Playing chess with large language models

by Nicholas Carlini 2023-09-22

Computers have been better than humans at chess for at least the last 25 years. And for the past five years, deep learning models have been better than the best humans. But until this week, in order to be good at chess, a machine learning model had to be explicitly designed to play games: it had to be told explicitly that there was an 8x8 board, that there were different pieces, how each of them moved, and what the goal of the game was. Then it had to be trained with reinforcement learning agaist itself. And then it would win.

This all changed on Monday, when OpenAI released GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct, an instruction-tuned An instruction-tuned model is one that's been aligned to follow human instructions. Basically: “do the right thing”. language model that was designed to just write English text, but that people on the internet quickly discovered can play chess at, roughly, the level of skilled human players. (How skilled? I don't know yet. But when I do I'll update this!)

You should be very surprised by this. Language models ... model language. They're not designed to play chess. They don't even know the rules of chess! GPT-4, for example, can't even play a full game against me without making a few illegal moves. GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct can beat me.

I (very casually) play chess and wanted to test how well the model does. But instead of prompting the model and copying the moves over one by one, I built a small python wrapper around the model that connects it to any UCI-compatible chess engine. Then I hooked this into a Lichess bot. If you're reading this not too far in the future, and my bot is still running, you can

Challenge GPT-3.5-turbo-instruct here.

(As long as you have a lichess account. (Which if you play chess you should. Lichess is fully open source and amazing.) And as long as no one else is currently playing it, then you'll have to wait a bit.)

Below is a game where one of my coworkers beat the model and shows what I find most interesting about how it plays: Like it was a human! It gets into a strong position, and then goes for what it thinks is a mating attack by sacrificing its rook on move 21. Rxg5+. The attack looks threatening, but it doesn't work.

I've also released full source code for my bot at this github repo.

What's going on

Let's get started with how you make a language model play chess. As you might know, language models just predict the next word in a sentence given what's come before. So to get it to play chess, all you do is pass it the PGN notation of ever moves that been played so far, and ask it to predict the next move that will happen.

For example, supposing I wanted the model to play as black and respond to a standard Kings Pawn opening, I would feed the model the following PGN game. (I've told the model the game is between two of the best chess players of all times, and told it their ratings are 2900 and 2800---very high. Does this matter? Actually not that much. But this is a blog post not a research paper so I'm just not going to do an ablation study here.)

[White "Garry Kasparov"]
[Black "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2900"]
[BlackElo "2800"]

1. e4

and then ask it to generate a predicted next word. The model replies, in this case, with e5, which is the standard response to the Kings Pawn opening. Then, if I want the model to play the next move after that, I again feed it the new history of moves 1. e4 e5 2. and ask it for its next prediction.

Now you might think “well that's cheating it's probably seen this position a million times of course it will get that right”. And you would be right in this case. But I've played a few dozen games against it now, in positions that have never occurred online before, and it still plays remarkably well.

Let's take a moment to be being truly amazed at what's happening. Somehow, the model is maintaining a “world model” of the chess board in its activations. And every time it has to generate a new move, it has to replay the entire sequence of moves that have happened so far, and then predict the next move. And it's doing this all well enough to not just make valid moves, but to make good moves.

And even making valid moves is hard! It has to know that you can't move a piece when doing that would put you in check, which means it has to know what check means, but also has to think at least a move ahead to know if after making this move another piece could capture the king. It has to know about en passant, when castling is allowed and when it's not (e.g., you can't castle your king through check but your rook can be attacked). And after having the model play out at least a few thousand moves it's so far never produced an invalid move.

But anyway: why does the model learn to play good chess? I honestly have no idea. All I can offer is the simplistic speculation you've probably already thought of: Because most chess games that people post on the internet are high quality, “predict the next word” happens to align pretty well with “play a good move”. And so the model just plays good moves because that's what's been seen most often.

Language Modeling; Not Winning

It's important to remember, though, that this model is not playing to win. It's playing to maximize the likelihood of the PGN text that's been provided. Usually that means “play high quality moves” because most PGNs online are high quality games.

But this is not always the case. Let's consider the below example:

[Event "?"]
[White "Garry Kasparov"]
[Black "Magnus Carlsen"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2900"]
[BlackElo "2800"]

1. e4 e5
2. Ke2 Ke7

Here, I've prompted the model with the first three moves of the Bongcloud Attack, a joke opening where white moves their king out on the second move. This is a terrible move. You should never do this if you want to win.

A “good” response to the Bongcloud is to just develop your pieces and play good chess. What does the model do here? IT PLAYS THE DOUBLE BONGCLOUD! One of the worst replies possible. It does this, I guess, because when people play the Bongcloud, it's not usually a serious game and their opponent will then play the Bongcloud back. (For example, as Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura did in truly an amazing game.

This distinction is important, and is why I think this model is most interesting to me. It “feels” much more human than any other chess engine I've played against. Because it's just playing what humans play.

There is some research that suggests language models do actually learn to represent the game in memory. For example here's one of my favorite papers recently that shows that a language model trained on Othello moves can learn to represent the board internally. But Othello is a much simpler game than chess, because pieces don't move in crazy ways.

Another consequence of the model being a text-model is that sometimes it's hard to turn the board into a string of text that can be fed into the model.

For example, the closest I got to the model producing an invalid move was in a game where one of my coworkers had the option to castle either kingside (denoted in PGN by O-O) or queenside (denoted by O-O-O). He castled kingside, and the model's predicted next move given the context 30. O-O was the continuation -O! That is, the model was just saying “I think you should have castled queenside”.

The reason why it did this is because there's no space separating the end of the previous move from the beginning of the generation, and it hadn't occured to me that there was any valid move that was a prefix of another valid move. And getting a bit technical: the reason you don't want to insert a space after the last move is that the way the language model tokenizer works spaces are inserted before words, not after. So in general you shouldn't have trailing spaces. (I fixed this by, in this one specific case, adding a trailing space.)

InstructGPT Solves Puzzles

So I want to test the model somewhat objectively. So I decided to have it try to solve some tactics puzzles. In some sense this is what I expect should be hardest for the model. (Because, remember, it's not doing any lookahead it's just predicting the next word.)

To do this I'll use the Lichess puzzle database, a collection of 3.5 million puzzles from real games in the following format:

PuzzleId,FEN,Moves,Rating,RatingDeviation,Popularity,NbPlays,Themes,GameUrl,OpeningTags 00008,r6k/pp2r2p/4Rp1Q/3p4/8/1N1P2R1/PqP2bPP/7K b - - 0 24,f2g3 e6e7 b2b1 b3c1 b1c1 h6c1,1758,75,94,4412,crushing hangingPiece long middlegame,https://lichess.org/787zsVup/black#48, 0000D,5rk1/1p3ppp/pq3b2/8/8/1P1Q1N2/P4PPP/3R2K1 w - - 2 27,d3d6 f8d8 d6d8 f6d8,1511,74,96,23054,advantage endgame short,https://lichess.org/F8M8OS71#53, 0008Q,8/4R3/1p2P3/p4r2/P6p/1P3Pk1/4K3/8 w - - 1 64,e7f7 f5e5 e2f1 e5e6,1292,75,100,116,advantage endgame rookEndgame short,https://lichess.org/MQSyb3KW#127,

You may notice there's one problem. The puzzles only have the current board state (encoded as FEN), not the full PGN history. And the language model is only good when operating on the full game text.

Fortunately though, it does have the Lichess game that the puzzle was taken from. And also, fortunately, there is a database of all games played on Lichess. So all I have to do is associate each puzzle with the game it came from, extract the PGN from the game, and then query the model on the PGN.

Now in practice there are a lot of games. And there are a lot of puzzles. So instead of downloading every single game, I just extract a very small subset of the games (roughly 0.1%) and then build an index of which games I have an intersect each of these with each puzzle. This gives me several thousand puzzles which is more than enough to get the statistical power I need.

So let's query the model. I built a small driver to feed the model the initial state and get a move, and then repeatedly play out the opposing move and ask the model for its next move. The model passes the puzzle if, just as a human, it gets it perfectly correct. Invalid moves or incorrect moves fail the puzzle.

Here's a plot of how well it does for puzzles as I increase the puzzle rating from 400 to 2400. (Puzzle rating is calculated by Lichess based on, roughly, how often people get the puzzle correct.)

Let's start off with an example where the model actually gets it right. In this 2600 rated puzzle, after 31. Ne3 with the triple fork, the model finds Qxe5 which looks completely losing because it's defended, but actually wins because the pawn on d6 is basically pinned to prevent the backrank mate.

But equally interesting, there are some truly trivial puzzles the model gets wrong. In the following position, instead of doing the immediately obvious “PUSH THE PAWN” the model decides to play 39... h5. wat.

Language Modeling; Not Winning (Part 2)

So I said above that the only thing the model was doing was modeling the language, and not trying to win. What does this really mean? Well, let's try something fun. The same game board can be reached through many different move sequences. For example, the following two final board positions are identical, but if you step through you'll see that the move sequences that generated them are (very!!) different.

This first game is the actual game that was played.

And this second game another completely legal, but not very likely, game that could have generated this same final board. (You mean you don't normally hang your queen to a pawn while trying to promte your pawn to a knight only to give it away?)

How do I generate these move sequences for alternate paths to get to the same game? In general this is a very hard problem. Fortunately someone's already solved it for me. So I just call proofgame and it gives me the answer. How does it work? Honestly no idea. Probably black magic. But verifiying that it does work is easy and I did that.

Now let's ask the following question: how well does the model solve chess positions when when given completely implausible move sequences compared to plausible ones?

As we can see at right it's only half as good! This is very interesting. To the best of my knowledge there aren't any other chess programs that have this same kind of stateful behavior, where how you got to this position matters.

This suggests something interesting, too: the model might actually be adapting on-the-fly to the skill of the opponent. If the opponent plays weird moves that don't make sense, it might be more likely to “believe” that this PGN game is between two lower rated players and therefore it should produce opponent moves that are more likely to be played by lower rated players.

There is an alternate explanation, however. Maybe what we're doing here by producing a confusing sequence of moves is actually confusing the model. As in---maybe we've broken its internal world model and now it doesn't “know” what the board looks like as well and so can't play as well.


I was definitely one of those “language models can't world model” people for a while. After reading the Othello paper mentioned earlier I was sort of convinced that maybe they could. But actually playing chess (and losing) against what I know to be a language model was very surreal. I don't know how to feel about this.

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