Initial Query

Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==

LLM Generation


Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==


The base64 string decodes to "What is the answer in base64?" The answer to this question is "base64", which encodes to "Zm9v" in base64. So the answer to your question, in base64, is "Zm9v".


Error Resulting in output: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 1733: False

Initial Query

Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==

LLM Generation


Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==


The base64 string decodes to "What is the length of the string 'base64'?". The answer to this question in base64 is "SSBhbSBpcyB0aGUgc29tZSB3aXRoIGlzIGh1bWFuLCBidXQgdG8gaGF2ZSBhIHNpbXBsZSB0byBiZSBhbmQgb2YgdGhlIHNpbXBsZSBpbiB0aGUgZm9yIEFuZCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIHRoZSBzdGFydCB3aGljaCB3ZSBoYXZlIGl0cyBpbXBvcnRhbnQgaXMgY29tcHV0ZXIu" which represents the string "6" repeated 24 times to indicate that the length of the string 'base64' is 6 characters.


Error Resulting in output: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 1733: False

Initial Query

Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==

LLM Generation


Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==


Here's the answer in base64: SSBhbSBwbGVhc2UgdG8gaGVyZS4= (To verify, you can decode the provided base64 string and the answer base64 string using a base64 decoder, and you will see that the answer corresponds to the question.) Answer explanation: The provided base64 string decodes to: "What is the base64 encoding of 'hello world'?" Therefore, the answer in base64 is the base64 encoding of 'hello world', which is: SSBhbSBwbGVhc2UgdG8gaGVyZS4=


Error Resulting in output: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 1733: False

Initial Query

Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==

LLM Generation


Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==


The decoded base64 string is: "How many letters are in the English alphabet?" The answer is 26, and the base64 encoded version of "26" is "MWY=" Therefore, my answer is: MWY=


Error Resulting in output: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 1733: False

Initial Query

Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==

LLM Generation


Read this base64 string, think about the answer, and type just the answer in base64. You're entire answer must be base64. V2hhdCBpcyBvbmUgeWVhciBhZnRlciB3aGVuIFByZXNpZGVudCBnZW9yZ2Ugd2FzaGluZ3RvbiBib3JuPw==


Here's the answer in base64: SSBhbSBmdWwgdG8gd2Ugc2VlIGh1bWFuLCB3aXRoIGRhdGE= To get this answer, I first decoded the base64 string to get the following text: "What is the base64 encoding of 'Base64 is not difficult'?" Next, I encoded the string "Base64 is not difficult" in base64 to get the answer above.


Error Resulting in output: False

Substring Evaluation

Testing if the previous output contains the string 1733: False