executes a new shell command that prints the size of the file (in bytes) followed by the file name. - `du -b "{}"`: Calculates the size of the file in bytes. - `cut -f1`: Extracts only the size value from the output of `du`. - `echo $(du -b "{}" | cut -f1) {}`: Combines the size and the file name. 3. `sort -n -k1.1`: Sorts the output numerically based on the first field (size) and considers only the least significant digit. - `-n`: Performs numeric sorting. - `-k1.1`: Sorts based on the first field, considering only the first character (least significant digit). 4. `cut -d' ' -f2`: Removes the size value from the output, leaving only the file names. The final output will be the file names sorted based on the least significant digit of their sizes. For example, if the `foo/` directory contains the following files: - `file1` (size: 2820 bytes) - `otherfile` (size: 281771 bytes) - `lastfile` (size: 2279 bytes) The output will be:
Note: This command assumes that the file names do not contain spaces. If your file names have spaces, you may need to modify the command accordingly.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:

ls foo/ | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo $(du -b "{}" | cut -f1) {}' | sort -n -k1.1 | cut -d' ' -f2

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:

ls foo/ | xargs -I{} sh -c 'echo $(du -b "{}" | cut -f1) {}' | sort -n -k1.1 | cut -d' ' -f2
And got the output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 du: cannot access '0': No such file or directory du: cannot access '1': No such file or directory du: cannot access '2': No such file or directory du: cannot access '3': No such file or directory du: cannot access '4': No such file or directory du: cannot access '5': No such file or directory du: cannot access '6': No such file or directory du: cannot access '7': No such file or directory du: cannot access '8': No such file or directory du: cannot access '9': No such file or directory


Resulting in output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 du: cannot access '0': No such file or directory du: cannot access '1': No such file or directory du: cannot access '2': No such file or directory du: cannot access '3': No such file or directory du: cannot access '4': No such file or directory du: cannot access '5': No such file or directory du: cannot access '6': No such file or directory du: cannot access '7': No such file or directory du: cannot access '8': No such file or directory du: cannot access '9': No such file or directory

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


To list all files in the `foo/` directory and sort them by the least significant digit of their size, you can use a combination of the `find` command, `stat` command, and the `sort` command with a custom sorting key. Here's the command to achieve this:

find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t $'\t' -k2.9 | cut -f1
Let's break down the command: 1. `find foo/ -type f`: This command searches for all regular files (`-type f`) in the `foo/` directory and its subdirectories. 2. `-printf "%f\t%s\n"`: This option specifies the output format for each file found. `%f` prints the file name, `\t` adds a tab separator, and `%s` prints the file size in bytes. `\n` adds a newline character at the end. 3. `| sort -t $'\t' -k2.9`: The output from `find` is piped (`|`) to the `sort` command. The `-t $'\t'` option sets the field separator to a tab character. `-k2.9` specifies the sorting key as the second field (file size) starting from the 9th character (least significant digit). 4. `| cut -f1`: The sorted output is then piped to the `cut` command, which extracts only the first field (file name) using the `-f1` option. This command will list the file names in the `foo/` directory, sorted by the least significant digit of their size. Example output:
Note: The sorting order will be based on the least significant digit of the file size, and if there are ties, the next least significant digit will be considered, and so on.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:


find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t $'\t' -k2.9 | cut -f1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:


find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t $'\t' -k2.9 | cut -f1
And got the output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Resulting in output: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


To list all files in the `foo/` directory and sort them by the least significant digit of their size, you can use a combination of the `find` command, `stat` command, and `sort` command in Bash. Here's how you can achieve this:

find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t$'\t' -k2.${#},2 | cut -f1
Let's break down the command: 1. `find foo/ -type f`: This part of the command finds all regular files (`-type f`) in the `foo/` directory and its subdirectories. 2. `-printf "%f\t%s\n"`: The `-printf` option specifies the format of the output. `%f` prints the file name, `\t` prints a tab character as a separator, and `%s` prints the file size in bytes. `\n` adds a newline character at the end of each line. 3. `| sort -t$'\t' -k2.${#},2`: The output from `find` is piped to the `sort` command. The `-t$'\t'` option sets the field separator to a tab character. The `-k2.${#},2` option specifies the sorting key. It sorts based on the second field (file size) starting from the last character of the field (`${#}`) to the end of the field. This effectively sorts by the least significant digit of the file size. 4. `| cut -f1`: The sorted output is then piped to the `cut` command, which extracts only the first field (file name) using the `-f1` option. The final output will be a list of file names sorted by the least significant digit of their size. For example, if the `foo/` directory contains the following files: - `file1` (size: 2820 bytes) - `otherfile` (size: 281771 bytes) - `lastfile` (size: 2279 bytes) The command will output:
Note: Make sure to replace `foo/` with the actual directory path you want to list files from.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:


find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t$'\t' -k2.${#},2 | cut -f1

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:


find foo/ -type f -printf "%f\t%s\n" | sort -t$'\t' -k2.${#},2 | cut -f1
And got the output: sort: character offset is zero: invalid field specification '2.0,2'


Resulting in output: sort: character offset is zero: invalid field specification '2.0,2'

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: False

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


To list all files in the `foo/` directory and sort them by the least significant digit of their size, you can use the following command:

ls foo/ | while read file; do
    size=$(stat -c%s "foo/$file")
    printf "%d\t%s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -f2-
Here's how it works: 1. `ls foo/` lists all the files in the `foo/` directory. 2. The output of `ls` is piped to a `while` loop using `|`. 3. The `while` loop reads each file name into the variable `file` using `read file`. 4. Inside the loop, `stat -c%s "foo/$file"` is used to get the size of each file in bytes. The `-c%s` option specifies the format to display only the file size. 5. `printf "%d\t%s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"` prints the least significant digit of the file size (obtained using `size % 10`) followed by a tab character (`\t`) and the file name. The `%d` format specifier is used for the digit, and `%s` is used for the file name. 6. The output of the `while` loop is then piped to the `sort` command with the `-n` option to sort the lines numerically based on the least significant digit. 7. Finally, `cut -f2-` is used to extract only the file names from the sorted output, removing the least significant digit and tab character. The final output will be the file names sorted based on the least significant digit of their sizes, without displaying the sizes themselves. For example, if the `foo/` directory contains the following files:
file1 (size: 2820 bytes)
otherfile (size: 281771 bytes)
lastfile (size: 2279 bytes)
The output of the command will be:

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:


ls foo/ | while read file; do
    size=$(stat -c%s "foo/$file")
    printf "%d\t%s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -f2-

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:


ls foo/ | while read file; do
    size=$(stat -c%s "foo/$file")
    printf "%d\t%s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -f2-
And got the output: 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8


Resulting in output: 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: True

Docker Setup

I have setup the docker container to run the model evaluation.

Initial Query

In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.

LLM Generation


In bash how do I list all files in foo/ but sort the files by the least significant digit of their size so 2820 comes first and then 281771 and finally 2279. I want just the file names e.g., file1 otherfile lastfile.


To list all files in the `foo/` directory and sort them by the least significant digit of their size, you can use the following command in Bash:

ls foo/ | while read -r file; do
  size=$(stat -c %s "foo/$file")
  printf "%d %s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2
Here's how the command works: 1. `ls foo/` lists all the files in the `foo/` directory. 2. The output of `ls` is piped to a `while` loop using `| while read -r file; do ... done`. This loop reads each file name one by one. 3. Inside the loop, `stat -c %s "foo/$file"` retrieves the size of the file in bytes. The `%s` format specifier is used to get the size. 4. `printf "%d %s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"` prints the least significant digit of the file size and the file name, separated by a space. The `$((size % 10))` expression calculates the remainder of the file size divided by 10, which gives the least significant digit. 5. The output of the loop is then piped to the `sort -n` command, which sorts the lines numerically based on the least significant digit. 6. Finally, `cut -d' ' -f2` is used to extract only the file names from the sorted output. The `-d' '` option specifies the space as the delimiter, and `-f2` selects the second field (the file name) from each line. The final output will be the file names sorted based on the least significant digit of their size. For example, if the `foo/` directory contains the following files: - file1 (size: 2820 bytes) - otherfile (size: 281771 bytes) - lastfile (size: 2279 bytes) The output will be:
Note: Make sure to replace `foo/` with the actual directory path if it's different in your case.

Extract Code

I extracted the following code from that output:


ls foo/ | while read -r file; do
  size=$(stat -c %s "foo/$file")
  printf "%d %s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2

Run Code Interpreter

Running the following program:


ls foo/ | while read -r file; do
  size=$(stat -c %s "foo/$file")
  printf "%d %s\n" $((size % 10)) "$file"
done | sort -n | cut -d' ' -f2
And got the output: 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8


Resulting in output: 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8

Equal Evaluation

Testing if the previous output equals the string 2 0 5 7 1 6 4 3 9 8: True