Black-Box Adversarial Attack on Vision Language Models for Autonomous Driving. (99%) Lu Wang; Tianyuan Zhang; Yang Qu; Siyuan Liang; Yuwei Chen; Aishan Liu; Xianglong Liu; Dacheng Tao Vision-language models (VLMs) have significantly advanced autonomous driving (AD) by enhancing reasoning capabilities; however, these models remain highly susceptible to adversarial attacks. While existing research has explored white-box attacks to some extent, the more practical and challenging black-box scenarios remain largely underexplored due to their inherent difficulty. In this paper, we take the first step toward designing black-box adversarial attacks specifically targeting VLMs in AD. We identify two key challenges for achieving effective black-box attacks in this context: the effectiveness across driving reasoning chains in AD systems and the dynamic nature of driving scenarios. To address this, we propose Cascading Adversarial Disruption (CAD). It first introduces Decision Chain Disruption, which targets low-level reasoning breakdown by generating and injecting deceptive semantics, ensuring the perturbations remain effective across the entire decision-making chain. Building on this, we present Risky Scene Induction, which addresses dynamic adaptation by leveraging a surrogate VLM to understand and construct high-level risky scenarios that are likely to result in critical errors in the current driving contexts. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple AD VLMs and benchmarks demonstrate that CAD achieves state-of-the-art attack effectiveness, significantly outperforming existing methods (+13.43% on average). Moreover, we validate its practical applicability through real-world attacks on AD vehicles powered by VLMs, where the route completion rate drops by 61.11% and the vehicle crashes directly into the obstacle vehicle with adversarial patches. Finally, we release CADA dataset, comprising 18,808 adversarial visual-question-answer pairs, to facilitate further evaluation and research in this critical domain. Our codes and dataset will be available after paper's acceptance. Defending against Adversarial Malware Attacks on ML-based Android Malware Detection Systems. (98%) Ping He; Lorenzo Cavallaro; Shouling Ji Android malware presents a persistent threat to users' privacy and data integrity. To combat this, researchers have proposed machine learning-based (ML-based) Android malware detection (AMD) systems. However, adversarial Android malware attacks compromise the detection integrity of the ML-based AMD systems, raising significant concerns. Existing defenses against adversarial Android malware provide protections against feature space attacks which generate adversarial feature vectors only, leaving protection against realistic threats from problem space attacks which generate real adversarial malware an open problem. In this paper, we address this gap by proposing ADD, a practical adversarial Android malware defense framework designed as a plug-in to enhance the adversarial robustness of the ML-based AMD systems against problem space attacks. Our extensive evaluation across various ML-based AMD systems demonstrates that ADD is effective against state-of-the-art problem space adversarial Android malware attacks. Additionally, ADD shows the defense effectiveness in enhancing the adversarial robustness of real-world antivirus solutions. Crossfire: An Elastic Defense Framework for Graph Neural Networks Under Bit Flip Attacks. (83%) Lorenz Kummer; Samir Moustafa; Wilfried Gansterer; Nils Kriege Bit Flip Attacks (BFAs) are a well-established class of adversarial attacks, originally developed for Convolutional Neural Networks within the computer vision domain. Most recently, these attacks have been extended to target Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), revealing significant vulnerabilities. This new development naturally raises questions about the best strategies to defend GNNs against BFAs, a challenge for which no solutions currently exist. Given the applications of GNNs in critical fields, any defense mechanism must not only maintain network performance, but also verifiably restore the network to its pre-attack state. Verifiably restoring the network to its pre-attack state also eliminates the need for costly evaluations on test data to ensure network quality. We offer first insights into the effectiveness of existing honeypot- and hashing-based defenses against BFAs adapted from the computer vision domain to GNNs, and characterize the shortcomings of these approaches. To overcome their limitations, we propose Crossfire, a hybrid approach that exploits weight sparsity and combines hashing and honeypots with bit-level correction of out-of-distribution weight elements to restore network integrity. Crossfire is retraining-free and does not require labeled data. Averaged over 2,160 experiments on six benchmark datasets, Crossfire offers a 21.8% higher probability than its competitors of reconstructing a GNN attacked by a BFA to its pre-attack state. These experiments cover up to 55 bit flips from various attacks. Moreover, it improves post-repair prediction quality by 10.85%. Computational and storage overheads are negligible compared to the inherent complexity of even the simplest GNNs. Certified Robustness Under Bounded Levenshtein Distance. (67%) Elias Abad Rocamora; Grigorios G. Chrysos; Volkan Cevher Text classifiers suffer from small perturbations, that if chosen adversarially, can dramatically change the output of the model. Verification methods can provide robustness certificates against such adversarial perturbations, by computing a sound lower bound on the robust accuracy. Nevertheless, existing verification methods incur in prohibitive costs and cannot practically handle Levenshtein distance constraints. We propose the first method for computing the Lipschitz constant of convolutional classifiers with respect to the Levenshtein distance. We use these Lipschitz constant estimates for training 1-Lipschitz classifiers. This enables computing the certified radius of a classifier in a single forward pass. Our method, LipsLev, is able to obtain $38.80$% and $13.93$% verified accuracy at distance $1$ and $2$ respectively in the AG-News dataset, while being $4$ orders of magnitude faster than existing approaches. We believe our work can open the door to more efficient verification in the text domain. Logical Maneuvers: Detecting and Mitigating Adversarial Hardware Faults in Space. (1%) Fatemeh Khojasteh Dana; Saleh Khalaj Monfared; Shahin Tajik Satellites are highly vulnerable to adversarial glitches or high-energy radiation in space, which could cause faults on the onboard computer. Various radiation- and fault-tolerant methods, such as error correction codes (ECC) and redundancy-based approaches, have been explored over the last decades to mitigate temporary soft errors on software and hardware. However, conventional ECC methods fail to deal with hard errors or permanent faults in the hardware components. This work introduces a detection- and response-based countermeasure to deal with partially damaged processor chips. It recovers the processor chip from permanent faults and enables continuous operation with available undamaged resources on the chip. We incorporate digitally-compatible delay-based sensors on the target processor's chip to reliably detect the incoming radiation or glitching attempts on the physical fabric of the chip, even before a fault occurs. Upon detecting a fault in one or more components of the processor's arithmetic logic unit (ALU), our countermeasure employs adaptive software recompilations to resynthesize and substitute the affected instructions with instructions of still functioning components to accomplish the task. Furthermore, if the fault is more widespread and prevents the correct operation of the entire processor, our approach deploys adaptive hardware partial reconfigurations to replace and reroute the failed components to undamaged locations of the chip. To validate our claims, we deploy a high-energy near-infrared (NIR) laser beam on a RISC-V processor implemented on a 28~nm FPGA to emulate radiation and even hard errors by partially damaging the FPGA fabric. We demonstrate that our sensor can confidently detect the radiation and trigger the processor testing and fault recovery mechanisms. Finally, we discuss the overhead imposed by our countermeasure. Gradient-Free Adversarial Purification with Diffusion Models. (99%) Xuelong Dai; Dong Wang; Duan Mingxing; Bin Xiao Adversarial training and adversarial purification are two effective and practical defense methods to enhance a model's robustness against adversarial attacks. However, adversarial training necessitates additional training, while adversarial purification suffers from low time efficiency. More critically, current defenses are designed under the perturbation-based adversarial threat model, which is ineffective against the recently proposed unrestricted adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient adversarial defense method that counters both perturbation-based and unrestricted adversarial attacks. Our defense is inspired by the observation that adversarial attacks are typically located near the decision boundary and are sensitive to pixel changes. To address this, we introduce adversarial anti-aliasing to mitigate adversarial modifications. Additionally, we propose adversarial super-resolution, which leverages prior knowledge from clean datasets to benignly recover images. These approaches do not require additional training and are computationally efficient without calculating gradients. Extensive experiments against both perturbation-based and unrestricted adversarial attacks demonstrate that our defense method outperforms state-of-the-art adversarial purification methods. Modality Unified Attack for Omni-Modality Person Re-Identification. (98%) Yuan Bian; Min Liu; Yunqi Yi; Xueping Wang; Yunfeng Ma; Yaonan Wang Deep learning based person re-identification (re-id) models have been widely employed in surveillance systems. Recent studies have demonstrated that black-box single-modality and cross-modality re-id models are vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs), leaving the robustness of multi-modality re-id models unexplored. Due to the lack of knowledge about the specific type of model deployed in the target black-box surveillance system, we aim to generate modality unified AEs for omni-modality (single-, cross- and multi-modality) re-id models. Specifically, we propose a novel Modality Unified Attack method to train modality-specific adversarial generators to generate AEs that effectively attack different omni-modality models. A multi-modality model is adopted as the surrogate model, wherein the features of each modality are perturbed by metric disruption loss before fusion. To collapse the common features of omni-modality models, Cross Modality Simulated Disruption approach is introduced to mimic the cross-modality feature embeddings by intentionally feeding images to non-corresponding modality-specific subnetworks of the surrogate model. Moreover, Multi Modality Collaborative Disruption strategy is devised to facilitate the attacker to comprehensively corrupt the informative content of person images by leveraging a multi modality feature collaborative metric disruption loss. Extensive experiments show that our MUA method can effectively attack the omni-modality re-id models, achieving 55.9%, 24.4%, 49.0% and 62.7% mean mAP Drop Rate, respectively. Robust Representation Consistency Model via Contrastive Denoising. (84%) Jiachen Lei; Julius Berner; Jiongxiao Wang; Zhongzhu Chen; Zhongjia Ba; Kui Ren; Jun Zhu; Anima Anandkumar Robustness is essential for deep neural networks, especially in security-sensitive applications. To this end, randomized smoothing provides theoretical guarantees for certifying robustness against adversarial perturbations. Recently, diffusion models have been successfully employed for randomized smoothing to purify noise-perturbed samples before making predictions with a standard classifier. While these methods excel at small perturbation radii, they struggle with larger perturbations and incur a significant computational overhead during inference compared to classical methods. To address this, we reformulate the generative modeling task along the diffusion trajectories in pixel space as a discriminative task in the latent space. Specifically, we use instance discrimination to achieve consistent representations along the trajectories by aligning temporally adjacent points. After fine-tuning based on the learned representations, our model enables implicit denoising-then-classification via a single prediction, substantially reducing inference costs. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets and achieve state-of-the-art performance with minimal computation budget during inference. For example, our method outperforms the certified accuracy of diffusion-based methods on ImageNet across all perturbation radii by 5.3% on average, with up to 11.6% at larger radii, while reducing inference costs by 85$\times$ on average. Codes are available at: Watching the AI Watchdogs: A Fairness and Robustness Analysis of AI Safety Moderation Classifiers. (11%) Akshit Achara; Anshuman Chhabra AI Safety Moderation (ASM) classifiers are designed to moderate content on social media platforms and to serve as guardrails that prevent Large Language Models (LLMs) from being fine-tuned on unsafe inputs. Owing to their potential for disparate impact, it is crucial to ensure that these classifiers: (1) do not unfairly classify content belonging to users from minority groups as unsafe compared to those from majority groups and (2) that their behavior remains robust and consistent across similar inputs. In this work, we thus examine the fairness and robustness of four widely-used, closed-source ASM classifiers: OpenAI Moderation API, Perspective API, Google Cloud Natural Language (GCNL) API, and Clarifai API. We assess fairness using metrics such as demographic parity and conditional statistical parity, comparing their performance against ASM models and a fair-only baseline. Additionally, we analyze robustness by testing the classifiers' sensitivity to small and natural input perturbations. Our findings reveal potential fairness and robustness gaps, highlighting the need to mitigate these issues in future versions of these models. Bad-PFL: Exploring Backdoor Attacks against Personalized Federated Learning. (9%) Mingyuan Fan; Zhanyi Hu; Fuyi Wang; Cen Chen Data heterogeneity and backdoor attacks rank among the most significant challenges facing federated learning (FL). For data heterogeneity, personalized federated learning (PFL) enables each client to maintain a private personalized model to cater to client-specific knowledge. Meanwhile, vanilla FL has proven vulnerable to backdoor attacks. However, recent advancements in PFL community have demonstrated a potential immunity against such attacks. This paper explores this intersection further, revealing that existing federated backdoor attacks fail in PFL because backdoors about manually designed triggers struggle to survive in personalized models. To tackle this, we design Bad-PFL, which employs features from natural data as our trigger. As long as the model is trained on natural data, it inevitably embeds the backdoor associated with our trigger, ensuring its longevity in personalized models. Moreover, our trigger undergoes mutual reinforcement training with the model, further solidifying the backdoor's durability and enhancing attack effectiveness. The large-scale experiments across three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our attack against various PFL methods, even when equipped with state-of-the-art defense mechanisms. Are We Learning the Right Features?A Framework for Evaluating DL-Based Software Vulnerability Detection Solutions. (2%) Satyaki Das; Syeda Tasnim Fabiha; Saad Shafiq; Nenad Medvidovic Recent research has revealed that the reported results of an emerging body of DL-based techniques for detecting software vulnerabilities are not reproducible, either across different datasets or on unseen samples. This paper aims to provide the foundation for properly evaluating the research in this domain. We do so by analyzing prior work and existing vulnerability datasets for the syntactic and semantic features of code that contribute to vulnerability, as well as features that falsely correlate with vulnerability. We provide a novel, uniform representation to capture both sets of features, and use this representation to detect the presence of both vulnerability and spurious features in code. To this end, we design two types of code perturbations: feature preserving perturbations (FPP) ensure that the vulnerability feature remains in a given code sample, while feature eliminating perturbations (FEP) eliminate the feature from the code sample. These perturbations aim to measure the influence of spurious and vulnerability features on the predictions of a given vulnerability detection solution. To evaluate how the two classes of perturbations influence predictions, we conducted a large-scale empirical study on five state-of-the-art DL-based vulnerability detectors. Our study shows that, for vulnerability features, only ~2% of FPPs yield the undesirable effect of a prediction changing among the five detectors on average. However, on average, ~84% of FEPs yield the undesirable effect of retaining the vulnerability predictions. For spurious features, we observed that FPPs yielded a drop in recall up to 29% for graph-based detectors. We present the reasons underlying these results and suggest strategies for improving DNN-based vulnerability detectors. We provide our perturbation-based evaluation framework as a public resource to enable independent future evaluation of vulnerability detectors. Enhancing Adversarial Transferability via Component-Wise Augmentation Method. (99%) Hangyu Liu; Bo Peng; Pengxiang Ding; Donglin Wang Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are highly vulnerable to adversarial examples, which pose significant challenges in security-sensitive applications. Among various adversarial attack strategies, input transformation-based attacks have demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in enhancing adversarial transferability. However, existing methods fail to diversify attention regions across models adequately and introduce excessive information loss during transformations. In this paper, we introduce a novel input transformation-based method, termed Component-Wise Augmentation (CWA), designed to enhance transferability by locally applying block-wise transformations. CWA strategically integrates interpolation and selective rotation on individual image blocks to diversify model attention regions while preserving semantic integrity. Extensive experiments on the standard ImageNet dataset show that CWA consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both attack success rates and stability across CNN- and Transformer-based models, while also demonstrating superior performance against multiple defense methods. With Great Backbones Comes Great Adversarial Transferability. (98%) Erik Arakelyan; Karen Hambardzumyan; Davit Papikyan; Pasquale Minervini; Albert Gordo; Isabelle Augenstein; Aram H. Markosyan Advances in self-supervised learning (SSL) for machine vision have improved representation robustness and model performance, giving rise to pre-trained backbones like \emph{ResNet} and \emph{ViT} models tuned with SSL methods such as \emph{SimCLR}. Due to the computational and data demands of pre-training, the utilization of such backbones becomes a strenuous necessity. However, employing these backbones may inherit vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks. While adversarial robustness has been studied under \emph{white-box} and \emph{black-box} settings, the robustness of models tuned on pre-trained backbones remains largely unexplored. Additionally, the role of tuning meta-information in mitigating exploitation risks is unclear. This work systematically evaluates the adversarial robustness of such models across $20,000$ combinations of tuning meta-information, including fine-tuning techniques, backbone families, datasets, and attack types. We propose using proxy models to transfer attacks, simulating varying levels of target knowledge by fine-tuning these proxies with diverse configurations. Our findings reveal that proxy-based attacks approach the effectiveness of \emph{white-box} methods, even with minimal tuning knowledge. We also introduce a naive "backbone attack," leveraging only the backbone to generate adversarial samples, which outperforms \emph{black-box} attacks and rivals \emph{white-box} methods, highlighting critical risks in model-sharing practices. Finally, our ablations reveal how increasing tuning meta-information impacts attack transferability, measuring each meta-information combination. Transferable Adversarial Attacks on Audio Deepfake Detection. (98%) Muhammad Umar Farooq; Awais Khan; Kutub Uddin; Khalid Mahmood Malik Audio deepfakes pose significant threats, including impersonation, fraud, and reputation damage. To address these risks, audio deepfake detection (ADD) techniques have been developed, demonstrating success on benchmarks like ASVspoof2019. However, their resilience against transferable adversarial attacks remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we introduce a transferable GAN-based adversarial attack framework to evaluate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art (SOTA) ADD systems. By leveraging an ensemble of surrogate ADD models and a discriminator, the proposed approach generates transferable adversarial attacks that better reflect real-world scenarios. Unlike previous methods, the proposed framework incorporates a self-supervised audio model to ensure transcription and perceptual integrity, resulting in high-quality adversarial attacks. Experimental results on benchmark dataset reveal that SOTA ADD systems exhibit significant vulnerabilities, with accuracies dropping from 98% to 26%, 92% to 54%, and 94% to 84% in white-box, gray-box, and black-box scenarios, respectively. When tested in other data sets, performance drops of 91% to 46%, and 94% to 67% were observed against the In-the-Wild and WaveFake data sets, respectively. These results highlight the significant vulnerabilities of existing ADD systems and emphasize the need to enhance their robustness against advanced adversarial threats to ensure security and reliability. Robustness of Selected Learning Models under Label-Flipping Attack. (82%) Sarvagya Bhargava; Mark Stamp In this paper we compare traditional machine learning and deep learning models trained on a malware dataset when subjected to adversarial attack based on label-flipping. Specifically, we investigate the robustness of Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), LightGBM, XGBoost, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), MobileNet, and DenseNet models when facing varying percentages of misleading labels. We empirically assess the the accuracy of each of these models under such an adversarial attack on the training data. This research aims to provide insights into which models are inherently more robust, in the sense of being better able to resist intentional disruptions to the training data. We find wide variation in the robustness of the models tested to adversarial attack, with our MLP model achieving the best combination of initial accuracy and robustness. Extend Adversarial Policy Against Neural Machine Translation via Unknown Token. (80%) Wei Zou; Shujian Huang; Jiajun Chen Generating adversarial examples contributes to mainstream neural machine translation~(NMT) robustness. However, popular adversarial policies are apt for fixed tokenization, hindering its efficacy for common character perturbations involving versatile tokenization. Based on existing adversarial generation via reinforcement learning~(RL), we propose the `DexChar policy' that introduces character perturbations for the existing mainstream adversarial policy based on token substitution. Furthermore, we improve the self-supervised matching that provides feedback in RL to cater to the semantic constraints required during training adversaries. Experiments show that our method is compatible with the scenario where baseline adversaries fail, and can generate high-efficiency adversarial examples for analysis and optimization of the system. Topology of Out-of-Distribution Examples in Deep Neural Networks. (13%) Esha Datta; Johanna Hennig; Eva Domschot; Connor Mattes; Michael R. Smith As deep neural networks (DNNs) become increasingly common, concerns about their robustness do as well. A longstanding problem for deployed DNNs is their behavior in the face of unfamiliar inputs; specifically, these models tend to be overconfident and incorrect when encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) examples. In this work, we present a topological approach to characterizing OOD examples using latent layer embeddings from DNNs. Our goal is to identify topological features, referred to as landmarks, that indicate OOD examples. We conduct extensive experiments on benchmark datasets and a realistic DNN model, revealing a key insight for OOD detection. Well-trained DNNs have been shown to induce a topological simplification on training data for simple models and datasets; we show that this property holds for realistic, large-scale test and training data, but does not hold for OOD examples. More specifically, we find that the average lifetime (or persistence) of OOD examples is statistically longer than that of training or test examples. This indicates that DNNs struggle to induce topological simplification on unfamiliar inputs. Our empirical results provide novel evidence of topological simplification in realistic DNNs and lay the groundwork for topologically-informed OOD detection strategies. FedCLEAN: byzantine defense by CLustering Errors of Activation maps in Non-IID federated learning environments. (11%) Mehdi Ben Ghali; Reda Bellafqira; Gouenou Coatrieux Federated Learning (FL) enables clients to collaboratively train a global model using their local datasets while reinforcing data privacy. However, FL is susceptible to poisoning attacks. Existing defense mechanisms assume that clients' data are independent and identically distributed (IID), making them ineffective in real-world applications where data are non-IID. This paper presents FedCLEAN, the first defense capable of filtering attackers' model updates in a non-IID FL environment. The originality of FedCLEAN is twofold. First, it relies on a client confidence score derived from the reconstruction errors of each client's model activation maps for a given trigger set, with reconstruction errors obtained by means of a Conditional Variational Autoencoder trained according to a novel server-side strategy. Second, we propose an ad-hoc trust propagation algorithm based on client scores, which allows building a cluster of benign clients while flagging potential attackers. Experimental results on the datasets MNIST and FashionMNIST demonstrate the robustness of FedCLEAN against Byzantine attackers in non-IID scenarios and a close-to-zero benign client misclassification rate, even in the absence of an attack. Benchmarking Image Perturbations for Testing Automated Driving Assistance Systems. (5%) Stefano Carlo Lambertenghi; Hannes Leonhard; Andrea Stocco Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) based on deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely used in autonomous vehicles for critical perception tasks such as object detection, semantic segmentation, and lane recognition. However, these systems are highly sensitive to input variations, such as noise and changes in lighting, which can compromise their effectiveness and potentially lead to safety-critical failures. This study offers a comprehensive empirical evaluation of image perturbations, techniques commonly used to assess the robustness of DNNs, to validate and improve the robustness and generalization of ADAS perception systems. We first conducted a systematic review of the literature, identifying 38 categories of perturbations. Next, we evaluated their effectiveness in revealing failures in two different ADAS, both at the component and at the system level. Finally, we explored the use of perturbation-based data augmentation and continuous learning strategies to improve ADAS adaptation to new operational design domains. Our results demonstrate that all categories of image perturbations successfully expose robustness issues in ADAS and that the use of dataset augmentation and continuous learning significantly improves ADAS performance in novel, unseen environments. A margin-based replacement for cross-entropy loss. (1%) Michael W. Spratling; Heiko H. Schütt Cross-entropy (CE) loss is the de-facto standard for training deep neural networks to perform classification. However, CE-trained deep neural networks struggle with robustness and generalisation issues. To alleviate these issues, we propose high error margin (HEM) loss, a variant of multi-class margin loss that overcomes the training issues of other margin-based losses. We evaluate HEM extensively on a range of architectures and datasets. We find that HEM loss is more effective than cross-entropy loss across a wide range of tasks: unknown class rejection, adversarial robustness, learning with imbalanced data, continual learning, and semantic segmentation (a pixel-level classification task). Despite all training hyper-parameters being chosen for CE loss, HEM is inferior to CE only in terms of clean accuracy and this difference is insignificant. We also compare HEM to specialised losses that have previously been proposed to improve performance on specific tasks. LogitNorm, a loss achieving state-of-the-art performance on unknown class rejection, produces similar performance to HEM for this task, but is much poorer for continual learning and semantic segmentation. Logit-adjusted loss, designed for imbalanced data, has superior results to HEM for that task, but performs more poorly on unknown class rejection and semantic segmentation. DICE, a popular loss for semantic segmentation, is inferior to HEM loss on all tasks, including semantic segmentation. Thus, HEM often out-performs specialised losses, and in contrast to them, is a general-purpose replacement for CE loss. You Can't Eat Your Cake and Have It Too: The Performance Degradation of LLMs with Jailbreak Defense. (1%) Wuyuao Mai; Geng Hong; Pei Chen; Xudong Pan; Baojun Liu; Yuan Zhang; Haixin Duan; Min Yang With the rise of generative large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA and ChatGPT, these models have significantly transformed daily life and work by providing advanced insights. However, as jailbreak attacks continue to circumvent built-in safety mechanisms, exploiting carefully crafted scenarios or tokens, the safety risks of LLMs have come into focus. While numerous defense strategies--such as prompt detection, modification, and model fine-tuning--have been proposed to counter these attacks, a critical question arises: do these defenses compromise the utility and usability of LLMs for legitimate users? Existing research predominantly focuses on the effectiveness of defense strategies without thoroughly examining their impact on performance, leaving a gap in understanding the trade-offs between LLM safety and performance. Our research addresses this gap by conducting a comprehensive study on the utility degradation, safety elevation, and exaggerated-safety escalation of LLMs with jailbreak defense strategies. We propose USEBench, a novel benchmark designed to evaluate these aspects, along with USEIndex, a comprehensive metric for assessing overall model performance. Through experiments on seven state-of-the-art LLMs, we found that mainstream jailbreak defenses fail to ensure both safety and performance simultaneously. Although model-finetuning performs the best overall, their effectiveness varies across LLMs. Furthermore, vertical comparisons reveal that developers commonly prioritize performance over safety when iterating or fine-tuning their LLMs. Graph Defense Diffusion Model. (97%) Xin He; Wenqi Fan; Yili Wang; Chengyi Liu; Rui Miao; Xin Juan; Xin Wang Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) demonstrate significant potential in various applications but remain highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can greatly degrade their performance. Existing graph purification methods attempt to address this issue by filtering attacked graphs; however, they struggle to effectively defend against multiple types of adversarial attacks simultaneously due to their limited flexibility, and they lack comprehensive modeling of graph data due to their heavy reliance on heuristic prior knowledge. To overcome these challenges, we propose a more versatile approach for defending against adversarial attacks on graphs. In this work, we introduce the Graph Defense Diffusion Model (GDDM), a flexible purification method that leverages the denoising and modeling capabilities of diffusion models. The iterative nature of diffusion models aligns well with the stepwise process of adversarial attacks, making them particularly suitable for defense. By iteratively adding and removing noise, GDDM effectively purifies attacked graphs, restoring their original structure and features. Our GDDM consists of two key components: (1) Graph Structure-Driven Refiner, which preserves the basic fidelity of the graph during the denoising process, and ensures that the generated graph remains consistent with the original scope; and (2) Node Feature-Constrained Regularizer, which removes residual impurities from the denoised graph, further enhances the purification effect. Additionally, we design tailored denoising strategies to handle different types of adversarial attacks, improving the model's adaptability to various attack scenarios. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world datasets demonstrate that GDDM outperforms state-of-the-art methods in defending against a wide range of adversarial attacks, showcasing its robustness and effectiveness. FedMUA: Exploring the Vulnerabilities of Federated Learning to Malicious Unlearning Attacks. (67%) Jian Chen; Zehui Lin; Wanyu Lin; Wenlong Shi; Xiaoyan Yin; Di Wang Recently, the practical needs of ``the right to be forgotten'' in federated learning gave birth to a paradigm known as federated unlearning, which enables the server to forget personal data upon the client's removal request. Existing studies on federated unlearning have primarily focused on efficiently eliminating the influence of requested data from the client's model without retraining from scratch, however, they have rarely doubted the reliability of the global model posed by the discrepancy between its prediction performance before and after unlearning. To bridge this gap, we take the first step by introducing a novel malicious unlearning attack dubbed FedMUA, aiming to unveil potential vulnerabilities emerging from federated learning during the unlearning process. The crux of FedMUA is to mislead the global model into unlearning more information associated with the influential samples for the target sample than anticipated, thus inducing adverse effects on target samples from other clients. To achieve this, we design a novel two-step method, known as Influential Sample Identification and Malicious Unlearning Generation, to identify and subsequently generate malicious feature unlearning requests within the influential samples. By doing so, we can significantly alter the predictions pertaining to the target sample by initiating the malicious feature unlearning requests, leading to the deliberate manipulation for the user adversely. Additionally, we design a new defense mechanism that is highly resilient against malicious unlearning attacks. Extensive experiments on three realistic datasets reveal that FedMUA effectively induces misclassification on target samples and can achieve an 80% attack success rate by triggering only 0.3% malicious unlearning requests. Poison-RAG: Adversarial Data Poisoning Attacks on Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Recommender Systems. (50%) Fatemeh Nazary; Yashar Deldjoo; Noia Tommaso di This study presents Poison-RAG, a framework for adversarial data poisoning attacks targeting retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)-based recommender systems. Poison-RAG manipulates item metadata, such as tags and descriptions, to influence recommendation outcomes. Using item metadata generated through a large language model (LLM) and embeddings derived via the OpenAI API, we explore the impact of adversarial poisoning attacks on provider-side, where attacks are designed to promote long-tail items and demote popular ones. Two attack strategies are proposed: local modifications, which personalize tags for each item using BERT embeddings, and global modifications, applying uniform tags across the dataset. Experiments conducted on the MovieLens dataset in a black-box setting reveal that local strategies improve manipulation effectiveness by up to 50\%, while global strategies risk boosting already popular items. Results indicate that popular items are more susceptible to attacks, whereas long-tail items are harder to manipulate. Approximately 70\% of items lack tags, presenting a cold-start challenge; data augmentation and synthesis are proposed as potential defense mechanisms to enhance RAG-based systems' resilience. The findings emphasize the need for robust metadata management to safeguard recommendation frameworks. Code and data are available at On the Adversarial Vulnerabilities of Transfer Learning in Remote Sensing. (41%) Tao Bai; Xingjian Tian; Yonghao Xu; Bihan Wen The use of pretrained models from general computer vision tasks is widespread in remote sensing, significantly reducing training costs and improving performance. However, this practice also introduces vulnerabilities to downstream tasks, where publicly available pretrained models can be used as a proxy to compromise downstream models. This paper presents a novel Adversarial Neuron Manipulation method, which generates transferable perturbations by selectively manipulating single or multiple neurons in pretrained models. Unlike existing attacks, this method eliminates the need for domain-specific information, making it more broadly applicable and efficient. By targeting multiple fragile neurons, the perturbations achieve superior attack performance, revealing critical vulnerabilities in deep learning models. Experiments on diverse models and remote sensing datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. This low-access adversarial neuron manipulation technique highlights a significant security risk in transfer learning models, emphasizing the urgent need for more robust defenses in their design when addressing the safety-critical remote sensing tasks. Cross-Entropy Attacks to Language Models via Rare Event Simulation. (12%) Mingze Ni; Yongshun Gong; Wei Liu Black-box textual adversarial attacks are challenging due to the lack of model information and the discrete, non-differentiable nature of text. Existing methods often lack versatility for attacking different models, suffer from limited attacking performance due to the inefficient optimization with word saliency ranking, and frequently sacrifice semantic integrity to achieve better attack outcomes. This paper introduces a novel approach to textual adversarial attacks, which we call Cross-Entropy Attacks (CEA), that uses Cross-Entropy optimization to address the above issues. Our CEA approach defines adversarial objectives for both soft-label and hard-label settings and employs CE optimization to identify optimal replacements. Through extensive experiments on document classification and language translation problems, we demonstrate that our attack method excels in terms of attacking performance, imperceptibility, and sentence quality. Rethinking Membership Inference Attacks Against Transfer Learning. (9%) Cong Wu; Jing Chen; Qianru Fang; Kun He; Ziming Zhao; Hao Ren; Guowen Xu; Yang Liu; Yang Xiang Transfer learning, successful in knowledge translation across related tasks, faces a substantial privacy threat from membership inference attacks (MIAs). These attacks, despite posing significant risk to ML model's training data, remain limited-explored in transfer learning. The interaction between teacher and student models in transfer learning has not been thoroughly explored in MIAs, potentially resulting in an under-examined aspect of privacy vulnerabilities within transfer learning. In this paper, we propose a new MIA vector against transfer learning, to determine whether a specific data point was used to train the teacher model while only accessing the student model in a white-box setting. Our method delves into the intricate relationship between teacher and student models, analyzing the discrepancies in hidden layer representations between the student model and its shadow counterpart. These identified differences are then adeptly utilized to refine the shadow model's training process and to inform membership inference decisions effectively. Our method, evaluated across four datasets in diverse transfer learning tasks, reveals that even when an attacker only has access to the student model, the teacher model's training data remains susceptible to MIAs. We believe our work unveils the unexplored risk of membership inference in transfer learning. CogMorph: Cognitive Morphing Attacks for Text-to-Image Models. (1%) Zonglei Jing; Zonghao Ying; Le Wang; Siyuan Liang; Aishan Liu; Xianglong Liu; Dacheng Tao The development of text-to-image (T2I) generative models, that enable the creation of high-quality synthetic images from textual prompts, has opened new frontiers in creative design and content generation. However, this paper reveals a significant and previously unrecognized ethical risk inherent in this technology and introduces a novel method, termed the Cognitive Morphing Attack (CogMorph), which manipulates T2I models to generate images that retain the original core subjects but embeds toxic or harmful contextual elements. This nuanced manipulation exploits the cognitive principle that human perception of concepts is shaped by the entire visual scene and its context, producing images that amplify emotional harm far beyond attacks that merely preserve the original semantics. To address this, we first construct an imagery toxicity taxonomy spanning 10 major and 48 sub-categories, aligned with human cognitive-perceptual dimensions, and further build a toxicity risk matrix resulting in 1,176 high-quality T2I toxic prompts. Based on this, our CogMorph first introduces Cognitive Toxicity Augmentation, which develops a cognitive toxicity knowledge base with rich external toxic representations for humans (e.g., fine-grained visual features) that can be utilized to further guide the optimization of adversarial prompts. In addition, we present Contextual Hierarchical Morphing, which hierarchically extracts critical parts of the original prompt (e.g., scenes, subjects, and body parts), and then iteratively retrieves and fuses toxic features to inject harmful contexts. Extensive experiments on multiple open-sourced T2I models and black-box commercial APIs (e.g., DALLE-3) demonstrate the efficacy of CogMorph which significantly outperforms other baselines by large margins (+20.62% on average). Effectiveness of Adversarial Benign and Malware Examples in Evasion and Poisoning Attacks. (99%) Matouš Kozák; Martin Jureček Adversarial attacks present significant challenges for malware detection systems. This research investigates the effectiveness of benign and malicious adversarial examples (AEs) in evasion and poisoning attacks on the Portable Executable file domain. A novel focus of this study is on benign AEs, which, although not directly harmful, can increase false positives and undermine trust in antivirus solutions. We propose modifying existing adversarial malware generators to produce benign AEs and show they are as successful as malware AEs in evasion attacks. Furthermore, our data show that benign AEs have a more decisive influence in poisoning attacks than standard malware AEs, demonstrating their superior ability to decrease the model's performance. Our findings introduce new opportunities for adversaries and further increase the attack surface that needs to be protected by security researchers. GRID: Protecting Training Graph from Link Stealing Attacks on GNN Models. (12%) Jiadong Lou; Xu Yuan; Rui Zhang; Xingliang Yuan; Neil Gong; Nian-Feng Tzeng Graph neural networks (GNNs) have exhibited superior performance in various classification tasks on graph-structured data. However, they encounter the potential vulnerability from the link stealing attacks, which can infer the presence of a link between two nodes via measuring the similarity of its incident nodes' prediction vectors produced by a GNN model. Such attacks pose severe security and privacy threats to the training graph used in GNN models. In this work, we propose a novel solution, called Graph Link Disguise (GRID), to defend against link stealing attacks with the formal guarantee of GNN model utility for retaining prediction accuracy. The key idea of GRID is to add carefully crafted noises to the nodes' prediction vectors for disguising adjacent nodes as n-hop indirect neighboring nodes. We take into account the graph topology and select only a subset of nodes (called core nodes) covering all links for adding noises, which can avert the noises offset and have the further advantages of reducing both the distortion loss and the computation cost. Our crafted noises can ensure 1) the noisy prediction vectors of any two adjacent nodes have their similarity level like that of two non-adjacent nodes and 2) the model prediction is unchanged to ensure zero utility loss. Extensive experiments on five datasets are conducted to show the effectiveness of our proposed GRID solution against different representative link-stealing attacks under transductive settings and inductive settings respectively, as well as two influence-based attacks. Meanwhile, it achieves a much better privacy-utility trade-off than existing methods when extended to GNNs. Can Safety Fine-Tuning Be More Principled? Lessons Learned from Cybersecurity. (10%) David Williams-King; Linh Le; Adam Oberman; Yoshua Bengio As LLMs develop increasingly advanced capabilities, there is an increased need to minimize the harm that could be caused to society by certain model outputs; hence, most LLMs have safety guardrails added, for example via fine-tuning. In this paper, we argue the position that current safety fine-tuning is very similar to a traditional cat-and-mouse game (or arms race) between attackers and defenders in cybersecurity. Model jailbreaks and attacks are patched with bandaids to target the specific attack mechanism, but many similar attack vectors might remain. When defenders are not proactively coming up with principled mechanisms, it becomes very easy for attackers to sidestep any new defenses. We show how current defenses are insufficient to prevent new adversarial jailbreak attacks, reward hacking, and loss of control problems. In order to learn from past mistakes in cybersecurity, we draw analogies with historical examples and develop lessons learned that can be applied to LLM safety. These arguments support the need for new and more principled approaches to designing safe models, which are architected for security from the beginning. We describe several such approaches from the AI literature. Dagger Behind Smile: Fool LLMs with a Happy Ending Story. (4%) Xurui Song; Zhixin Xie; Shuo Huai; Jiayi Kong; Jun Luo The wide adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs) has attracted significant attention from \textit{jailbreak} attacks, where adversarial prompts crafted through optimization or manual design exploit LLMs to generate malicious content. However, optimization-based attacks have limited efficiency and transferability, while manual designs are either easily detectable or demand intricate interactions with LLMs. In this paper, we first point out a novel perspective for jailbreak attacks: LLMs are more responsive to \textit{positive} prompts. Based on this, we deploy Happy Ending Attack (HEA) to wrap up a malicious request in a scenario template involving a positive prompt formed mainly via a \textit{happy ending}, it thus fools LLMs into jailbreaking either immediately or at a follow-up malicious request. This has made HEA both efficient and effective, as it requires only up to two steps to fully jailbreak LLMs. Extensive experiments show that our HEA can successfully jailbreak on state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-4o, Llama3-70b, Gemini-pro, and achieves 88.79\% Attack Success Rate on average. We also provide potential quantitative explanations for the success of HEA. Temporal Analysis of Adversarial Attacks in Federated Learning. (2%) Rohit Mapakshi; Sayma Akther; Mark Stamp In this paper, we experimentally analyze the robustness of selected Federated Learning (FL) systems in the presence of adversarial clients. We find that temporal attacks significantly affect model performance in the FL models tested, especially when the adversaries are active throughout or during the later rounds. We consider a variety of classic learning models, including Multinominal Logistic Regression (MLR), Random Forest, XGBoost, Support Vector Classifier (SVC), as well as various Neural Network models including Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Our results highlight the effectiveness of temporal attacks and the need to develop strategies to make the FL process more robust against such attacks. We also briefly consider the effectiveness of defense mechanisms, including outlier detection in the aggregation algorithm. Counteracting temporal attacks in Video Copy Detection. (1%) Katarzyna Fojcik; Piotr Syga Video Copy Detection (VCD) plays a crucial role in copyright protection and content verification by identifying duplicates and near-duplicates in large-scale video databases. The META AI Challenge on video copy detection provided a benchmark for evaluating state-of-the-art methods, with the Dual-level detection approach emerging as a winning solution. This method integrates Video Editing Detection and Frame Scene Detection to handle adversarial transformations and large datasets efficiently. However, our analysis reveals significant limitations in the VED component, particularly in its ability to handle exact copies. Moreover, Dual-level detection shows vulnerability to temporal attacks. To address it, we propose an improved frame selection strategy based on local maxima of interframe differences, which enhances robustness against adversarial temporal modifications while significantly reducing computational overhead. Our method achieves an increase of 1.4 to 5.8 times in efficiency over the standard 1 FPS approach. Compared to Dual-level detection method, our approach maintains comparable micro-average precision ($\mu$AP) while also demonstrating improved robustness against temporal attacks. Given 56\% reduced representation size and the inference time of more than 2 times faster, our approach is more suitable to real-world resource restriction. Explainable Adversarial Attacks on Coarse-to-Fine Classifiers. (86%) Akram Heidarizadeh; Connor Hatfield; Lorenzo Lazzarotto; HanQin Cai; George Atia Traditional adversarial attacks typically aim to alter the predicted labels of input images by generating perturbations that are imperceptible to the human eye. However, these approaches often lack explainability. Moreover, most existing work on adversarial attacks focuses on single-stage classifiers, but multi-stage classifiers are largely unexplored. In this paper, we introduce instance-based adversarial attacks for multi-stage classifiers, leveraging Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP), which assigns relevance scores to pixels based on their influence on classification outcomes. Our approach generates explainable adversarial perturbations by utilizing LRP to identify and target key features critical for both coarse and fine-grained classifications. Unlike conventional attacks, our method not only induces misclassification but also enhances the interpretability of the model's behavior across classification stages, as demonstrated by experimental results. Stability of neural ODEs by a control over the expansivity of their flows. (26%) Marinis Arturo De; Nicola Guglielmi; Stefano Sicilia; Francesco Tudisco We propose a method to enhance the stability of a neural ordinary differential equation (neural ODE) by means of a control over the Lipschitz constant $C$ of its flow. Since it is known that $C$ depends on the logarithmic norm of the Jacobian matrix associated with the neural ODE, we tune this parameter at our convenience by suitably perturbing the Jacobian matrix with a perturbation as small as possible in Frobenius norm. We do so by introducing an optimization problem for which we propose a nested two-level algorithm. For a given perturbation size, the inner level computes the optimal perturbation with a fixed Frobenius norm, while the outer level tunes the perturbation amplitude. We embed the proposed algorithm in the training of the neural ODE to improve its stability. Numerical experiments on the MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets show that an image classifier including a neural ODE in its architecture trained according to our strategy is more stable than the same classifier trained in the classical way, and therefore, it is more robust and less vulnerable to adversarial attacks. A comprehensive survey on RPL routing-based attacks, defences and future directions in Internet of Things. (12%) Anil K Prajapati; Emmanuel S Pilli; Ramesh B Battula; Vijay Varadharajan; Abhishek Verma; R C Joshi The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of digital devices like sensors, processors, embedded and communication devices that can connect to and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet. IoT devices have limitations on power, memory, and computational resources. Researchers have developed the IPv6 Over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) protocols to provide wireless connectivity among these devices while overcoming the constraints on resources. 6LoWPAN has been approved subsequently by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The IETF Routing Over Low-power and Lossy Networks (ROLL) standardized the Routing Protocol for LLNs known as RPL (IETF RFC 6550), which is part of the 6LoWPAN stack. However, IoT devices are vulnerable to various attacks on RPL-based routing. This survey provides an in depth study of existing RPL-based attacks and defense published from year 2011 to 2024 from highly reputed journals and conferences. By thematic analysis of existing routing attacks on RPL, we developed a novel attack taxonomy which focuses on the nature of routing attacks and classifies them into 12 major categories. Subsequently, the impact of each attack on the network is analyzed and discussed real life scenarios of these attacks. Another contribution of this survey proposed a novel taxonomy for classification of defense mechanisms into 8 major categories against routing attacks based on type of defense strategy. The detailed analysis of each defense mechanism with real life applicability is explained. Furthermore, evaluation tools such as testbeds and simulators for RPL-based attack and defense are discussed and critically analyzed in terms of real world applicability. Finally, open research challenges are presented on the basis of research gaps of existing literature along with research directions for practitioners and researchers. CaFA: Cost-aware, Feasible Attacks With Database Constraints Against Neural Tabular Classifiers. (99%) Matan Ben-Tov; Daniel Deutch; Nave Frost; Mahmood Sharif This work presents CaFA, a system for Cost-aware Feasible Attacks for assessing the robustness of neural tabular classifiers against adversarial examples realizable in the problem space, while minimizing adversaries' effort. To this end, CaFA leverages TabPGD$-$an algorithm we set forth to generate adversarial perturbations suitable for tabular data$-$ and incorporates integrity constraints automatically mined by state-of-the-art database methods. After producing adversarial examples in the feature space via TabPGD, CaFA projects them on the mined constraints, leading, in turn, to better attack realizability. We tested CaFA with three datasets and two architectures and found, among others, that the constraints we use are of higher quality (measured via soundness and completeness) than ones employed in prior work. Moreover, CaFA achieves higher feasible success rates$-$i.e., it generates adversarial examples that are often misclassified while satisfying constraints$-$than prior attacks while simultaneously perturbing few features with lower magnitudes, thus saving effort and improving inconspicuousness. We open-source CaFA, hoping it will serve as a generic system enabling machine-learning engineers to assess their models' robustness against realizable attacks, thus advancing deployed models' trustworthiness. Differentiable Adversarial Attacks for Marked Temporal Point Processes. (86%) Pritish Chakraborty; Vinayak Gupta; Rahul R; Srikanta J. Bedathur; Abir De Marked temporal point processes (MTPPs) have been shown to be extremely effective in modeling continuous time event sequences (CTESs). In this work, we present adversarial attacks designed specifically for MTPP models. A key criterion for a good adversarial attack is its imperceptibility. For objects such as images or text, this is often achieved by bounding perturbation in some fixed $L_p$ norm-ball. However, similarly minimizing distance norms between two CTESs in the context of MTPPs is challenging due to their sequential nature and varying time-scales and lengths. We address this challenge by first permuting the events and then incorporating the additive noise to the arrival timestamps. However, the worst case optimization of such adversarial attacks is a hard combinatorial problem, requiring exploration across a permutation space that is factorially large in the length of the input sequence. As a result, we propose a novel differentiable scheme PERMTPP using which we can perform adversarial attacks by learning to minimize the likelihood, while minimizing the distance between two CTESs. Our experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate the offensive and defensive capabilities, and lower inference times of PERMTPP. Latent-space adversarial training with post-aware calibration for defending large language models against jailbreak attacks. (50%) Xin Yi; Yue Li; Linlin Wang; Xiaoling Wang; Liang He Ensuring safety alignment has become a critical requirement for large language models (LLMs), particularly given their widespread deployment in real-world applications. However, LLMs remain susceptible to jailbreak attacks, which exploit system vulnerabilities to bypass safety measures and generate harmful outputs. Although numerous defense mechanisms based on adversarial training have been proposed, a persistent challenge lies in the exacerbation of over-refusal behaviors, which compromise the overall utility of the model. To address these challenges, we propose a Latent-space Adversarial Training with Post-aware Calibration (LATPC) framework. During the adversarial training phase, LATPC compares harmful and harmless instructions in the latent space and extracts safety-critical dimensions to construct refusal features attack, precisely simulating agnostic jailbreak attack types requiring adversarial mitigation. At the inference stage, an embedding-level calibration mechanism is employed to alleviate over-refusal behaviors with minimal computational overhead. Experimental results demonstrate that, compared to various defense methods across five types of jailbreak attacks, LATPC framework achieves a superior balance between safety and utility. Moreover, our analysis underscores the effectiveness of extracting safety-critical dimensions from the latent space for constructing robust refusal feature attacks. Double Visual Defense: Adversarial Pre-training and Instruction Tuning for Improving Vision-Language Model Robustness. (98%) Zeyu Wang; Cihang Xie; Brian Bartoldson; Bhavya Kailkhura This paper investigates the robustness of vision-language models against adversarial visual perturbations and introduces a novel ``double visual defense" to enhance this robustness. Unlike previous approaches that resort to lightweight adversarial fine-tuning of a pre-trained CLIP model, we perform large-scale adversarial vision-language pre-training from scratch using web-scale data. We then strengthen the defense by incorporating adversarial visual instruction tuning. The resulting models from each stage, $\Delta$CLIP and $\Delta^2$LLaVA, show substantially enhanced zero-shot robustness and set a new state-of-the-art in adversarial defense for vision-language models. For example, the adversarial robustness of $\Delta$CLIP surpasses that of the previous best models on ImageNet-1k by ~20%. %For example, $\Delta$CLIP surpasses the previous best models on ImageNet-1k by ~20% in terms of adversarial robustness. Similarly, compared to prior art, $\Delta^2$LLaVA brings a ~30% robustness improvement to image captioning task and a ~20% robustness improvement to visual question answering task. Furthermore, our models exhibit stronger zero-shot recognition capability, fewer hallucinations, and superior reasoning performance compared to baselines. Our project page is Adversarial-Ensemble Kolmogorov Arnold Networks for Enhancing Indoor Wi-Fi Positioning: A Defensive Approach Against Spoofing and Signal Manipulation Attacks. (80%) Mitul Goswami; Romit Chatterjee; Somnath Mahato; Prasant Kumar Pattnaik The research presents a study on enhancing the robustness of Wi-Fi-based indoor positioning systems against adversarial attacks. The goal is to improve the positioning accuracy and resilience of these systems under two attack scenarios: Wi-Fi Spoofing and Signal Strength Manipulation. Three models are developed and evaluated: a baseline model (M_Base), an adversarially trained robust model (M_Rob), and an ensemble model (M_Ens). All models utilize a Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) architecture. The robust model is trained with adversarially perturbed data, while the ensemble model combines predictions from both the base and robust models. Experimental results show that the robust model reduces positioning error by approximately 10% compared to the baseline, achieving 2.03 meters error under Wi-Fi spoofing and 2.00 meters under signal strength manipulation. The ensemble model further outperforms with errors of 2.01 meters and 1.975 meters for the respective attack types. This analysis highlights the effectiveness of adversarial training techniques in mitigating attack impacts. The findings underscore the importance of considering adversarial scenarios in developing indoor positioning systems, as improved resilience can significantly enhance the accuracy and reliability of such systems in mission-critical environments. Cooperative Decentralized Backdoor Attacks on Vertical Federated Learning. (31%) Seohyun Lee; Wenzhi Fang; Anindya Bijoy Das; Seyyedali Hosseinalipour; David J. Love; Christopher G. Brinton Federated learning (FL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries alter model behavior on target classification labels by embedding triggers into data samples. While these attacks have received considerable attention in horizontal FL, they are less understood for vertical FL (VFL), where devices hold different features of the samples, and only the server holds the labels. In this work, we propose a novel backdoor attack on VFL which (i) does not rely on gradient information from the server and (ii) considers potential collusion among multiple adversaries for sample selection and trigger embedding. Our label inference model augments variational autoencoders with metric learning, which adversaries can train locally. A consensus process over the adversary graph topology determines which datapoints to poison. We further propose methods for trigger splitting across the adversaries, with an intensity-based implantation scheme skewing the server towards the trigger. Our convergence analysis reveals the impact of backdoor perturbations on VFL indicated by a stationarity gap for the trained model, which we verify empirically as well. We conduct experiments comparing our attack with recent backdoor VFL approaches, finding that ours obtains significantly higher success rates for the same main task performance despite not using server information. Additionally, our results verify the impact of collusion on attack performance. Computing Optimization-Based Prompt Injections Against Closed-Weights Models By Misusing a Fine-Tuning API. (2%) Andrey Labunets; Nishit V. Pandya; Ashish Hooda; Xiaohan Fu; Earlence Fernandes We surface a new threat to closed-weight Large Language Models (LLMs) that enables an attacker to compute optimization-based prompt injections. Specifically, we characterize how an attacker can leverage the loss-like information returned from the remote fine-tuning interface to guide the search for adversarial prompts. The fine-tuning interface is hosted by an LLM vendor and allows developers to fine-tune LLMs for their tasks, thus providing utility, but also exposes enough information for an attacker to compute adversarial prompts. Through an experimental analysis, we characterize the loss-like values returned by the Gemini fine-tuning API and demonstrate that they provide a useful signal for discrete optimization of adversarial prompts using a greedy search algorithm. Using the PurpleLlama prompt injection benchmark, we demonstrate attack success rates between 65% and 82% on Google's Gemini family of LLMs. These attacks exploit the classic utility-security tradeoff - the fine-tuning interface provides a useful feature for developers but also exposes the LLMs to powerful attacks. Neural Honeytrace: A Robust Plug-and-Play Watermarking Framework against Model Extraction Attacks. (1%) Yixiao Xu; Binxing Fang; Rui Wang; Yinghai Zhou; Shouling Ji; Yuan Liu; Mohan Li; Zhihong Tian Developing high-performance deep learning models is resource-intensive, leading model owners to utilize Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) platforms instead of publicly releasing their models. However, malicious users may exploit query interfaces to execute model extraction attacks, reconstructing the target model's functionality locally. While prior research has investigated triggerable watermarking techniques for asserting ownership, existing methods face significant challenges: (1) most approaches require additional training, resulting in high overhead and limited flexibility, and (2) they often fail to account for advanced attackers, leaving them vulnerable to adaptive attacks. In this paper, we propose Neural Honeytrace, a robust plug-and-play watermarking framework against model extraction attacks. We first formulate a watermark transmission model from an information-theoretic perspective, providing an interpretable account of the principles and limitations of existing triggerable watermarking. Guided by the model, we further introduce: (1) a similarity-based training-free watermarking method for plug-and-play and flexible watermarking, and (2) a distribution-based multi-step watermark information transmission strategy for robust watermarking. Comprehensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate that Neural Honeytrace outperforms previous methods in efficiency and resisting adaptive attacks. Neural Honeytrace reduces the average number of samples required for a worst-case t-Test-based copyright claim from $12,000$ to $200$ with zero training cost. Salient Information Preserving Adversarial Training Improves Clean and Robust Accuracy. (98%) Timothy Redgrave; Adam Czajka In this work we introduce Salient Information Preserving Adversarial Training (SIP-AT), an intuitive method for relieving the robustness-accuracy trade-off incurred by traditional adversarial training. SIP-AT uses salient image regions to guide the adversarial training process in such a way that fragile features deemed meaningful by an annotator remain unperturbed during training, allowing models to learn highly predictive non-robust features without sacrificing overall robustness. This technique is compatible with both human-based and automatically generated salience estimates, allowing SIP-AT to be used as a part of human-driven model development without forcing SIP-AT to be reliant upon additional human data. We perform experiments across multiple datasets and architectures and demonstrate that SIP-AT is able to boost the clean accuracy of models while maintaining a high degree of robustness against attacks at multiple epsilon levels. We complement our central experiments with an observational study measuring the rate at which human subjects successfully identify perturbed images. This study helps build a more intuitive understanding of adversarial attack strength and demonstrates the heightened importance of low-epsilon robustness. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of SIP-AT and provide valuable insight into the risks posed by adversarial samples of various strengths. ARMOR: Shielding Unlearnable Examples against Data Augmentation. (75%) Xueluan Gong; Yuji Wang; Yanjiao Chen; Haocheng Dong; Yiming Li; Mengyuan Sun; Shuaike Li; Qian Wang; Chen Chen Private data, when published online, may be collected by unauthorized parties to train deep neural networks (DNNs). To protect privacy, defensive noises can be added to original samples to degrade their learnability by DNNs. Recently, unlearnable examples are proposed to minimize the training loss such that the model learns almost nothing. However, raw data are often pre-processed before being used for training, which may restore the private information of protected data. In this paper, we reveal the data privacy violation induced by data augmentation, a commonly used data pre-processing technique to improve model generalization capability, which is the first of its kind as far as we are concerned. We demonstrate that data augmentation can significantly raise the accuracy of the model trained on unlearnable examples from 21.3% to 66.1%. To address this issue, we propose a defense framework, dubbed ARMOR, to protect data privacy from potential breaches of data augmentation. To overcome the difficulty of having no access to the model training process, we design a non-local module-assisted surrogate model that better captures the effect of data augmentation. In addition, we design a surrogate augmentation selection strategy that maximizes distribution alignment between augmented and non-augmented samples, to choose the optimal augmentation strategy for each class. We also use a dynamic step size adjustment algorithm to enhance the defensive noise generation process. Extensive experiments are conducted on 4 datasets and 5 data augmentation methods to verify the performance of ARMOR. Comparisons with 6 state-of-the-art defense methods have demonstrated that ARMOR can preserve the unlearnability of protected private data under data augmentation. ARMOR reduces the test accuracy of the model trained on augmented protected samples by as much as 60% more than baselines. Improving Stability Estimates in Adversarial Explainable AI through Alternate Search Methods. (13%) Christopher Burger; Charles Walter Advances in the effectiveness of machine learning models have come at the cost of enormous complexity resulting in a poor understanding of how they function. Local surrogate methods have been used to approximate the workings of these complex models, but recent work has revealed their vulnerability to adversarial attacks where the explanation produced is appreciably different while the meaning and structure of the complex model's output remains similar. This prior work has focused on the existence of these weaknesses but not on their magnitude. Here we explore using an alternate search method with the goal of finding minimum viable perturbations, the fewest perturbations necessary to achieve a fixed similarity value between the original and altered text's explanation. Intuitively, a method that requires fewer perturbations to expose a given level of instability is inferior to one which requires more. This nuance allows for superior comparisons of the stability of explainability methods. Improving the Efficiency of Self-Supervised Adversarial Training through Latent Clustering-Based Selection. (12%) Somrita Ghosh; Yuelin Xu; Xiao Zhang Compared with standard learning, adversarially robust learning is widely recognized to demand significantly more training examples. Recent works propose the use of self-supervised adversarial training (SSAT) with external or synthetically generated unlabeled data to enhance model robustness. However, SSAT requires a substantial amount of extra unlabeled data, significantly increasing memory usage and model training times. To address these challenges, we propose novel methods to strategically select a small subset of unlabeled data essential for SSAT and robustness improvement. Our selection prioritizes data points near the model's decision boundary based on latent clustering-based techniques, efficiently identifying a critical subset of unlabeled data with a higher concentration of boundary-adjacent points. While focusing on near-boundary data, our methods are designed to maintain a balanced ratio between boundary and non-boundary data points to avoid overfitting. Our experiments on image benchmarks show that integrating our selection strategies into self-supervised adversarial training can largely reduce memory and computational requirements while achieving high model robustness. In particular, our latent clustering-based selection method with k-means is the most effective, achieving nearly identical test-time robust accuracies with 5 to 10 times less external or generated unlabeled data when applied to image benchmarks. Additionally, we validate the generalizability of our approach across various application scenarios, including a real-world medical dataset for COVID-19 chest X-ray classification. VENOM: Text-driven Unrestricted Adversarial Example Generation with Diffusion Models. (99%) Hui Kuurila-Zhang; Haoyu Chen; Guoying Zhao Adversarial attacks have proven effective in deceiving machine learning models by subtly altering input images, motivating extensive research in recent years. Traditional methods constrain perturbations within $l_p$-norm bounds, but advancements in Unrestricted Adversarial Examples (UAEs) allow for more complex, generative-model-based manipulations. Diffusion models now lead UAE generation due to superior stability and image quality over GANs. However, existing diffusion-based UAE methods are limited to using reference images and face challenges in generating Natural Adversarial Examples (NAEs) directly from random noise, often producing uncontrolled or distorted outputs. In this work, we introduce VENOM, the first text-driven framework for high-quality unrestricted adversarial examples generation through diffusion models. VENOM unifies image content generation and adversarial synthesis into a single reverse diffusion process, enabling high-fidelity adversarial examples without sacrificing attack success rate (ASR). To stabilize this process, we incorporate an adaptive adversarial guidance strategy with momentum, ensuring that the generated adversarial examples $x^*$ align with the distribution $p(x)$ of natural images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VENOM achieves superior ASR and image quality compared to prior methods, marking a significant advancement in adversarial example generation and providing insights into model vulnerabilities for improved defense development. Cross-Modal Transferable Image-to-Video Attack on Video Quality Metrics. (99%) Georgii Gotin; Ekaterina Shumitskaya; Anastasia Antsiferova; Dmitriy Vatolin Recent studies have revealed that modern image and video quality assessment (IQA/VQA) metrics are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. An attacker can manipulate a video through preprocessing to artificially increase its quality score according to a certain metric, despite no actual improvement in visual quality. Most of the attacks studied in the literature are white-box attacks, while black-box attacks in the context of VQA have received less attention. Moreover, some research indicates a lack of transferability of adversarial examples generated for one model to another when applied to VQA. In this paper, we propose a cross-modal attack method, IC2VQA, aimed at exploring the vulnerabilities of modern VQA models. This approach is motivated by the observation that the low-level feature spaces of images and videos are similar. We investigate the transferability of adversarial perturbations across different modalities; specifically, we analyze how adversarial perturbations generated on a white-box IQA model with an additional CLIP module can effectively target a VQA model. The addition of the CLIP module serves as a valuable aid in increasing transferability, as the CLIP model is known for its effective capture of low-level semantics. Extensive experiments demonstrate that IC2VQA achieves a high success rate in attacking three black-box VQA models. We compare our method with existing black-box attack strategies, highlighting its superiority in terms of attack success within the same number of iterations and levels of attack strength. We believe that the proposed method will contribute to the deeper analysis of robust VQA metrics. Towards an End-to-End (E2E) Adversarial Learning and Application in the Physical World. (97%) Dudi Biton; Jacob Shams; Satoru Koda; Asaf Shabtai; Yuval Elovici; Ben Nassi The traditional learning process of patch-based adversarial attacks, conducted in the digital domain and then applied in the physical domain (e.g., via printed stickers), may suffer from reduced performance due to adversarial patches' limited transferability from the digital domain to the physical domain. Given that previous studies have considered using projectors to apply adversarial attacks, we raise the following question: can adversarial learning (i.e., patch generation) be performed entirely in the physical domain with a projector? In this work, we propose the Physical-domain Adversarial Patch Learning Augmentation (PAPLA) framework, a novel end-to-end (E2E) framework that converts adversarial learning from the digital domain to the physical domain using a projector. We evaluate PAPLA across multiple scenarios, including controlled laboratory settings and realistic outdoor environments, demonstrating its ability to ensure attack success compared to conventional digital learning-physical application (DL-PA) methods. We also analyze the impact of environmental factors, such as projection surface color, projector strength, ambient light, distance, and angle of the target object relative to the camera, on the effectiveness of projected patches. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of the attack against a parked car and a stop sign in a real-world outdoor environment. Our results show that under specific conditions, E2E adversarial learning in the physical domain eliminates the transferability issue and ensures evasion by object detectors. Finally, we provide insights into the challenges and opportunities of applying adversarial learning in the physical domain and explain where such an approach is more effective than using a sticker. Energy Backdoor Attack to Deep Neural Networks. (64%) Hanene F. Z. Brachemi Meftah; Wassim Hamidouche; Sid Ahmed Fezza; Olivier Déforges; Kassem Kallas The rise of deep learning (DL) has increased computing complexity and energy use, prompting the adoption of application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for energy-efficient edge and mobile deployment. However, recent studies have demonstrated the vulnerability of these accelerators to energy attacks. Despite the development of various inference time energy attacks in prior research, backdoor energy attacks remain unexplored. In this paper, we design an innovative energy backdoor attack against deep neural networks (DNNs) operating on sparsity-based accelerators. Our attack is carried out in two distinct phases: backdoor injection and backdoor stealthiness. Experimental results using ResNet-18 and MobileNet-V2 models trained on CIFAR-10 and Tiny ImageNet datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed attack in increasing energy consumption on trigger samples while preserving the model's performance for clean/regular inputs. This demonstrates the vulnerability of DNNs to energy backdoor attacks. The source code of our attack is available at: Gandalf the Red: Adaptive Security for LLMs. (38%) Niklas Pfister; Václav Volhejn; Manuel Knott; Santiago Arias; Julia Bazińska; Mykhailo Bichurin; Alan Commike; Janet Darling; Peter Dienes; Matthew Fiedler; David Haber; Matthias Kraft; Marco Lancini; Max Mathys; Damián Pascual-Ortiz; Jakub Podolak; Adrià Romero-López; Kyriacos Shiarlis; Andreas Signer; Zsolt Terek; Athanasios Theocharis; Daniel Timbrell; Samuel Trautwein; Samuel Watts; Natalie Wu; Mateo Rojas-Carulla Current evaluations of defenses against prompt attacks in large language model (LLM) applications often overlook two critical factors: the dynamic nature of adversarial behavior and the usability penalties imposed on legitimate users by restrictive defenses. We propose D-SEC (Dynamic Security Utility Threat Model), which explicitly separates attackers from legitimate users, models multi-step interactions, and rigorously expresses the security-utility in an optimizable form. We further address the shortcomings in existing evaluations by introducing Gandalf, a crowd-sourced, gamified red-teaming platform designed to generate realistic, adaptive attack datasets. Using Gandalf, we collect and release a dataset of 279k prompt attacks. Complemented by benign user data, our analysis reveals the interplay between security and utility, showing that defenses integrated in the LLM (e.g., system prompts) can degrade usability even without blocking requests. We demonstrate that restricted application domains, defense-in-depth, and adaptive defenses are effective strategies for building secure and useful LLM applications. Code is available at \href{}{\texttt{}}. Playing Devil's Advocate: Unmasking Toxicity and Vulnerabilities in Large Vision-Language Models. (2%) Abdulkadir Erol; Trilok Padhi; Agnik Saha; Ugur Kursuncu; Mehmet Emin Aktas The rapid advancement of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) has enhanced capabilities offering potential applications from content creation to productivity enhancement. Despite their innovative potential, LVLMs exhibit vulnerabilities, especially in generating potentially toxic or unsafe responses. Malicious actors can exploit these vulnerabilities to propagate toxic content in an automated (or semi-) manner, leveraging the susceptibility of LVLMs to deception via strategically crafted prompts without fine-tuning or compute-intensive procedures. Despite the red-teaming efforts and inherent potential risks associated with the LVLMs, exploring vulnerabilities of LVLMs remains nascent and yet to be fully addressed in a systematic manner. This study systematically examines the vulnerabilities of open-source LVLMs, including LLaVA, InstructBLIP, Fuyu, and Qwen, using adversarial prompt strategies that simulate real-world social manipulation tactics informed by social theories. Our findings show that (i) toxicity and insulting are the most prevalent behaviors, with the mean rates of 16.13% and 9.75%, respectively; (ii) Qwen-VL-Chat, LLaVA-v1.6-Vicuna-7b, and InstructBLIP-Vicuna-7b are the most vulnerable models, exhibiting toxic response rates of 21.50%, 18.30% and 17.90%, and insulting responses of 13.40%, 11.70% and 10.10%, respectively; (iii) prompting strategies incorporating dark humor and multimodal toxic prompt completion significantly elevated these vulnerabilities. Despite being fine-tuned for safety, these models still generate content with varying degrees of toxicity when prompted with adversarial inputs, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced safety mechanisms and robust guardrails in LVLM development. MOS-Attack: A Scalable Multi-objective Adversarial Attack Framework. (99%) Ping Guo; Cheng Gong; Xi Lin; Fei Liu; Zhichao Lu; Qingfu Zhang; Zhenkun Wang Crafting adversarial examples is crucial for evaluating and enhancing the robustness of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), presenting a challenge equivalent to maximizing a non-differentiable 0-1 loss function. However, existing single objective methods, namely adversarial attacks focus on a surrogate loss function, do not fully harness the benefits of engaging multiple loss functions, as a result of insufficient understanding of their synergistic and conflicting nature. To overcome these limitations, we propose the Multi-Objective Set-based Attack (MOS Attack), a novel adversarial attack framework leveraging multiple loss functions and automatically uncovering their interrelations. The MOS Attack adopts a set-based multi-objective optimization strategy, enabling the incorporation of numerous loss functions without additional parameters. It also automatically mines synergistic patterns among various losses, facilitating the generation of potent adversarial attacks with fewer objectives. Extensive experiments have shown that our MOS Attack outperforms single-objective attacks. Furthermore, by harnessing the identified synergistic patterns, MOS Attack continues to show superior results with a reduced number of loss functions. Exploring and Mitigating Adversarial Manipulation of Voting-Based Leaderboards. (89%) Yangsibo Huang; Milad Nasr; Anastasios Angelopoulos; Nicholas Carlini; Wei-Lin Chiang; Christopher A. Choquette-Choo; Daphne Ippolito; Matthew Jagielski; Katherine Lee; Ken Ziyu Liu; Ion Stoica; Florian Tramer; Chiyuan Zhang It is now common to evaluate Large Language Models (LLMs) by having humans manually vote to evaluate model outputs, in contrast to typical benchmarks that evaluate knowledge or skill at some particular task. Chatbot Arena, the most popular benchmark of this type, ranks models by asking users to select the better response between two randomly selected models (without revealing which model was responsible for the generations). These platforms are widely trusted as a fair and accurate measure of LLM capabilities. In this paper, we show that if bot protection and other defenses are not implemented, these voting-based benchmarks are potentially vulnerable to adversarial manipulation. Specifically, we show that an attacker can alter the leaderboard (to promote their favorite model or demote competitors) at the cost of roughly a thousand votes (verified in a simulated, offline version of Chatbot Arena). Our attack consists of two steps: first, we show how an attacker can determine which model was used to generate a given reply with more than $95\%$ accuracy; and then, the attacker can use this information to consistently vote for (or against) a target model. Working with the Chatbot Arena developers, we identify, propose, and implement mitigations to improve the robustness of Chatbot Arena against adversarial manipulation, which, based on our analysis, substantially increases the cost of such attacks. Some of these defenses were present before our collaboration, such as bot protection with Cloudflare, malicious user detection, and rate limiting. Others, including reCAPTCHA and login are being integrated to strengthen the security in Chatbot Arena. Generating Poisoning Attacks against Ridge Regression Models with Categorical Features. (64%) Monse Guedes-Ayala; Lars Schewe; Zeynep Suvak; Miguel Anjos Machine Learning (ML) models have become a very powerful tool to extract information from large datasets and use it to make accurate predictions and automated decisions. However, ML models can be vulnerable to external attacks, causing them to underperform or deviate from their expected tasks. One way to attack ML models is by injecting malicious data to mislead the algorithm during the training phase, which is referred to as a poisoning attack. We can prepare for such situations by designing anticipated attacks, which are later used for creating and testing defence strategies. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to generate strong poisoning attacks for a ridge regression model containing both numerical and categorical features that explicitly models and poisons categorical features. We model categorical features as SOS-1 sets and formulate the problem of designing poisoning attacks as a bilevel optimization problem that is nonconvex mixed-integer in the upper-level and unconstrained convex quadratic in the lower-level. We present the mathematical formulation of the problem, introduce a single-level reformulation based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions of the lower level, find bounds for the lower-level variables to accelerate solver performance, and propose a new algorithm to poison categorical features. Numerical experiments show that our method improves the mean squared error of all datasets compared to the previous benchmark in the literature. A4O: All Trigger for One sample. (2%) Duc Anh Vu; Anh Tuan Tran; Cong Tran; Cuong Pham Backdoor attacks have become a critical threat to deep neural networks (DNNs), drawing many research interests. However, most of the studied attacks employ a single type of trigger. Consequently, proposed backdoor defenders often rely on the assumption that triggers would appear in a unified way. In this paper, we show that this naive assumption can create a loophole, allowing more sophisticated backdoor attacks to bypass. We design a novel backdoor attack mechanism that incorporates multiple types of backdoor triggers, focusing on stealthiness and effectiveness. Our journey begins with the intriguing observation that the performance of a backdoor attack in deep learning models, as well as its detectability and removability, are all proportional to the magnitude of the trigger. Based on this correlation, we propose reducing the magnitude of each trigger type and combining them to achieve a strong backdoor relying on the combined trigger while still staying safely under the radar of defenders. Extensive experiments on three standard datasets demonstrate that our method can achieve high attack success rates (ASRs) while consistently bypassing state-of-the-art defenses. A Survey of Early Exit Deep Neural Networks in NLP. (1%) Divya Jyoti Bajpai; Manjesh Kumar Hanawal Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have grown increasingly large in size to achieve state of the art performance across a wide range of tasks. However, their high computational requirements make them less suitable for resource-constrained applications. Also, real-world datasets often consist of a mixture of easy and complex samples, necessitating adaptive inference mechanisms that account for sample difficulty. Early exit strategies offer a promising solution by enabling adaptive inference, where simpler samples are classified using the initial layers of the DNN, thereby accelerating the overall inference process. By attaching classifiers at different layers, early exit methods not only reduce inference latency but also improve the model robustness against adversarial attacks. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of early exit methods and their applications in NLP. Towards the Pseudorandomness of Expander Random Walks for Read-Once ACC0 circuits. (1%) Emile Anand Expander graphs are among the most useful combinatorial objects in theoretical computer science. A line of work studies random walks on expander graphs for their pseudorandomness against various classes of test functions, including symmetric functions, read-only branching programs, permutation branching programs, and $\mathrm{AC}^0$ circuits. The promising results of pseudorandomness of expander random walks against $\mathrm{AC}^0$ circuits indicate a robustness of expander random walks beyond symmetric functions, motivating the question of whether expander random walks can fool more robust \emph{asymmetric} complexity classes, such as $\mathrm{ACC}^0$. In this work, we make progress towards this question by considering certain two-layered circuit compositions of $\mathrm{MOD}[k]$ gates, where we show that these family of circuits are fooled by expander random walks with total variation distance error $O(\lambda)$, where $\lambda$ is the second largest eigenvalue of the underlying expander graph. For $k\geq 3$, these circuits can be highly asymmetric with complicated Fourier characters. In this context, our work takes a step in the direction of fooling more complex asymmetric circuits. Separately, drawing from the learning-theory literature, we construct an explicit threshold circuit in the circuit family $\mathrm{TC}^0$, and show that it \emph{is} fooled by expander random walks, providing an upper bound on the set of functions fooled by expander random walks. Protego: Detecting Adversarial Examples for Vision Transformers via Intrinsic Capabilities. (99%) Jialin Wu; Kaikai Pan; Yanjiao Chen; Jiangyi Deng; Shengyuan Pang; Wenyuan Xu Transformer models have excelled in natural language tasks, prompting the vision community to explore their implementation in computer vision problems. However, these models are still influenced by adversarial examples. In this paper, we investigate the attack capabilities of six common adversarial attacks on three pretrained ViT models to reveal the vulnerability of ViT models. To understand and analyse the bias in neural network decisions when the input is adversarial, we use two visualisation techniques that are attention rollout and grad attention rollout. To prevent ViT models from adversarial attack, we propose Protego, a detection framework that leverages the transformer intrinsic capabilities to detection adversarial examples of ViT models. Nonetheless, this is challenging due to a diversity of attack strategies that may be adopted by adversaries. Inspired by the attention mechanism, we know that the token of prediction contains all the information from the input sample. Additionally, the attention region for adversarial examples differs from that of normal examples. Given these points, we can train a detector that achieves superior performance than existing detection methods to identify adversarial examples. Our experiments have demonstrated the high effectiveness of our detection method. For these six adversarial attack methods, our detector's AUC scores all exceed 0.95. Protego may advance investigations in metaverse security. KeTS: Kernel-based Trust Segmentation against Model Poisoning Attacks. (98%) Ankit Gangwal; Mauro Conti; Tommaso Pauselli Federated Learning (FL) enables multiple users to collaboratively train a global model in a distributed manner without revealing their personal data. However, FL remains vulnerable to model poisoning attacks, where malicious actors inject crafted updates to compromise the global model's accuracy. These vulnerabilities are particularly severe in non-homogeneous environments, where clients exhibit varying proportions of class labels, resulting in heterogeneous updates. In such settings, benign outliers are often misclassified as false positives, while maliciously crafted uploads evade detection and are aggregated at the server. Existing defense mechanisms struggle in such real-world settings, resulting in significant declines in the global FL model's performance. We propose a novel defense mechanism, Kernel-based Trust Segmentation (KeTS), to counter model poisoning attacks. Unlike existing approaches, KeTS analyzes the evolution of each client's updates and effectively segments malicious clients using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE), even in the presence of benign outliers. We thoroughly evaluate KeTS's performance against the six most effective model poisoning attacks (i.e., Trim-Attack, Krum-Attack, Min-Max attack, Min-Sum attack, and their variants) on two different datasets (i.e., MNIST and Fashion-MNIST) and compare its performance with three classical robust schemes (i.e., Krum, Trim-Mean, and Median) and a state-of-the-art defense (i.e., FLTrust). Our results show that KeTS outperforms the existing defenses in every attack setting; beating the best-performing defense by an overall average of >24% (on MNIST) and >14% (on Fashion-MNIST). A series of further experiments (varying poisoning approaches, attacker population, etc.) reveal the consistent and superior performance of KeTS under diverse conditions. ZOQO: Zero-Order Quantized Optimization. (1%) Noga Bar; Raja Giryes The increasing computational and memory demands in deep learning present significant challenges, especially in resource-constrained environments. We introduce a zero-order quantized optimization (ZOQO) method designed for training models with quantized parameters and operations. Our approach leverages zero-order approximations of the gradient sign and adapts the learning process to maintain the parameters' quantization without the need for full-precision gradient calculations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ZOQO through experiments in fine-tuning of large language models and black-box adversarial attacks. Despite the limitations of zero-order and quantized operations training, our method achieves competitive performance compared to full-precision methods, highlighting its potential for low-resource environments. RogueRFM: Attacking Refresh Management for Covert-Channel and Denial-of-Service. (10%) Hritvik Taneja; Moinuddin Qureshi With lowering thresholds, transparently defending against Rowhammer within DRAM is challenging due to the lack of time to perform mitigation. Commercially deployed in-DRAM defenses like TRR that steal time from normal refreshes~(REF) to perform mitigation have been proven ineffective against Rowhammer. In response, a new Refresh Management (RFM) interface has been added to the DDR5 specifications. RFM provides dedicated time to an in-DRAM defense to perform mitigation. Several recent works have used RFM for the intended purpose - building better Rowhammer defenses. However, to the best of our knowledge, no prior study has looked at the potential security implications of this new feature if an attacker subjects it to intentional misuse. Our paper shows that RFM introduces new side effects in the system - the activity of one bank causes interference with the operation of the other banks. Thus, the latency of a bank becomes dependent on the activity of other banks. We use these side effects to build two new attacks. First, a novel memory-based covert channel, which has a bandwidth of up to 31.3 KB/s, and is also effective even in a bank-partitioned system. Second, a new Denial-of-Service (DOS) attack pattern that exploits the activity within a single bank to reduce the performance of the other banks. Our experiments on SPEC2017, PARSEC, and LIGRA workloads show a slowdown of up to 67\% when running alongside our DOS pattern. We also discuss potential countermeasures for our attacks. SafeSplit: A Novel Defense Against Client-Side Backdoor Attacks in Split Learning. (10%) Phillip Rieger; Alessandro Pegoraro; Kavita Kumari; Tigist Abera; Jonathan Knauer; Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi Split Learning (SL) is a distributed deep learning approach enabling multiple clients and a server to collaboratively train and infer on a shared deep neural network (DNN) without requiring clients to share their private local data. The DNN is partitioned in SL, with most layers residing on the server and a few initial layers and inputs on the client side. This configuration allows resource-constrained clients to participate in training and inference. However, the distributed architecture exposes SL to backdoor attacks, where malicious clients can manipulate local datasets to alter the DNN's behavior. Existing defenses from other distributed frameworks like Federated Learning are not applicable, and there is a lack of effective backdoor defenses specifically designed for SL. We present SafeSplit, the first defense against client-side backdoor attacks in Split Learning (SL). SafeSplit enables the server to detect and filter out malicious client behavior by employing circular backward analysis after a client's training is completed, iteratively reverting to a trained checkpoint where the model under examination is found to be benign. It uses a two-fold analysis to identify client-induced changes and detect poisoned models. First, a static analysis in the frequency domain measures the differences in the layer's parameters at the server. Second, a dynamic analysis introduces a novel rotational distance metric that assesses the orientation shifts of the server's layer parameters during training. Our comprehensive evaluation across various data distributions, client counts, and attack scenarios demonstrates the high efficacy of this dual analysis in mitigating backdoor attacks while preserving model utility. Effective faking of verbal deception detection with target-aligned adversarial attacks. (87%) Bennett Kleinberg; Riccardo Loconte; Bruno Verschuere Background: Deception detection through analysing language is a promising avenue using both human judgments and automated machine learning judgments. For both forms of credibility assessment, automated adversarial attacks that rewrite deceptive statements to appear truthful pose a serious threat. Methods: We used a dataset of 243 truthful and 262 fabricated autobiographical stories in a deception detection task for humans and machine learning models. A large language model was tasked to rewrite deceptive statements so that they appear truthful. In Study 1, humans who made a deception judgment or used the detailedness heuristic and two machine learning models (a fine-tuned language model and a simple n-gram model) judged original or adversarial modifications of deceptive statements. In Study 2, we manipulated the target alignment of the modifications, i.e. tailoring the attack to whether the statements would be assessed by humans or computer models. Results: When adversarial modifications were aligned with their target, human (d=-0.07 and d=-0.04) and machine judgments (51% accuracy) dropped to the chance level. When the attack was not aligned with the target, both human heuristics judgments (d=0.30 and d=0.36) and machine learning predictions (63-78%) were significantly better than chance. Conclusions: Easily accessible language models can effectively help anyone fake deception detection efforts both by humans and machine learning models. Robustness against adversarial modifications for humans and machines depends on that target alignment. We close with suggestions on advancing deception research with adversarial attack designs. UV-Attack: Physical-World Adversarial Attacks for Person Detection via Dynamic-NeRF-based UV Mapping. (81%) Yanjie Li; Wenxuan Zhang; Kaisheng Liang; Bin Xiao In recent research, adversarial attacks on person detectors using patches or static 3D model-based texture modifications have struggled with low success rates due to the flexible nature of human movement. Modeling the 3D deformations caused by various actions has been a major challenge. Fortunately, advancements in Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for dynamic human modeling offer new possibilities. In this paper, we introduce UV-Attack, a groundbreaking approach that achieves high success rates even with extensive and unseen human actions. We address the challenge above by leveraging dynamic-NeRF-based UV mapping. UV-Attack can generate human images across diverse actions and viewpoints, and even create novel actions by sampling from the SMPL parameter space. While dynamic NeRF models are capable of modeling human bodies, modifying clothing textures is challenging because they are embedded in neural network parameters. To tackle this, UV-Attack generates UV maps instead of RGB images and modifies the texture stacks. This approach enables real-time texture edits and makes the attack more practical. We also propose a novel Expectation over Pose Transformation loss (EoPT) to improve the evasion success rate on unseen poses and views. Our experiments show that UV-Attack achieves a 92.75% attack success rate against the FastRCNN model across varied poses in dynamic video settings, significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art AdvCamou attack, which only had a 28.50% ASR. Moreover, we achieve 49.5% ASR on the latest YOLOv8 detector in black-box settings. This work highlights the potential of dynamic NeRF-based UV mapping for creating more effective adversarial attacks on person detectors, addressing key challenges in modeling human movement and texture modification. Fine-tuning is Not Fine: Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in GNNs with Limited Clean Data. (80%) Jiale Zhang; Bosen Rao; Chengcheng Zhu; Xiaobing Sun; Qingming Li; Haibo Hu; Xiapu Luo; Qingqing Ye; Shouling Ji Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable performance through their message-passing mechanism. However, recent studies have highlighted the vulnerability of GNNs to backdoor attacks, which can lead the model to misclassify graphs with attached triggers as the target class. The effectiveness of recent promising defense techniques, such as fine-tuning or distillation, is heavily contingent on having comprehensive knowledge of the sufficient training dataset. Empirical studies have shown that fine-tuning methods require a clean dataset of 20% to reduce attack accuracy to below 25%, while distillation methods require a clean dataset of 15%. However, obtaining such a large amount of clean data is commonly impractical. In this paper, we propose a practical backdoor mitigation framework, denoted as GRAPHNAD, which can capture high-quality intermediate-layer representations in GNNs to enhance the distillation process with limited clean data. To achieve this, we address the following key questions: How to identify the appropriate attention representations in graphs for distillation? How to enhance distillation with limited data? By adopting the graph attention transfer method, GRAPHNAD can effectively align the intermediate-layer attention representations of the backdoored model with that of the teacher model, forcing the backdoor neurons to transform into benign ones. Besides, we extract the relation maps from intermediate-layer transformation and enforce the relation maps of the backdoored model to be consistent with that of the teacher model, thereby ensuring model accuracy while further reducing the influence of backdoors. Extensive experimental results show that by fine-tuning a teacher model with only 3% of the clean data, GRAPHNAD can reduce the attack success rate to below 5%. Towards Backdoor Stealthiness in Model Parameter Space. (61%) Xiaoyun Xu; Zhuoran Liu; Stefanos Koffas; Stjepan Picek Recent research on backdoor stealthiness focuses mainly on indistinguishable triggers in input space and inseparable backdoor representations in feature space, aiming to circumvent backdoor defenses that examine these respective spaces. However, existing backdoor attacks are typically designed to resist a specific type of backdoor defense without considering the diverse range of defense mechanisms. Based on this observation, we pose a natural question: Are current backdoor attacks truly a real-world threat when facing diverse practical defenses? To answer this question, we examine 12 common backdoor attacks that focus on input-space or feature-space stealthiness and 17 diverse representative defenses. Surprisingly, we reveal a critical blind spot: Backdoor attacks designed to be stealthy in input and feature spaces can be mitigated by examining backdoored models in parameter space. To investigate the underlying causes behind this common vulnerability, we study the characteristics of backdoor attacks in the parameter space. Notably, we find that input- and feature-space attacks introduce prominent backdoor-related neurons in parameter space, which are not thoroughly considered by current backdoor attacks. Taking comprehensive stealthiness into account, we propose a novel supply-chain attack called Grond. Grond limits the parameter changes by a simple yet effective module, Adversarial Backdoor Injection (ABI), which adaptively increases the parameter-space stealthiness during the backdoor injection. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Grond outperforms all 12 backdoor attacks against state-of-the-art (including adaptive) defenses on CIFAR-10, GTSRB, and a subset of ImageNet. In addition, we show that ABI consistently improves the effectiveness of common backdoor attacks. An Attention-Guided Deep Learning Approach for Classifying 39 Skin Lesion Types. (1%) Sauda Adiv Hanum; Ashim Dey; Muhammad Ashad Kabir The skin, as the largest organ of the human body, is vulnerable to a diverse array of conditions collectively known as skin lesions, which encompass various dermatoses. Diagnosing these lesions presents significant challenges for medical practitioners due to the subtle visual differences that are often imperceptible to the naked eye. While not all skin lesions are life-threatening, certain types can act as early indicators of severe diseases, including skin cancers, underscoring the critical need for timely and accurate diagnostic methods. Deep learning algorithms have demonstrated remarkable potential in facilitating the early detection and prognosis of skin lesions. This study advances the field by curating a comprehensive and diverse dataset comprising 39 categories of skin lesions, synthesized from five publicly available datasets. Using this dataset, the performance of five state-of-the-art deep learning models -- MobileNetV2, Xception, InceptionV3, EfficientNetB1, and Vision Transformer - is rigorously evaluated. To enhance the accuracy and robustness of these models, attention mechanisms such as the Efficient Channel Attention (ECA) and the Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) are incorporated into their architectures. Comprehensive evaluation across multiple performance metrics reveals that the Vision Transformer model integrated with CBAM outperforms others, achieving an accuracy of 93.46%, precision of 94%, recall of 93%, F1-score of 93%, and specificity of 93.67%. These results underscore the significant potential of the proposed system in supporting medical professionals with accurate and efficient prognostic tools for diagnosing a broad spectrum of skin lesions. The dataset and code used in this study can be found at HPAC-IDS: A Hierarchical Packet Attention Convolution for Intrusion Detection System. (99%) Anass Grini; Btissam El Khamlichi; Abdellatif El Afia; Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni This research introduces a robust detection system against malicious network traffic, leveraging hierarchical structures and self-attention mechanisms. The proposed system includes a Packet Segmenter that divides a given raw network packet into fixed-size segments that are fed to the HPAC-IDS. The experiments performed on CIC-IDS2017 dataset show that the system exhibits high accuracy and low false positive rates while demonstrating resilience against diverse adversarial methods like Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM), Projected Gradient Descent (PGD), and Wasserstein GAN (WGAN). The model's ability to withstand adversarial perturbations is attributed to the fusion of hierarchical attention mechanisms and convolutional neural networks, resulting in a 0% to 10% adversarial attack severity under tested adversarial attacks with different segment sizes, surpassing the state-of-the-art model in detection performance and adversarial attack robustness. DiffAttack: Diffusion-based Timbre-reserved Adversarial Attack in Speaker Identification. (97%) Qing Wang; Jixun Yao; Zhaokai Sun; Pengcheng Guo; Lei Xie; John H. L. Hansen Being a form of biometric identification, the security of the speaker identification (SID) system is of utmost importance. To better understand the robustness of SID systems, we aim to perform more realistic attacks in SID, which are challenging for both humans and machines to detect. In this study, we propose DiffAttack, a novel timbre-reserved adversarial attack approach that exploits the capability of a diffusion-based voice conversion (DiffVC) model to generate adversarial fake audio with distinct target speaker attribution. By introducing adversarial constraints into the generative process of the diffusion-based voice conversion model, we craft fake samples that effectively mislead target models while preserving speaker-wise characteristics. Specifically, inspired by the use of randomly sampled Gaussian noise in conventional adversarial attacks and diffusion processes, we incorporate adversarial constraints into the reverse diffusion process. These constraints subtly guide the reverse diffusion process toward aligning with the target speaker distribution. Our experiments on the LibriTTS dataset indicate that DiffAttack significantly improves the attack success rate compared to vanilla DiffVC and other methods. Moreover, objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate that introducing adversarial constraints does not compromise the speech quality generated by the DiffVC model. Enforcing Fundamental Relations via Adversarial Attacks on Input Parameter Correlations. (92%) Timo Saala; Lucie Flek; Alexander Jung; Akbar Karimi; Alexander Schmidt; Matthias Schott; Philipp Soldin; Christopher Wiebusch Correlations between input parameters play a crucial role in many scientific classification tasks, since these are often related to fundamental laws of nature. For example, in high energy physics, one of the common deep learning use-cases is the classification of signal and background processes in particle collisions. In many such cases, the fundamental principles of the correlations between observables are often better understood than the actual distributions of the observables themselves. In this work, we present a new adversarial attack algorithm called Random Distribution Shuffle Attack (RDSA), emphasizing the correlations between observables in the network rather than individual feature characteristics. Correct application of the proposed novel attack can result in a significant improvement in classification performance - particularly in the context of data augmentation - when using the generated adversaries within adversarial training. Given that correlations between input features are also crucial in many other disciplines. We demonstrate the RDSA effectiveness on six classification tasks, including two particle collision challenges (using CERN Open Data), hand-written digit recognition (MNIST784), human activity recognition (HAR), weather forecasting (Rain in Australia), and ICU patient mortality (MIMIC-IV), demonstrating a general use case beyond fundamental physics for this new type of adversarial attack algorithms. SpaLLM-Guard: Pairing SMS Spam Detection Using Open-source and Commercial LLMs. (50%) Muhammad Salman; Muhammad Ikram; Nardine Basta; Mohamed Ali Kaafar The increasing threat of SMS spam, driven by evolving adversarial techniques and concept drift, calls for more robust and adaptive detection methods. In this paper, we evaluate the potential of large language models (LLMs), both open-source and commercial, for SMS spam detection, comparing their performance across zero-shot, few-shot, fine-tuning, and chain-of-thought prompting approaches. Using a comprehensive dataset of SMS messages, we assess the spam detection capabilities of prominent LLMs such as GPT-4, DeepSeek, LLAMA-2, and Mixtral. Our findings reveal that while zero-shot learning provides convenience, it is unreliable for effective spam detection. Few-shot learning, particularly with carefully selected examples, improves detection but exhibits variability across models. Fine-tuning emerges as the most effective strategy, with Mixtral achieving 98.6% accuracy and a balanced false positive and false negative rate below 2%, meeting the criteria for robust spam detection. Furthermore, we explore the resilience of these models to adversarial attacks, finding that fine-tuning significantly enhances robustness against both perceptible and imperceptible manipulations. Lastly, we investigate the impact of concept drift and demonstrate that fine-tuned LLMs, especially when combined with few-shot learning, can mitigate its effects, maintaining high performance even on evolving spam datasets. This study highlights the importance of fine-tuning and tailored learning strategies to deploy LLMs effectively for real-world SMS spam detection On Measuring Unnoticeability of Graph Adversarial Attacks: Observations, New Measure, and Applications. (33%) Hyeonsoo Jo; Hyunjin Hwang; Fanchen Bu; Soo Yong Lee; Chanyoung Park; Kijung Shin Adversarial attacks are allegedly unnoticeable. Prior studies have designed attack noticeability measures on graphs, primarily using statistical tests to compare the topology of original and (possibly) attacked graphs. However, we observe two critical limitations in the existing measures. First, because the measures rely on simple rules, attackers can readily enhance their attacks to bypass them, reducing their attack "noticeability" and, yet, maintaining their attack performance. Second, because the measures naively leverage global statistics, such as degree distributions, they may entirely overlook attacks until severe perturbations occur, letting the attacks be almost "totally unnoticeable." To address the limitations, we introduce HideNSeek, a learnable measure for graph attack noticeability. First, to mitigate the bypass problem, HideNSeek learns to distinguish the original and (potential) attack edges using a learnable edge scorer (LEO), which scores each edge on its likelihood of being an attack. Second, to mitigate the overlooking problem, HideNSeek conducts imbalance-aware aggregation of all the edge scores to obtain the final noticeability score. Using six real-world graphs, we empirically demonstrate that HideNSeek effectively alleviates the observed limitations, and LEO (i.e., our learnable edge scorer) outperforms eleven competitors in distinguishing attack edges under five different attack methods. For an additional application, we show that LEO boost the performance of robust GNNs by removing attack-like edges. CROPS: Model-Agnostic Training-Free Framework for Safe Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models. (13%) Junha Park; Ian Ryu; Jaehui Hwang; Hyungkeun Park; Jiyoon Kim; Jong-Seok Lee With advances in diffusion models, image generation has shown significant performance improvements. This raises concerns about the potential abuse of image generation, such as the creation of explicit or violent images, commonly referred to as Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content. To address this, the Stable Diffusion model includes several safety checkers to censor initial text prompts and final output images generated from the model. However, recent research has shown that these safety checkers have vulnerabilities against adversarial attacks, allowing them to generate NSFW images. In this paper, we find that these adversarial attacks are not robust to small changes in text prompts or input latents. Based on this, we propose CROPS (Circular or RandOm Prompts for Safety), a model-agnostic framework that easily defends against adversarial attacks generating NSFW images without requiring additional training. Moreover, we develop an approach that utilizes one-step diffusion models for efficient NSFW detection (CROPS-1), further reducing computational resources. We demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of performance and applicability. KabaddiPy: A package to enable access to Professional Kabaddi Data. (1%) Bhaskar Lalwani; Aniruddha Mukherjee Kabaddi, a contact team sport of Indian origin, has seen a dramatic rise in global popularity, highlighted by the upcoming Kabaddi World Cup in 2025 with over sixteen international teams participating, alongside flourishing national leagues such as the Indian Pro Kabaddi League (230 million viewers) and the British Kabaddi League. We present the first open-source Python module to make Kabaddi statistical data easily accessible from multiple scattered sources across the internet. The module was developed by systematically web-scraping and collecting team-wise, player-wise and match-by-match data. The data has been cleaned, organized, and categorized into team overviews and player metrics, each filterable by season. The players are classified as raiders and defenders, with their best strategies for attacking, counter-attacking, and defending against different teams highlighted. Our module enables continuous monitoring of exponentially growing data streams, aiding researchers to quickly start building upon the data to answer critical questions, such as the impact of player inclusion/exclusion on team performance, scoring patterns against specific teams, and break down opponent gameplay. The data generated from Kabaddi tournaments has been sparsely used, and coaches and players rely heavily on intuition to make decisions and craft strategies. Our module can be utilized to build predictive models, craft uniquely strategic gameplays to target opponents and identify hidden correlations in the data. This open source module has the potential to increase time-efficiency, encourage analytical studies of Kabaddi gameplay and player dynamics and foster reproducible research. The data and code are publicly available: Is Your Autonomous Vehicle Safe? Understanding the Threat of Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks on Traffic Scene Perception. (1%) Wenhao Liao; Sineng Yan; Youqian Zhang; Xinwei Zhai; Yuanyuan Wang; Eugene Yujun Fu Autonomous vehicles rely on camera-based perception systems to comprehend their driving environment and make crucial decisions, thereby ensuring vehicles to steer safely. However, a significant threat known as Electromagnetic Signal Injection Attacks (ESIA) can distort the images captured by these cameras, leading to incorrect AI decisions and potentially compromising the safety of autonomous vehicles. Despite the serious implications of ESIA, there is limited understanding of its impacts on the robustness of AI models across various and complex driving scenarios. To address this gap, our research analyzes the performance of different models under ESIA, revealing their vulnerabilities to the attacks. Moreover, due to the challenges in obtaining real-world attack data, we develop a novel ESIA simulation method and generate a simulated attack dataset for different driving scenarios. Our research provides a comprehensive simulation and evaluation framework, aiming to enhance the development of more robust AI models and secure intelligent systems, ultimately contributing to the advancement of safer and more reliable technology across various fields. RAG-WM: An Efficient Black-Box Watermarking Approach for Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models. (1%) Peizhuo Lv; Mengjie Sun; Hao Wang; Xiaofeng Wang; Shengzhi Zhang; Yuxuan Chen; Kai Chen; Limin Sun In recent years, tremendous success has been witnessed in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), widely used to enhance Large Language Models (LLMs) in domain-specific, knowledge-intensive, and privacy-sensitive tasks. However, attackers may steal those valuable RAGs and deploy or commercialize them, making it essential to detect Intellectual Property (IP) infringement. Most existing ownership protection solutions, such as watermarks, are designed for relational databases and texts. They cannot be directly applied to RAGs because relational database watermarks require white-box access to detect IP infringement, which is unrealistic for the knowledge base in RAGs. Meanwhile, post-processing by the adversary's deployed LLMs typically destructs text watermark information. To address those problems, we propose a novel black-box "knowledge watermark" approach, named RAG-WM, to detect IP infringement of RAGs. RAG-WM uses a multi-LLM interaction framework, comprising a Watermark Generator, Shadow LLM & RAG, and Watermark Discriminator, to create watermark texts based on watermark entity-relationship tuples and inject them into the target RAG. We evaluate RAG-WM across three domain-specific and two privacy-sensitive tasks on four benchmark LLMs. Experimental results show that RAG-WM effectively detects the stolen RAGs in various deployed LLMs. Furthermore, RAG-WM is robust against paraphrasing, unrelated content removal, knowledge insertion, and knowledge expansion attacks. Lastly, RAG-WM can also evade watermark detection approaches, highlighting its promising application in detecting IP infringement of RAG systems. LayerMix: Enhanced Data Augmentation through Fractal Integration for Robust Deep Learning. (86%) Hafiz Mughees Ahmad; Dario Morle; Afshin Rahimi Deep learning models have demonstrated remarkable performance across various computer vision tasks, yet their vulnerability to distribution shifts remains a critical challenge. Despite sophisticated neural network architectures, existing models often struggle to maintain consistent performance when confronted with Out-of-Distribution (OOD) samples, including natural corruptions, adversarial perturbations, and anomalous patterns. We introduce LayerMix, an innovative data augmentation approach that systematically enhances model robustness through structured fractal-based image synthesis. By meticulously integrating structural complexity into training datasets, our method generates semantically consistent synthetic samples that significantly improve neural network generalization capabilities. Unlike traditional augmentation techniques that rely on random transformations, LayerMix employs a structured mixing pipeline that preserves original image semantics while introducing controlled variability. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmark datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-200, and ImageNet-1K demonstrate LayerMixs superior performance in classification accuracy and substantially enhances critical Machine Learning (ML) safety metrics, including resilience to natural image corruptions, robustness against adversarial attacks, improved model calibration and enhanced prediction consistency. LayerMix represents a significant advancement toward developing more reliable and adaptable artificial intelligence systems by addressing the fundamental challenges of deep learning generalization. The code is available at Reproducing HotFlip for Corpus Poisoning Attacks in Dense Retrieval. (84%) Yongkang Li; Panagiotis Eustratiadis; Evangelos Kanoulas HotFlip is a topical gradient-based word substitution method for attacking language models. Recently, this method has been further applied to attack retrieval systems by generating malicious passages that are injected into a corpus, i.e., corpus poisoning. However, HotFlip is known to be computationally inefficient, with the majority of time being spent on gradient accumulation for each query-passage pair during the adversarial token generation phase, making it impossible to generate an adequate number of adversarial passages in a reasonable amount of time. Moreover, the attack method itself assumes access to a set of user queries, a strong assumption that does not correspond to how real-world adversarial attacks are usually performed. In this paper, we first significantly boost the efficiency of HotFlip, reducing the adversarial generation process from 4 hours per document to only 15 minutes, using the same hardware. We further contribute experiments and analysis on two additional tasks: (1) transfer-based black-box attacks, and (2) query-agnostic attacks. Whenever possible, we provide comparisons between the original method and our improved version. Our experiments demonstrate that HotFlip can effectively attack a variety of dense retrievers, with an observed trend that its attack performance diminishes against more advanced and recent methods. Interestingly, we observe that while HotFlip performs poorly in a black-box setting, indicating limited capacity for generalization, in query-agnostic scenarios its performance is correlated to the volume of injected adversarial passages. Gradient Purification: Defense Against Poisoning Attack in Decentralized Federated Learning. (78%) Bin Li; Xiaoye Miao; Yongheng Shang; Xinkui Zhao; Shuiguang Deng; Jianwei Yin Decentralized federated learning (DFL) is inherently vulnerable to poisoning attacks, as malicious clients can transmit manipulated model gradients to neighboring clients. Existing defense methods either reject suspicious gradients per iteration or restart DFL aggregation after detecting all malicious clients. They overlook the potential accuracy benefit from the discarded malicious gradients. In this paper, we propose a novel gradient purification defense, named GPD, that integrates seamlessly with existing DFL aggregation to defend against poisoning attacks. It aims to mitigate the harm in model gradients while retaining the benefit in model weights for enhancing accuracy. For each benign client in GPD, a recording variable is designed to track the historically aggregated gradients from one of its neighbors. It allows benign clients to precisely detect malicious neighbors and swiftly mitigate aggregated malicious gradients via historical consistency checks. Upon mitigation, GPD optimizes model weights via aggregating gradients solely from benign clients. This retains the previously beneficial portions from malicious clients and exploits the contributions from benign clients, thereby significantly enhancing the model accuracy. We analyze the convergence of GPD, as well as its ability to harvest high accuracy. Extensive experiments over three datasets demonstrate that, GPD is capable of mitigating poisoning attacks under both iid and non-iid data distributions. It significantly outperforms state-of-the-art defenses in terms of accuracy against various poisoning attacks. Jailbreaking Multimodal Large Language Models via Shuffle Inconsistency. (38%) Shiji Zhao; Ranjie Duan; Fengxiang Wang; Chi Chen; Caixin Kang; Jialing Tao; YueFeng Chen; Hui Xue; Xingxing Wei Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have achieved impressive performance and have been put into practical use in commercial applications, but they still have potential safety mechanism vulnerabilities. Jailbreak attacks are red teaming methods that aim to bypass safety mechanisms and discover MLLMs' potential risks. Existing MLLMs' jailbreak methods often bypass the model's safety mechanism through complex optimization methods or carefully designed image and text prompts. Despite achieving some progress, they have a low attack success rate on commercial closed-source MLLMs. Unlike previous research, we empirically find that there exists a Shuffle Inconsistency between MLLMs' comprehension ability and safety ability for the shuffled harmful instruction. That is, from the perspective of comprehension ability, MLLMs can understand the shuffled harmful text-image instructions well. However, they can be easily bypassed by the shuffled harmful instructions from the perspective of safety ability, leading to harmful responses. Then we innovatively propose a text-image jailbreak attack named SI-Attack. Specifically, to fully utilize the Shuffle Inconsistency and overcome the shuffle randomness, we apply a query-based black-box optimization method to select the most harmful shuffled inputs based on the feedback of the toxic judge model. A series of experiments show that SI-Attack can improve the attack's performance on three benchmarks. In particular, SI-Attack can obviously improve the attack success rate for commercial MLLMs such as GPT-4o or Claude-3.5-Sonnet. Towards Fair Class-wise Robustness: Class Optimal Distribution Adversarial Training. (26%) Hongxin Zhi; Hongtao Yu; Shaome Li; Xiuming Zhao; Yiteng Wu Adversarial training has proven to be a highly effective method for improving the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial attacks. Nonetheless, it has been observed to exhibit a limitation in terms of robust fairness, characterized by a significant disparity in robustness across different classes. Recent efforts to mitigate this problem have turned to class-wise reweighted methods. However, these methods suffer from a lack of rigorous theoretical analysis and are limited in their exploration of the weight space, as they mainly rely on existing heuristic algorithms or intuition to compute weights. In addition, these methods fail to guarantee the consistency of the optimization direction due to the decoupled optimization of weights and the model parameters. They potentially lead to suboptimal weight assignments and consequently, a suboptimal model. To address these problems, this paper proposes a novel min-max training framework, Class Optimal Distribution Adversarial Training (CODAT), which employs distributionally robust optimization to fully explore the class-wise weight space, thus enabling the identification of the optimal weight with theoretical guarantees. Furthermore, we derive a closed-form optimal solution to the internal maximization and then get a deterministic equivalent objective function, which provides a theoretical basis for the joint optimization of weights and model parameters. Meanwhile, we propose a fairness elasticity coefficient for the evaluation of the algorithm with regard to both robustness and robust fairness. Experimental results on various datasets show that the proposed method can effectively improve the robust fairness of the model and outperform the state-of-the-art approaches. Rethinking Adversarial Attacks in Reinforcement Learning from Policy Distribution Perspective. (81%) Tianyang Duan; Zongyuan Zhang; Zheng Lin; Yue Gao; Ling Xiong; Yong Cui; Hongbin Liang; Xianhao Chen; Heming Cui; Dong Huang Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) suffers from uncertainties and inaccuracies in the observation signal in realworld applications. Adversarial attack is an effective method for evaluating the robustness of DRL agents. However, existing attack methods targeting individual sampled actions have limited impacts on the overall policy distribution, particularly in continuous action spaces. To address these limitations, we propose the Distribution-Aware Projected Gradient Descent attack (DAPGD). DAPGD uses distribution similarity as the gradient perturbation input to attack the policy network, which leverages the entire policy distribution rather than relying on individual samples. We utilize the Bhattacharyya distance in DAPGD to measure policy similarity, enabling sensitive detection of subtle but critical differences between probability distributions. Our experiment results demonstrate that DAPGD achieves SOTA results compared to the baselines in three robot navigation tasks, achieving an average 22.03% higher reward drop compared to the best baseline. Not all tokens are created equal: Perplexity Attention Weighted Networks for AI generated text detection. (3%) Pablo Miralles-González; Javier Huertas-Tato; Alejandro Martín; David Camacho The rapid advancement in large language models (LLMs) has significantly enhanced their ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant text, raising concerns about the misuse of AI-generated content and making it critical to detect it. However, the task remains challenging, particularly in unseen domains or with unfamiliar LLMs. Leveraging LLM next-token distribution outputs offers a theoretically appealing approach for detection, as they encapsulate insights from the models' extensive pre-training on diverse corpora. Despite its promise, zero-shot methods that attempt to operationalize these outputs have met with limited success. We hypothesize that one of the problems is that they use the mean to aggregate next-token distribution metrics across tokens, when some tokens are naturally easier or harder to predict and should be weighted differently. Based on this idea, we propose the Perplexity Attention Weighted Network (PAWN), which uses the last hidden states of the LLM and positions to weight the sum of a series of features based on metrics from the next-token distribution across the sequence length. Although not zero-shot, our method allows us to cache the last hidden states and next-token distribution metrics on disk, greatly reducing the training resource requirements. PAWN shows competitive and even better performance in-distribution than the strongest baselines (fine-tuned LMs) with a fraction of their trainable parameters. Our model also generalizes better to unseen domains and source models, with smaller variability in the decision boundary across distribution shifts. It is also more robust to adversarial attacks, and if the backbone has multilingual capabilities, it presents decent generalization to languages not seen during supervised training, with LLaMA3-1B reaching a mean macro-averaged F1 score of 81.46% in cross-validation with nine languages. FlipedRAG: Black-Box Opinion Manipulation Attacks to Retrieval-Augmented Generation of Large Language Models. (82%) Zhuo Chen; Yuyang Gong; Miaokun Chen; Haotan Liu; Qikai Cheng; Fan Zhang; Wei Lu; Xiaozhong Liu; Jiawei Liu Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) addresses hallucination and real-time constraints by dynamically retrieving relevant information from a knowledge database to supplement the LLMs' input. When presented with a query, RAG selects the most semantically similar texts from its knowledge bases and uses them as context for the LLMs to generate more accurate responses. RAG also creates a new attack surface, especially since RAG databases are frequently sourced from public domains. While existing studies have predominantly focused on optimizing RAG's performance and efficiency, emerging research has begun addressing the security concerns associated with RAG. However, these works have some limitations, typically focusing on either white-box methodologies or heuristic-based black-box attacks. Furthermore, prior research has mainly targeted simple factoid question answering, which is neither practically challenging nor resistant to correction. In this paper, we unveil a more realistic and threatening scenario: opinion manipulation for controversial topics against RAG. Particularly, we propose a novel RAG black-box attack method, termed FlipedRAG, which is transfer-based. By leveraging instruction engineering, we obtain partial retrieval model outputs from black-box RAG system, facilitating the training of surrogate models to enhance the effectiveness of opinion manipulation attack. Extensive experimental results confirms that our approach significantly enhances the average success rate of opinion manipulation by 16.7%. It achieves an average of a 50% directional change in the opinion polarity of RAG responses across four themes. Additionally, it induces a 20% shift in user cognition. Furthermore, we discuss the efficacy of potential defense mechanisms and conclude that they are insufficient in mitigating this type of attack, highlighting the urgent need to develop novel defensive strategies. An Empirical Study of Accuracy-Robustness Tradeoff and Training Efficiency in Self-Supervised Learning. (3%) Fatemeh Ghofrani; Pooyan Jamshidi Self-supervised learning (SSL) has significantly advanced image representation learning, yet efficiency challenges persist, particularly with adversarial training. Many SSL methods require extensive epochs to achieve convergence, a demand further amplified in adversarial settings. To address this inefficiency, we revisit the robust EMP-SSL framework, emphasizing the importance of increasing the number of crops per image to accelerate learning. Unlike traditional contrastive learning, robust EMP-SSL leverages multi-crop sampling, integrates an invariance term and regularization, and reduces training epochs, enhancing time efficiency. Evaluated with both standard linear classifiers and multi-patch embedding aggregation, robust EMP-SSL provides new insights into SSL evaluation strategies. Our results show that robust crop-based EMP-SSL not only accelerates convergence but also achieves a superior balance between clean accuracy and adversarial robustness, outperforming multi-crop embedding aggregation. Additionally, we extend this approach with free adversarial training in Multi-Crop SSL, introducing the Cost-Free Adversarial Multi-Crop Self-Supervised Learning (CF-AMC-SSL) method. CF-AMC-SSL demonstrates the effectiveness of free adversarial training in reducing training time while simultaneously improving clean accuracy and adversarial robustness. These findings underscore the potential of CF-AMC-SSL for practical SSL applications. Our code is publicly available at Rethinking Byzantine Robustness in Federated Recommendation from Sparse Aggregation Perspective. (2%) Zhongjian Zhang; Mengmei Zhang; Xiao Wang; Lingjuan Lyu; Bo Yan; Junping Du; Chuan Shi To preserve user privacy in recommender systems, federated recommendation (FR) based on federated learning (FL) emerges, keeping the personal data on the local client and updating a model collaboratively. Unlike FL, FR has a unique sparse aggregation mechanism, where the embedding of each item is updated by only partial clients, instead of full clients in a dense aggregation of general FL. Recently, as an essential principle of FL, model security has received increasing attention, especially for Byzantine attacks, where malicious clients can send arbitrary updates. The problem of exploring the Byzantine robustness of FR is particularly critical since in the domains applying FR, e.g., e-commerce, malicious clients can be injected easily by registering new accounts. However, existing Byzantine works neglect the unique sparse aggregation of FR, making them unsuitable for our problem. Thus, we make the first effort to investigate Byzantine attacks on FR from the perspective of sparse aggregation, which is non-trivial: it is not clear how to define Byzantine robustness under sparse aggregations and design Byzantine attacks under limited knowledge/capability. In this paper, we reformulate the Byzantine robustness under sparse aggregation by defining the aggregation for a single item as the smallest execution unit. Then we propose a family of effective attack strategies, named Spattack, which exploit the vulnerability in sparse aggregation and are categorized along the adversary's knowledge and capability. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that Spattack can effectively prevent convergence and even break down defenses under a few malicious clients, raising alarms for securing FR systems. Seeing the Whole in the Parts in Self-Supervised Representation Learning. (1%) Arthur Aubret; Céline Teulière; Jochen Triesch Recent successes in self-supervised learning (SSL) model spatial co-occurrences of visual features either by masking portions of an image or by aggressively cropping it. Here, we propose a new way to model spatial co-occurrences by aligning local representations (before pooling) with a global image representation. We present CO-SSL, a family of instance discrimination methods and show that it outperforms previous methods on several datasets, including ImageNet-1K where it achieves 71.5% of Top-1 accuracy with 100 pre-training epochs. CO-SSL is also more robust to noise corruption, internal corruption, small adversarial attacks, and large training crop sizes. Our analysis further indicates that CO-SSL learns highly redundant local representations, which offers an explanation for its robustness. Overall, our work suggests that aligning local and global representations may be a powerful principle of unsupervised category learning. GCP: Guarded Collaborative Perception with Spatial-Temporal Aware Malicious Agent Detection. (67%) Yihang Tao; Senkang Hu; Yue Hu; Haonan An; Hangcheng Cao; Yuguang Fang Collaborative perception significantly enhances autonomous driving safety by extending each vehicle's perception range through message sharing among connected and autonomous vehicles. Unfortunately, it is also vulnerable to adversarial message attacks from malicious agents, resulting in severe performance degradation. While existing defenses employ hypothesis-and-verification frameworks to detect malicious agents based on single-shot outliers, they overlook temporal message correlations, which can be circumvented by subtle yet harmful perturbations in model input and output spaces. This paper reveals a novel blind area confusion (BAC) attack that compromises existing single-shot outlier-based detection methods. As a countermeasure, we propose GCP, a Guarded Collaborative Perception framework based on spatial-temporal aware malicious agent detection, which maintains single-shot spatial consistency through a confidence-scaled spatial concordance loss, while simultaneously examining temporal anomalies by reconstructing historical bird's eye view motion flows in low-confidence regions. We also employ a joint spatial-temporal Benjamini-Hochberg test to synthesize dual-domain anomaly results for reliable malicious agent detection. Extensive experiments demonstrate GCP's superior performance under diverse attack scenarios, achieving up to 34.69% improvements in AP@0.5 compared to the state-of-the-art CP defense strategies under BAC attacks, while maintaining consistent 5-8% improvements under other typical attacks. Code will be released at Layer-Level Self-Exposure and Patch: Affirmative Token Mitigation for Jailbreak Attack Defense. (62%) Yang Ouyang; Hengrui Gu; Shuhang Lin; Wenyue Hua; Jie Peng; Bhavya Kailkhura; Tianlong Chen; Kaixiong Zhou As large language models (LLMs) are increasingly deployed in diverse applications, including chatbot assistants and code generation, aligning their behavior with safety and ethical standards has become paramount. However, jailbreak attacks, which exploit vulnerabilities to elicit unintended or harmful outputs, threaten LLMs' safety significantly. In this paper, we introduce Layer-AdvPatcher, a novel methodology designed to defend against jailbreak attacks by utilizing an unlearning strategy to patch specific layers within LLMs through self-augmented datasets. Our insight is that certain layer(s), tend to produce affirmative tokens when faced with harmful prompts. By identifying these layers and adversarially exposing them to generate more harmful data, one can understand their inherent and diverse vulnerabilities to attacks. With these exposures, we then "unlearn" these issues, reducing the impact of affirmative tokens and hence minimizing jailbreak risks while keeping the model's responses to safe queries intact. We conduct extensive experiments on two models, four benchmark datasets, and multiple state-of-the-art jailbreak benchmarks to demonstrate the efficacy of our approach. Results indicate that our framework reduces the harmfulness and attack success rate of jailbreak attacks without compromising utility for benign queries compared to recent defense methods. Tougher Text, Smarter Models: Raising the Bar for Adversarial Defence Benchmarks. (54%) Yang Wang; Chenghua Lin vulnerability of deep learning models to adversarial attacks. While various defence mechanisms have been proposed, there is a lack of comprehensive benchmarks that evaluate these defences across diverse datasets, models, and tasks. In this work, we address this gap by presenting an extensive benchmark for textual adversarial defence that significantly expands upon previous work. Our benchmark incorporates a wide range of datasets, evaluates state-of-the-art defence mechanisms, and extends the assessment to include critical tasks such as single-sentence classification, similarity and paraphrase identification, natural language inference, and commonsense reasoning. This work not only serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of adversarial robustness but also identifies key areas for future research in textual adversarial defence. By establishing a new standard for benchmarking in this domain, we aim to accelerate progress towards more robust and reliable natural language processing systems. Persistence of Backdoor-based Watermarks for Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Evaluation. (5%) Anh Tu Ngo; Chuan Song Heng; Nandish Chattopadhyay; Anupam Chattopadhyay Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have gained considerable traction in recent years due to the unparalleled results they gathered. However, the cost behind training such sophisticated models is resource intensive, resulting in many to consider DNNs to be intellectual property (IP) to model owners. In this era of cloud computing, high-performance DNNs are often deployed all over the internet so that people can access them publicly. As such, DNN watermarking schemes, especially backdoor-based watermarks, have been actively developed in recent years to preserve proprietary rights. Nonetheless, there lies much uncertainty on the robustness of existing backdoor watermark schemes, towards both adversarial attacks and unintended means such as fine-tuning neural network models. One reason for this is that no complete guarantee of robustness can be assured in the context of backdoor-based watermark. In this paper, we extensively evaluate the persistence of recent backdoor-based watermarks within neural networks in the scenario of fine-tuning, we propose/develop a novel data-driven idea to restore watermark after fine-tuning without exposing the trigger set. Our empirical results show that by solely introducing training data after fine-tuning, the watermark can be restored if model parameters do not shift dramatically during fine-tuning. Depending on the types of trigger samples used, trigger accuracy can be reinstated to up to 100%. Our study further explores how the restoration process works using loss landscape visualization, as well as the idea of introducing training data in fine-tuning stage to alleviate watermark vanishing. Distillation-Enhanced Physical Adversarial Attacks. (96%) Wei Liu; Yonglin Wu; Chaoqun Li; Zhuodong Liu; Huanqian Yan The study of physical adversarial patches is crucial for identifying vulnerabilities in AI-based recognition systems and developing more robust deep learning models. While recent research has focused on improving patch stealthiness for greater practical applicability, achieving an effective balance between stealth and attack performance remains a significant challenge. To address this issue, we propose a novel physical adversarial attack method that leverages knowledge distillation. Specifically, we first define a stealthy color space tailored to the target environment to ensure smooth blending. Then, we optimize an adversarial patch in an unconstrained color space, which serves as the 'teacher' patch. Finally, we use an adversarial knowledge distillation module to transfer the teacher patch's knowledge to the 'student' patch, guiding the optimization of the stealthy patch. Experimental results show that our approach improves attack performance by 20%, while maintaining stealth, highlighting its practical value. Backdoor Token Unlearning: Exposing and Defending Backdoors in Pretrained Language Models. (75%) Peihai Jiang; Xixiang Lyu; Yige Li; Jing Ma Supervised fine-tuning has become the predominant method for adapting large pretrained models to downstream tasks. However, recent studies have revealed that these models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where even a small number of malicious samples can successfully embed backdoor triggers into the model. While most existing defense methods focus on post-training backdoor defense, efficiently defending against backdoor attacks during training phase remains largely unexplored. To address this gap, we propose a novel defense method called Backdoor Token Unlearning (BTU), which proactively detects and neutralizes trigger tokens during the training stage. Our work is based on two key findings: 1) backdoor learning causes distinctive differences between backdoor token parameters and clean token parameters in word embedding layers, and 2) the success of backdoor attacks heavily depends on backdoor token parameters. The BTU defense leverages these properties to identify aberrant embedding parameters and subsequently removes backdoor behaviors using a fine-grained unlearning technique. Extensive evaluations across three datasets and four types of backdoor attacks demonstrate that BTU effectively defends against these threats while preserving the model's performance on primary tasks. Our code is available at BADTV: Unveiling Backdoor Threats in Third-Party Task Vectors. (22%) Chia-Yi Hsu; Yu-Lin Tsai; Yu Zhe; Yan-Lun Chen; Chih-Hsun Lin; Chia-Mu Yu; Yang Zhang; Chun-Ying Huang; Jun Sakuma Task arithmetic in large-scale pre-trained models enables flexible adaptation to diverse downstream tasks without extensive re-training. By leveraging task vectors (TVs), users can perform modular updates to pre-trained models through simple arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction. However, this flexibility introduces new security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we identify and evaluate the susceptibility of TVs to backdoor attacks, demonstrating how malicious actors can exploit TVs to compromise model integrity. By developing composite backdoors and eliminating redudant clean tasks, we introduce BadTV, a novel backdoor attack specifically designed to remain effective under task learning, forgetting, and analogies operations. Our extensive experiments reveal that BadTV achieves near-perfect attack success rates across various scenarios, significantly impacting the security of models using task arithmetic. We also explore existing defenses, showing that current methods fail to detect or mitigate BadTV. Our findings highlight the need for robust defense mechanisms to secure TVs in real-world applications, especially as TV services become more popular in machine-learning ecosystems. Towards Robust and Accurate Stability Estimation of Local Surrogate Models in Text-based Explainable AI. (98%) Christopher Burger; Charles Walter; Thai Le; Lingwei Chen Recent work has investigated the concept of adversarial attacks on explainable AI (XAI) in the NLP domain with a focus on examining the vulnerability of local surrogate methods such as Lime to adversarial perturbations or small changes on the input of a machine learning (ML) model. In such attacks, the generated explanation is manipulated while the meaning and structure of the original input remain similar under the ML model. Such attacks are especially alarming when XAI is used as a basis for decision making (e.g., prescribing drugs based on AI medical predictors) or for legal action (e.g., legal dispute involving AI software). Although weaknesses across many XAI methods have been shown to exist, the reasons behind why remain little explored. Central to this XAI manipulation is the similarity measure used to calculate how one explanation differs from another. A poor choice of similarity measure can lead to erroneous conclusions about the stability or adversarial robustness of an XAI method. Therefore, this work investigates a variety of similarity measures designed for text-based ranked lists referenced in related work to determine their comparative suitability for use. We find that many measures are overly sensitive, resulting in erroneous estimates of stability. We then propose a weighting scheme for text-based data that incorporates the synonymity between the features within an explanation, providing more accurate estimates of the actual weakness of XAI methods to adversarial examples. Exploring Secure Machine Learning Through Payload Injection and FGSM Attacks on ResNet-50. (93%) Umesh Yadav; Suman Niraula; Gaurav Kumar Gupta; Bicky Yadav This paper investigates the resilience of a ResNet-50 image classification model under two prominent security threats: Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) adversarial attacks and malicious payload injection. Initially, the model attains a 53.33% accuracy on clean images. When subjected to FGSM perturbations, its overall accuracy remains unchanged; however, the model's confidence in incorrect predictions notably increases. Concurrently, a payload injection scheme is successfully executed in 93.33% of the tested samples, revealing how stealthy attacks can manipulate model predictions without degrading visual quality. These findings underscore the vulnerability of even high-performing neural networks and highlight the urgency of developing more robust defense mechanisms for security-critical applications. Detecting and Mitigating Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-Based MRI Reconstruction Without Any Retraining. (84%) Mahdi Saberi; Chi Zhang; Mehmet Akcakaya Deep learning (DL) methods, especially those based on physics-driven DL, have become the state-of-the-art for reconstructing sub-sampled magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. However, studies have shown that these methods are susceptible to small adversarial input perturbations, or attacks, resulting in major distortions in the output images. Various strategies have been proposed to reduce the effects of these attacks, but they require retraining and may lower reconstruction quality for non-perturbed/clean inputs. In this work, we propose a novel approach for detecting and mitigating adversarial attacks on MRI reconstruction models without any retraining. Our detection strategy is based on the idea of cyclic measurement consistency. The output of the model is mapped to another set of MRI measurements for a different sub-sampling pattern, and this synthesized data is reconstructed with the same model. Intuitively, without an attack, the second reconstruction is expected to be consistent with the first, while with an attack, disruptions are present. Subsequently, this idea is extended to devise a novel objective function, which is minimized within a small ball around the attack input for mitigation. Experimental results show that our method substantially reduces the impact of adversarial perturbations across different datasets, attack types/strengths and PD-DL networks, and qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms conventional mitigation methods that involve retraining. Rerouting LLM Routers. (82%) Avital Shafran; Roei Schuster; Thomas Ristenpart; Vitaly Shmatikov LLM routers aim to balance quality and cost of generation by classifying queries and routing them to a cheaper or more expensive LLM depending on their complexity. Routers represent one type of what we call LLM control planes: systems that orchestrate use of one or more LLMs. In this paper, we investigate routers' adversarial robustness. We first define LLM control plane integrity, i.e., robustness of LLM orchestration to adversarial inputs, as a distinct problem in AI safety. Next, we demonstrate that an adversary can generate query-independent token sequences we call ``confounder gadgets'' that, when added to any query, cause LLM routers to send the query to a strong LLM. Our quantitative evaluation shows that this attack is successful both in white-box and black-box settings against a variety of open-source and commercial routers, and that confounding queries do not affect the quality of LLM responses. Finally, we demonstrate that gadgets can be effective while maintaining low perplexity, thus perplexity-based filtering is not an effective defense. We finish by investigating alternative defenses. AVTrustBench: Assessing and Enhancing Reliability and Robustness in Audio-Visual LLMs. (69%) Sanjoy Chowdhury; Sayan Nag; Subhrajyoti Dasgupta; Yaoting Wang; Mohamed Elhoseiny; Ruohan Gao; Dinesh Manocha With the rapid advancement of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs), several diagnostic benchmarks have recently been developed to assess these models' multi-modal reasoning proficiency. However, these benchmarks are restricted to assessing primarily the visual aspect and do not examine the holistic audio-visual (AV) understanding. Moreover, currently, there are no benchmarks that investigate the capabilities of AVLLMs to calibrate their responses when presented with perturbed inputs. To this end, we introduce Audio-Visual Trustworthiness assessment Benchmark (AVTrustBench), comprising 600K samples spanning over 9 meticulously crafted tasks, evaluating the capabilities of AVLLMs across three distinct dimensions: Adversarial attack, Compositional reasoning, and Modality-specific dependency. Using our benchmark we extensively evaluate 13 state-of-the-art AVLLMs. The findings reveal that the majority of existing models fall significantly short of achieving human-like comprehension, offering valuable insights for future research directions. To alleviate the limitations in the existing approaches, we further propose a robust, model-agnostic calibrated audio-visual preference optimization based training strategy CAVPref, obtaining a gain up to 30.19% across all 9 tasks. We will publicly release our code and benchmark to facilitate future research in this direction. Turning Logic Against Itself : Probing Model Defenses Through Contrastive Questions. (62%) Rachneet Sachdeva; Rima Hazra; Iryna Gurevych Despite significant efforts to align large language models with human values and ethical guidelines, these models remain susceptible to sophisticated jailbreak attacks that exploit their reasoning capabilities. Traditional safety mechanisms often focus on detecting explicit malicious intent, leaving deeper vulnerabilities unaddressed. In this work, we introduce a jailbreak technique, POATE (Polar Opposite query generation, Adversarial Template construction, and Elaboration), which leverages contrastive reasoning to elicit unethical responses. POATE generates prompts with semantically opposite intents and combines them with adversarial templates to subtly direct models toward producing harmful responses. We conduct extensive evaluations across six diverse language model families of varying parameter sizes, including LLaMA3, Gemma2, Phi3, and GPT-4, to demonstrate the robustness of the attack, achieving significantly higher attack success rates (~44%) compared to existing methods. We evaluate our proposed attack against seven safety defenses, revealing their limitations in addressing reasoning-based vulnerabilities. To counteract this, we propose a defense strategy that improves reasoning robustness through chain-of-thought prompting and reverse thinking, mitigating reasoning-driven adversarial exploits. Mingling with the Good to Backdoor Federated Learning. (12%) Nuno Neves Federated learning (FL) is a decentralized machine learning technique that allows multiple entities to jointly train a model while preserving dataset privacy. However, its distributed nature has raised various security concerns, which have been addressed by increasingly sophisticated defenses. These protections utilize a range of data sources and metrics to, for example, filter out malicious model updates, ensuring that the impact of attacks is minimized or eliminated. This paper explores the feasibility of designing a generic attack method capable of installing backdoors in FL while evading a diverse array of defenses. Specifically, we focus on an attacker strategy called MIGO, which aims to produce model updates that subtly blend with legitimate ones. The resulting effect is a gradual integration of a backdoor into the global model, often ensuring its persistence long after the attack concludes, while generating enough ambiguity to hinder the effectiveness of defenses. MIGO was employed to implant three types of backdoors across five datasets and different model architectures. The results demonstrate the significant threat posed by these backdoors, as MIGO consistently achieved exceptionally high backdoor accuracy (exceeding 90%) while maintaining the utility of the main task. Moreover, MIGO exhibited strong evasion capabilities against ten defenses, including several state-of-the-art methods. When compared to four other attack strategies, MIGO consistently outperformed them across most configurations. Notably, even in extreme scenarios where the attacker controls just 0.1% of the clients, the results indicate that successful backdoor insertion is possible if the attacker can persist for a sufficient number of rounds. AdaMixup: A Dynamic Defense Framework for Membership Inference Attack Mitigation. (10%) Ying Chen; Jiajing Chen; Yijie Weng; ChiaHua Chang; Dezhi Yu; Guanbiao Lin Membership inference attacks have emerged as a significant privacy concern in the training of deep learning models, where attackers can infer whether a data point was part of the training set based on the model's outputs. To address this challenge, we propose a novel defense mechanism, AdaMixup. AdaMixup employs adaptive mixup techniques to enhance the model's robustness against membership inference attacks by dynamically adjusting the mixup strategy during training. This method not only improves the model's privacy protection but also maintains high performance. Experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate that AdaMixup significantly reduces the risk of membership inference attacks while achieving a favorable trade-off between defensive efficiency and model accuracy. This research provides an effective solution for data privacy protection and lays the groundwork for future advancements in mixup training methods. How Toxic Can You Get? Search-based Toxicity Testing for Large Language Models. (9%) Simone Corbo; Luca Bancale; Gennaro Valeria De; Livia Lestingi; Vincenzo Scotti; Matteo Camilli Language is a deep-rooted means of perpetration of stereotypes and discrimination. Large Language Models (LLMs), now a pervasive technology in our everyday lives, can cause extensive harm when prone to generating toxic responses. The standard way to address this issue is to align the LLM, which, however, dampens the issue without constituting a definitive solution. Therefore, testing LLM even after alignment efforts remains crucial for detecting any residual deviations with respect to ethical standards. We present EvoTox, an automated testing framework for LLMs' inclination to toxicity, providing a way to quantitatively assess how much LLMs can be pushed towards toxic responses even in the presence of alignment. The framework adopts an iterative evolution strategy that exploits the interplay between two LLMs, the System Under Test (SUT) and the Prompt Generator steering SUT responses toward higher toxicity. The toxicity level is assessed by an automated oracle based on an existing toxicity classifier. We conduct a quantitative and qualitative empirical evaluation using four state-of-the-art LLMs as evaluation subjects having increasing complexity (7-13 billion parameters). Our quantitative evaluation assesses the cost-effectiveness of four alternative versions of EvoTox against existing baseline methods, based on random search, curated datasets of toxic prompts, and adversarial attacks. Our qualitative assessment engages human evaluators to rate the fluency of the generated prompts and the perceived toxicity of the responses collected during the testing sessions. Results indicate that the effectiveness, in terms of detected toxicity level, is significantly higher than the selected baseline methods (effect size up to 1.0 against random search and up to 0.99 against adversarial attacks). Furthermore, EvoTox yields a limited cost overhead (from 22% to 35% on average). Adaptive Meta-learning-based Adversarial Training for Robust Automatic Modulation Classification. (99%) Amirmohammad Bamdad; Ali Owfi; Fatemeh Afghah DL-based automatic modulation classification (AMC) models are highly susceptible to adversarial attacks, where even minimal input perturbations can cause severe misclassifications. While adversarially training an AMC model based on an adversarial attack significantly increases its robustness against that attack, the AMC model will still be defenseless against other adversarial attacks. The theoretically infinite possibilities for adversarial perturbations mean that an AMC model will inevitably encounter new unseen adversarial attacks if it is ever to be deployed to a real-world communication system. Moreover, the computational limitations and challenges of obtaining new data in real-time will not allow a full training process for the AMC model to adapt to the new attack when it is online. To this end, we propose a meta-learning-based adversarial training framework for AMC models that substantially enhances robustness against unseen adversarial attacks and enables fast adaptation to these attacks using just a few new training samples, if any are available. Our results demonstrate that this training framework provides superior robustness and accuracy with much less online training time than conventional adversarial training of AMC models, making it highly efficient for real-world deployment. AIM: Additional Image Guided Generation of Transferable Adversarial Attacks. (99%) Teng Li; Xingjun Ma; Yu-Gang Jiang Transferable adversarial examples highlight the vulnerability of deep neural networks (DNNs) to imperceptible perturbations across various real-world applications. While there have been notable advancements in untargeted transferable attacks, targeted transferable attacks remain a significant challenge. In this work, we focus on generative approaches for targeted transferable attacks. Current generative attacks focus on reducing overfitting to surrogate models and the source data domain, but they often overlook the importance of enhancing transferability through additional semantics. To address this issue, we introduce a novel plug-and-play module into the general generator architecture to enhance adversarial transferability. Specifically, we propose a \emph{Semantic Injection Module} (SIM) that utilizes the semantics contained in an additional guiding image to improve transferability. The guiding image provides a simple yet effective method to incorporate target semantics from the target class to create targeted and highly transferable attacks. Additionally, we propose new loss formulations that can integrate the semantic injection module more effectively for both targeted and untargeted attacks. We conduct comprehensive experiments under both targeted and untargeted attack settings to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach. HoneypotNet: Backdoor Attacks Against Model Extraction. (93%) Yixu Wang; Tianle Gu; Yan Teng; Yingchun Wang; Xingjun Ma Model extraction attacks are one type of inference-time attacks that approximate the functionality and performance of a black-box victim model by launching a certain number of queries to the model and then leveraging the model's predictions to train a substitute model. These attacks pose severe security threats to production models and MLaaS platforms and could cause significant monetary losses to the model owners. A body of work has proposed to defend machine learning models against model extraction attacks, including both active defense methods that modify the model's outputs or increase the query overhead to avoid extraction and passive defense methods that detect malicious queries or leverage watermarks to perform post-verification. In this work, we introduce a new defense paradigm called attack as defense which modifies the model's output to be poisonous such that any malicious users that attempt to use the output to train a substitute model will be poisoned. To this end, we propose a novel lightweight backdoor attack method dubbed HoneypotNet that replaces the classification layer of the victim model with a honeypot layer and then fine-tunes the honeypot layer with a shadow model (to simulate model extraction) via bi-level optimization to modify its output to be poisonous while remaining the original performance. We empirically demonstrate on four commonly used benchmark datasets that HoneypotNet can inject backdoors into substitute models with a high success rate. The injected backdoor not only facilitates ownership verification but also disrupts the functionality of substitute models, serving as a significant deterrent to model extraction attacks. Improving Robustness Estimates in Natural Language Explainable AI though Synonymity Weighted Similarity Measures. (87%) Christopher Burger Explainable AI (XAI) has seen a surge in recent interest with the proliferation of powerful but intractable black-box models. Moreover, XAI has come under fire for techniques that may not offer reliable explanations. As many of the methods in XAI are themselves models, adversarial examples have been prominent in the literature surrounding the effectiveness of XAI, with the objective of these examples being to alter the explanation while maintaining the output of the original model. For explanations in natural language, it is natural to use measures found in the domain of information retrieval for use with ranked lists to guide the adversarial XAI process. We show that the standard implementation of these measures are poorly suited for the comparison of explanations in adversarial XAI and amend them by using information that is discarded, the synonymity of perturbed words. This synonymity weighting produces more accurate estimates of the actual weakness of XAI methods to adversarial examples. Stealthy Backdoor Attack to Real-world Models in Android Apps. (80%) Jiali Wei; Ming Fan; Xicheng Zhang; Wenjing Jiao; Haijun Wang; Ting Liu Powered by their superior performance, deep neural networks (DNNs) have found widespread applications across various domains. Many deep learning (DL) models are now embedded in mobile apps, making them more accessible to end users through on-device DL. However, deploying on-device DL to users' smartphones simultaneously introduces several security threats. One primary threat is backdoor attacks. Extensive research has explored backdoor attacks for several years and has proposed numerous attack approaches. However, few studies have investigated backdoor attacks on DL models deployed in the real world, or they have shown obvious deficiencies in effectiveness and stealthiness. In this work, we explore more effective and stealthy backdoor attacks on real-world DL models extracted from mobile apps. Our main justification is that imperceptible and sample-specific backdoor triggers generated by DNN-based steganography can enhance the efficacy of backdoor attacks on real-world models. We first confirm the effectiveness of steganography-based backdoor attacks on four state-of-the-art DNN models. Subsequently, we systematically evaluate and analyze the stealthiness of the attacks to ensure they are difficult to perceive. Finally, we implement the backdoor attacks on real-world models and compare our approach with three baseline methods. We collect 38,387 mobile apps, extract 89 DL models from them, and analyze these models to obtain the prerequisite model information for the attacks. After identifying the target models, our approach achieves an average of 12.50% higher attack success rate than DeepPayload while better maintaining the normal performance of the models. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method enables more effective, robust, and stealthy backdoor attacks on real-world models. SAFER: Sharpness Aware layer-selective Finetuning for Enhanced Robustness in vision transformers. (45%) Bhavna Gopal; Huanrui Yang; Mark Horton; Yiran Chen Vision transformers (ViTs) have become essential backbones in advanced computer vision applications and multi-modal foundation models. Despite their strengths, ViTs remain vulnerable to adversarial perturbations, comparable to or even exceeding the vulnerability of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Furthermore, the large parameter count and complex architecture of ViTs make them particularly prone to adversarial overfitting, often compromising both clean and adversarial accuracy. This paper mitigates adversarial overfitting in ViTs through a novel, layer-selective fine-tuning approach: SAFER. Instead of optimizing the entire model, we identify and selectively fine-tune a small subset of layers most susceptible to overfitting, applying sharpness-aware minimization to these layers while freezing the rest of the model. Our method consistently enhances both clean and adversarial accuracy over baseline approaches. Typical improvements are around 5%, with some cases achieving gains as high as 20% across various ViT architectures and datasets. Test Input Validation for Vision-based DL Systems: An Active Learning Approach. (1%) Delaram Ghobari; Mohammad Hossein Amini; Dai Quoc Tran; Seunghee Park; Shiva Nejati; Mehrdad Sabetzadeh Testing deep learning (DL) systems requires extensive and diverse, yet valid, test inputs. While synthetic test input generation methods, such as metamorphic testing, are widely used for DL testing, they risk introducing invalid inputs that do not accurately reflect real-world scenarios. Invalid test inputs can lead to misleading results. Hence, there is a need for automated validation of test inputs to ensure effective assessment of DL systems. In this paper, we propose a test input validation approach for vision-based DL systems. Our approach uses active learning to balance the trade-off between accuracy and the manual effort required for test input validation. Further, by employing multiple image-comparison metrics, it achieves better results in classifying valid and invalid test inputs compared to methods that rely on single metrics. We evaluate our approach using an industrial and a public-domain dataset. Our evaluation shows that our multi-metric, active learning-based approach produces several optimal accuracy-effort trade-offs, including those deemed practical and desirable by our industry partner. Furthermore, provided with the same level of manual effort, our approach is significantly more accurate than two state-of-the-art test input validation methods, achieving an average accuracy of 97%. Specifically, the use of multiple metrics, rather than a single metric, results in an average improvement of at least 5.4% in overall accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art baselines. Incorporating an active learning loop for test input validation yields an additional 7.5% improvement in average accuracy, bringing the overall average improvement of our approach to at least 12.9% compared to the baselines. Predicting the Performance of Black-box LLMs through Self-Queries. (1%) Dylan Sam; Marc Finzi; J. Zico Kolter As large language models (LLMs) are increasingly relied on in AI systems, predicting when they make mistakes is crucial. While a great deal of work in the field uses internal representations to interpret model behavior, these representations are inaccessible when given solely black-box access through an API. In this paper, we extract features of LLMs in a black-box manner by using follow-up prompts and taking the probabilities of different responses as representations to train reliable predictors of model behavior. We demonstrate that training a linear model on these low-dimensional representations produces reliable and generalizable predictors of model performance at the instance level (e.g., if a particular generation correctly answers a question). Remarkably, these can often outperform white-box linear predictors that operate over a model's hidden state or the full distribution over its vocabulary. In addition, we demonstrate that these extracted features can be used to evaluate more nuanced aspects of a language model's state. For instance, they can be used to distinguish between a clean version of GPT-4o-mini and a version that has been influenced via an adversarial system prompt that answers question-answering tasks incorrectly or introduces bugs into generated code. Furthermore, they can reliably distinguish between different model architectures and sizes, enabling the detection of misrepresented models provided through an API (e.g., identifying if GPT-3.5 is supplied instead of GPT-4o-mini). Boosting Adversarial Transferability with Spatial Adversarial Alignment. (99%) Zhaoyu Chen; Haijing Guo; Kaixun Jiang; Jiyuan Fu; Xinyu Zhou; Dingkang Yang; Hao Tang; Bo Li; Wenqiang Zhang Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples that exhibit transferability across various models. Numerous approaches are proposed to enhance the transferability of adversarial examples, including advanced optimization, data augmentation, and model modifications. However, these methods still show limited transferability, particularly in cross-architecture scenarios, such as from CNN to ViT. To achieve high transferability, we propose a technique termed Spatial Adversarial Alignment (SAA), which employs an alignment loss and leverages a witness model to fine-tune the surrogate model. Specifically, SAA consists of two key parts: spatial-aware alignment and adversarial-aware alignment. First, we minimize the divergences of features between the two models in both global and local regions, facilitating spatial alignment. Second, we introduce a self-adversarial strategy that leverages adversarial examples to impose further constraints, aligning features from an adversarial perspective. Through this alignment, the surrogate model is trained to concentrate on the common features extracted by the witness model. This facilitates adversarial attacks on these shared features, thereby yielding perturbations that exhibit enhanced transferability. Extensive experiments on various architectures on ImageNet show that aligned surrogate models based on SAA can provide higher transferable adversarial examples, especially in cross-architecture attacks. Towards Adversarially Robust Deep Metric Learning. (99%) Xiaopeng Ke Deep Metric Learning (DML) has shown remarkable successes in many domains by taking advantage of powerful deep neural networks. Deep neural networks are prone to adversarial attacks and could be easily fooled by adversarial examples. The current progress on this robustness issue is mainly about deep classification models but pays little attention to DML models. Existing works fail to thoroughly inspect the robustness of DML and neglect an important DML scenario, the clustering-based inference. In this work, we first point out the robustness issue of DML models in clustering-based inference scenarios. We find that, for the clustering-based inference, existing defenses designed DML are unable to be reused and the adaptions of defenses designed for deep classification models cannot achieve satisfactory robustness performance. To alleviate the hazard of adversarial examples, we propose a new defense, the Ensemble Adversarial Training (EAT), which exploits ensemble learning and adversarial training. EAT promotes the diversity of the ensemble, encouraging each model in the ensemble to have different robustness features, and employs a self-transferring mechanism to make full use of the robustness statistics of the whole ensemble in the update of every single model. We evaluate the EAT method on three widely-used datasets with two popular model architectures. The results show that the proposed EAT method greatly outperforms the adaptions of defenses designed for deep classification models. Image-based Multimodal Models as Intruders: Transferable Multimodal Attacks on Video-based MLLMs. (99%) Linhao Huang; Xue Jiang; Zhiqiang Wang; Wentao Mo; Xi Xiao; Bo Han; Yongjie Yin; Feng Zheng Video-based multimodal large language models (V-MLLMs) have shown vulnerability to adversarial examples in video-text multimodal tasks. However, the transferability of adversarial videos to unseen models--a common and practical real world scenario--remains unexplored. In this paper, we pioneer an investigation into the transferability of adversarial video samples across V-MLLMs. We find that existing adversarial attack methods face significant limitations when applied in black-box settings for V-MLLMs, which we attribute to the following shortcomings: (1) lacking generalization in perturbing video features, (2) focusing only on sparse key-frames, and (3) failing to integrate multimodal information. To address these limitations and deepen the understanding of V-MLLM vulnerabilities in black-box scenarios, we introduce the Image-to-Video MLLM (I2V-MLLM) attack. In I2V-MLLM, we utilize an image-based multimodal model (IMM) as a surrogate model to craft adversarial video samples. Multimodal interactions and temporal information are integrated to disrupt video representations within the latent space, improving adversarial transferability. In addition, a perturbation propagation technique is introduced to handle different unknown frame sampling strategies. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can generate adversarial examples that exhibit strong transferability across different V-MLLMs on multiple video-text multimodal tasks. Compared to white-box attacks on these models, our black-box attacks (using BLIP-2 as surrogate model) achieve competitive performance, with average attack success rates of 55.48% on MSVD-QA and 58.26% on MSRVTT-QA for VideoQA tasks, respectively. Our code will be released upon acceptance. Dynamics of Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Model-Based Search Engines. (76%) Xiyang Hu The increasing integration of Large Language Model (LLM) based search engines has transformed the landscape of information retrieval. However, these systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, especially ranking manipulation attacks, where attackers craft webpage content to manipulate the LLM's ranking and promote specific content, gaining an unfair advantage over competitors. In this paper, we study the dynamics of ranking manipulation attacks. We frame this problem as an Infinitely Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma, where multiple players strategically decide whether to cooperate or attack. We analyze the conditions under which cooperation can be sustained, identifying key factors such as attack costs, discount rates, attack success rates, and trigger strategies that influence player behavior. We identify tipping points in the system dynamics, demonstrating that cooperation is more likely to be sustained when players are forward-looking. However, from a defense perspective, we find that simply reducing attack success probabilities can, paradoxically, incentivize attacks under certain conditions. Furthermore, defensive measures to cap the upper bound of attack success rates may prove futile in some scenarios. These insights highlight the complexity of securing LLM-based systems. Our work provides a theoretical foundation and practical insights for understanding and mitigating their vulnerabilities, while emphasizing the importance of adaptive security strategies and thoughtful ecosystem design. TrustRAG: Enhancing Robustness and Trustworthiness in RAG. (16%) Huichi Zhou; Kin-Hei Lee; Zhonghao Zhan; Yue Chen; Zhenhao Li Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems enhance large language models (LLMs) by integrating external knowledge sources, enabling more accurate and contextually relevant responses tailored to user queries. However, these systems remain vulnerable to corpus poisoning attacks that can significantly degrade LLM performance through the injection of malicious content. To address these challenges, we propose TrustRAG, a robust framework that systematically filters compromised and irrelevant content before it reaches the language model. Our approach implements a two-stage defense mechanism: first, it employs K-means clustering to identify potential attack patterns in retrieved documents based on their semantic embeddings, effectively isolating suspicious content. Second, it leverages cosine similarity and ROUGE metrics to detect malicious documents while resolving discrepancies between the model's internal knowledge and external information through a self-assessment process. TrustRAG functions as a plug-and-play, training-free module that integrates seamlessly with any language model, whether open or closed-source, maintaining high contextual relevance while strengthening defenses against attacks. Through extensive experimental validation, we demonstrate that TrustRAG delivers substantial improvements in retrieval accuracy, efficiency, and attack resistance compared to existing approaches across multiple model architectures and datasets. We have made TrustRAG available as open-source software at \url{}. Information Sifting Funnel: Privacy-preserving Collaborative Inference Against Model Inversion Attacks. (2%) Rongke Liu The complexity of neural networks and inference tasks, coupled with demands for computational efficiency and real-time feedback, poses significant challenges for resource-constrained edge devices. Collaborative inference mitigates this by assigning shallow feature extraction to edge devices and offloading features to the cloud for further inference, reducing computational load. However, transmitted features remain susceptible to model inversion attacks (MIAs), which can reconstruct original input data. Current defenses, such as perturbation and information bottleneck techniques, offer explainable protection but face limitations, including the lack of standardized criteria for assessing MIA difficulty, challenges in mutual information estimation, and trade-offs among usability, privacy, and deployability. To address these challenges, we introduce the first criterion to evaluate MIA difficulty in collaborative inference, supported by theoretical analysis of existing attacks and defenses, validated using experiments with the Mutual Information Neural Estimator (MINE). Based on these findings, we propose SiftFunnel, a privacy-preserving framework for collaborative inference. The edge model is trained with linear and non-linear correlation constraints to reduce redundant information in transmitted features, enhancing privacy protection. Label smoothing and a cloud-based upsampling module are added to balance usability and privacy. To improve deployability, the edge model incorporates a funnel-shaped structure and attention mechanisms, preserving both privacy and usability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SiftFunnel outperforms state-of-the-art defenses against MIAs, achieving superior privacy protection with less than 3% accuracy loss and striking an optimal balance among usability, privacy, and practicality. Defense Strategies for Autonomous Multi-agent Systems: Ensuring Safety and Resilience Under Exponentially Unbounded FDI Attacks. (1%) Yichao Wang; Mohamadamin Rajabinezhad; Rui Liu; Shan Zuo False data injection (FDI) attacks pose a significant threat to autonomous multi-agent systems (MASs). While resilient control strategies address FDI attacks, they typically have strict assumptions on the attack signals and overlook safety constraints, such as collision avoidance. In practical applications, leader agents equipped with advanced sensors or weaponry span a safe region to guide heterogeneous follower agents, ensuring coordinated operations while addressing collision avoidance to prevent financial losses and mission failures. This letter addresses these gaps by introducing and studying the safety-aware and attack-resilient (SAAR) control problem under exponentially unbounded FDI (EU-FDI) attacks. Specifically, a novel attack-resilient observer layer (OL) is first designed to defend against EU-FDI attacks on the OL. Then, by solving an optimization problem using the quadratic programming (QP), the safety constraints for collision avoidance are further integrated into the SAAR controller design to prevent collisions among followers. An attack-resilient compensational signal is finally designed to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the EU-FDI attack on control input layer (CIL). Rigorous Lyapunov-based stability analysis certifies the SAAR controller's effectiveness in ensuring both safety and resilience. This study also pioneers a three-dimensional simulation of the SAAR containment control problem for autonomous MASs, demonstrating its applicability in realistic multi-agent scenarios. Everywhere Attack: Attacking Locally and Globally to Boost Targeted Transferability. (99%) Hui Zeng; Sanshuai Cui; Biwei Chen; Anjie Peng Adversarial examples' (AE) transferability refers to the phenomenon that AEs crafted with one surrogate model can also fool other models. Notwithstanding remarkable progress in untargeted transferability, its targeted counterpart remains challenging. This paper proposes an everywhere scheme to boost targeted transferability. Our idea is to attack a victim image both globally and locally. We aim to optimize 'an army of targets' in every local image region instead of the previous works that optimize a high-confidence target in the image. Specifically, we split a victim image into non-overlap blocks and jointly mount a targeted attack on each block. Such a strategy mitigates transfer failures caused by attention inconsistency between surrogate and victim models and thus results in stronger transferability. Our approach is method-agnostic, which means it can be easily combined with existing transferable attacks for even higher transferability. Extensive experiments on ImageNet demonstrate that the proposed approach universally improves the state-of-the-art targeted attacks by a clear margin, e.g., the transferability of the widely adopted Logit attack can be improved by 28.8%-300%.We also evaluate the crafted AEs on a real-world platform: Google Cloud Vision. Results further support the superiority of the proposed method. Extending XReason: Formal Explanations for Adversarial Detection. (82%) Amira Jemaa; Adnan Rashid; Sofiene Tahar Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) plays an important role in improving the transparency and reliability of complex machine learning models, especially in critical domains such as cybersecurity. Despite the prevalence of heuristic interpretation methods such as SHAP and LIME, these techniques often lack formal guarantees and may produce inconsistent local explanations. To fulfill this need, few tools have emerged that use formal methods to provide formal explanations. Among these, XReason uses a SAT solver to generate formal instance-level explanation for XGBoost models. In this paper, we extend the XReason tool to support LightGBM models as well as class-level explanations. Additionally, we implement a mechanism to generate and detect adversarial examples in XReason. We evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of our approach on the CICIDS-2017 dataset, a widely used benchmark for detecting network attacks. RobustBlack: Challenging Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on State-of-the-Art Defenses. (99%) Mohamed Djilani; Salah Ghamizi; Maxime Cordy Although adversarial robustness has been extensively studied in white-box settings, recent advances in black-box attacks (including transfer- and query-based approaches) are primarily benchmarked against weak defenses, leaving a significant gap in the evaluation of their effectiveness against more recent and moderate robust models (e.g., those featured in the Robustbench leaderboard). In this paper, we question this lack of attention from black-box attacks to robust models. We establish a framework to evaluate the effectiveness of recent black-box attacks against both top-performing and standard defense mechanisms, on the ImageNet dataset. Our empirical evaluation reveals the following key findings: (1) the most advanced black-box attacks struggle to succeed even against simple adversarially trained models; (2) robust models that are optimized to withstand strong white-box attacks, such as AutoAttack, also exhibits enhanced resilience against black-box attacks; and (3) robustness alignment between the surrogate models and the target model plays a key factor in the success rate of transfer-based attacks Adversarial Attack and Defense for LoRa Device Identification and Authentication via Deep Learning. (99%) Yalin E. Sagduyu; Tugba Erpek LoRa provides long-range, energy-efficient communications in Internet of Things (IoT) applications that rely on Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) capabilities. Despite these merits, concerns persist regarding the security of LoRa networks, especially in situations where device identification and authentication are imperative to secure the reliable access to the LoRa networks. This paper explores a deep learning (DL) approach to tackle these concerns, focusing on two critical tasks, namely (i) identifying LoRa devices and (ii) classifying them to legitimate and rogue devices. Deep neural networks (DNNs), encompassing both convolutional and feedforward neural networks, are trained for these tasks using actual LoRa signal data. In this setting, the adversaries may spoof rogue LoRa signals through the kernel density estimation (KDE) method based on legitimate device signals that are received by the adversaries. Two cases are considered, (i) training two separate classifiers, one for each of the two tasks, and (ii) training a multi-task classifier for both tasks. The vulnerabilities of the resulting DNNs to manipulations in input samples are studied in form of untargeted and targeted adversarial attacks using the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM). Individual and common perturbations are considered against single-task and multi-task classifiers for the LoRa signal analysis. To provide resilience against such attacks, a defense approach is presented by increasing the robustness of classifiers with adversarial training. Results quantify how vulnerable LoRa signal classification tasks are to adversarial attacks and emphasize the need to fortify IoT applications against these subtle yet effective threats. Sample Correlation for Fingerprinting Deep Face Recognition. (98%) Jiyang Guan; Jian Liang; Yanbo Wang; Ran He Face recognition has witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, thanks to the development of deep learning techniques.However, an off-the-shelf face recognition model as a commercial service could be stolen by model stealing attacks, posing great threats to the rights of the model owner.Model fingerprinting, as a model stealing detection method, aims to verify whether a suspect model is stolen from the victim model, gaining more and more attention nowadays.Previous methods always utilize transferable adversarial examples as the model fingerprint, but this method is known to be sensitive to adversarial defense and transfer learning techniques.To address this issue, we consider the pairwise relationship between samples instead and propose a novel yet simple model stealing detection method based on SAmple Correlation (SAC).Specifically, we present SAC-JC that selects JPEG compressed samples as model inputs and calculates the correlation matrix among their model outputs.Extensive results validate that SAC successfully defends against various model stealing attacks in deep face recognition, encompassing face verification and face emotion recognition, exhibiting the highest performance in terms of AUC, p-value and F1 score.Furthermore, we extend our evaluation of SAC-JC to object recognition datasets including Tiny-ImageNet and CIFAR10, which also demonstrates the superior performance of SAC-JC to previous methods.The code will be available at \url{}. Two Heads Are Better Than One: Averaging along Fine-Tuning to Improve Targeted Transferability. (93%) Hui Zeng; Sanshuai Cui; Biwei Chen; Anjie Peng With much longer optimization time than that of untargeted attacks notwithstanding, the transferability of targeted attacks is still far from satisfactory. Recent studies reveal that fine-tuning an existing adversarial example (AE) in feature space can efficiently boost its targeted transferability. However, existing fine-tuning schemes only utilize the endpoint and ignore the valuable information in the fine-tuning trajectory. Noting that the vanilla fine-tuning trajectory tends to oscillate around the periphery of a flat region of the loss surface, we propose averaging over the fine-tuning trajectory to pull the crafted AE towards a more centered region. We compare the proposed method with existing fine-tuning schemes by integrating them with state-of-the-art targeted attacks in various attacking scenarios. Experimental results uphold the superiority of the proposed method in boosting targeted transferability. The code is available at Unsupervised dense retrieval with conterfactual contrastive learning. (54%) Haitian Chen; Qingyao Ai; Xiao Wang; Yiqun Liu; Fen Lin; Qin Liu Efficiently retrieving a concise set of candidates from a large document corpus remains a pivotal challenge in Information Retrieval (IR). Neural retrieval models, particularly dense retrieval models built with transformers and pretrained language models, have been popular due to their superior performance. However, criticisms have also been raised on their lack of explainability and vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In response to these challenges, we propose to improve the robustness of dense retrieval models by enhancing their sensitivity of fine-graned relevance signals. A model achieving sensitivity in this context should exhibit high variances when documents' key passages determining their relevance to queries have been modified, while maintaining low variances for other changes in irrelevant passages. This sensitivity allows a dense retrieval model to produce robust results with respect to attacks that try to promote documents without actually increasing their relevance. It also makes it possible to analyze which part of a document is actually relevant to a query, and thus improve the explainability of the retrieval model. Motivated by causality and counterfactual analysis, we propose a series of counterfactual regularization methods based on game theory and unsupervised learning with counterfactual passages. Experiments show that, our method can extract key passages without reliance on the passage-level relevance annotations. Moreover, the regularized dense retrieval models exhibit heightened robustness against adversarial attacks, surpassing the state-of-the-art anti-attack methods. GASLITEing the Retrieval: Exploring Vulnerabilities in Dense Embedding-based Search. (50%) Matan Ben-Tov; Mahmood Sharif Dense embedding-based text retrieval$\unicode{x2013}$retrieval of relevant passages from corpora via deep learning encodings$\unicode{x2013}$has emerged as a powerful method attaining state-of-the-art search results and popularizing the use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Still, like other search methods, embedding-based retrieval may be susceptible to search-engine optimization (SEO) attacks, where adversaries promote malicious content by introducing adversarial passages to corpora. To faithfully assess and gain insights into the susceptibility of such systems to SEO, this work proposes the GASLITE attack, a mathematically principled gradient-based search method for generating adversarial passages without relying on the corpus content or modifying the model. Notably, GASLITE's passages (1) carry adversary-chosen information while (2) achieving high retrieval ranking for a selected query distribution when inserted to corpora. We use GASLITE to extensively evaluate retrievers' robustness, testing nine advanced models under varied threat models, while focusing on realistic adversaries targeting queries on a specific concept (e.g., a public figure). We found GASLITE consistently outperformed baselines by $\geq$140% success rate, in all settings. Particularly, adversaries using GASLITE require minimal effort to manipulate search results$\unicode{x2013}$by injecting a negligible amount of adversarial passages ($\leq$0.0001% of the corpus), they could make them visible in the top-10 results for 61-100% of unseen concept-specific queries against most evaluated models. Inspecting variance in retrievers' robustness, we identify key factors that may contribute to models' susceptibility to SEO, including specific properties in the embedding space's geometry. Automated Robustness Testing for LLM-based NLP Software. (2%) Mingxuan Xiao; Yan Xiao; Shunhui Ji; Hanbo Cai; Lei Xue; Pengcheng Zhang Benefiting from the advancements in LLMs, NLP software has undergone rapid development. Such software is widely employed in various safety-critical tasks, such as financial sentiment analysis, toxic content moderation, and log generation. To our knowledge, there are no known automated robustness testing methods specifically designed for LLM-based NLP software. Given the complexity of LLMs and the unpredictability of real-world inputs (including prompts and examples), it is essential to examine the robustness of overall inputs to ensure the safety of such software. To this end, this paper introduces the first AutOmated Robustness Testing frAmework, AORTA, which reconceptualizes the testing process into a combinatorial optimization problem. Existing testing methods designed for DNN-based software can be applied to LLM-based software by AORTA, but their effectiveness is limited. To address this, we propose a novel testing method for LLM-based software within AORTA called Adaptive Beam Search. ABS is tailored for the expansive feature space of LLMs and improves testing effectiveness through an adaptive beam width and the capability for backtracking. We successfully embed 18 test methods in the designed framework AORTA and compared the test validity of ABS with three datasets and five threat models. ABS facilitates a more comprehensive and accurate robustness assessment before software deployment, with an average test success rate of 86.138%. Compared to the currently best-performing baseline PWWS, ABS significantly reduces the computational overhead by up to 3441.895 seconds per successful test case and decreases the number of queries by 218.762 times on average. Furthermore, test cases generated by ABS exhibit greater naturalness and transferability. DELA: A Novel Approach for Detecting Errors Induced by Large Atomic Condition Numbers. (1%) Youshuai Tan; Zhanwei Zhang; Jinfu Chen; Zishuo Ding; Jifeng Xuan; Weiyi Shang Numerical programs form the foundation of modern science and engineering, providing essential solutions to complex mathematical problems. Therefore, errors in numerical results would lead to harmful consequences, especially in safety-critical applications. Since only a few inputs may lead to substantial errors for numerical programs, it is essential to determine whether a given input could result in a significant error. Existing researchers tend to use the results of high-precision programs to assess whether there is a substantial error, which introduces three main challenges: difficulty of implementation, existence of potential faults in the detection of numerical errors, and long execution time. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach named DELA. Our approach is based on the observation that most numerical errors stem from large condition numbers in atomic operations (such as subtraction), which then propagate and accumulate. DELA injects small perturbations into the results of individual atomic operations within the program and compares the outcomes of the original program with the perturbed version to detect errors. We evaluate DELA with datasets from ATOMU and HSED, as well as data from a complex linear system-solving program. Experimental results demonstrate that we can detect all the significant errors that were reported by prior research. DELA shows strong alignment with high-precision programs of ATOMU and HSED, with average Pearson and Spearman correlations of 0.86 and 0.61. Additionally, DELA effectively detects significant errors in complex programs, achieving correlation scores of 0.9763 and 0.8993. More importantly, in experiments with ATOMU and HSED, DELA's perturbed programs run within only 0.13% of the time needed by high-precision versions; while for the linear system-solving programs, DELA is 73.46 times faster than the high-precision programs. Defending Multimodal Backdoored Models by Repulsive Visual Prompt Tuning. (75%) Zhifang Zhang; Shuo He; Bingquan Shen; Lei Feng Multimodal contrastive learning models (e.g., CLIP) can learn high-quality representations from large-scale image-text datasets, yet they exhibit significant vulnerabilities to backdoor attacks, raising serious safety concerns. In this paper, we disclose that CLIP's vulnerabilities primarily stem from its excessive encoding of class-irrelevant features, which can compromise the model's visual feature resistivity to input perturbations, making it more susceptible to capturing the trigger patterns inserted by backdoor attacks. Inspired by this finding, we propose Repulsive Visual Prompt Tuning (RVPT), a novel defense approach that employs specially designed deep visual prompt tuning and feature-repelling loss to eliminate excessive class-irrelevant features while simultaneously optimizing cross-entropy loss to maintain clean accuracy. Unlike existing multimodal backdoor defense methods that typically require the availability of poisoned data or involve fine-tuning the entire model, RVPT leverages few-shot downstream clean samples and only tunes a small number of parameters. Empirical results demonstrate that RVPT tunes only 0.27\% of the parameters relative to CLIP, yet it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, reducing the attack success rate from 67.53\% to 2.76\% against SoTA attacks and effectively generalizing its defensive capabilities across multiple datasets. On Adversarial Robustness of Language Models in Transfer Learning. (10%) Bohdan Turbal; Anastasiia Mazur; Jiaxu Zhao; Mykola Pechenizkiy We investigate the adversarial robustness of LLMs in transfer learning scenarios. Through comprehensive experiments on multiple datasets (MBIB Hate Speech, MBIB Political Bias, MBIB Gender Bias) and various model architectures (BERT, RoBERTa, GPT-2, Gemma, Phi), we reveal that transfer learning, while improving standard performance metrics, often leads to increased vulnerability to adversarial attacks. Our findings demonstrate that larger models exhibit greater resilience to this phenomenon, suggesting a complex interplay between model size, architecture, and adaptation methods. Our work highlights the crucial need for considering adversarial robustness in transfer learning scenarios and provides insights into maintaining model security without compromising performance. These findings have significant implications for the development and deployment of LLMs in real-world applications where both performance and robustness are paramount. Prototypical Distillation and Debiased Tuning for Black-box Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (10%) Jian Liang; Lijun Sheng; Hongmin Liu; Ran He Unsupervised domain adaptation aims to transfer knowledge from a related, label-rich source domain to an unlabeled target domain, thereby circumventing the high costs associated with manual annotation. Recently, there has been growing interest in source-free domain adaptation, a paradigm in which only a pre-trained model, rather than the labeled source data, is provided to the target domain. Given the potential risk of source data leakage via model inversion attacks, this paper introduces a novel setting called black-box domain adaptation, where the source model is accessible only through an API that provides the predicted label along with the corresponding confidence value for each query. We develop a two-step framework named $\textbf{Pro}$totypical $\textbf{D}$istillation and $\textbf{D}$ebiased tun$\textbf{ing}$ ($\textbf{ProDDing}$). In the first step, ProDDing leverages both the raw predictions from the source model and prototypes derived from the target domain as teachers to distill a customized target model. In the second step, ProDDing keeps fine-tuning the distilled model by penalizing logits that are biased toward certain classes. Empirical results across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that ProDDing outperforms existing black-box domain adaptation methods. Moreover, in the case of hard-label black-box domain adaptation, where only predicted labels are available, ProDDing achieves significant improvements over these methods. Code will be available at \url{}. Attacks on the neural network and defense methods. (2%) A. Korenev; G. Belokrylov; B. Lodonova; A. Novokhrestov This article will discuss the use of attacks on a neural network trained on audio data, as well as possible methods of protection against these attacks. FGSM, PGD and CW attacks, as well as data poisoning, will be considered. Within the framework of protection, Art-IBM and advertorch libraries will be considered. The obtained accuracy metrics within the framework of attack applications are presented Cut the Deadwood Out: Post-Training Model Purification with Selective Module Substitution. (2%) Yao Tong; Weijun Li; Xuanli He; Haolan Zhan; Qiongkai Xu The success of DNNs often depends on training with large-scale datasets, but building such datasets is both expensive and challenging. Consequently, public datasets from open-source platforms like HuggingFace have become popular, posing significant risks of data poisoning attacks. Existing backdoor defenses in NLP primarily focus on identifying and removing poisoned samples; however, purifying a backdoored model with these sample-cleaning approaches typically requires expensive retraining. Therefore, we propose Greedy Module Substitution (GMS), which identifies and substitutes ''deadwood'' modules (i.e., components critical to backdoor pathways) in a backdoored model to purify it. Our method relaxes the common dependency of prior model purification methods on clean datasets or clean auxiliary models. When applied to RoBERTa-large under backdoor attacks, GMS demonstrates strong effectiveness across various settings, particularly against widely recognized challenging attacks like LWS, achieving a post-purification attack success rate (ASR) of 9.7% on SST-2 compared to 58.8% for the best baseline approach. A Robust Adversarial Ensemble with Causal (Feature Interaction) Interpretations for Image Classification. (99%) Chunheng Zhao; Pierluigi Pisu; Gurcan Comert; Negash Begashaw; Varghese Vaidyan; Nina Christine Hubig Deep learning-based discriminative classifiers, despite their remarkable success, remain vulnerable to adversarial examples that can mislead model predictions. While adversarial training can enhance robustness, it fails to address the intrinsic vulnerability stemming from the opaque nature of these black-box models. We present a deep ensemble model that combines discriminative features with generative models to achieve both high accuracy and adversarial robustness. Our approach integrates a bottom-level pre-trained discriminative network for feature extraction with a top-level generative classification network that models adversarial input distributions through a deep latent variable model. Using variational Bayes, our model achieves superior robustness against white-box adversarial attacks without adversarial training. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 demonstrate our model's superior adversarial robustness. Through evaluations using counterfactual metrics and feature interaction-based metrics, we establish correlations between model interpretability and adversarial robustness. Additionally, preliminary results on Tiny-ImageNet validate our approach's scalability to more complex datasets, offering a practical solution for developing robust image classification models. On the Validity of Traditional Vulnerability Scoring Systems for Adversarial Attacks against LLMs. (13%) Atmane Ayoub Mansour Bahar; Ahmad Samer Wazan This research investigates the effectiveness of established vulnerability metrics, such as the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), in evaluating attacks against Large Language Models (LLMs), with a focus on Adversarial Attacks (AAs). The study explores the influence of both general and specific metric factors in determining vulnerability scores, providing new perspectives on potential enhancements to these metrics. This study adopts a quantitative approach, calculating and comparing the coefficient of variation of vulnerability scores across 56 adversarial attacks on LLMs. The attacks, sourced from various research papers, and obtained through online databases, were evaluated using multiple vulnerability metrics. Scores were determined by averaging the values assessed by three distinct LLMs. The results indicate that existing scoring-systems yield vulnerability scores with minimal variation across different attacks, suggesting that many of the metric factors are inadequate for assessing adversarial attacks on LLMs. This is particularly true for context-specific factors or those with predefined value sets, such as those in CVSS. These findings support the hypothesis that current vulnerability metrics, especially those with rigid values, are limited in evaluating AAs on LLMs, highlighting the need for the development of more flexible, generalized metrics tailored to such attacks. This research offers a fresh analysis of the effectiveness and applicability of established vulnerability metrics, particularly in the context of Adversarial Attacks on Large Language Models, both of which have gained significant attention in recent years. Through extensive testing and calculations, the study underscores the limitations of these metrics and opens up new avenues for improving and refining vulnerability assessment frameworks specifically tailored for LLMs. MAFT: Efficient Model-Agnostic Fairness Testing for Deep Neural Networks via Zero-Order Gradient Search. (9%) Zhaohui Wang; Min Zhang; Jingran Yang; Bojie Shao; Min Zhang Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown powerful performance in various applications and are increasingly being used in decision-making systems. However, concerns about fairness in DNNs always persist. Some efficient white-box fairness testing methods about individual fairness have been proposed. Nevertheless, the development of black-box methods has stagnated, and the performance of existing methods is far behind that of white-box methods. In this paper, we propose a novel black-box individual fairness testing method called Model-Agnostic Fairness Testing (MAFT). By leveraging MAFT, practitioners can effectively identify and address discrimination in DL models, regardless of the specific algorithm or architecture employed. Our approach adopts lightweight procedures such as gradient estimation and attribute perturbation rather than non-trivial procedures like symbol execution, rendering it significantly more scalable and applicable than existing methods. We demonstrate that MAFT achieves the same effectiveness as state-of-the-art white-box methods whilst improving the applicability to large-scale networks. Compared to existing black-box approaches, our approach demonstrates distinguished performance in discovering fairness violations w.r.t effectiveness (approximately 14.69 times) and efficiency (approximately 32.58 times). LLM-Virus: Evolutionary Jailbreak Attack on Large Language Models. (2%) Miao Yu; Junfeng Fang; Yingjie Zhou; Xing Fan; Kun Wang; Shirui Pan; Qingsong Wen While safety-aligned large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used as the cornerstone for powerful systems such as multi-agent frameworks to solve complex real-world problems, they still suffer from potential adversarial queries, such as jailbreak attacks, which attempt to induce harmful content. Researching attack methods allows us to better understand the limitations of LLM and make trade-offs between helpfulness and safety. However, existing jailbreak attacks are primarily based on opaque optimization techniques (e.g. token-level gradient descent) and heuristic search methods like LLM refinement, which fall short in terms of transparency, transferability, and computational cost. In light of these limitations, we draw inspiration from the evolution and infection processes of biological viruses and propose LLM-Virus, a jailbreak attack method based on evolutionary algorithm, termed evolutionary jailbreak. LLM-Virus treats jailbreak attacks as both an evolutionary and transfer learning problem, utilizing LLMs as heuristic evolutionary operators to ensure high attack efficiency, transferability, and low time cost. Our experimental results on multiple safety benchmarks show that LLM-Virus achieves competitive or even superior performance compared to existing attack methods. Defending Against Network Attacks for Secure AI Agent Migration in Vehicular Metaverses. (1%) Xinru Wen; Jinbo Wen; Ming Xiao; Jiawen Kang; Tao Zhang; Xiaohuan Li; Chuanxi Chen; Dusit Niyato Vehicular metaverses, blending traditional vehicular networks with metaverse technology, are expected to revolutionize fields such as autonomous driving. As virtual intelligent assistants in vehicular metaverses, Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents powered by large language models can create immersive 3D virtual spaces for passengers to enjoy on-broad vehicular applications and services. To provide users with seamless and engaging virtual interactions, resource-limited vehicles offload AI agents to RoadSide Units (RSUs) with adequate communication and computational capabilities. Due to the mobility of vehicles and the limited coverage of RSUs, AI agents need to migrate from one RSU to another RSU. However, potential network attacks pose significant challenges to ensuring reliable and efficient AI agent migration. In this paper, we first explore specific network attacks including traffic-based attacks (i.e., DDoS attacks) and infrastructure-based attacks (i.e., malicious RSU attacks). Then, we model the AI agent migration process as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and apply multi-agent proximal policy optimization algorithms to mitigate DDoS attacks. In addition, we propose a trust assessment mechanism to counter malicious RSU attacks. Numerical results validate that the proposed solutions effectively defend against these network attacks and reduce the total latency of AI agent migration by approximately 43.3%. Standard-Deviation-Inspired Regularization for Improving Adversarial Robustness. (99%) Olukorede Fakorede; Modeste Atsague; Jin Tian Adversarial Training (AT) has been demonstrated to improve the robustness of deep neural networks (DNNs) against adversarial attacks. AT is a min-max optimization procedure where in adversarial examples are generated to train a more robust DNN. The inner maximization step of AT increases the losses of inputs with respect to their actual classes. The outer minimization involves minimizing the losses on the adversarial examples obtained from the inner maximization. This work proposes a standard-deviation-inspired (SDI) regularization term to improve adversarial robustness and generalization. We argue that the inner maximization in AT is similar to minimizing a modified standard deviation of the model's output probabilities. Moreover, we suggest that maximizing this modified standard deviation can complement the outer minimization of the AT framework. To support our argument, we experimentally show that the SDI measure can be used to craft adversarial examples. Additionally, we demonstrate that combining the SDI regularization term with existing AT variants enhances the robustness of DNNs against stronger attacks, such as CW and Auto-attack, and improves generalization. Enhancing Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks Through Supervised Contrastive Learning. (96%) Longwei Wang; Navid Nayyem; Abdullah Rakin Adversarial attacks exploit the vulnerabilities of convolutional neural networks by introducing imperceptible perturbations that lead to misclassifications, exposing weaknesses in feature representations and decision boundaries. This paper presents a novel framework combining supervised contrastive learning and margin-based contrastive loss to enhance adversarial robustness. Supervised contrastive learning improves the structure of the feature space by clustering embeddings of samples within the same class and separating those from different classes. Margin-based contrastive loss, inspired by support vector machines, enforces explicit constraints to create robust decision boundaries with well-defined margins. Experiments on the CIFAR-100 dataset with a ResNet-18 backbone demonstrate robustness performance improvements in adversarial accuracy under Fast Gradient Sign Method attacks. Attribution for Enhanced Explanation with Transferable Adversarial eXploration. (92%) Zhiyu Zhu; Jiayu Zhang; Zhibo Jin; Huaming Chen; Jianlong Zhou; Fang Chen The interpretability of deep neural networks is crucial for understanding model decisions in various applications, including computer vision. AttEXplore++, an advanced framework built upon AttEXplore, enhances attribution by incorporating transferable adversarial attack methods such as MIG and GRA, significantly improving the accuracy and robustness of model explanations. We conduct extensive experiments on five models, including CNNs (Inception-v3, ResNet-50, VGG16) and vision transformers (MaxViT-T, ViT-B/16), using the ImageNet dataset. Our method achieves an average performance improvement of 7.57\% over AttEXplore and 32.62\% compared to other state-of-the-art interpretability algorithms. Using insertion and deletion scores as evaluation metrics, we show that adversarial transferability plays a vital role in enhancing attribution results. Furthermore, we explore the impact of randomness, perturbation rate, noise amplitude, and diversity probability on attribution performance, demonstrating that AttEXplore++ provides more stable and reliable explanations across various models. We release our code at: Adversarial Robustness for Deep Learning-based Wildfire Detection Models. (92%) Ryo Ide; Lei Yang Smoke detection using Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is an effective approach for early wildfire detection. However, because smoke is temporally and spatially anomalous, there are limitations in collecting sufficient training data. This raises overfitting and bias concerns in existing DNN-based wildfire detection models. Thus, we introduce WARP (Wildfire Adversarial Robustness Procedure), the first model-agnostic framework for evaluating the adversarial robustness of DNN-based wildfire detection models. WARP addresses limitations in smoke image diversity using global and local adversarial attack methods. The global attack method uses image-contextualized Gaussian noise, while the local attack method uses patch noise injection, tailored to address critical aspects of wildfire detection. Leveraging WARP's model-agnostic capabilities, we assess the adversarial robustness of real-time Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers. The analysis revealed valuable insights into the models' limitations. Specifically, the global attack method demonstrates that the Transformer model has more than 70\% precision degradation than the CNN against global noise. In contrast, the local attack method shows that both models are susceptible to cloud image injections when detecting smoke-positive instances, suggesting a need for model improvements through data augmentation. WARP's comprehensive robustness analysis contributed to the development of wildfire-specific data augmentation strategies, marking a step toward practicality. Federated Hybrid Training and Self-Adversarial Distillation: Towards Robust Edge Networks. (45%) Yu Qiao; Apurba Adhikary; Kitae Kim; Eui-Nam Huh; Zhu Han; Choong Seon Hong Federated learning (FL) is a distributed training technology that enhances data privacy in mobile edge networks by allowing data owners to collaborate without transmitting raw data to the edge server. However, data heterogeneity and adversarial attacks pose challenges to develop an unbiased and robust global model for edge deployment. To address this, we propose Federated hyBrid Adversarial training and self-adversarial disTillation (FedBAT), a new framework designed to improve both robustness and generalization of the global model. FedBAT seamlessly integrates hybrid adversarial training and self-adversarial distillation into the conventional FL framework from data augmentation and feature distillation perspectives. From a data augmentation perspective, we propose hybrid adversarial training to defend against adversarial attacks by balancing accuracy and robustness through a weighted combination of standard and adversarial training. From a feature distillation perspective, we introduce a novel augmentation-invariant adversarial distillation method that aligns local adversarial features of augmented images with their corresponding unbiased global clean features. This alignment can effectively mitigate bias from data heterogeneity while enhancing both the robustness and generalization of the global model. Extensive experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate that FedBAT yields comparable or superior performance gains in improving robustness while maintaining accuracy compared to several baselines. An Engorgio Prompt Makes Large Language Model Babble on. (15%) Jianshuo Dong; Ziyuan Zhang; Qingjie Zhang; Han Qiu; Tianwei Zhang; Hao Wang; Hewu Li; Qi Li; Chao Zhang; Ke Xu Auto-regressive large language models (LLMs) have yielded impressive performance in many real-world tasks. However, the new paradigm of these LLMs also exposes novel threats. In this paper, we explore their vulnerability to inference cost attacks, where a malicious user crafts Engorgio prompts to intentionally increase the computation cost and latency of the inference process. We design Engorgio, a novel methodology, to efficiently generate adversarial Engorgio prompts to affect the target LLM's service availability. Engorgio has the following two technical contributions. (1) We employ a parameterized distribution to track LLMs' prediction trajectory. (2) Targeting the auto-regressive nature of LLMs' inference process, we propose novel loss functions to stably suppress the appearance of the token, whose occurrence will interrupt the LLM's generation process. We conduct extensive experiments on 13 open-sourced LLMs with parameters ranging from 125M to 30B. The results show that Engorgio prompts can successfully induce LLMs to generate abnormally long outputs (i.e., roughly 2-13$\times$ longer to reach 90%+ of the output length limit) in a white-box scenario and our real-world experiment demonstrates Engergio's threat to LLM service with limited computing resources. The code is accessible at xSRL: Safety-Aware Explainable Reinforcement Learning -- Safety as a Product of Explainability. (2%) Risal Shahriar Shefin; Md Asifur Rahman; Thai Le; Sarra Alqahtani Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great promise in simulated environments, such as games, where failures have minimal consequences. However, the deployment of RL agents in real-world systems such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, UAVs, and medical devices demands a higher level of safety and transparency, particularly when facing adversarial threats. Safe RL algorithms have been developed to address these concerns by optimizing both task performance and safety constraints. However, errors are inevitable, and when they occur, it is essential that the RL agents can also explain their actions to human operators. This makes trust in the safety mechanisms of RL systems crucial for effective deployment. Explainability plays a key role in building this trust by providing clear, actionable insights into the agent's decision-making process, ensuring that safety-critical decisions are well understood. While machine learning (ML) has seen significant advances in interpretability and visualization, explainability methods for RL remain limited. Current tools fail to address the dynamic, sequential nature of RL and its needs to balance task performance with safety constraints over time. The re-purposing of traditional ML methods, such as saliency maps, is inadequate for safety-critical RL applications where mistakes can result in severe consequences. To bridge this gap, we propose xSRL, a framework that integrates both local and global explanations to provide a comprehensive understanding of RL agents' behavior. xSRL also enables developers to identify policy vulnerabilities through adversarial attacks, offering tools to debug and patch agents without retraining. Our experiments and user studies demonstrate xSRL's effectiveness in increasing safety in RL systems, making them more reliable and trustworthy for real-world deployment. Code is available at Distortion-Aware Adversarial Attacks on Bounding Boxes of Object Detectors. (99%) Pham Phuc; Son Vuong; Khang Nguyen; Tuan Dang Deep learning-based object detection has become ubiquitous in the last decade due to its high accuracy in many real-world applications. With this growing trend, these models are interested in being attacked by adversaries, with most of the results being on classifiers, which do not match the context of practical object detection. In this work, we propose a novel method to fool object detectors, expose the vulnerability of state-of-the-art detectors, and promote later works to build more robust detectors to adversarial examples. Our method aims to generate adversarial images by perturbing object confidence scores during training, which is crucial in predicting confidence for each class in the testing phase. Herein, we provide a more intuitive technique to embed additive noises based on detected objects' masks and the training loss with distortion control over the original image by leveraging the gradient of iterative images. To verify the proposed method, we perform adversarial attacks against different object detectors, including the most recent state-of-the-art models like YOLOv8, Faster R-CNN, RetinaNet, and Swin Transformer. We also evaluate our technique on MS COCO 2017 and PASCAL VOC 2012 datasets and analyze the trade-off between success attack rate and image distortion. Our experiments show that the achievable success attack rate is up to $100$\% and up to $98$\% when performing white-box and black-box attacks, respectively. The source code and relevant documentation for this work are available at the following link: Improving Integrated Gradient-based Transferable Adversarial Examples by Refining the Integration Path. (98%) Yuchen Ren; Zhengyu Zhao; Chenhao Lin; Bo Yang; Lu Zhou; Zhe Liu; Chao Shen Transferable adversarial examples are known to cause threats in practical, black-box attack scenarios. A notable approach to improving transferability is using integrated gradients (IG), originally developed for model interpretability. In this paper, we find that existing IG-based attacks have limited transferability due to their naive adoption of IG in model interpretability. To address this limitation, we focus on the IG integration path and refine it in three aspects: multiplicity, monotonicity, and diversity, supported by theoretical analyses. We propose the Multiple Monotonic Diversified Integrated Gradients (MuMoDIG) attack, which can generate highly transferable adversarial examples on different CNN and ViT models and defenses. Experiments validate that MuMoDIG outperforms the latest IG-based attack by up to 37.3\% and other state-of-the-art attacks by 8.4\%. In general, our study reveals that migrating established techniques to improve transferability may require non-trivial efforts. Code is available at \url{}. Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks on Point Clouds Guided by Point-to-Surface Field. (83%) Keke Tang; Weiyao Ke; Weilong Peng; Xiaofei Wang; Ziyong Du; Zhize Wu; Peican Zhu; Zhihong Tian Adversarial attacks on point clouds are crucial for assessing and improving the adversarial robustness of 3D deep learning models. Traditional solutions strictly limit point displacement during attacks, making it challenging to balance imperceptibility with adversarial effectiveness. In this paper, we attribute the inadequate imperceptibility of adversarial attacks on point clouds to deviations from the underlying surface. To address this, we introduce a novel point-to-surface (P2S) field that adjusts adversarial perturbation directions by dragging points back to their original underlying surface. Specifically, we use a denoising network to learn the gradient field of the logarithmic density function encoding the shape's surface, and apply a distance-aware adjustment to perturbation directions during attacks, thereby enhancing imperceptibility. Extensive experiments show that adversarial attacks guided by our P2S field are more imperceptible, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Adversarial Training for Graph Neural Networks via Graph Subspace Energy Optimization. (75%) Ganlin Liu; Ziling Liang; Xiaowei Huang; Xinping Yi; Shi Jin Despite impressive capability in learning over graph-structured data, graph neural networks (GNN) suffer from adversarial topology perturbation in both training and inference phases. While adversarial training has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness in image classification tasks, its suitability for GNN models has been doubted until a recent advance that shifts the focus from transductive to inductive learning. Still, GNN robustness in the inductive setting is under-explored, and it calls for deeper understanding of GNN adversarial training. To this end, we propose a new concept of graph subspace energy (GSE) -- a generalization of graph energy that measures graph stability -- of the adjacency matrix, as an indicator of GNN robustness against topology perturbations. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of such concept, we propose an adversarial training method with the perturbed graphs generated by maximizing the GSE regularization term, referred to as AT-GSE. To deal with the local and global topology perturbations raised respectively by LRBCD and PRBCD, we employ randomized SVD (RndSVD) and Nystrom low-rank approximation to favor the different aspects of the GSE terms. An extensive set of experiments shows that AT-GSE outperforms consistently the state-of-the-art GNN adversarial training methods over different homophily and heterophily datasets in terms of adversarial accuracy, whilst more surprisingly achieving a superior clean accuracy on non-perturbed graphs. Bridging Interpretability and Robustness Using LIME-Guided Model Refinement. (69%) Navid Nayyem; Abdullah Rakin; Longwei Wang This paper explores the intricate relationship between interpretability and robustness in deep learning models. Despite their remarkable performance across various tasks, deep learning models often exhibit critical vulnerabilities, including susceptibility to adversarial attacks, over-reliance on spurious correlations, and a lack of transparency in their decision-making processes. To address these limitations, we propose a novel framework that leverages Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) to systematically enhance model robustness. By identifying and mitigating the influence of irrelevant or misleading features, our approach iteratively refines the model, penalizing reliance on these features during training. Empirical evaluations on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that LIME-guided refinement not only improves interpretability but also significantly enhances resistance to adversarial perturbations and generalization to out-of-distribution data. Injecting Bias into Text Classification Models using Backdoor Attacks. (15%) A. Dilara Yavuz; M. Emre Gursoy The rapid growth of natural language processing (NLP) and pre-trained language models have enabled accurate text classification in a variety of settings. However, text classification models are susceptible to backdoor attacks, where an attacker embeds a trigger into the victim model to make the model predict attacker-desired labels in targeted scenarios. In this paper, we propose to utilize backdoor attacks for a new purpose: bias injection. We develop a backdoor attack in which a subset of the training dataset is poisoned to associate strong male actors with negative sentiment. We execute our attack on two popular text classification datasets (IMDb and SST) and seven different models ranging from traditional Doc2Vec-based models to LSTM networks and modern transformer-based BERT and RoBERTa models. Our results show that the reduction in backdoored models' benign classification accuracy is limited, implying that our attacks remain stealthy, whereas the models successfully learn to associate strong male actors with negative sentiment (100% attack success rate with >= 3% poison rate). Attacks on BERT and RoBERTa are particularly more stealthy and effective, demonstrating an increased risk of using modern and larger models. We also measure the generalizability of our bias injection by proposing two metrics: (i) U-BBSR which uses previously unseen words when measuring attack success, and (ii) P-BBSR which measures attack success using paraphrased test samples. U-BBSR and P-BBSR results show that the bias injected by our attack can go beyond memorizing a trigger phrase. Protective Perturbations against Unauthorized Data Usage in Diffusion-based Image Generation. (10%) Sen Peng; Jijia Yang; Mingyue Wang; Jianfei He; Xiaohua Jia Diffusion-based text-to-image models have shown immense potential for various image-related tasks. However, despite their prominence and popularity, customizing these models using unauthorized data also brings serious privacy and intellectual property issues. Existing methods introduce protective perturbations based on adversarial attacks, which are applied to the customization samples. In this systematization of knowledge, we present a comprehensive survey of protective perturbation methods designed to prevent unauthorized data usage in diffusion-based image generation. We establish the threat model and categorize the downstream tasks relevant to these methods, providing a detailed analysis of their designs. We also propose a completed evaluation framework for these perturbation techniques, aiming to advance research in this field. CL-attack: Textual Backdoor Attacks via Cross-Lingual Triggers. (9%) Jingyi Zheng; Tianyi Hu; Tianshuo Cong; Xinlei He Backdoor attacks significantly compromise the security of large language models by triggering them to output specific and controlled content. Currently, triggers for textual backdoor attacks fall into two categories: fixed-token triggers and sentence-pattern triggers. However, the former are typically easy to identify and filter, while the latter, such as syntax and style, do not apply to all original samples and may lead to semantic shifts. In this paper, inspired by cross-lingual (CL) prompts of LLMs in real-world scenarios, we propose a higher-dimensional trigger method at the paragraph level, namely CL-attack. CL-attack injects the backdoor by using texts with specific structures that incorporate multiple languages, thereby offering greater stealthiness and universality compared to existing backdoor attack techniques. Extensive experiments on different tasks and model architectures demonstrate that CL-attack can achieve nearly 100% attack success rate with a low poisoning rate in both classification and generation tasks. We also empirically show that the CL-attack is more robust against current major defense methods compared to baseline backdoor attacks. Additionally, to mitigate CL-attack, we further develop a new defense called TranslateDefense, which can partially mitigate the impact of CL-attack. SurvAttack: Black-Box Attack On Survival Models through Ontology-Informed EHR Perturbation. (99%) Mohsen Nayebi Kerdabadi; Arya Hadizadeh Moghaddam; Bin Liu; Mei Liu; Zijun Yao Survival analysis (SA) models have been widely studied in mining electronic health records (EHRs), particularly in forecasting the risk of critical conditions for prioritizing high-risk patients. However, their vulnerability to adversarial attacks is much less explored in the literature. Developing black-box perturbation algorithms and evaluating their impact on state-of-the-art survival models brings two benefits to medical applications. First, it can effectively evaluate the robustness of models in pre-deployment testing. Also, exploring how subtle perturbations would result in significantly different outcomes can provide counterfactual insights into the clinical interpretation of model prediction. In this work, we introduce SurvAttack, a novel black-box adversarial attack framework leveraging subtle clinically compatible, and semantically consistent perturbations on longitudinal EHRs to degrade survival models' predictive performance. We specifically develop a greedy algorithm to manipulate medical codes with various adversarial actions throughout a patient's medical history. Then, these adversarial actions are prioritized using a composite scoring strategy based on multi-aspect perturbation quality, including saliency, perturbation stealthiness, and clinical meaningfulness. The proposed adversarial EHR perturbation algorithm is then used in an efficient SA-specific strategy to attack a survival model when estimating the temporal ranking of survival urgency for patients. To demonstrate the significance of our work, we conduct extensive experiments, including baseline comparisons, explainability analysis, and case studies. The experimental results affirm our research's effectiveness in illustrating the vulnerabilities of patient survival models, model interpretation, and ultimately contributing to healthcare quality. Evaluating the Adversarial Robustness of Detection Transformers. (99%) Amirhossein Nazeri; Chunheng Zhao; Pierluigi Pisu Robust object detection is critical for autonomous driving and mobile robotics, where accurate detection of vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles is essential for ensuring safety. Despite the advancements in object detection transformers (DETRs), their robustness against adversarial attacks remains underexplored. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of DETR model and its variants under both white-box and black-box adversarial attacks, using the MS-COCO and KITTI datasets to cover general and autonomous driving scenarios. We extend prominent white-box attack methods (FGSM, PGD, and CW) to assess DETR vulnerability, demonstrating that DETR models are significantly susceptible to adversarial attacks, similar to traditional CNN-based detectors. Our extensive transferability analysis reveals high intra-network transferability among DETR variants, but limited cross-network transferability to CNN-based models. Additionally, we propose a novel untargeted attack designed specifically for DETR, exploiting its intermediate loss functions to induce misclassification with minimal perturbations. Visualizations of self-attention feature maps provide insights into how adversarial attacks affect the internal representations of DETR models. These findings reveal critical vulnerabilities in detection transformers under standard adversarial attacks, emphasizing the need for future research to enhance the robustness of transformer-based object detectors in safety-critical applications. Robustness-aware Automatic Prompt Optimization. (98%) Zeru Shi; Zhenting Wang; Yongye Su; Weidi Luo; Fan Yang; Yongfeng Zhang The performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) is based on the quality of the prompts and the semantic and structural integrity information of the input data. However, current prompt generation methods primarily focus on generating prompts for clean input data, often overlooking the impact of perturbed inputs on prompt performance. To address this limitation, we propose BATprompt (By Adversarial Training prompt), a novel method for prompt generation designed to withstand input perturbations (such as typos in the input). Inspired by adversarial training techniques, BATprompt demonstrates strong performance on a variety of perturbed tasks through a two-step process: adversarial perturbation and iterative optimization on unperturbed input via LLM. Unlike conventional adversarial attack methods, BATprompt avoids reliance on real gradients or model parameters. Instead, it leverages the advanced reasoning, language understanding and self reflection capabilities of LLMs to simulate gradients, guiding the generation of adversarial perturbations and optimizing prompt performance. In our experiments, we evaluate BATprompt on multiple datasets across both language understanding and generation tasks. The results indicate that BATprompt outperforms existing prompt generation methods, delivering superior robustness and performance under diverse perturbation scenarios. Attack-in-the-Chain: Bootstrapping Large Language Models for Attacks Against Black-box Neural Ranking Models. (98%) Yu-An Liu; Ruqing Zhang; Jiafeng Guo; Rijke Maarten de; Yixing Fan; Xueqi Cheng Neural ranking models (NRMs) have been shown to be highly effective in terms of retrieval performance. Unfortunately, they have also displayed a higher degree of sensitivity to attacks than previous generation models. To help expose and address this lack of robustness, we introduce a novel ranking attack framework named Attack-in-the-Chain, which tracks interactions between large language models (LLMs) and NRMs based on chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting to generate adversarial examples under black-box settings. Our approach starts by identifying anchor documents with higher ranking positions than the target document as nodes in the reasoning chain. We then dynamically assign the number of perturbation words to each node and prompt LLMs to execute attacks. Finally, we verify the attack performance of all nodes at each reasoning step and proceed to generate the next reasoning step. Empirical results on two web search benchmarks show the effectiveness of our method. On the Effectiveness of Adversarial Training on Malware Classifiers. (96%) Hamid Bostani; Jacopo Cortellazzi; Daniel Arp; Fabio Pierazzi; Veelasha Moonsamy; Lorenzo Cavallaro Adversarial Training (AT) has been widely applied to harden learning-based classifiers against adversarial evasive attacks. However, its effectiveness in identifying and strengthening vulnerable areas of the model's decision space while maintaining high performance on clean data of malware classifiers remains an under-explored area. In this context, the robustness that AT achieves has often been assessed against unrealistic or weak adversarial attacks, which negatively affect performance on clean data and are arguably no longer threats. Previous work seems to suggest robustness is a task-dependent property of AT. We instead argue it is a more complex problem that requires exploring AT and the intertwined roles played by certain factors within data, feature representations, classifiers, and robust optimization settings, as well as proper evaluation factors, such as the realism of evasion attacks, to gain a true sense of AT's effectiveness. In our paper, we address this gap by systematically exploring the role such factors have in hardening malware classifiers through AT. Contrary to recent prior work, a key observation of our research and extensive experiments confirm the hypotheses that all such factors influence the actual effectiveness of AT, as demonstrated by the varying degrees of success from our empirical analysis. We identify five evaluation pitfalls that affect state-of-the-art studies and summarize our insights in ten takeaways to draw promising research directions toward better understanding the factors' settings under which adversarial training works at best. Efficient Contrastive Explanations on Demand. (82%) Yacine Izza; Joao Marques-Silva Recent work revealed a tight connection between adversarial robustness and restricted forms of symbolic explanations, namely distance-based (formal) explanations. This connection is significant because it represents a first step towards making the computation of symbolic explanations as efficient as deciding the existence of adversarial examples, especially for highly complex machine learning (ML) models. However, a major performance bottleneck remains, because of the very large number of features that ML models may possess, in particular for deep neural networks. This paper proposes novel algorithms to compute the so-called contrastive explanations for ML models with a large number of features, by leveraging on adversarial robustness. Furthermore, the paper also proposes novel algorithms for listing explanations and finding smallest contrastive explanations. The experimental results demonstrate the performance gains achieved by the novel algorithms proposed in this paper. An Empirical Analysis of Federated Learning Models Subject to Label-Flipping Adversarial Attack. (73%) Kunal Bhatnagar; Sagana Chattanathan; Angela Dang; Bhargav Eranki; Ronnit Rana; Charan Sridhar; Siddharth Vedam; Angie Yao; Mark Stamp In this paper, we empirically analyze adversarial attacks on selected federated learning models. The specific learning models considered are Multinominal Logistic Regression (MLR), Support Vector Classifier (SVC), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Convolution Neural Network (CNN), %Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Random Forest, XGBoost, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). For each model, we simulate label-flipping attacks, experimenting extensively with 10 federated clients and 100 federated clients. We vary the percentage of adversarial clients from 10% to 100% and, simultaneously, the percentage of labels flipped by each adversarial client is also varied from 10% to 100%. Among other results, we find that models differ in their inherent robustness to the two vectors in our label-flipping attack, i.e., the percentage of adversarial clients, and the percentage of labels flipped by each adversarial client. We discuss the potential practical implications of our results. Unveiling the Threat of Fraud Gangs to Graph Neural Networks: Multi-Target Graph Injection Attacks Against GNN-Based Fraud Detectors. (41%) Jinhyeok Choi; Heehyeon Kim; Joyce Jiyoung Whang Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as an effective tool for fraud detection, identifying fraudulent users, and uncovering malicious behaviors. However, attacks against GNN-based fraud detectors and their risks have rarely been studied, thereby leaving potential threats unaddressed. Recent findings suggest that frauds are increasingly organized as gangs or groups. In this work, we design attack scenarios where fraud gangs aim to make their fraud nodes misclassified as benign by camouflaging their illicit activities in collusion. Based on these scenarios, we study adversarial attacks against GNN-based fraud detectors by simulating attacks of fraud gangs in three real-world fraud cases: spam reviews, fake news, and medical insurance frauds. We define these attacks as multi-target graph injection attacks and propose MonTi, a transformer-based Multi-target one-Time graph injection attack model. MonTi simultaneously generates attributes and edges of all attack nodes with a transformer encoder, capturing interdependencies between attributes and edges more effectively than most existing graph injection attack methods that generate these elements sequentially. Additionally, MonTi adaptively allocates the degree budget for each attack node to explore diverse injection structures involving target, candidate, and attack nodes, unlike existing methods that fix the degree budget across all attack nodes. Experiments show that MonTi outperforms the state-of-the-art graph injection attack methods on five real-world graphs. Token Highlighter: Inspecting and Mitigating Jailbreak Prompts for Large Language Models. (38%) Xiaomeng Hu; Pin-Yu Chen; Tsung-Yi Ho Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being integrated into services such as ChatGPT to provide responses to user queries. To mitigate potential harm and prevent misuse, there have been concerted efforts to align the LLMs with human values and legal compliance by incorporating various techniques, such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), into the training of the LLMs. However, recent research has exposed that even aligned LLMs are susceptible to adversarial manipulations known as Jailbreak Attacks. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a method called Token Highlighter to inspect and mitigate the potential jailbreak threats in the user query. Token Highlighter introduced a concept called Affirmation Loss to measure the LLM's willingness to answer the user query. It then uses the gradient of Affirmation Loss for each token in the user query to locate the jailbreak-critical tokens. Further, Token Highlighter exploits our proposed Soft Removal technique to mitigate the jailbreak effects of critical tokens via shrinking their token embeddings. Experimental results on two aligned LLMs (LLaMA-2 and Vicuna-V1.5) demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively defend against a variety of Jailbreak Attacks while maintaining competent performance on benign questions of the AlpacaEval benchmark. In addition, Token Highlighter is a cost-effective and interpretable defense because it only needs to query the protected LLM once to compute the Affirmation Loss and can highlight the critical tokens upon refusal. Hypergraph Attacks via Injecting Homogeneous Nodes into Elite Hyperedges. (22%) Meixia He; Peican Zhu; Keke Tang; Yangming Guo Recent studies have shown that Hypergraph Neural Networks (HGNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Existing approaches focus on hypergraph modification attacks guided by gradients, overlooking node spanning in the hypergraph and the group identity of hyperedges, thereby resulting in limited attack performance and detectable attacks. In this manuscript, we present a novel framework, i.e., Hypergraph Attacks via Injecting Homogeneous Nodes into Elite Hyperedges (IE-Attack), to tackle these challenges. Initially, utilizing the node spanning in the hypergraph, we propose the elite hyperedges sampler to identify hyperedges to be injected. Subsequently, a node generator utilizing Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is proposed to generate the homogeneous node with the group identity of hyperedges. Finally, by injecting the homogeneous node into elite hyperedges, IE-Attack improves the attack performance and enhances the imperceptibility of attacks. Extensive experiments are conducted on five authentic datasets to validate the effectiveness of IE-Attack and the corresponding superiority to state-of-the-art methods. Re-assessing ImageNet: How aligned is its single-label assumption with its multi-label nature? (4%) Esla Timothy Anzaku; Seyed Amir Mousavi; Messem Arnout Van; Neve Wesley De ImageNet, an influential dataset in computer vision, is traditionally evaluated using single-label classification, which assumes that an image can be adequately described by a single concept or label. However, this approach may not fully capture the complex semantics within the images available in ImageNet, potentially hindering the development of models that effectively learn these intricacies. This study critically examines the prevalent single-label benchmarking approach and advocates for a shift to multi-label benchmarking for ImageNet. This shift would enable a more comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of deep neural network (DNN) models. We analyze the effectiveness of pre-trained state-of-the-art DNNs on ImageNet and one of its variants, ImageNetV2. Studies in the literature have reported unexpected accuracy drops of 11% to 14% on ImageNetV2. Our findings show that these reported declines are largely attributable to a characteristic of the dataset that has not received sufficient attention -- the proportion of images with multiple labels. Taking this characteristic into account, the results of our experiments provide evidence that there is no substantial degradation in effectiveness on ImageNetV2. Furthermore, we acknowledge that ImageNet pre-trained models exhibit some capability at capturing the multi-label nature of the dataset even though they were trained under the single-label assumption. Consequently, we propose a new evaluation approach to augment existing approaches that assess this capability. Our findings highlight the importance of considering the multi-label nature of the ImageNet dataset during benchmarking. Failing to do so could lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the effectiveness of DNNs and divert research efforts from addressing other substantial challenges related to the reliability and robustness of these models. Retention Score: Quantifying Jailbreak Risks for Vision Language Models. (99%) Zaitang Li; Pin-Yu Chen; Tsung-Yi Ho The emergence of Vision-Language Models (VLMs) is a significant advancement in integrating computer vision with Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance multi-modal machine learning capabilities. However, this progress has also made VLMs vulnerable to sophisticated adversarial attacks, raising concerns about their reliability. The objective of this paper is to assess the resilience of VLMs against jailbreak attacks that can compromise model safety compliance and result in harmful outputs. To evaluate a VLM's ability to maintain its robustness against adversarial input perturbations, we propose a novel metric called the \textbf{Retention Score}. Retention Score is a multi-modal evaluation metric that includes Retention-I and Retention-T scores for quantifying jailbreak risks in visual and textual components of VLMs. Our process involves generating synthetic image-text pairs using a conditional diffusion model. These pairs are then predicted for toxicity score by a VLM alongside a toxicity judgment classifier. By calculating the margin in toxicity scores, we can quantify the robustness of the VLM in an attack-agnostic manner. Our work has four main contributions. First, we prove that Retention Score can serve as a certified robustness metric. Second, we demonstrate that most VLMs with visual components are less robust against jailbreak attacks than the corresponding plain VLMs. Additionally, we evaluate black-box VLM APIs and find that the security settings in Google Gemini significantly affect the score and robustness. Moreover, the robustness of GPT4V is similar to the medium settings of Gemini. Finally, our approach offers a time-efficient alternative to existing adversarial attack methods and provides consistent model robustness rankings when evaluated on VLMs including MiniGPT-4, InstructBLIP, and LLaVA. Emerging Security Challenges of Large Language Models. (73%) Herve Debar; Sven Dietrich; Pavel Laskov; Emil C. Lupu; Eirini Ntoutsi Large language models (LLMs) have achieved record adoption in a short period of time across many different sectors including high importance areas such as education [4] and healthcare [23]. LLMs are open-ended models trained on diverse data without being tailored for specific downstream tasks, enabling broad applicability across various domains. They are commonly used for text generation, but also widely used to assist with code generation [3], and even analysis of security information, as Microsoft Security Copilot demonstrates [18]. Traditional Machine Learning (ML) models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks [9]. So the concerns on the potential security implications of such wide scale adoption of LLMs have led to the creation of this working group on the security of LLMs. During the Dagstuhl seminar on "Network Attack Detection and Defense - AI-Powered Threats and Responses", the working group discussions focused on the vulnerability of LLMs to adversarial attacks, rather than their potential use in generating malware or enabling cyberattacks. Although we note the potential threat represented by the latter, the role of the LLMs in such uses is mostly as an accelerator for development, similar to what it is in benign use. To make the analysis more specific, the working group employed ChatGPT as a concrete example of an LLM and addressed the following points, which also form the structure of this report: 1. How do LLMs differ in vulnerabilities from traditional ML models? 2. What are the attack objectives in LLMs? 3. How complex it is to assess the risks posed by the vulnerabilities of LLMs? 4. What is the supply chain in LLMs, how data flow in and out of systems and what are the security implications? We conclude with an overview of open challenges and outlook. Stability Bounds for the Unfolded Forward-Backward Algorithm. (38%) Emilie Chouzenoux; Valle Cecile Della; Jean-Christophe Pesquet We consider a neural network architecture designed to solve inverse problems where the degradation operator is linear and known. This architecture is constructed by unrolling a forward-backward algorithm derived from the minimization of an objective function that combines a data-fidelity term, a Tikhonov-type regularization term, and a potentially nonsmooth convex penalty. The robustness of this inversion method to input perturbations is analyzed theoretically. Ensuring robustness complies with the principles of inverse problem theory, as it ensures both the continuity of the inversion method and the resilience to small noise - a critical property given the known vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial perturbations. A key novelty of our work lies in examining the robustness of the proposed network to perturbations in its bias, which represents the observed data in the inverse problem. Additionally, we provide numerical illustrations of the analytical Lipschitz bounds derived in our analysis. Double Landmines: Invisible Textual Backdoor Attacks based on Dual-Trigger. (15%) Yang Hou; Qiuling Yue; Lujia Chai; Guozhao Liao; Wenbao Han; Wei Ou At present, all textual backdoor attack methods are based on single triggers: for example, inserting specific content into the text to activate the backdoor; or changing the abstract text features. The former is easier to be identified by existing defense strategies due to its obvious characteristics; the latter, although improved in invisibility, has certain shortcomings in terms of attack performance, construction of poisoned datasets, and selection of the final poisoning rate. On this basis, this paper innovatively proposes a Dual-Trigger backdoor attack based on syntax and mood, and optimizes the construction of the poisoned dataset and the selection strategy of the final poisoning rate. A large number of experimental results show that this method significantly outperforms the previous methods based on abstract features in attack performance, and achieves comparable attack performance (almost 100% attack success rate) with the insertion-based method. In addition, the two trigger mechanisms included in this method can be activated independently in the application phase of the model, which not only improves the flexibility of the trigger style, but also enhances its robustness against defense strategies. These results profoundly reveal that textual backdoor attacks are extremely harmful and provide a new perspective for security protection in this field. AEIOU: A Unified Defense Framework against NSFW Prompts in Text-to-Image Models. (2%) Yiming Wang; Jiahao Chen; Qingming Li; Xing Yang; Shouling Ji As text-to-image (T2I) models continue to advance and gain widespread adoption, their associated safety issues are becoming increasingly prominent. Malicious users often exploit these models to generate Not-Safe-for-Work (NSFW) images using harmful or adversarial prompts, highlighting the critical need for robust safeguards to ensure the integrity and compliance of model outputs. Current internal safeguards frequently degrade image quality, while external detection methods often suffer from low accuracy and inefficiency. In this paper, we introduce AEIOU, a defense framework that is Adaptable, Efficient, Interpretable, Optimizable, and Unified against NSFW prompts in T2I models. AEIOU extracts NSFW features from the hidden states of the model's text encoder, utilizing the separable nature of these features to detect NSFW prompts. The detection process is efficient, requiring minimal inference time. AEIOU also offers real-time interpretation of results and supports optimization through data augmentation techniques. The framework is versatile, accommodating various T2I architectures. Our extensive experiments show that AEIOU significantly outperforms both commercial and open-source moderation tools, achieving over 95% accuracy across all datasets and improving efficiency by at least tenfold. It effectively counters adaptive attacks and excels in few-shot and multi-label scenarios. Sensitivity Curve Maximization: Attacking Robust Aggregators in Distributed Learning. (1%) Christian A. Schroth; Stefan Vlaski; Abdelhak M. Zoubir In distributed learning agents aim at collaboratively solving a global learning problem. It becomes more and more likely that individual agents are malicious or faulty with an increasing size of the network. This leads to a degeneration or complete breakdown of the learning process. Classical aggregation schemes are prone to breakdown at small contamination rates, therefore robust aggregation schemes are sought for. While robust aggregation schemes can generally tolerate larger contamination rates, many have been shown to be susceptible to carefully crafted malicious attacks. In this work, we show how the sensitivity curve (SC), a classical tool from robust statistics, can be used to systematically derive optimal attack patterns against arbitrary robust aggregators, in most cases rendering them ineffective. We show the effectiveness of the proposed attack in multiple simulations. DiffusionAttacker: Diffusion-Driven Prompt Manipulation for LLM Jailbreak. (1%) Hao Wang; Hao Li; Junda Zhu; Xinyuan Wang; Chengwei Pan; MinLie Huang; Lei Sha Large Language Models (LLMs) are susceptible to generating harmful content when prompted with carefully crafted inputs, a vulnerability known as LLM jailbreaking. As LLMs become more powerful, studying jailbreak methods is critical to enhancing security and aligning models with human values. Traditionally, jailbreak techniques have relied on suffix addition or prompt templates, but these methods suffer from limited attack diversity. This paper introduces DiffusionAttacker, an end-to-end generative approach for jailbreak rewriting inspired by diffusion models. Our method employs a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) text diffusion model as a generator, conditioning on the original prompt and guiding the denoising process with a novel attack loss. Unlike previous approaches that use autoregressive LLMs to generate jailbreak prompts, which limit the modification of already generated tokens and restrict the rewriting space, DiffusionAttacker utilizes a seq2seq diffusion model, allowing more flexible token modifications. This approach preserves the semantic content of the original prompt while producing harmful content. Additionally, we leverage the Gumbel-Softmax technique to make the sampling process from the diffusion model's output distribution differentiable, eliminating the need for iterative token search. Extensive experiments on Advbench and Harmbench demonstrate that DiffusionAttacker outperforms previous methods across various evaluation metrics, including attack success rate (ASR), fluency, and diversity. ErasableMask: A Robust and Erasable Privacy Protection Scheme against Black-box Face Recognition Models. (99%) Sipeng Shen; Yunming Zhang; Dengpan Ye; Xiuwen Shi; Long Tang; Haoran Duan; Ziyi Liu While face recognition (FR) models have brought remarkable convenience in face verification and identification, they also pose substantial privacy risks to the public. Existing facial privacy protection schemes usually adopt adversarial examples to disrupt face verification of FR models. However, these schemes often suffer from weak transferability against black-box FR models and permanently damage the identifiable information that cannot fulfill the requirements of authorized operations such as forensics and authentication. To address these limitations, we propose ErasableMask, a robust and erasable privacy protection scheme against black-box FR models. Specifically, via rethinking the inherent relationship between surrogate FR models, ErasableMask introduces a novel meta-auxiliary attack, which boosts black-box transferability by learning more general features in a stable and balancing optimization strategy. It also offers a perturbation erasion mechanism that supports the erasion of semantic perturbations in protected face without degrading image quality. To further improve performance, ErasableMask employs a curriculum learning strategy to mitigate optimization conflicts between adversarial attack and perturbation erasion. Extensive experiments on the CelebA-HQ and FFHQ datasets demonstrate that ErasableMask achieves the state-of-the-art performance in transferability, achieving over 72% confidence on average in commercial FR systems. Moreover, ErasableMask also exhibits outstanding perturbation erasion performance, achieving over 90% erasion success rate. NumbOD: A Spatial-Frequency Fusion Attack Against Object Detectors. (99%) Ziqi Zhou; Bowen Li; Yufei Song; Zhifei Yu; Shengshan Hu; Wei Wan; Leo Yu Zhang; Dezhong Yao; Hai Jin With the advancement of deep learning, object detectors (ODs) with various architectures have achieved significant success in complex scenarios like autonomous driving. Previous adversarial attacks against ODs have been focused on designing customized attacks targeting their specific structures (e.g., NMS and RPN), yielding some results but simultaneously constraining their scalability. Moreover, most efforts against ODs stem from image-level attacks originally designed for classification tasks, resulting in redundant computations and disturbances in object-irrelevant areas (e.g., background). Consequently, how to design a model-agnostic efficient attack to comprehensively evaluate the vulnerabilities of ODs remains challenging and unresolved. In this paper, we propose NumbOD, a brand-new spatial-frequency fusion attack against various ODs, aimed at disrupting object detection within images. We directly leverage the features output by the OD without relying on its internal structures to craft adversarial examples. Specifically, we first design a dual-track attack target selection strategy to select high-quality bounding boxes from OD outputs for targeting. Subsequently, we employ directional perturbations to shift and compress predicted boxes and change classification results to deceive ODs. Additionally, we focus on manipulating the high-frequency components of images to confuse ODs' attention on critical objects, thereby enhancing the attack efficiency. Our extensive experiments on nine ODs and two datasets show that NumbOD achieves powerful attack performance and high stealthiness. Breaking Barriers in Physical-World Adversarial Examples: Improving Robustness and Transferability via Robust Feature. (99%) Yichen Wang; Yuxuan Chou; Ziqi Zhou; Hangtao Zhang; Wei Wan; Shengshan Hu; Minghui Li As deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely applied in the physical world, many researches are focusing on physical-world adversarial examples (PAEs), which introduce perturbations to inputs and cause the model's incorrect outputs. However, existing PAEs face two challenges: unsatisfactory attack performance (i.e., poor transferability and insufficient robustness to environment conditions), and difficulty in balancing attack effectiveness with stealthiness, where better attack effectiveness often makes PAEs more perceptible. In this paper, we explore a novel perturbation-based method to overcome the challenges. For the first challenge, we introduce a strategy Deceptive RF injection based on robust features (RFs) that are predictive, robust to perturbations, and consistent across different models. Specifically, it improves the transferability and robustness of PAEs by covering RFs of other classes onto the predictive features in clean images. For the second challenge, we introduce another strategy Adversarial Semantic Pattern Minimization, which removes most perturbations and retains only essential adversarial patterns in AEsBased on the two strategies, we design our method Robust Feature Coverage Attack (RFCoA), comprising Robust Feature Disentanglement and Adversarial Feature Fusion. In the first stage, we extract target class RFs in feature space. In the second stage, we use attention-based feature fusion to overlay these RFs onto predictive features of clean images and remove unnecessary perturbations. Experiments show our method's superior transferability, robustness, and stealthiness compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, our method's effectiveness can extend to Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), indicating its potential applicability to more complex tasks. Preventing Non-intrusive Load Monitoring Privacy Invasion: A Precise Adversarial Attack Scheme for Networked Smart Meters. (98%) Jialing He; Jiacheng Wang; Ning Wang; Shangwei Guo; Liehuang Zhu; Dusit Niyato; Tao Xiang Smart grid, through networked smart meters employing the non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) technique, can considerably discern the usage patterns of residential appliances. However, this technique also incurs privacy leakage. To address this issue, we propose an innovative scheme based on adversarial attack in this paper. The scheme effectively prevents NILM models from violating appliance-level privacy, while also ensuring accurate billing calculation for users. To achieve this objective, we overcome two primary challenges. First, as NILM models fall under the category of time-series regression models, direct application of traditional adversarial attacks designed for classification tasks is not feasible. To tackle this issue, we formulate a novel adversarial attack problem tailored specifically for NILM and providing a theoretical foundation for utilizing the Jacobian of the NILM model to generate imperceptible perturbations. Leveraging the Jacobian, our scheme can produce perturbations, which effectively misleads the signal prediction of NILM models to safeguard users' appliance-level privacy. The second challenge pertains to fundamental utility requirements, where existing adversarial attack schemes struggle to achieve accurate billing calculation for users. To handle this problem, we introduce an additional constraint, mandating that the sum of added perturbations within a billing period must be precisely zero. Experimental validation on real-world power datasets REDD and UK-DALE demonstrates the efficacy of our proposed solutions, which can significantly amplify the discrepancy between the output of the targeted NILM model and the actual power signal of appliances, and enable accurate billing at the same time. Additionally, our solutions exhibit transferability, making the generated perturbation signal from one target model applicable to other diverse NILM models. A Backdoor Attack Scheme with Invisible Triggers Based on Model Architecture Modification. (45%) Yuan Ma; Xu Ma; Jiankang Wei; Jinmeng Tang; Xiaoyu Zhang; Yilun Lyu; Kehao Chen; Jingtong Huang Machine learning systems are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where attackers manipulate model behavior through data tampering or architectural modifications. Traditional backdoor attacks involve injecting malicious samples with specific triggers into the training data, causing the model to produce targeted incorrect outputs in the presence of the corresponding triggers. More sophisticated attacks modify the model's architecture directly, embedding backdoors that are harder to detect as they evade traditional data-based detection methods. However, the drawback of the architectural modification based backdoor attacks is that the trigger must be visible in order to activate the backdoor. To further strengthen the invisibility of the backdoor attacks, a novel backdoor attack method is presented in the paper. To be more specific, this method embeds the backdoor within the model's architecture and has the capability to generate inconspicuous and stealthy triggers. The attack is implemented by modifying pre-trained models, which are then redistributed, thereby posing a potential threat to unsuspecting users. Comprehensive experiments conducted on standard computer vision benchmarks validate the effectiveness of this attack and highlight the stealthiness of its triggers, which remain undetectable through both manual visual inspection and advanced detection tools. Attack by Yourself: Effective and Unnoticeable Multi-Category Graph Backdoor Attacks with Subgraph Triggers Pool. (22%) Jiangtong Li; Dungy Liu; Dawei Cheng; Changchun Jiang \textbf{G}raph \textbf{N}eural \textbf{N}etworks~(GNNs) have achieved significant success in various real-world applications, including social networks, finance systems, and traffic management. Recent researches highlight their vulnerability to backdoor attacks in node classification, where GNNs trained on a poisoned graph misclassify a test node only when specific triggers are attached. These studies typically focus on single attack categories and use adaptive trigger generators to create node-specific triggers. However, adaptive trigger generators typically have a simple structure, limited parameters, and lack category-aware graph knowledge, which makes them struggle to handle backdoor attacks across multiple categories as the number of target categories increases. We address this gap by proposing a novel approach for \textbf{E}ffective and \textbf{U}nnoticeable \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{C}ategory~(EUMC) graph backdoor attacks, leveraging subgraph from the attacked graph as category-aware triggers to precisely control the target category. To ensure the effectiveness of our method, we construct a \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{C}ategory \textbf{S}ubgraph \textbf{T}riggers \textbf{P}ool~(MC-STP) using the subgraphs of the attacked graph as triggers. We then exploit the attachment probability shifts of each subgraph trigger as category-aware priors for target category determination. Moreover, we develop a ``select then attach'' strategy that connects suitable category-aware trigger to attacked nodes for unnoticeability. Extensive experiments across different real-world datasets confirm the efficacy of our method in conducting multi-category graph backdoor attacks on various GNN models and defense strategies. Shaping the Safety Boundaries: Understanding and Defending Against Jailbreaks in Large Language Models. (22%) Lang Gao; Xiangliang Zhang; Preslav Nakov; Xiuying Chen Jailbreaking in Large Language Models (LLMs) is a major security concern as it can deceive LLMs to generate harmful text. Yet, there is still insufficient understanding of how jailbreaking works, which makes it hard to develop effective defense strategies. We aim to shed more light into this issue: we conduct a detailed large-scale analysis of seven different jailbreak methods and find that these disagreements stem from insufficient observation samples. In particular, we introduce \textit{safety boundary}, and we find that jailbreaks shift harmful activations outside that safety boundary, where LLMs are less sensitive to harmful information. We also find that the low and the middle layers are critical in such shifts, while deeper layers have less impact. Leveraging on these insights, we propose a novel defense called \textbf{Activation Boundary Defense} (ABD), which adaptively constrains the activations within the safety boundary. We further use Bayesian optimization to selectively apply the defense method to the low and the middle layers. Our experiments on several benchmarks show that ABD achieves an average DSR of over 98\% against various forms of jailbreak attacks, with less than 2\% impact on the model's general capabilities. Robustness of Large Language Models Against Adversarial Attacks. (13%) Yiyi Tao; Yixian Shen; Hang Zhang; Yanxin Shen; Lun Wang; Chuanqi Shi; Shaoshuai Du The increasing deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) in various applications necessitates a rigorous evaluation of their robustness against adversarial attacks. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on the robustness of GPT LLM family. We employ two distinct evaluation methods to assess their resilience. The first method introduce character-level text attack in input prompts, testing the models on three sentiment classification datasets: StanfordNLP/IMDB, Yelp Reviews, and SST-2. The second method involves using jailbreak prompts to challenge the safety mechanisms of the LLMs. Our experiments reveal significant variations in the robustness of these models, demonstrating their varying degrees of vulnerability to both character-level and semantic-level adversarial attacks. These findings underscore the necessity for improved adversarial training and enhanced safety mechanisms to bolster the robustness of LLMs. PB-UAP: Hybrid Universal Adversarial Attack For Image Segmentation. (99%) Yufei Song; Ziqi Zhou; Minghui Li; Xianlong Wang; Menghao Deng; Wei Wan; Shengshan Hu; Leo Yu Zhang With the rapid advancement of deep learning, the model robustness has become a significant research hotspot, \ie, adversarial attacks on deep neural networks. Existing works primarily focus on image classification tasks, aiming to alter the model's predicted labels. Due to the output complexity and deeper network architectures, research on adversarial examples for segmentation models is still limited, particularly for universal adversarial perturbations. In this paper, we propose a novel universal adversarial attack method designed for segmentation models, which includes dual feature separation and low-frequency scattering modules. The two modules guide the training of adversarial examples in the pixel and frequency space, respectively. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves high attack success rates surpassing the state-of-the-art methods, and exhibits strong transferability across different models. Adversarial Attack Against Images Classification based on Generative Adversarial Networks. (98%) Yahe Yang Adversarial attacks on image classification systems have always been an important problem in the field of machine learning, and generative adversarial networks (GANs), as popular models in the field of image generation, have been widely used in various novel scenarios due to their powerful generative capabilities. However, with the popularity of generative adversarial networks, the misuse of fake image technology has raised a series of security problems, such as malicious tampering with other people's photos and videos, and invasion of personal privacy. Inspired by the generative adversarial networks, this work proposes a novel adversarial attack method, aiming to gain insight into the weaknesses of the image classification system and improve its anti-attack ability. Specifically, the generative adversarial networks are used to generate adversarial samples with small perturbations but enough to affect the decision-making of the classifier, and the adversarial samples are generated through the adversarial learning of the training generator and the classifier. From extensive experiment analysis, we evaluate the effectiveness of the method on a classical image classification dataset, and the results show that our model successfully deceives a variety of advanced classifiers while maintaining the naturalness of adversarial samples. OpenAI o1 System Card. (81%) OpenAI; :; Aaron Jaech; Adam Kalai; Adam Lerer; Adam Richardson; Ahmed El-Kishky; Aiden Low; Alec Helyar; Aleksander Madry; Alex Beutel; Alex Carney; Alex Iftimie; Alex Karpenko; Alex Tachard Passos; Alexander Neitz; Alexander Prokofiev; Alexander Wei; Allison Tam; Ally Bennett; Ananya Kumar; Andre Saraiva; Andrea Vallone; Andrew Duberstein; Andrew Kondrich; Andrey Mishchenko; Andy Applebaum; Angela Jiang; Ashvin Nair; Barret Zoph; Behrooz Ghorbani; Ben Rossen; Benjamin Sokolowsky; Boaz Barak; Bob McGrew; Borys Minaiev; Botao Hao; Bowen Baker; Brandon Houghton; Brandon McKinzie; Brydon Eastman; Camillo Lugaresi; Cary Bassin; Cary Hudson; Chak Ming Li; Bourcy Charles de; Chelsea Voss; Chen Shen; Chong Zhang; Chris Koch; Chris Orsinger; Christopher Hesse; Claudia Fischer; Clive Chan; Dan Roberts; Daniel Kappler; Daniel Levy; Daniel Selsam; David Dohan; David Farhi; David Mely; David Robinson; Dimitris Tsipras; Doug Li; Dragos Oprica; Eben Freeman; Eddie Zhang; Edmund Wong; Elizabeth Proehl; Enoch Cheung; Eric Mitchell; Eric Wallace; Erik Ritter; Evan Mays; Fan Wang; Felipe Petroski Such; Filippo Raso; Florencia Leoni; Foivos Tsimpourlas; Francis Song; Lohmann Fred von; Freddie Sulit; Geoff Salmon; Giambattista Parascandolo; Gildas Chabot; Grace Zhao; Greg Brockman; Guillaume Leclerc; Hadi Salman; Haiming Bao; Hao Sheng; Hart Andrin; Hessam Bagherinezhad; Hongyu Ren; Hunter Lightman; Hyung Won Chung; Ian Kivlichan; Ian O'Connell; Ian Osband; Ignasi Clavera Gilaberte; Ilge Akkaya; Ilya Kostrikov; Ilya Sutskever; Irina Kofman; Jakub Pachocki; James Lennon; Jason Wei; Jean Harb; Jerry Twore; Jiacheng Feng; Jiahui Yu; Jiayi Weng; Jie Tang; Jieqi Yu; Joaquin Quiñonero Candela; Joe Palermo; Joel Parish; Johannes Heidecke; John Hallman; John Rizzo; Jonathan Gordon; Jonathan Uesato; Jonathan Uesato; Jonathan Ward; Joost Huizinga; Julie Wang; Kai Chen; Kai Xiao; Karan Singhal; Karina Nguyen; Karl Cobbe; Katy Shi; Kayla Wood; Kendra Rimbach; Keren Gu-Lemberg; Keren GuLemberg; Kevin Liu; Kevin Lu; Kevin Stone; Kevin Yu; Lama Ahmad; Lauren Yang; Leo Liu; Leon Maksin; Leyton Ho; Liam Fedus; Lilian Weng; Linden Li; Lindsay McCallum; Lindsey Held; Lorenz Kuhn; Lukas Kondraciuk; Lukasz Kaiser; Luke Metz; Madelaine Boyd; Maja Trebacz; Manas Joglekar; Mark Chen; Marko Tintor; Mason Meyer; Matt Jones; Matt Kaufer; Max Schwarzer; Meghan Shah; Mehmet Yatbaz; Melody Guan; Mengyuan Xu; Mengyuan Yan; Mia Glaese; Mianna Chen; Mianna Chen; Michael Lampe; Michael Malek; Michele Wang; Michelle Fradin; Mike McClay; Mikhail Pavlov; Miles Wang; Mingxuan Wang; Mira Murati; Mo Bavarian; Mostafa Rohaninejad; Nat McAleese; Neil Chowdhury; Neil Chowdhury; Nick Ryder; Nikolas Tezak; Noam Brown; Ofir Nachum; Oleg Boiko; Oleg Murk; Olivia Watkins; Patrick Chao; Paul Ashbourne; Pavel Izmailov; Peter Zhokhov; Rachel Dias; Rahul Arora; Randall Lin; Rapha Gontijo Lopes; Raz Gaon; Reah Miyara; Reimar Leike; Renny Hwang; Rhythm Garg; Robin Brown; Roshan James; Rui Shu; Ryan Cheu; Ryan Greene; Saachi Jain; Sam Altman; Sam Toizer; Sam Toyer; Samuel Miserendino; Sandhini Agarwal; Santiago Hernandez; Sasha Baker; Scott McKinney; Scottie Yan; Shengjia Zhao; Shengli Hu; Shibani Santurkar; Shraman Ray Chaudhuri; Shuyuan Zhang; Siyuan Fu; Spencer Papay; Steph Lin; Suchir Balaji; Suvansh Sanjeev; Szymon Sidor; Tal Broda; Aidan Clark; Tao Wang; Taylor Gordon; Ted Sanders; Tejal Patwardhan; Thibault Sottiaux; Thomas Degry; Thomas Dimson; Tianhao Zheng; Timur Garipov; Tom Stasi; Trapit Bansal; Trevor Creech; Troy Peterson; Tyna Eloundou; Valerie Qi; Vineet Kosaraju; Vinnie Monaco; Vitchyr Pong; Vlad Fomenko; Weiyi Zheng; Wenda Zhou; Wes McCabe; Wojciech Zaremba; Yann Dubois; Yinghai Lu; Yining Chen; Young Cha; Yu Bai; Yuchen He; Yuchen Zhang; Yunyun Wang; Zheng Shao; Zhuohan Li The o1 model series is trained with large-scale reinforcement learning to reason using chain of thought. These advanced reasoning capabilities provide new avenues for improving the safety and robustness of our models. In particular, our models can reason about our safety policies in context when responding to potentially unsafe prompts, through deliberative alignment. This leads to state-of-the-art performance on certain benchmarks for risks such as generating illicit advice, choosing stereotyped responses, and succumbing to known jailbreaks. Training models to incorporate a chain of thought before answering has the potential to unlock substantial benefits, while also increasing potential risks that stem from heightened intelligence. Our results underscore the need for building robust alignment methods, extensively stress-testing their efficacy, and maintaining meticulous risk management protocols. This report outlines the safety work carried out for the OpenAI o1 and OpenAI o1-mini models, including safety evaluations, external red teaming, and Preparedness Framework evaluations. TrojFlow: Flow Models are Natural Targets for Trojan Attacks. (78%) Zhengyang Qi; Xiaohua Xu Flow-based generative models (FMs) have rapidly advanced as a method for mapping noise to data, its efficient training and sampling process makes it widely applicable in various fields. FMs can be viewed as a variant of diffusion models (DMs). At the same time, previous studies have shown that DMs are vulnerable to Trojan/Backdoor attacks, a type of output manipulation attack triggered by a maliciously embedded pattern at model input. We found that Trojan attacks on generative models are essentially equivalent to image transfer tasks from the backdoor distribution to the target distribution, the unique ability of FMs to fit any two arbitrary distributions significantly simplifies the training and sampling setups for attacking FMs, making them inherently natural targets for backdoor attacks. In this paper, we propose TrojFlow, exploring the vulnerabilities of FMs through Trojan attacks. In particular, we consider various attack settings and their combinations and thoroughly explore whether existing defense methods for DMs can effectively defend against our proposed attack scenarios. We evaluate TrojFlow on CIFAR-10 and CelebA datasets, our experiments show that our method can compromise FMs with high utility and specificity, and can easily break through existing defense mechanisms. Towards More Robust Retrieval-Augmented Generation: Evaluating RAG Under Adversarial Poisoning Attacks. (76%) Jinyan Su; Jin Peng Zhou; Zhengxin Zhang; Preslav Nakov; Claire Cardie Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems have emerged as a promising solution to mitigate LLM hallucinations and enhance their performance in knowledge-intensive domains. However, these systems are vulnerable to adversarial poisoning attacks, where malicious passages injected into retrieval databases can mislead the model into generating factually incorrect outputs. In this paper, we investigate both the retrieval and the generation components of RAG systems to understand how to enhance their robustness against such attacks. From the retrieval perspective, we analyze why and how the adversarial contexts are retrieved and assess how the quality of the retrieved passages impacts downstream generation. From a generation perspective, we evaluate whether LLMs' advanced critical thinking and internal knowledge capabilities can be leveraged to mitigate the impact of adversarial contexts, i.e., using skeptical prompting as a self-defense mechanism. Our experiments and findings provide actionable insights into designing safer and more resilient retrieval-augmented frameworks, paving the way for their reliable deployment in real-world applications. POEX: Policy Executable Embodied AI Jailbreak Attacks. (9%) Xuancun Lu; Zhengxian Huang; Xinfeng Li; Xiaoyu ji; Wenyuan Xu The integration of large language models (LLMs) into the planning module of Embodied Artificial Intelligence (Embodied AI) systems has greatly enhanced their ability to translate complex user instructions into executable policies. In this paper, we demystified how traditional LLM jailbreak attacks behave in the Embodied AI context. We conducted a comprehensive safety analysis of the LLM-based planning module of embodied AI systems against jailbreak attacks. Using the carefully crafted Harmful-RLbench, we accessed 20 open-source and proprietary LLMs under traditional jailbreak attacks, and highlighted two key challenges when adopting the prior jailbreak techniques to embodied AI contexts: (1) The harmful text output by LLMs does not necessarily induce harmful policies in Embodied AI context, and (2) even we can generate harmful policies, we have to guarantee they are executable in practice. To overcome those challenges, we propose Policy Executable (POEX) jailbreak attacks, where harmful instructions and optimized suffixes are injected into LLM-based planning modules, leading embodied AI to perform harmful actions in both simulated and physical environments. Our approach involves constraining adversarial suffixes to evade detection and fine-tuning a policy evaluater to improve the executability of harmful policies. We conducted extensive experiments on both a robotic arm embodied AI platform and simulators, to validate the attack and policy success rates on 136 harmful instructions from Harmful-RLbench. Our findings expose serious safety vulnerabilities in LLM-based planning modules, including the ability of POEX to be transferred across models. Finally, we propose mitigation strategies, such as safety-constrained prompts, pre- and post-planning checks, to address these vulnerabilities and ensure the safe deployment of embodied AI in real-world settings. Forget Vectors at Play: Universal Input Perturbations Driving Machine Unlearning in Image Classification. (8%) Changchang Sun; Ren Wang; Yihua Zhang; Jinghan Jia; Jiancheng Liu; Gaowen Liu; Sijia Liu; Yan Yan Machine unlearning (MU), which seeks to erase the influence of specific unwanted data from already-trained models, is becoming increasingly vital in model editing, particularly to comply with evolving data regulations like the ``right to be forgotten''. Conventional approaches are predominantly model-based, typically requiring retraining or fine-tuning the model's weights to meet unlearning requirements. In this work, we approach the MU problem from a novel input perturbation-based perspective, where the model weights remain intact throughout the unlearning process. We demonstrate the existence of a proactive input-based unlearning strategy, referred to forget vector, which can be generated as an input-agnostic data perturbation and remains as effective as model-based approximate unlearning approaches. We also explore forget vector arithmetic, whereby multiple class-specific forget vectors are combined through simple operations (e.g., linear combinations) to generate new forget vectors for unseen unlearning tasks, such as forgetting arbitrary subsets across classes. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness and adaptability of the forget vector, showcasing its competitive performance relative to state-of-the-art model-based methods. Codes are available at The Task Shield: Enforcing Task Alignment to Defend Against Indirect Prompt Injection in LLM Agents. (4%) Feiran Jia; Tong Wu; Xin Qin; Anna Squicciarini Large Language Model (LLM) agents are increasingly being deployed as conversational assistants capable of performing complex real-world tasks through tool integration. This enhanced ability to interact with external systems and process various data sources, while powerful, introduces significant security vulnerabilities. In particular, indirect prompt injection attacks pose a critical threat, where malicious instructions embedded within external data sources can manipulate agents to deviate from user intentions. While existing defenses based on rule constraints, source spotlighting, and authentication protocols show promise, they struggle to maintain robust security while preserving task functionality. We propose a novel and orthogonal perspective that reframes agent security from preventing harmful actions to ensuring task alignment, requiring every agent action to serve user objectives. Based on this insight, we develop Task Shield, a test-time defense mechanism that systematically verifies whether each instruction and tool call contributes to user-specified goals. Through experiments on the AgentDojo benchmark, we demonstrate that Task Shield reduces attack success rates (2.07\%) while maintaining high task utility (69.79\%) on GPT-4o. RoboSignature: Robust Signature and Watermarking on Network Attacks. (1%) Aryaman Shaan; Garvit Banga; Raghav Mantri Generative models have enabled easy creation and generation of images of all kinds given a single prompt. However, this has also raised ethical concerns about what is an actual piece of content created by humans or cameras compared to model-generated content like images or videos. Watermarking data generated by modern generative models is a popular method to provide information on the source of the content. The goal is for all generated images to conceal an invisible watermark, allowing for future detection or identification. The Stable Signature finetunes the decoder of Latent Diffusion Models such that a unique watermark is rooted in any image produced by the decoder. In this paper, we present a novel adversarial fine-tuning attack that disrupts the model's ability to embed the intended watermark, exposing a significant vulnerability in existing watermarking methods. To address this, we further propose a tamper-resistant fine-tuning algorithm inspired by methods developed for large language models, tailored to the specific requirements of watermarking in LDMs. Our findings emphasize the importance of anticipating and defending against potential vulnerabilities in generative systems. Adversarial Robustness through Dynamic Ensemble Learning. (99%) Hetvi Waghela; Jaydip Sen; Sneha Rakshit Adversarial attacks pose a significant threat to the reliability of pre-trained language models (PLMs) such as GPT, BERT, RoBERTa, and T5. This paper presents Adversarial Robustness through Dynamic Ensemble Learning (ARDEL), a novel scheme designed to enhance the robustness of PLMs against such attacks. ARDEL leverages the diversity of multiple PLMs and dynamically adjusts the ensemble configuration based on input characteristics and detected adversarial patterns. Key components of ARDEL include a meta-model for dynamic weighting, an adversarial pattern detection module, and adversarial training with regularization techniques. Comprehensive evaluations using standardized datasets and various adversarial attack scenarios demonstrate that ARDEL significantly improves robustness compared to existing methods. By dynamically reconfiguring the ensemble to prioritize the most robust models for each input, ARDEL effectively reduces attack success rates and maintains higher accuracy under adversarial conditions. This work contributes to the broader goal of developing more secure and trustworthy AI systems for real-world NLP applications, offering a practical and scalable solution to enhance adversarial resilience in PLMs. EMPRA: Embedding Perturbation Rank Attack against Neural Ranking Models. (98%) Amin Bigdeli; Negar Arabzadeh; Ebrahim Bagheri; Charles L. A. Clarke Recent research has shown that neural information retrieval techniques may be susceptible to adversarial attacks. Adversarial attacks seek to manipulate the ranking of documents, with the intention of exposing users to targeted content. In this paper, we introduce the Embedding Perturbation Rank Attack (EMPRA) method, a novel approach designed to perform adversarial attacks on black-box Neural Ranking Models (NRMs). EMPRA manipulates sentence-level embeddings, guiding them towards pertinent context related to the query while preserving semantic integrity. This process generates adversarial texts that seamlessly integrate with the original content and remain imperceptible to humans. Our extensive evaluation conducted on the widely-used MS MARCO V1 passage collection demonstrate the effectiveness of EMPRA against a wide range of state-of-the-art baselines in promoting a specific set of target documents within a given ranked results. Specifically, EMPRA successfully achieves a re-ranking of almost 96% of target documents originally ranked between 51-100 to rank within the top 10. Furthermore, EMPRA does not depend on surrogate models for adversarial text generation, enhancing its robustness against different NRMs in realistic settings. Watertox: The Art of Simplicity in Universal Attacks A Cross-Model Framework for Robust Adversarial Generation. (98%) Zhenghao Gao; Shengjie Xu; Meixi Chen; Fangyao Zhao Contemporary adversarial attack methods face significant limitations in cross-model transferability and practical applicability. We present Watertox, an elegant adversarial attack framework achieving remarkable effectiveness through architectural diversity and precision-controlled perturbations. Our two-stage Fast Gradient Sign Method combines uniform baseline perturbations ($\epsilon_1 = 0.1$) with targeted enhancements ($\epsilon_2 = 0.4$). The framework leverages an ensemble of complementary architectures, from VGG to ConvNeXt, synthesizing diverse perspectives through an innovative voting mechanism. Against state-of-the-art architectures, Watertox reduces model accuracy from 70.6% to 16.0%, with zero-shot attacks achieving up to 98.8% accuracy reduction against unseen architectures. These results establish Watertox as a significant advancement in adversarial methodologies, with promising applications in visual security systems and CAPTCHA generation. JailPO: A Novel Black-box Jailbreak Framework via Preference Optimization against Aligned LLMs. (41%) Hongyi Li; Jiawei Ye; Jie Wu; Tianjie Yan; Chu Wang; Zhixin Li Large Language Models (LLMs) aligned with human feedback have recently garnered significant attention. However, it remains vulnerable to jailbreak attacks, where adversaries manipulate prompts to induce harmful outputs. Exploring jailbreak attacks enables us to investigate the vulnerabilities of LLMs and further guides us in enhancing their security. Unfortunately, existing techniques mainly rely on handcrafted templates or generated-based optimization, posing challenges in scalability, efficiency and universality. To address these issues, we present JailPO, a novel black-box jailbreak framework to examine LLM alignment. For scalability and universality, JailPO meticulously trains attack models to automatically generate covert jailbreak prompts. Furthermore, we introduce a preference optimization-based attack method to enhance the jailbreak effectiveness, thereby improving efficiency. To analyze model vulnerabilities, we provide three flexible jailbreak patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that JailPO not only automates the attack process while maintaining effectiveness but also exhibits superior performance in efficiency, universality, and robustness against defenses compared to baselines. Additionally, our analysis of the three JailPO patterns reveals that attacks based on complex templates exhibit higher attack strength, whereas covert question transformations elicit riskier responses and are more likely to bypass defense mechanisms. Technical Report for ICML 2024 TiFA Workshop MLLM Attack Challenge: Suffix Injection and Projected Gradient Descent Can Easily Fool An MLLM. (13%) Yangyang Guo; Ziwei Xu; Xilie Xu; YongKang Wong; Liqiang Nie; Mohan Kankanhalli This technical report introduces our top-ranked solution that employs two approaches, \ie suffix injection and projected gradient descent (PGD) , to address the TiFA workshop MLLM attack challenge. Specifically, we first append the text from an incorrectly labeled option (pseudo-labeled) to the original query as a suffix. Using this modified query, our second approach applies the PGD method to add imperceptible perturbations to the image. Combining these two techniques enables successful attacks on the LLaVA 1.5 model. Texture- and Shape-based Adversarial Attacks for Vehicle Detection in Synthetic Overhead Imagery. (9%) Mikael Yeghiazaryan; Sai Abhishek Siddhartha Namburu; Emily Kim; Stanislav Panev; Melo Celso de; Brent Lance; la Torre Fernando De; Jessica K. Hodgins Detecting vehicles in aerial images can be very challenging due to complex backgrounds, small resolution, shadows, and occlusions. Despite the effectiveness of SOTA detectors such as YOLO, they remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks (AAs), compromising their reliability. Traditional AA strategies often overlook the practical constraints of physical implementation, focusing solely on attack performance. Our work addresses this issue by proposing practical implementation constraints for AA in texture and/or shape. These constraints include pixelation, masking, limiting the color palette of the textures, and constraining the shape modifications. We evaluated the proposed constraints through extensive experiments using three widely used object detector architectures, and compared them to previous works. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our solutions and reveal a trade-off between practicality and performance. Additionally, we introduce a labeled dataset of overhead images featuring vehicles of various categories. We will make the code/dataset public upon paper acceptance. PoisonCatcher: Revealing and Identifying LDP Poisoning Attacks in IIoT. (9%) Lisha Shuai; Shaofeng Tan; Nan Zhang; Jiamin Zhang; Min Zhang; Xiaolong Yang Local Differential Privacy (LDP) is widely adopted in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for its lightweight, decentralized, and scalable nature. However, its perturbation-based privacy mechanism makes it difficult to distinguish between uncontaminated and tainted data, encouraging adversaries to launch poisoning attacks. While LDP provides some resilience against minor poisoning, it lacks robustness in IIoT with dynamic networks and substantial real-time data flows. Effective countermeasures for such attacks are still underdeveloped. This work narrows the critical gap by revealing and identifying LDP poisoning attacks in IIoT. We begin by deepening the understanding of such attacks, revealing novel threats that arise from the interplay between LDP indistinguishability and IIoT complexity. This exploration uncovers a novel rule-poisoning attack, and presents a general attack formulation by unifying it with input-poisoning and output-poisoning. Furthermore, two key attack impacts, i.e., Statistical Query Result (SQR) accuracy degradation and inter-dataset correlations disruption, along with two characteristics: attack patterns unstable and poisoned data stealth are revealed. From this, we propose PoisonCatcher, a four-stage solution that detects LDP poisoning attacks and identifies specific contaminated data points. It utilizes temporal similarity, attribute correlation, and time-series stability analysis to detect datasets exhibiting SQR accuracy degradation, inter-dataset disruptions, and unstable patterns. Enhanced feature engineering is used to extract subtle poisoning signatures, enabling machine learning models to identify specific contamination. Experimental evaluations show the effectiveness, achieving state-of-the-art performance with average precision and recall rates of 86.17% and 97.5%, respectively, across six representative attack scenarios. Robust random graph matching in dense graphs via vector approximate message passing. (1%) Zhangsong Li In this paper, we focus on the matching recovery problem between a pair of correlated Gaussian Wigner matrices with a latent vertex correspondence. We are particularly interested in a robust version of this problem such that our observation is a perturbed input $(A+E,B+F)$ where $(A,B)$ is a pair of correlated Gaussian Wigner matrices and $E,F$ are adversarially chosen matrices supported on an unknown $\epsilon n * \epsilon n$ principle minor of $A,B$, respectively. We propose a vector-approximate message passing (vector-AMP) algorithm that succeeds in polynomial time as long as the correlation $\rho$ between $(A,B)$ is a non-vanishing constant and $\epsilon = o\big( \tfrac{1}{(\log n)^{20}} \big)$. The main methodological inputs for our result are the iterative random graph matching algorithm proposed in \cite{DL22+, DL23+} and the spectral cleaning procedure proposed in \cite{IS24+}. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first efficient random graph matching type algorithm that is robust under any adversarial perturbations of $n^{1-o(1)}$ size. AutoTrust: Benchmarking Trustworthiness in Large Vision Language Models for Autonomous Driving. (5%) Shuo Xing; Hongyuan Hua; Xiangbo Gao; Shenzhe Zhu; Renjie Li; Kexin Tian; Xiaopeng Li; Heng Huang; Tianbao Yang; Zhangyang Wang; Yang Zhou; Huaxiu Yao; Zhengzhong Tu Recent advancements in large vision language models (VLMs) tailored for autonomous driving (AD) have shown strong scene understanding and reasoning capabilities, making them undeniable candidates for end-to-end driving systems. However, limited work exists on studying the trustworthiness of DriveVLMs -- a critical factor that directly impacts public transportation safety. In this paper, we introduce AutoTrust, a comprehensive trustworthiness benchmark for large vision-language models in autonomous driving (DriveVLMs), considering diverse perspectives -- including trustfulness, safety, robustness, privacy, and fairness. We constructed the largest visual question-answering dataset for investigating trustworthiness issues in driving scenarios, comprising over 10k unique scenes and 18k queries. We evaluated six publicly available VLMs, spanning from generalist to specialist, from open-source to commercial models. Our exhaustive evaluations have unveiled previously undiscovered vulnerabilities of DriveVLMs to trustworthiness threats. Specifically, we found that the general VLMs like LLaVA-v1.6 and GPT-4o-mini surprisingly outperform specialized models fine-tuned for driving in terms of overall trustworthiness. DriveVLMs like DriveLM-Agent are particularly vulnerable to disclosing sensitive information. Additionally, both generalist and specialist VLMs remain susceptible to adversarial attacks and struggle to ensure unbiased decision-making across diverse environments and populations. Our findings call for immediate and decisive action to address the trustworthiness of DriveVLMs -- an issue of critical importance to public safety and the welfare of all citizens relying on autonomous transportation systems. Our benchmark is publicly available at \url{}, and the leaderboard is released at \url{}. Boosting GNN Performance via Training Sample Selection Based on Adversarial Robustness Evaluation. (4%) Yongyu Wang Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have established themselves as one of the most powerful neural network architectures, excelling in leveraging graph topology and node features for various tasks. However, GNNs are inherently vulnerable to noise in their inputs. Such noise can significantly degrade their performance. To address this challenge, we propose a novel approach that employs adversarial robustness evaluation techniques to identify nodes in the graph that are most susceptible to noise. By selecting and constructing a training set composed of these particularly noise-prone nodes, we then use them to train a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Our experimental results demonstrate that this strategy leads to substantial improvements in the GCN's performance. A Review of the Duality of Adversarial Learning in Network Intrusion: Attacks and Countermeasures. (89%) Shalini Saini; Anitha Chennamaneni; Babatunde Sawyerr Deep learning solutions are instrumental in cybersecurity, harnessing their ability to analyze vast datasets, identify complex patterns, and detect anomalies. However, malevolent actors can exploit these capabilities to orchestrate sophisticated attacks, posing significant challenges to defenders and traditional security measures. Adversarial attacks, particularly those targeting vulnerabilities in deep learning models, present a nuanced and substantial threat to cybersecurity. Our study delves into adversarial learning threats such as Data Poisoning, Test Time Evasion, and Reverse Engineering, specifically impacting Network Intrusion Detection Systems. Our research explores the intricacies and countermeasures of attacks to deepen understanding of network security challenges amidst adversarial threats. In our study, we present insights into the dynamic realm of adversarial learning and its implications for network intrusion. The intersection of adversarial attacks and defenses within network traffic data, coupled with advances in machine learning and deep learning techniques, represents a relatively underexplored domain. Our research lays the groundwork for strengthening defense mechanisms to address the potential breaches in network security and privacy posed by adversarial attacks. Through our in-depth analysis, we identify domain-specific research gaps, such as the scarcity of real-life attack data and the evaluation of AI-based solutions for network traffic. Our focus on these challenges aims to stimulate future research efforts toward the development of resilient network defense strategies. Mitigating Adversarial Attacks in LLMs through Defensive Suffix Generation. (83%) Minkyoung Kim; Yunha Kim; Hyeram Seo; Heejung Choi; Jiye Han; Gaeun Kee; Soyoung Ko; HyoJe Jung; Byeolhee Kim; Young-Hak Kim; Sanghyun Park; Tae Joon Jun Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited outstanding performance in natural language processing tasks. However, these models remain susceptible to adversarial attacks in which slight input perturbations can lead to harmful or misleading outputs. A gradient-based defensive suffix generation algorithm is designed to bolster the robustness of LLMs. By appending carefully optimized defensive suffixes to input prompts, the algorithm mitigates adversarial influences while preserving the models' utility. To enhance adversarial understanding, a novel total loss function ($L_{\text{total}}$) combining defensive loss ($L_{\text{def}}$) and adversarial loss ($L_{\text{adv}}$) generates defensive suffixes more effectively. Experimental evaluations conducted on open-source LLMs such as Gemma-7B, mistral-7B, Llama2-7B, and Llama2-13B show that the proposed method reduces attack success rates (ASR) by an average of 11\% compared to models without defensive suffixes. Additionally, the perplexity score of Gemma-7B decreased from 6.57 to 3.93 when applying the defensive suffix generated by openELM-270M. Furthermore, TruthfulQA evaluations demonstrate consistent improvements with Truthfulness scores increasing by up to 10\% across tested configurations. This approach significantly enhances the security of LLMs in critical applications without requiring extensive retraining. Physics-Based Adversarial Attack on Near-Infrared Human Detector for Nighttime Surveillance Camera Systems. (78%) Muyao Niu; Zhuoxiao Li; Yifan Zhan; Huy H. Nguyen; Isao Echizen; Yinqiang Zheng Many surveillance cameras switch between daytime and nighttime modes based on illuminance levels. During the day, the camera records ordinary RGB images through an enabled IR-cut filter. At night, the filter is disabled to capture near-infrared (NIR) light emitted from NIR LEDs typically mounted around the lens. While RGB-based AI algorithm vulnerabilities have been widely reported, the vulnerabilities of NIR-based AI have rarely been investigated. In this paper, we identify fundamental vulnerabilities in NIR-based image understanding caused by color and texture loss due to the intrinsic characteristics of clothes' reflectance and cameras' spectral sensitivity in the NIR range. We further show that the nearly co-located configuration of illuminants and cameras in existing surveillance systems facilitates concealing and fully passive attacks in the physical world. Specifically, we demonstrate how retro-reflective and insulation plastic tapes can manipulate the intensity distribution of NIR images. We showcase an attack on the YOLO-based human detector using binary patterns designed in the digital space (via black-box query and searching) and then physically realized using tapes pasted onto clothes. Our attack highlights significant reliability concerns for nighttime surveillance systems, which are intended to enhance security. Codes Available: Crabs: Consuming Resrouce via Auto-generation for LLM-DoS Attack under Black-box Settings. (75%) Yuanhe Zhang; Zhenhong Zhou; Wei Zhang; Xinyue Wang; Xiaojun Jia; Yang Liu; Sen Su Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks. LLMs continue to be vulnerable to external threats, particularly Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Specifically, LLM-DoS attacks aim to exhaust computational resources and block services. However, prior works tend to focus on performing white-box attacks, overlooking black-box settings. In this work, we propose an automated algorithm designed for black-box LLMs, called Auto-Generation for LLM-DoS Attack (AutoDoS). AutoDoS introduces DoS Attack Tree and optimizes the prompt node coverage to enhance effectiveness under black-box conditions. Our method can bypass existing defense with enhanced stealthiness via semantic improvement of prompt nodes. Furthermore, we reveal that implanting Length Trojan in Basic DoS Prompt aids in achieving higher attack efficacy. Experimental results show that AutoDoS amplifies service response latency by over 250 $\times \uparrow$, leading to severe resource consumption in terms of GPU utilization and memory usage. Our code is available at \url{}. Adversarial Hubness in Multi-Modal Retrieval. (74%) Tingwei Zhang; Fnu Suya; Rishi Jha; Collin Zhang; Vitaly Shmatikov Hubness is a phenomenon in high-dimensional vector spaces where a single point from the natural distribution is unusually close to many other points. This is a well-known problem in information retrieval that causes some items to accidentally (and incorrectly) appear relevant to many queries. In this paper, we investigate how attackers can exploit hubness to turn any image or audio input in a multi-modal retrieval system into an adversarial hub. Adversarial hubs can be used to inject universal adversarial content (e.g., spam) that will be retrieved in response to thousands of different queries, as well as for targeted attacks on queries related to specific, attacker-chosen concepts. We present a method for creating adversarial hubs and evaluate the resulting hubs on benchmark multi-modal retrieval datasets and an image-to-image retrieval system based on a tutorial from Pinecone, a popular vector database. For example, in text-caption-to-image retrieval, a single adversarial hub is retrieved as the top-1 most relevant image for more than 21,000 out of 25,000 test queries (by contrast, the most common natural hub is the top-1 response to only 102 queries). We also investigate whether techniques for mitigating natural hubness are an effective defense against adversarial hubs, and show that they are not effective against hubs that target queries related to specific concepts. Cultivating Archipelago of Forests: Evolving Robust Decision Trees through Island Coevolution. (56%) Adam Żychowski; Andrew Perrault; Jacek Mańdziuk Decision trees are widely used in machine learning due to their simplicity and interpretability, but they often lack robustness to adversarial attacks and data perturbations. The paper proposes a novel island-based coevolutionary algorithm (ICoEvoRDF) for constructing robust decision tree ensembles. The algorithm operates on multiple islands, each containing populations of decision trees and adversarial perturbations. The populations on each island evolve independently, with periodic migration of top-performing decision trees between islands. This approach fosters diversity and enhances the exploration of the solution space, leading to more robust and accurate decision tree ensembles. ICoEvoRDF utilizes a popular game theory concept of mixed Nash equilibrium for ensemble weighting, which further leads to improvement in results. ICoEvoRDF is evaluated on 20 benchmark datasets, demonstrating its superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods in optimizing both adversarial accuracy and minimax regret. The flexibility of ICoEvoRDF allows for the integration of decision trees from various existing methods, providing a unified framework for combining diverse solutions. Our approach offers a promising direction for developing robust and interpretable machine learning models A Black-Box Evaluation Framework for Semantic Robustness in Bird's Eye View Detection. (8%) Fu Wang; Yanghao Zhang; Xiangyu Yin; Guangliang Cheng; Zeyu Fu; Xiaowei Huang; Wenjie Ruan Camera-based Bird's Eye View (BEV) perception models receive increasing attention for their crucial role in autonomous driving, a domain where concerns about the robustness and reliability of deep learning have been raised. While only a few works have investigated the effects of randomly generated semantic perturbations, aka natural corruptions, on the multi-view BEV detection task, we develop a black-box robustness evaluation framework that adversarially optimises three common semantic perturbations: geometric transformation, colour shifting, and motion blur, to deceive BEV models, serving as the first approach in this emerging field. To address the challenge posed by optimising the semantic perturbation, we design a smoothed, distance-based surrogate function to replace the mAP metric and introduce SimpleDIRECT, a deterministic optimisation algorithm that utilises observed slopes to guide the optimisation process. By comparing with randomised perturbation and two optimisation baselines, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Additionally, we provide a benchmark on the semantic robustness of ten recent BEV models. The results reveal that PolarFormer, which emphasises geometric information from multi-view images, exhibits the highest robustness, whereas BEVDet is fully compromised, with its precision reduced to zero. Speech Watermarking with Discrete Intermediate Representations. (4%) Shengpeng Ji; Ziyue Jiang; Jialong Zuo; Minghui Fang; Yifu Chen; Tao Jin; Zhou Zhao Speech watermarking techniques can proactively mitigate the potential harmful consequences of instant voice cloning techniques. These techniques involve the insertion of signals into speech that are imperceptible to humans but can be detected by algorithms. Previous approaches typically embed watermark messages into continuous space. However, intuitively, embedding watermark information into robust discrete latent space can significantly improve the robustness of watermarking systems. In this paper, we propose DiscreteWM, a novel speech watermarking framework that injects watermarks into the discrete intermediate representations of speech. Specifically, we map speech into discrete latent space with a vector-quantized autoencoder and inject watermarks by changing the modular arithmetic relation of discrete IDs. To ensure the imperceptibility of watermarks, we also propose a manipulator model to select the candidate tokens for watermark embedding. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance in robustness and imperceptibility, simultaneously. Moreover, our flexible frame-wise approach can serve as an efficient solution for both voice cloning detection and information hiding. Additionally, DiscreteWM can encode 1 to 150 bits of watermark information within a 1-second speech clip, indicating its encoding capacity. Audio samples are available at On the Robustness of Distributed Machine Learning against Transfer Attacks. (2%) Sébastien Andreina; Pascal Zimmer; Ghassan Karame Although distributed machine learning (distributed ML) is gaining considerable attention in the community, prior works have independently looked at instances of distributed ML in either the training or the inference phase. No prior work has examined the combined robustness stemming from distributing both the learning and the inference process. In this work, we explore, for the first time, the robustness of distributed ML models that are fully heterogeneous in training data, architecture, scheduler, optimizer, and other model parameters. Supported by theory and extensive experimental validation using CIFAR10 and FashionMNIST, we show that such properly distributed ML instantiations achieve across-the-board improvements in accuracy-robustness tradeoffs against state-of-the-art transfer-based attacks that could otherwise not be realized by current ensemble or federated learning instantiations. For instance, our experiments on CIFAR10 show that for the Common Weakness attack, one of the most powerful state-of-the-art transfer-based attacks, our method improves robust accuracy by up to 40%, with a minimal impact on clean task accuracy. Mesoscopic Insights: Orchestrating Multi-scale & Hybrid Architecture for Image Manipulation Localization. (1%) Xuekang Zhu; Xiaochen Ma; Lei Su; Zhuohang Jiang; Bo Du; Xiwen Wang; Zeyu Lei; Wentao Feng; Chi-Man Pun; Jizhe Zhou The mesoscopic level serves as a bridge between the macroscopic and microscopic worlds, addressing gaps overlooked by both. Image manipulation localization (IML), a crucial technique to pursue truth from fake images, has long relied on low-level (microscopic-level) traces. However, in practice, most tampering aims to deceive the audience by altering image semantics. As a result, manipulation commonly occurs at the object level (macroscopic level), which is equally important as microscopic traces. Therefore, integrating these two levels into the mesoscopic level presents a new perspective for IML research. Inspired by this, our paper explores how to simultaneously construct mesoscopic representations of micro and macro information for IML and introduces the Mesorch architecture to orchestrate both. Specifically, this architecture i) combines Transformers and CNNs in parallel, with Transformers extracting macro information and CNNs capturing micro details, and ii) explores across different scales, assessing micro and macro information seamlessly. Additionally, based on the Mesorch architecture, the paper introduces two baseline models aimed at solving IML tasks through mesoscopic representation. Extensive experiments across four datasets have demonstrated that our models surpass the current state-of-the-art in terms of performance, computational complexity, and robustness. Hybrid Data-Free Knowledge Distillation. (1%) Jialiang Tang; Shuo Chen; Chen Gong Data-free knowledge distillation aims to learn a compact student network from a pre-trained large teacher network without using the original training data of the teacher network. Existing collection-based and generation-based methods train student networks by collecting massive real examples and generating synthetic examples, respectively. However, they inevitably become weak in practical scenarios due to the difficulties in gathering or emulating sufficient real-world data. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method called \textbf{H}ybr\textbf{i}d \textbf{D}ata-\textbf{F}ree \textbf{D}istillation (HiDFD), which leverages only a small amount of collected data as well as generates sufficient examples for training student networks. Our HiDFD comprises two primary modules, \textit{i.e.}, the teacher-guided generation and student distillation. The teacher-guided generation module guides a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) by the teacher network to produce high-quality synthetic examples from very few real-world collected examples. Specifically, we design a feature integration mechanism to prevent the GAN from overfitting and facilitate the reliable representation learning from the teacher network. Meanwhile, we drive a category frequency smoothing technique via the teacher network to balance the generative training of each category. In the student distillation module, we explore a data inflation strategy to properly utilize a blend of real and synthetic data to train the student network via a classifier-sharing-based feature alignment technique. Intensive experiments across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that our HiDFD can achieve state-of-the-art performance using 120 times less collected data than existing methods. Code is available at SHAP scores fail pervasively even when Lipschitz succeeds. (1%) Olivier Letoffe; Xuanxiang Huang; Joao Marques-Silva The ubiquitous use of Shapley values in eXplainable AI (XAI) has been triggered by the tool SHAP, and as a result are commonly referred to as SHAP scores. Recent work devised examples of machine learning (ML) classifiers for which the computed SHAP scores are thoroughly unsatisfactory, by allowing human decision-makers to be misled. Nevertheless, such examples could be perceived as somewhat artificial, since the selected classes must be interpreted as numeric. Furthermore, it was unclear how general were the issues identified with SHAP scores. This paper answers these criticisms. First, the paper shows that for Boolean classifiers there are arbitrarily many examples for which the SHAP scores must be deemed unsatisfactory. Second, the paper shows that the issues with SHAP scores are also observed in the case of regression models. In addition, the paper studies the class of regression models that respect Lipschitz continuity, a measure of a function's rate of change that finds important recent uses in ML, including model robustness. Concretely, the paper shows that the issues with SHAP scores occur even for regression models that respect Lipschitz continuity. Finally, the paper shows that the same issues are guaranteed to exist for arbitrarily differentiable regression models. Novel AI Camera Camouflage: Face Cloaking Without Full Disguise. (1%) David Noever; Forrest McKee This study demonstrates a novel approach to facial camouflage that combines targeted cosmetic perturbations and alpha transparency layer manipulation to evade modern facial recognition systems. Unlike previous methods -- such as CV dazzle, adversarial patches, and theatrical disguises -- this work achieves effective obfuscation through subtle modifications to key-point regions, particularly the brow, nose bridge, and jawline. Empirical testing with Haar cascade classifiers and commercial systems like BetaFaceAPI and Microsoft Bing Visual Search reveals that vertical perturbations near dense facial key points significantly disrupt detection without relying on overt disguises. Additionally, leveraging alpha transparency attacks in PNG images creates a dual-layer effect: faces remain visible to human observers but disappear in machine-readable RGB layers, rendering them unidentifiable during reverse image searches. The results highlight the potential for creating scalable, low-visibility facial obfuscation strategies that balance effectiveness and subtlety, opening pathways for defeating surveillance while maintaining plausible anonymity. Improving the Transferability of 3D Point Cloud Attack via Spectral-aware Admix and Optimization Designs. (99%) Shiyu Hu; Daizong Liu; Wei Hu Deep learning models for point clouds have shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which have received increasing attention in various safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, robotics, and surveillance. Existing 3D attackers generally design various attack strategies in the white-box setting, requiring the prior knowledge of 3D model details. However, real-world 3D applications are in the black-box setting, where we can only acquire the outputs of the target classifier. Although few recent works try to explore the black-box attack, they still achieve limited attack success rates (ASR). To alleviate this issue, this paper focuses on attacking the 3D models in a transfer-based black-box setting, where we first carefully design adversarial examples in a white-box surrogate model and then transfer them to attack other black-box victim models. Specifically, we propose a novel Spectral-aware Admix with Augmented Optimization method (SAAO) to improve the adversarial transferability. In particular, since traditional Admix strategy are deployed in the 2D domain that adds pixel-wise images for perturbing, we can not directly follow it to merge point clouds in coordinate domain as it will destroy the geometric shapes. Therefore, we design spectral-aware fusion that performs Graph Fourier Transform (GFT) to get spectral features of the point clouds and add them in the spectral domain. Afterward, we run a few steps with spectral-aware weighted Admix to select better optimization paths as well as to adjust corresponding learning weights. At last, we run more steps to generate adversarial spectral feature along the optimization path and perform Inverse-GFT on the adversarial spectral feature to obtain the adversarial example in the data domain. Experiments show that our SAAO achieves better transferability compared to existing 3D attack methods. Targeted View-Invariant Adversarial Perturbations for 3D Object Recognition. (99%) Christian Green; Mehmet Ergezer; Abdurrahman Zeybey Adversarial attacks pose significant challenges in 3D object recognition, especially in scenarios involving multi-view analysis where objects can be observed from varying angles. This paper introduces View-Invariant Adversarial Perturbations (VIAP), a novel method for crafting robust adversarial examples that remain effective across multiple viewpoints. Unlike traditional methods, VIAP enables targeted attacks capable of manipulating recognition systems to classify objects as specific, pre-determined labels, all while using a single universal perturbation. Leveraging a dataset of 1,210 images across 121 diverse rendered 3D objects, we demonstrate the effectiveness of VIAP in both targeted and untargeted settings. Our untargeted perturbations successfully generate a singular adversarial noise robust to 3D transformations, while targeted attacks achieve exceptional results, with top-1 accuracies exceeding 95% across various epsilon values. These findings highlight VIAPs potential for real-world applications, such as testing the robustness of 3D recognition systems. The proposed method sets a new benchmark for view-invariant adversarial robustness, advancing the field of adversarial machine learning for 3D object recognition. AdvIRL: Reinforcement Learning-Based Adversarial Attacks on 3D NeRF Models. (98%) Tommy Nguyen; Mehmet Ergezer; Christian Green The increasing deployment of AI models in critical applications has exposed them to significant risks from adversarial attacks. While adversarial vulnerabilities in 2D vision models have been extensively studied, the threat landscape for 3D generative models, such as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), remains underexplored. This work introduces \textit{AdvIRL}, a novel framework for crafting adversarial NeRF models using Instant Neural Graphics Primitives (Instant-NGP) and Reinforcement Learning. Unlike prior methods, \textit{AdvIRL} generates adversarial noise that remains robust under diverse 3D transformations, including rotations and scaling, enabling effective black-box attacks in real-world scenarios. Our approach is validated across a wide range of scenes, from small objects (e.g., bananas) to large environments (e.g., lighthouses). Notably, targeted attacks achieved high-confidence misclassifications, such as labeling a banana as a slug and a truck as a cannon, demonstrating the practical risks posed by adversarial NeRFs. Beyond attacking, \textit{AdvIRL}-generated adversarial models can serve as adversarial training data to enhance the robustness of vision systems. The implementation of \textit{AdvIRL} is publicly available at \url{}, ensuring reproducibility and facilitating future research. Defending LVLMs Against Vision Attacks through Partial-Perception Supervision. (92%) Qi Zhou; Tianlin Li; Qing Guo; Dongxia Wang; Yun Lin; Yang Liu; Jin Song Dong Recent studies have raised significant concerns regarding the vulnerability of Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) to maliciously injected or perturbed input images, which can mislead their responses. Existing defense methods show that such vision attacks are sensitive to image modifications especially cropping, using majority voting across responses of modified images as corrected responses. However, these modifications often result in partial images and distort the semantics, which reduces response quality on clean images after voting. Instead of directly using responses from partial images for voting, we investigate using them to supervise the LVLM's responses to the original images. We propose a black-box, training-free method called DPS (Defense through Partial-Perception Supervision). In this approach, the model is prompted using the responses generated by a model that perceives only a partial image. With DPS, the model can adjust its response based on partial image understanding when under attack, while confidently maintaining its original response for clean input. Our findings show that the weak model can supervise the strong model: when faced with an attacked input, the strong model becomes less confident and adjusts its response based on the weak model's partial understanding, effectively defending against the attack. With clean input, it confidently maintains its original response. Empirical experiments show our method outperforms the baseline, cutting the average attack success rate by 76.3% across six datasets on three popular models. Exploring Query Efficient Data Generation towards Data-free Model Stealing in Hard Label Setting. (92%) Gaozheng Pei; Shaojie lyu; Ke Ma; Pinci Yang; Qianqian Xu; Yingfei Sun Data-free model stealing involves replicating the functionality of a target model into a substitute model without accessing the target model's structure, parameters, or training data. The adversary can only access the target model's predictions for generated samples. Once the substitute model closely approximates the behavior of the target model, attackers can exploit its white-box characteristics for subsequent malicious activities, such as adversarial attacks. Existing methods within cooperative game frameworks often produce samples with high confidence for the prediction of the substitute model, which makes it difficult for the substitute model to replicate the behavior of the target model. This paper presents a new data-free model stealing approach called Query Efficient Data Generation (\textbf{QEDG}). We introduce two distinct loss functions to ensure the generation of sufficient samples that closely and uniformly align with the target model's decision boundary across multiple classes. Building on the limitation of current methods, which typically yield only one piece of supervised information per query, we propose the query-free sample augmentation that enables the acquisition of additional supervised information without increasing the number of queries. Motivated by theoretical analysis, we adopt the consistency rate metric, which more accurately evaluates the similarity between the substitute and target models. We conducted extensive experiments to verify the effectiveness of our proposed method, which achieved better performance with fewer queries compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the real \textbf{MLaaS} scenario and five datasets. Fooling LLM graders into giving better grades through neural activity guided adversarial prompting. (75%) Atsushi Yamamura; Surya Ganguli The deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in critical decision-making and evaluation processes raises concerns about inherent biases that malicious actors could exploit to distort decision outcomes. We propose a systematic method to reveal such biases in AI evaluation systems and apply it to automated essay grading as an example. Our approach first identifies hidden neural activity patterns that predict distorted decision outcomes and then optimizes an adversarial input suffix to amplify such patterns. We demonstrate that this combination can effectively fool large language model (LLM) graders into assigning much higher grades than humans would. We further show that this white-box attack transfers to black-box attacks on other models, including commercial closed-source models like Gemini. They further reveal the existence of a "magic word" that plays a pivotal role in the efficacy of the attack. We trace the origin of this magic word bias to the structure of commonly-used chat templates for supervised fine-tuning of LLMs and show that a minor change in the template can drastically reduce the bias. This work not only uncovers vulnerabilities in current LLMs but also proposes a systematic method to identify and remove hidden biases, contributing to the goal of ensuring AI safety and security. Practicable Black-box Evasion Attacks on Link Prediction in Dynamic Graphs -- A Graph Sequential Embedding Method. (70%) Jiate Li; Meng Pang; Binghui Wang Link prediction in dynamic graphs (LPDG) has been widely applied to real-world applications such as website recommendation, traffic flow prediction, organizational studies, etc. These models are usually kept local and secure, with only the interactive interface restrictively available to the public. Thus, the problem of the black-box evasion attack on the LPDG model, where model interactions and data perturbations are restricted, seems to be essential and meaningful in practice. In this paper, we propose the first practicable black-box evasion attack method that achieves effective attacks against the target LPDG model, within a limited amount of interactions and perturbations. To perform effective attacks under limited perturbations, we develop a graph sequential embedding model to find the desired state embedding of the dynamic graph sequences, under a deep reinforcement learning framework. To overcome the scarcity of interactions, we design a multi-environment training pipeline and train our agent for multiple instances, by sharing an aggregate interaction buffer. Finally, we evaluate our attack against three advanced LPDG models on three real-world graph datasets of different scales and compare its performance with related methods under the interaction and perturbation constraints. Experimental results show that our attack is both effective and practicable. Jailbreaking? One Step Is Enough! (64%) Weixiong Zheng; Peijian Zeng; Yiwei Li; Hongyan Wu; Nankai Lin; Junhao Chen; Aimin Yang; Yongmei Zhou Large language models (LLMs) excel in various tasks but remain vulnerable to jailbreak attacks, where adversaries manipulate prompts to generate harmful outputs. Examining jailbreak prompts helps uncover the shortcomings of LLMs. However, current jailbreak methods and the target model's defenses are engaged in an independent and adversarial process, resulting in the need for frequent attack iterations and redesigning attacks for different models. To address these gaps, we propose a Reverse Embedded Defense Attack (REDA) mechanism that disguises the attack intention as the "defense". intention against harmful content. Specifically, REDA starts from the target response, guiding the model to embed harmful content within its defensive measures, thereby relegating harmful content to a secondary role and making the model believe it is performing a defensive task. The attacking model considers that it is guiding the target model to deal with harmful content, while the target model thinks it is performing a defensive task, creating an illusion of cooperation between the two. Additionally, to enhance the model's confidence and guidance in "defensive" intentions, we adopt in-context learning (ICL) with a small number of attack examples and construct a corresponding dataset of attack examples. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that the REDA method enables cross-model attacks without the need to redesign attack strategies for different models, enables successful jailbreak in one iteration, and outperforms existing methods on both open-source and closed-source models. Toxicity Detection towards Adaptability to Changing Perturbations. (11%) Hankun Kang; Jianhao Chen; Yongqi Li; Xin Miao; Mayi Xu; Ming Zhong; Yuanyuan Zhu; Tieyun Qian Toxicity detection is crucial for maintaining the peace of the society. While existing methods perform well on normal toxic contents or those generated by specific perturbation methods, they are vulnerable to evolving perturbation patterns. However, in real-world scenarios, malicious users tend to create new perturbation patterns for fooling the detectors. For example, some users may circumvent the detector of large language models (LLMs) by adding `I am a scientist' at the beginning of the prompt. In this paper, we introduce a novel problem, i.e., continual learning jailbreak perturbation patterns, into the toxicity detection field. To tackle this problem, we first construct a new dataset generated by 9 types of perturbation patterns, 7 of them are summarized from prior work and 2 of them are developed by us. We then systematically validate the vulnerability of current methods on this new perturbation pattern-aware dataset via both the zero-shot and fine tuned cross-pattern detection. Upon this, we present the domain incremental learning paradigm and the corresponding benchmark to ensure the detector's robustness to dynamically emerging types of perturbed toxic text. Our code and dataset are provided in the appendix and will be publicly available at GitHub, by which we wish to offer new research opportunities for the security-relevant communities. A New Adversarial Perspective for LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection. (9%) Shijun Zheng; Weiquan Liu; Yu Guo; Yu Zang; Siqi Shen; Cheng Wang Autonomous vehicles (AVs) rely on LiDAR sensors for environmental perception and decision-making in driving scenarios. However, ensuring the safety and reliability of AVs in complex environments remains a pressing challenge. To address this issue, we introduce a real-world dataset (ROLiD) comprising LiDAR-scanned point clouds of two random objects: water mist and smoke. In this paper, we introduce a novel adversarial perspective by proposing an attack framework that utilizes water mist and smoke to simulate environmental interference. Specifically, we propose a point cloud sequence generation method using a motion and content decomposition generative adversarial network named PCS-GAN to simulate the distribution of random objects. Furthermore, leveraging the simulated LiDAR scanning characteristics implemented with Range Image, we examine the effects of introducing random object perturbations at various positions on the target vehicle. Extensive experiments demonstrate that adversarial perturbations based on random objects effectively deceive vehicle detection and reduce the recognition rate of 3D object detection models. Accuracy Limits as a Barrier to Biometric System Security. (2%) Axel Durbet; Paul-Marie Grollemund; Pascal Lafourcade; Kevin Thiry-Atighehchi Biometric systems are widely used for identity verification and identification, including authentication (i.e., one-to-one matching to verify a claimed identity) and identification (i.e., one-to-many matching to find a subject in a database). The matching process relies on measuring similarities or dissimilarities between a fresh biometric template and enrolled templates. The False Match Rate FMR is a key metric for assessing the accuracy and reliability of such systems. This paper analyzes biometric systems based on their FMR, with two main contributions. First, we explore untargeted attacks, where an adversary aims to impersonate any user within a database. We determine the number of trials required for an attacker to successfully impersonate a user and derive the critical population size (i.e., the maximum number of users in the database) required to maintain a given level of security. Furthermore, we compute the critical FMR value needed to ensure resistance against untargeted attacks as the database size increases. Second, we revisit the biometric birthday problem to evaluate the approximate and exact probabilities that two users in a database collide (i.e., can impersonate each other). Based on this analysis, we derive both the approximate critical population size and the critical FMR value needed to bound the likelihood of such collisions occurring with a given probability. These thresholds offer insights for designing systems that mitigate the risk of impersonation and collisions, particularly in large-scale biometric databases. Our findings indicate that current biometric systems fail to deliver sufficient accuracy to achieve an adequate security level against untargeted attacks, even in small-scale databases. Moreover, state-of-the-art systems face significant challenges in addressing the biometric birthday problem, especially as database sizes grow. Neural Control and Certificate Repair via Runtime Monitoring. (1%) Emily Yu; Đorđe Žikelić; Thomas A. Henzinger Learning-based methods provide a promising approach to solving highly non-linear control tasks that are often challenging for classical control methods. To ensure the satisfaction of a safety property, learning-based methods jointly learn a control policy together with a certificate function for the property. Popular examples include barrier functions for safety and Lyapunov functions for asymptotic stability. While there has been significant progress on learning-based control with certificate functions in the white-box setting, where the correctness of the certificate function can be formally verified, there has been little work on ensuring their reliability in the black-box setting where the system dynamics are unknown. In this work, we consider the problems of certifying and repairing neural network control policies and certificate functions in the black-box setting. We propose a novel framework that utilizes runtime monitoring to detect system behaviors that violate the property of interest under some initially trained neural network policy and certificate. These violating behaviors are used to extract new training data, that is used to re-train the neural network policy and the certificate function and to ultimately repair them. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach empirically by using it to repair and to boost the safety rate of neural network policies learned by a state-of-the-art method for learning-based control on two autonomous system control tasks. Training Verification-Friendly Neural Networks via Neuron Behavior Consistency. (1%) Zongxin Liu; Zhe Zhao; Fu Song; Jun Sun; Pengfei Yang; Xiaowei Huang; Lijun Zhang Formal verification provides critical security assurances for neural networks, yet its practical application suffers from the long verification time. This work introduces a novel method for training verification-friendly neural networks, which are robust, easy to verify, and relatively accurate. Our method integrates neuron behavior consistency into the training process, making neuron activation states consistent across different inputs in a local neighborhood, reducing the number of unstable neurons and tightening the bounds of neurons thereby enhancing neural network verifiability. We evaluated our method using the MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets across various network architectures. The results of the experiment demonstrate that networks trained using our method are verification-friendly across different radii and different model architectures, whereas other tools fail to maintain verifiability as the radius increases. We also show that our method can be combined with existing methods to further improve the verifiability of networks. Distribution Shifts at Scale: Out-of-distribution Detection in Earth Observation. (1%) Burak Ekim; Girmaw Abebe Tadesse; Caleb Robinson; Gilles Hacheme; Michael Schmitt; Rahul Dodhia; Juan M. Lavista Ferres Training robust deep learning models is critical in Earth Observation, where globally deployed models often face distribution shifts that degrade performance, especially in low-data regions. Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection addresses this challenge by identifying inputs that differ from in-distribution (ID) data. However, existing methods either assume access to OOD data or compromise primary task performance, making them unsuitable for real-world deployment. We propose TARDIS, a post-hoc OOD detection method for scalable geospatial deployments. The core novelty lies in generating surrogate labels by integrating information from ID data and unknown distributions, enabling OOD detection at scale. Our method takes a pre-trained model, ID data, and WILD samples, disentangling the latter into surrogate ID and surrogate OOD labels based on internal activations, and fits a binary classifier as an OOD detector. We validate TARDIS on EuroSAT and xBD datasets, across 17 experimental setups covering covariate and semantic shifts, showing that it performs close to the theoretical upper bound in assigning surrogate ID and OOD samples in 13 cases. To demonstrate scalability, we deploy TARDIS on the Fields of the World dataset, offering actionable insights into pre-trained model behavior for large-scale deployments. The code is publicly available at Adversarially robust generalization theory via Jacobian regularization for deep neural networks. (99%) Dongya Wu; Xin Li Powerful deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. To obtain adversarially robust models, researchers have separately developed adversarial training and Jacobian regularization techniques. There are abundant theoretical and empirical studies for adversarial training, but theoretical foundations for Jacobian regularization are still lacking. In this study, we show that Jacobian regularization is closely related to adversarial training in that $\ell_{2}$ or $\ell_{1}$ Jacobian regularized loss serves as an approximate upper bound on the adversarially robust loss under $\ell_{2}$ or $\ell_{\infty}$ adversarial attack respectively. Further, we establish the robust generalization gap for Jacobian regularized risk minimizer via bounding the Rademacher complexity of both the standard loss function class and Jacobian regularization function class. Our theoretical results indicate that the norms of Jacobian are related to both standard and robust generalization. We also perform experiments on MNIST data classification to demonstrate that Jacobian regularized risk minimization indeed serves as a surrogate for adversarially robust risk minimization, and that reducing the norms of Jacobian can improve both standard and robust generalization. This study promotes both theoretical and empirical understandings to adversarially robust generalization via Jacobian regularization. Human-in-the-Loop Generation of Adversarial Texts: A Case Study on Tibetan Script. (99%) Xi Cao; Yuan Sun; Jiajun Li; Quzong Gesang; Nuo Qun; Tashi Nyima DNN-based language models perform excellently on various tasks, but even SOTA LLMs are susceptible to textual adversarial attacks. Adversarial texts play crucial roles in multiple subfields of NLP. However, current research has the following issues. (1) Most textual adversarial attack methods target rich-resourced languages. How do we generate adversarial texts for less-studied languages? (2) Most textual adversarial attack methods are prone to generating invalid or ambiguous adversarial texts. How do we construct high-quality adversarial robustness benchmarks? (3) New language models may be immune to part of previously generated adversarial texts. How do we update adversarial robustness benchmarks? To address the above issues, we introduce HITL-GAT, a system based on a general approach to human-in-the-loop generation of adversarial texts. HITL-GAT contains four stages in one pipeline: victim model construction, adversarial example generation, high-quality benchmark construction, and adversarial robustness evaluation. Additionally, we utilize HITL-GAT to make a case study on Tibetan script which can be a reference for the adversarial research of other less-studied languages. Transferable Adversarial Face Attack with Text Controlled Attribute. (98%) Wenyun Li; Zheng Zhang; Xiangyuan Lan; Dongmei Jiang Traditional adversarial attacks typically produce adversarial examples under norm-constrained conditions, whereas unrestricted adversarial examples are free-form with semantically meaningful perturbations. Current unrestricted adversarial impersonation attacks exhibit limited control over adversarial face attributes and often suffer from low transferability. In this paper, we propose a novel Text Controlled Attribute Attack (TCA$^2$) to generate photorealistic adversarial impersonation faces guided by natural language. Specifically, the category-level personal softmax vector is employed to precisely guide the impersonation attacks. Additionally, we propose both data and model augmentation strategies to achieve transferable attacks on unknown target models. Finally, a generative model, \textit{i.e}, Style-GAN, is utilized to synthesize impersonated faces with desired attributes. Extensive experiments on two high-resolution face recognition datasets validate that our TCA$^2$ method can generate natural text-guided adversarial impersonation faces with high transferability. We also evaluate our method on real-world face recognition systems, \textit{i.e}, Face++ and Aliyun, further demonstrating the practical potential of our approach. Towards Adversarial Robustness of Model-Level Mixture-of-Experts Architectures for Semantic Segmentation. (86%) Svetlana Pavlitska; Enrico Eisen; J. Marius Zöllner Vulnerability to adversarial attacks is a well-known deficiency of deep neural networks. Larger networks are generally more robust, and ensembling is one method to increase adversarial robustness: each model's weaknesses are compensated by the strengths of others. While an ensemble uses a deterministic rule to combine model outputs, a mixture of experts (MoE) includes an additional learnable gating component that predicts weights for the outputs of the expert models, thus determining their contributions to the final prediction. MoEs have been shown to outperform ensembles on specific tasks, yet their susceptibility to adversarial attacks has not been studied yet. In this work, we evaluate the adversarial vulnerability of MoEs for semantic segmentation of urban and highway traffic scenes. We show that MoEs are, in most cases, more robust to per-instance and universal white-box adversarial attacks and can better withstand transfer attacks. Our code is available at \url{}. WFCAT: Augmenting Website Fingerprinting with Channel-wise Attention on Timing Features. (33%) Jiajun Gong; Wei Cai; Siyuan Liang; Zhong Guan; Tao Wang; Ee-Chien Chang Website Fingerprinting (WF) aims to deanonymize users on the Tor network by analyzing encrypted network traffic. Recent deep-learning-based attacks show high accuracy on undefended traces. However, they struggle against modern defenses that use tactics like injecting dummy packets and delaying real packets, which significantly degrade classification performance. Our analysis reveals that current attacks inadequately leverage the timing information inherent in traffic traces, which persists as a source of leakage even under robust defenses. Addressing this shortfall, we introduce a novel feature representation named the Inter-Arrival Time (IAT) histogram, which quantifies the frequencies of packet inter-arrival times across predetermined time slots. Complementing this feature, we propose a new CNN-based attack, WFCAT, enhanced with two innovative architectural blocks designed to optimally extract and utilize timing information. Our approach uses kernels of varying sizes to capture multi-scale features, which are then integrated using a weighted sum across all feature channels to enhance the model's efficacy in identifying temporal patterns. Our experiments validate that WFCAT substantially outperforms existing methods on defended traces in both closed- and open-world scenarios. Notably, WFCAT achieves over 59% accuracy against Surakav, a recently developed robust defense, marking an improvement of over 28% and 48% against the state-of-the-art attacks RF and Tik-Tok, respectively, in the closed-world scenario. Red Pill and Blue Pill: Controllable Website Fingerprinting Defense via Dynamic Backdoor Learning. (22%) Siyuan Liang; Jiajun Gong; Tianmeng Fang; Aishan Liu; Tao Wang; Xianglong Liu; Xiaochun Cao; Dacheng Tao; Chang Ee-Chien Website fingerprint (WF) attacks, which covertly monitor user communications to identify the web pages they visit, pose a serious threat to user privacy. Existing WF defenses attempt to reduce the attacker's accuracy by disrupting unique traffic patterns; however, they often suffer from the trade-off between overhead and effectiveness, resulting in less usefulness in practice. To overcome this limitation, we introduce Controllable Website Fingerprint Defense (CWFD), a novel defense perspective based on backdoor learning. CWFD exploits backdoor vulnerabilities in neural networks to directly control the attacker's model by designing trigger patterns based on network traffic. Specifically, CWFD injects only incoming packets on the server side into the target web page's traffic, keeping overhead low while effectively poisoning the attacker's model during training. During inference, the defender can influence the attacker's model through a 'red pill, blue pill' choice: traces with the trigger (red pill) lead to misclassification as the target web page, while normal traces (blue pill) are classified correctly, achieving directed control over the defense outcome. We use the Fast Levenshtein-like distance as the optimization objective to compute trigger patterns that can be effectively associated with our target page. Experiments show that CWFD significantly reduces RF's accuracy from 99% to 6% with 74% data overhead. In comparison, FRONT reduces accuracy to only 97% at similar overhead, while Palette achieves 32% accuracy with 48% more overhead. We further validate the practicality of our method in a real Tor network environment. Sonar-based Deep Learning in Underwater Robotics: Overview, Robustness and Challenges. (1%) Martin Aubard; Ana Madureira; Luís Teixeira; José Pinto With the growing interest in underwater exploration and monitoring, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have become essential. The recent interest in onboard Deep Learning (DL) has advanced real-time environmental interaction capabilities relying on efficient and accurate vision-based DL models. However, the predominant use of sonar in underwater environments, characterized by limited training data and inherent noise, poses challenges to model robustness. This autonomy improvement raises safety concerns for deploying such models during underwater operations, potentially leading to hazardous situations. This paper aims to provide the first comprehensive overview of sonar-based DL under the scope of robustness. It studies sonar-based DL perception task models, such as classification, object detection, segmentation, and SLAM. Furthermore, the paper systematizes sonar-based state-of-the-art datasets, simulators, and robustness methods such as neural network verification, out-of-distribution, and adversarial attacks. This paper highlights the lack of robustness in sonar-based DL research and suggests future research pathways, notably establishing a baseline sonar-based dataset and bridging the simulation-to-reality gap. Comprehensive Survey on Adversarial Examples in Cybersecurity: Impacts, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies. (99%) Li Li Deep learning (DL) has significantly transformed cybersecurity, enabling advancements in malware detection, botnet identification, intrusion detection, user authentication, and encrypted traffic analysis. However, the rise of adversarial examples (AE) poses a critical challenge to the robustness and reliability of DL-based systems. These subtle, crafted perturbations can deceive models, leading to severe consequences like misclassification and system vulnerabilities. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the impact of AE attacks on key cybersecurity applications, highlighting both their theoretical and practical implications. We systematically examine the methods used to generate adversarial examples, their specific effects across various domains, and the inherent trade-offs attackers face between efficacy and resource efficiency. Additionally, we explore recent advancements in defense mechanisms, including gradient masking, adversarial training, and detection techniques, evaluating their potential to enhance model resilience. By summarizing cutting-edge research, this study aims to bridge the gap between adversarial research and practical security applications, offering insights to fortify the adoption of DL solutions in cybersecurity. Unpacking the Resilience of SNLI Contradiction Examples to Attacks. (99%) Chetan Verma; Archit Agarwal Pre-trained models excel on NLI benchmarks like SNLI and MultiNLI, but their true language understanding remains uncertain. Models trained only on hypotheses and labels achieve high accuracy, indicating reliance on dataset biases and spurious correlations. To explore this issue, we applied the Universal Adversarial Attack to examine the model's vulnerabilities. Our analysis revealed substantial drops in accuracy for the entailment and neutral classes, whereas the contradiction class exhibited a smaller decline. Fine-tuning the model on an augmented dataset with adversarial examples restored its performance to near-baseline levels for both the standard and challenge sets. Our findings highlight the value of adversarial triggers in identifying spurious correlations and improving robustness while providing insights into the resilience of the contradiction class to adversarial attacks. Impact of Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning Model Explainability. (99%) Gazi Nazia Nur; Mohammad Ahnaf Sadat In this paper, we investigate the impact of adversarial attacks on the explainability of deep learning models, which are commonly criticized for their black-box nature despite their capacity for autonomous feature extraction. This black-box nature can affect the perceived trustworthiness of these models. To address this, explainability techniques such as GradCAM, SmoothGrad, and LIME have been developed to clarify model decision-making processes. Our research focuses on the robustness of these explanations when models are subjected to adversarial attacks, specifically those involving subtle image perturbations that are imperceptible to humans but can significantly mislead models. For this, we utilize attack methods like the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) and the Basic Iterative Method (BIM) and observe their effects on model accuracy and explanations. The results reveal a substantial decline in model accuracy, with accuracies dropping from 89.94% to 58.73% and 45.50% under FGSM and BIM attacks, respectively. Despite these declines in accuracy, the explanation of the models measured by metrics such as Intersection over Union (IoU) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) shows negligible changes, suggesting that these metrics may not be sensitive enough to detect the presence of adversarial perturbations. UIBDiffusion: Universal Imperceptible Backdoor Attack for Diffusion Models. (99%) Yuning Han; Bingyin Zhao; Rui Chu; Feng Luo; Biplab Sikdar; Yingjie Lao Recent studies show that diffusion models (DMs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing backdoor attacks impose unconcealed triggers (e.g., a gray box and eyeglasses) that contain evident patterns, rendering remarkable attack effects yet easy detection upon human inspection and defensive algorithms. While it is possible to improve stealthiness by reducing the strength of the backdoor, doing so can significantly compromise its generality and effectiveness. In this paper, we propose UIBDiffusion, the universal imperceptible backdoor attack for diffusion models, which allows us to achieve superior attack and generation performance while evading state-of-the-art defenses. We propose a novel trigger generation approach based on universal adversarial perturbations (UAPs) and reveal that such perturbations, which are initially devised for fooling pre-trained discriminative models, can be adapted as potent imperceptible backdoor triggers for DMs. We evaluate UIBDiffusion on multiple types of DMs with different kinds of samplers across various datasets and targets. Experimental results demonstrate that UIBDiffusion brings three advantages: 1) Universality, the imperceptible trigger is universal (i.e., image and model agnostic) where a single trigger is effective to any images and all diffusion models with different samplers; 2) Utility, it achieves comparable generation quality (e.g., FID) and even better attack success rate (i.e., ASR) at low poison rates compared to the prior works; and 3) Undetectability, UIBDiffusion is plausible to human perception and can bypass Elijah and TERD, the SOTA defenses against backdoors for DMs. We will release our backdoor triggers and code. PGD-Imp: Rethinking and Unleashing Potential of Classic PGD with Dual Strategies for Imperceptible Adversarial Attacks. (98%) Jin Li; Zitong Yu; Ziqiang He; Z. Jane Wang; Xiangui Kang Imperceptible adversarial attacks have recently attracted increasing research interests. Existing methods typically incorporate external modules or loss terms other than a simple $l_p$-norm into the attack process to achieve imperceptibility, while we argue that such additional designs may not be necessary. In this paper, we rethink the essence of imperceptible attacks and propose two simple yet effective strategies to unleash the potential of PGD, the common and classical attack, for imperceptibility from an optimization perspective. Specifically, the Dynamic Step Size is introduced to find the optimal solution with minimal attack cost towards the decision boundary of the attacked model, and the Adaptive Early Stop strategy is adopted to reduce the redundant strength of adversarial perturbations to the minimum level. The proposed PGD-Imperceptible (PGD-Imp) attack achieves state-of-the-art results in imperceptible adversarial attacks for both untargeted and targeted scenarios. When performing untargeted attacks against ResNet-50, PGD-Imp attains 100$\%$ (+0.3$\%$) ASR, 0.89 (-1.76) $l_2$ distance, and 52.93 (+9.2) PSNR with 57s (-371s) running time, significantly outperforming existing methods. Learning Robust and Privacy-Preserving Representations via Information Theory. (92%) Binghui Zhang; Sayedeh Leila Noorbakhsh; Yun Dong; Yuan Hong; Binghui Wang Machine learning models are vulnerable to both security attacks (e.g., adversarial examples) and privacy attacks (e.g., private attribute inference). We take the first step to mitigate both the security and privacy attacks, and maintain task utility as well. Particularly, we propose an information-theoretic framework to achieve the goals through the lens of representation learning, i.e., learning representations that are robust to both adversarial examples and attribute inference adversaries. We also derive novel theoretical results under our framework, e.g., the inherent trade-off between adversarial robustness/utility and attribute privacy, and guaranteed attribute privacy leakage against attribute inference adversaries. A Comprehensive Review of Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning. (75%) Syed Quiser Ahmed; Bharathi Vokkaliga Ganesh; Sathyanarayana Sampath Kumar; Prakhar Mishra; Ravi Anand; Bhanuteja Akurathi This research provides a comprehensive overview of adversarial attacks on AI and ML models, exploring various attack types, techniques, and their potential harms. We also delve into the business implications, mitigation strategies, and future research directions. To gain practical insights, we employ the Adversarial Robustness Toolbox (ART) [1] library to simulate these attacks on real-world use cases, such as self-driving cars. Our goal is to inform practitioners and researchers about the challenges and opportunities in defending AI systems against adversarial threats. By providing a comprehensive comparison of different attack methods, we aim to contribute to the development of more robust and secure AI systems. Finding a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Combating Adversarial Text-To-Image Prompts with Text Summarization. (2%) Portia Cooper; Harshita Narnoli; Mihai Surdeanu Text-to-image models are vulnerable to the stepwise "Divide-and-Conquer Attack" (DACA) that utilize a large language model to obfuscate inappropriate content in prompts by wrapping sensitive text in a benign narrative. To mitigate stepwise DACA attacks, we propose a two-layer method involving text summarization followed by binary classification. We assembled the Adversarial Text-to-Image Prompt (ATTIP) dataset ($N=940$), which contained DACA-obfuscated and non-obfuscated prompts. From the ATTIP dataset, we created two summarized versions: one generated by a small encoder model and the other by a large language model. Then, we used an encoder classifier and a GPT-4o classifier to perform content moderation on the summarized and unsummarized prompts. When compared with a classifier that operated over the unsummarized data, our method improved F1 score performance by 31%. Further, the highest recorded F1 score achieved (98%) was produced by the encoder classifier on a summarized ATTIP variant. This study indicates that pre-classification text summarization can inoculate content detection models against stepwise DACA obfuscations. Set-Valued Sensitivity Analysis of Deep Neural Networks. (2%) Xin Jeff Wang; Feiling Jeff wang; Xuegang Jeff Ban This paper proposes a sensitivity analysis framework based on set valued mapping for deep neural networks (DNN) to understand and compute how the solutions (model weights) of DNN respond to perturbations in the training data. As a DNN may not exhibit a unique solution (minima) and the algorithm of solving a DNN may lead to different solutions with minor perturbations to input data, we focus on the sensitivity of the solution set of DNN, instead of studying a single solution. In particular, we are interested in the expansion and contraction of the set in response to data perturbations. If the change of solution set can be bounded by the extent of the data perturbation, the model is said to exhibit the Lipschitz like property. This "set-to-set" analysis approach provides a deeper understanding of the robustness and reliability of DNNs during training. Our framework incorporates both isolated and non-isolated minima, and critically, does not require the assumption that the Hessian of loss function is non-singular. By developing set-level metrics such as distance between sets, convergence of sets, derivatives of set-valued mapping, and stability across the solution set, we prove that the solution set of the Fully Connected Neural Network holds Lipschitz-like properties. For general neural networks (e.g., Resnet), we introduce a graphical-derivative-based method to estimate the new solution set following data perturbation without retraining. Accurate, Robust and Privacy-Preserving Brain-Computer Interface Decoding. (1%) Xiaoqing Chen; Tianwang Jia; Dongrui Wu An electroencephalogram (EEG) based brain-computer interface (BCI) enables direct communication between the brain and external devices. However, EEG-based BCIs face at least three major challenges in real-world applications: data scarcity and individual differences, adversarial vulnerability, and data privacy. While previous studies have addressed one or two of these issues, simultaneous accommodation of all three challenges remains challenging and unexplored. This paper fills this gap, by proposing an Augmented Robustness Ensemble (ARE) algorithm and integrating it into three privacy protection scenarios (centralized source-free transfer, federated source-free transfer, and source data perturbation), achieving simultaneously accurate decoding, adversarial robustness, and privacy protection of EEG-based BCIs. Experiments on three public EEG datasets demonstrated that our proposed approach outperformed over 10 classic and state-of-the-art approaches in both accuracy and robustness in all three privacy-preserving scenarios, even outperforming state-of-the-art transfer learning approaches that do not consider privacy protection at all. This is the first time that three major challenges in EEG-based BCIs can be addressed simultaneously, significantly improving the practicalness of EEG decoding in real-world BCIs. SpearBot: Leveraging Large Language Models in a Generative-Critique Framework for Spear-Phishing Email Generation. (1%) Qinglin Qi; Yun Luo; Yijia Xu; Wenbo Guo; Yong Fang Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly capable, aiding in tasks such as content generation, yet they also pose risks, particularly in generating harmful spear-phishing emails. These emails, crafted to entice clicks on malicious URLs, threaten personal information security. This paper proposes an adversarial framework, SpearBot, which utilizes LLMs to generate spear-phishing emails with various phishing strategies. Through specifically crafted jailbreak prompts, SpearBot circumvents security policies and introduces other LLM instances as critics. When a phishing email is identified by the critic, SpearBot refines the generated email based on the critique feedback until it can no longer be recognized as phishing, thereby enhancing its deceptive quality. To evaluate the effectiveness of SpearBot, we implement various machine-based defenders and assess how well the phishing emails generated could deceive them. Results show these emails often evade detection to a large extent, underscoring their deceptive quality. Additionally, human evaluations of the emails' readability and deception are conducted through questionnaires, confirming their convincing nature and the significant potential harm of the generated phishing emails. RAT: Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Agents for Targeted Behaviors. (98%) Fengshuo Bai; Runze Liu; Yali Du; Ying Wen; Yaodong Yang Evaluating deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agents against targeted behavior attacks is critical for assessing their robustness. These attacks aim to manipulate the victim into specific behaviors that align with the attacker's objectives, often bypassing traditional reward-based defenses. Prior methods have primarily focused on reducing cumulative rewards; however, rewards are typically too generic to capture complex safety requirements effectively. As a result, focusing solely on reward reduction can lead to suboptimal attack strategies, particularly in safety-critical scenarios where more precise behavior manipulation is needed. To address these challenges, we propose RAT, a method designed for universal, targeted behavior attacks. RAT trains an intention policy that is explicitly aligned with human preferences, serving as a precise behavioral target for the adversary. Concurrently, an adversary manipulates the victim's policy to follow this target behavior. To enhance the effectiveness of these attacks, RAT dynamically adjusts the state occupancy measure within the replay buffer, allowing for more controlled and effective behavior manipulation. Our empirical results on robotic simulation tasks demonstrate that RAT outperforms existing adversarial attack algorithms in inducing specific behaviors. Additionally, RAT shows promise in improving agent robustness, leading to more resilient policies. We further validate RAT by guiding Decision Transformer agents to adopt behaviors aligned with human preferences in various MuJoCo tasks, demonstrating its effectiveness across diverse tasks. One Pixel is All I Need. (80%) Deng Siqin; Zhou Xiaoyi Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved record-breaking performance in various visual tasks. However, concerns about their robustness against backdoor attacks have grown. Backdoor attacks involve associating a specific trigger with a target label, causing the model to predict the attacker-specified label when the trigger is present, while correctly identifying clean images.We found that ViTs exhibit higher attack success rates for quasi-triggers(patterns different from but similar to the original training triggers)compared to CNNs. Moreover, some backdoor features in clean samples can suppress the original trigger, making quasi-triggers more effective.To better understand and exploit these vulnerabilities, we developed a tool called the Perturbation Sensitivity Distribution Map (PSDM). PSDM computes and sums gradients over many inputs to show how sensitive the model is to small changes in the input. In ViTs, PSDM reveals a patch-like pattern where central pixels are more sensitive than edges. We use PSDM to guide the creation of quasi-triggers.Based on these findings, we designed "WorstVIT," a simple yet effective data poisoning backdoor for ViT models. This attack requires an extremely low poisoning rate, trains for just one epoch, and modifies a single pixel to successfully attack all validation images. Are Language Models Agnostic to Linguistically Grounded Perturbations? A Case Study of Indic Languages. (1%) Poulami Ghosh; Raj Dabre; Pushpak Bhattacharyya Pre-trained language models (PLMs) are known to be susceptible to perturbations to the input text, but existing works do not explicitly focus on linguistically grounded attacks, which are subtle and more prevalent in nature. In this paper, we study whether PLMs are agnostic to linguistically grounded attacks or not. To this end, we offer the first study addressing this, investigating different Indic languages and various downstream tasks. Our findings reveal that although PLMs are susceptible to linguistic perturbations, when compared to non-linguistic attacks, PLMs exhibit a slightly lower susceptibility to linguistic attacks. This highlights that even constrained attacks are effective. Moreover, we investigate the implications of these outcomes across a range of languages, encompassing diverse language families and different scripts. Unbiased General Annotated Dataset Generation. (1%) Dengyang Jiang; Haoyu Wang; Lei Zhang; Wei Wei; Guang Dai; Mengmeng Wang; Jingdong Wang; Yanning Zhang Pre-training backbone networks on a general annotated dataset (e.g., ImageNet) that comprises numerous manually collected images with category annotations has proven to be indispensable for enhancing the generalization capacity of downstream visual tasks. However, those manually collected images often exhibit bias, which is non-transferable across either categories or domains, thus causing the model's generalization capacity degeneration. To mitigate this problem, we present an unbiased general annotated dataset generation framework (ubGen). Instead of expensive manual collection, we aim at directly generating unbiased images with category annotations. To achieve this goal, we propose to leverage the advantage of a multimodal foundation model (e.g., CLIP), in terms of aligning images in an unbiased semantic space defined by language. Specifically, we develop a bi-level semantic alignment loss, which not only forces all generated images to be consistent with the semantic distribution of all categories belonging to the target dataset in an adversarial learning manner, but also requires each generated image to match the semantic description of its category name. In addition, we further cast an existing image quality scoring model into a quality assurance loss to preserve the quality of the generated image. By leveraging these two loss functions, we can obtain an unbiased image generation model by simply fine-tuning a pre-trained diffusion model using only all category names in the target dataset as input. Experimental results confirm that, compared with the manually labeled dataset or other synthetic datasets, the utilization of our generated unbiased datasets leads to stable generalization capacity enhancement of different backbone networks across various tasks, especially in tasks where the manually labeled samples are scarce. Robust image classification with multi-modal large language models. (99%) Francesco Villani; Igor Maljkovic; Dario Lazzaro; Angelo Sotgiu; Antonio Emanuele Cinà; Fabio Roli Deep Neural Networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, i.e., carefully crafted input samples that can cause models to make incorrect predictions with high confidence. To mitigate these vulnerabilities, adversarial training and detection-based defenses have been proposed to strengthen models in advance. However, most of these approaches focus on a single data modality, overlooking the relationships between visual patterns and textual descriptions of the input. In this paper, we propose a novel defense, Multi-Shield, designed to combine and complement these defenses with multi-modal information to further enhance their robustness. Multi-Shield leverages multi-modal large language models to detect adversarial examples and abstain from uncertain classifications when there is no alignment between textual and visual representations of the input. Extensive evaluations on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, using robust and non-robust image classification models, demonstrate that Multi-Shield can be easily integrated to detect and reject adversarial examples, outperforming the original defenses. Prompt2Perturb (P2P): Text-Guided Diffusion-Based Adversarial Attacks on Breast Ultrasound Images. (99%) Yasamin Medghalchi; Moein Heidari; Clayton Allard; Leonid Sigal; Ilker Hacihaliloglu Deep neural networks (DNNs) offer significant promise for improving breast cancer diagnosis in medical imaging. However, these models are highly susceptible to adversarial attacks--small, imperceptible changes that can mislead classifiers--raising critical concerns about their reliability and security. Traditional attacks rely on fixed-norm perturbations, misaligning with human perception. In contrast, diffusion-based attacks require pre-trained models, demanding substantial data when these models are unavailable, limiting practical use in data-scarce scenarios. In medical imaging, however, this is often unfeasible due to the limited availability of datasets. Building on recent advancements in learnable prompts, we propose Prompt2Perturb (P2P), a novel language-guided attack method capable of generating meaningful attack examples driven by text instructions. During the prompt learning phase, our approach leverages learnable prompts within the text encoder to create subtle, yet impactful, perturbations that remain imperceptible while guiding the model towards targeted outcomes. In contrast to current prompt learning-based approaches, our P2P stands out by directly updating text embeddings, avoiding the need for retraining diffusion models. Further, we leverage the finding that optimizing only the early reverse diffusion steps boosts efficiency while ensuring that the generated adversarial examples incorporate subtle noise, thus preserving ultrasound image quality without introducing noticeable artifacts. We show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art attack techniques across three breast ultrasound datasets in FID and LPIPS. Moreover, the generated images are both more natural in appearance and more effective compared to existing adversarial attacks. Our code will be publicly available A2RNet: Adversarial Attack Resilient Network for Robust Infrared and Visible Image Fusion. (92%) Jiawei Li; Hongwei Yu; Jiansheng Chen; Xinlong Ding; Jinlong Wang; Jinyuan Liu; Bochao Zou; Huimin Ma Infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF) is a crucial technique for enhancing visual performance by integrating unique information from different modalities into one fused image. Exiting methods pay more attention to conducting fusion with undisturbed data, while overlooking the impact of deliberate interference on the effectiveness of fusion results. To investigate the robustness of fusion models, in this paper, we propose a novel adversarial attack resilient network, called $\textrm{A}^{\textrm{2}}$RNet. Specifically, we develop an adversarial paradigm with an anti-attack loss function to implement adversarial attacks and training. It is constructed based on the intrinsic nature of IVIF and provide a robust foundation for future research advancements. We adopt a Unet as the pipeline with a transformer-based defensive refinement module (DRM) under this paradigm, which guarantees fused image quality in a robust coarse-to-fine manner. Compared to previous works, our method mitigates the adverse effects of adversarial perturbations, consistently maintaining high-fidelity fusion results. Furthermore, the performance of downstream tasks can also be well maintained under adversarial attacks. Code is available at Err on the Side of Texture: Texture Bias on Real Data. (82%) Blaine Hoak; Ryan Sheatsley; Patrick McDaniel Bias significantly undermines both the accuracy and trustworthiness of machine learning models. To date, one of the strongest biases observed in image classification models is texture bias-where models overly rely on texture information rather than shape information. Yet, existing approaches for measuring and mitigating texture bias have not been able to capture how textures impact model robustness in real-world settings. In this work, we introduce the Texture Association Value (TAV), a novel metric that quantifies how strongly models rely on the presence of specific textures when classifying objects. Leveraging TAV, we demonstrate that model accuracy and robustness are heavily influenced by texture. Our results show that texture bias explains the existence of natural adversarial examples, where over 90% of these samples contain textures that are misaligned with the learned texture of their true label, resulting in confident mispredictions. BinarySelect to Improve Accessibility of Black-Box Attack Research. (80%) Shatarupa Ghosh; Jonathan Rusert Adversarial text attack research is useful for testing the robustness of NLP models, however, the rise of transformers has greatly increased the time required to test attacks. Especially when researchers do not have access to adequate resources (e.g. GPUs). This can hinder attack research, as modifying one example for an attack can require hundreds of queries to a model, especially for black-box attacks. Often these attacks remove one token at a time to find the ideal one to change, requiring $n$ queries (the length of the text) right away. We propose a more efficient selection method called BinarySelect which combines binary search and attack selection methods to greatly reduce the number of queries needed to find a token. We find that BinarySelect only needs $\text{log}_2(n) * 2$ queries to find the first token compared to $n$ queries. We also test BinarySelect in an attack setting against 5 classifiers across 3 datasets and find a viable tradeoff between number of queries saved and attack effectiveness. For example, on the Yelp dataset, the number of queries is reduced by 32% (72 less) with a drop in attack effectiveness of only 5 points. We believe that BinarySelect can help future researchers study adversarial attacks and black-box problems more efficiently and opens the door for researchers with access to less resources. On Adversarial Robustness and Out-of-Distribution Robustness of Large Language Models. (78%) April Yang; Jordan Tab; Parth Shah; Paul Kotchavong The increasing reliance on large language models (LLMs) for diverse applications necessitates a thorough understanding of their robustness to adversarial perturbations and out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. In this study, we investigate the correlation between adversarial robustness and OOD robustness in LLMs, addressing a critical gap in robustness evaluation. By applying methods originally designed to improve one robustness type across both contexts, we analyze their performance on adversarial and out-of-distribution benchmark datasets. The input of the model consists of text samples, with the output prediction evaluated in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scores in various natural language inference tasks. Our findings highlight nuanced interactions between adversarial robustness and OOD robustness, with results indicating limited transferability between the two robustness types. Through targeted ablations, we evaluate how these correlations evolve with different model sizes and architectures, uncovering model-specific trends: smaller models like LLaMA2-7b exhibit neutral correlations, larger models like LLaMA2-13b show negative correlations, and Mixtral demonstrates positive correlations, potentially due to domain-specific alignment. These results underscore the importance of hybrid robustness frameworks that integrate adversarial and OOD strategies tailored to specific models and domains. Further research is needed to evaluate these interactions across larger models and varied architectures, offering a pathway to more reliable and generalizable LLMs. FaceShield: Defending Facial Image against Deepfake Threats. (70%) Jaehwan Jeong; Sumin In; Sieun Kim; Hannie Shin; Jongheon Jeong; Sang Ho Yoon; Jaewook Chung; Sangpil Kim The rising use of deepfakes in criminal activities presents a significant issue, inciting widespread controversy. While numerous studies have tackled this problem, most primarily focus on deepfake detection. These reactive solutions are insufficient as a fundamental approach for crimes where authenticity verification is not critical. Existing proactive defenses also have limitations, as they are effective only for deepfake models based on specific Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), making them less applicable in light of recent advancements in diffusion-based models. In this paper, we propose a proactive defense method named FaceShield, which introduces novel attack strategies targeting deepfakes generated by Diffusion Models (DMs) and facilitates attacks on various existing GAN-based deepfake models through facial feature extractor manipulations. Our approach consists of three main components: (i) manipulating the attention mechanism of DMs to exclude protected facial features during the denoising process, (ii) targeting prominent facial feature extraction models to enhance the robustness of our adversarial perturbation, and (iii) employing Gaussian blur and low-pass filtering techniques to improve imperceptibility while enhancing robustness against JPEG distortion. Experimental results on the CelebA-HQ and VGGFace2-HQ datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance against the latest deepfake models based on DMs, while also exhibiting applicability to GANs and showcasing greater imperceptibility of noise along with enhanced robustness. SuperMark: Robust and Training-free Image Watermarking via Diffusion-based Super-Resolution. (67%) Runyi Hu; Jie Zhang; Yiming Li; Jiwei Li; Qing Guo; Han Qiu; Tianwei Zhang In today's digital landscape, the blending of AI-generated and authentic content has underscored the need for copyright protection and content authentication. Watermarking has become a vital tool to address these challenges, safeguarding both generated and real content. Effective watermarking methods must withstand various distortions and attacks. Current deep watermarking techniques often use an encoder-noise layer-decoder architecture and include distortions to enhance robustness. However, they struggle to balance robustness and fidelity and remain vulnerable to adaptive attacks, despite extensive training. To overcome these limitations, we propose SuperMark, a robust, training-free watermarking framework. Inspired by the parallels between watermark embedding/extraction in watermarking and the denoising/noising processes in diffusion models, SuperMark embeds the watermark into initial Gaussian noise using existing techniques. It then applies pre-trained Super-Resolution (SR) models to denoise the watermarked noise, producing the final watermarked image. For extraction, the process is reversed: the watermarked image is inverted back to the initial watermarked noise via DDIM Inversion, from which the embedded watermark is extracted. This flexible framework supports various noise injection methods and diffusion-based SR models, enabling enhanced customization. The robustness of the DDIM Inversion process against perturbations allows SuperMark to achieve strong resilience to distortions while maintaining high fidelity. Experiments demonstrate that SuperMark achieves fidelity comparable to existing methods while significantly improving robustness. Under standard distortions, it achieves an average watermark extraction accuracy of 99.46%, and 89.29% under adaptive attacks. Moreover, SuperMark shows strong transferability across datasets, SR models, embedding methods, and resolutions. Client-Side Patching against Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning. (61%) Borja Molina-Coronado Federated learning is a versatile framework for training models in decentralized environments. However, the trust placed in clients makes federated learning vulnerable to backdoor attacks launched by malicious participants. While many defenses have been proposed, they often fail short when facing heterogeneous data distributions among participating clients. In this paper, we propose a novel defense mechanism for federated learning systems designed to mitigate backdoor attacks on the clients-side. Our approach leverages adversarial learning techniques and model patching to neutralize the impact of backdoor attacks. Through extensive experiments on the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, we demonstrate that our defense effectively reduces backdoor accuracy, outperforming existing state-of-the-art defenses, such as LFighter, FLAME, and RoseAgg, in i.i.d. and non-i.i.d. scenarios, while maintaining competitive or superior accuracy on clean data. No Free Lunch for Defending Against Prefilling Attack by In-Context Learning. (22%) Zhiyu Xue; Guangliang Liu; Bocheng Chen; Kristen Marie Johnson; Ramtin Pedarsani The security of Large Language Models (LLMs) has become an important research topic since the emergence of ChatGPT. Though there have been various effective methods to defend against jailbreak attacks, prefilling attacks remain an unsolved and popular threat against open-sourced LLMs. In-Context Learning (ICL) offers a computationally efficient defense against various jailbreak attacks, yet no effective ICL methods have been developed to counter prefilling attacks. In this paper, we: (1) show that ICL can effectively defend against prefilling jailbreak attacks by employing adversative sentence structures within demonstrations; (2) characterize the effectiveness of this defense through the lens of model size, number of demonstrations, over-defense, integration with other jailbreak attacks, and the presence of safety alignment. Given the experimental results and our analysis, we conclude that there is no free lunch for defending against prefilling jailbreak attacks with ICL. On the one hand, current safety alignment methods fail to mitigate prefilling jailbreak attacks, but adversative structures within ICL demonstrations provide robust defense across various model sizes and complex jailbreak attacks. On the other hand, LLMs exhibit similar over-defensiveness when utilizing ICL demonstrations with adversative structures, and this behavior appears to be independent of model size. Active Poisoning: Efficient Backdoor Attacks on Transfer Learning-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces. (13%) X. Jiang; L. Meng; S. Li; D. Wu Transfer learning (TL) has been widely used in electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for reducing calibration efforts. However, backdoor attacks could be introduced through TL. In such attacks, an attacker embeds a backdoor with a specific pattern into the machine learning model. As a result, the model will misclassify a test sample with the backdoor trigger into a prespecified class while still maintaining good performance on benign samples. Accordingly, this study explores backdoor attacks in the TL of EEG-based BCIs, where source-domain data are poisoned by a backdoor trigger and then used in TL. We propose several active poisoning approaches to select source-domain samples, which are most effective in embedding the backdoor pattern, to improve the attack success rate and efficiency. Experiments on four EEG datasets and three deep learning models demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches. To our knowledge, this is the first study about backdoor attacks on TL models in EEG-based BCIs. It exposes a serious security risk in BCIs, which should be immediately addressed. Adversarial Robustness of Bottleneck Injected Deep Neural Networks for Task-Oriented Communication. (10%) Alireza Furutanpey; Pantelis A. Frangoudis; Patrik Szabo; Schahram Dustdar This paper investigates the adversarial robustness of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) using Information Bottleneck (IB) objectives for task-oriented communication systems. We empirically demonstrate that while IB-based approaches provide baseline resilience against attacks targeting downstream tasks, the reliance on generative models for task-oriented communication introduces new vulnerabilities. Through extensive experiments on several datasets, we analyze how bottleneck depth and task complexity influence adversarial robustness. Our key findings show that Shallow Variational Bottleneck Injection (SVBI) provides less adversarial robustness compared to Deep Variational Information Bottleneck (DVIB) approaches, with the gap widening for more complex tasks. Additionally, we reveal that IB-based objectives exhibit stronger robustness against attacks focusing on salient pixels with high intensity compared to those perturbing many pixels with lower intensity. Lastly, we demonstrate that task-oriented communication systems that rely on generative models to extract and recover salient information have an increased attack surface. The results highlight important security considerations for next-generation communication systems that leverage neural networks for goal-oriented compression. From Allies to Adversaries: Manipulating LLM Tool-Calling through Adversarial Injection. (1%) Haowei Wang; Rupeng Zhang; Junjie Wang; Mingyang Li; Yuekai Huang; Dandan Wang; Qing Wang Tool-calling has changed Large Language Model (LLM) applications by integrating external tools, significantly enhancing their functionality across diverse tasks. However, this integration also introduces new security vulnerabilities, particularly in the tool scheduling mechanisms of LLM, which have not been extensively studied. To fill this gap, we present ToolCommander, a novel framework designed to exploit vulnerabilities in LLM tool-calling systems through adversarial tool injection. Our framework employs a well-designed two-stage attack strategy. Firstly, it injects malicious tools to collect user queries, then dynamically updates the injected tools based on the stolen information to enhance subsequent attacks. These stages enable ToolCommander to execute privacy theft, launch denial-of-service attacks, and even manipulate business competition by triggering unscheduled tool-calling. Notably, the ASR reaches 91.67% for privacy theft and hits 100% for denial-of-service and unscheduled tool calling in certain cases. Our work demonstrates that these vulnerabilities can lead to severe consequences beyond simple misuse of tool-calling systems, underscoring the urgent need for robust defensive strategies to secure LLM Tool-calling systems. BiCert: A Bilinear Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for Precise Certified Bounds Against Data Poisoning Attacks. (1%) Tobias Lorenz; Marta Kwiatkowska; Mario Fritz Data poisoning attacks pose one of the biggest threats to modern AI systems, necessitating robust defenses. While extensive efforts have been made to develop empirical defenses, attackers continue to evolve, creating sophisticated methods to circumvent these measures. To address this, we must move beyond empirical defenses and establish provable certification methods that guarantee robustness. This paper introduces a novel certification approach, BiCert, using Bilinear Mixed Integer Programming (BMIP) to compute sound deterministic bounds that provide such provable robustness. Using BMIP, we compute the reachable set of parameters that could result from training with potentially manipulated data. A key element to make this computation feasible is to relax the reachable parameter set to a convex set between training iterations. At test time, this parameter set allows us to predict all possible outcomes, guaranteeing robustness. BiCert is more precise than previous methods, which rely solely on interval and polyhedral bounds. Crucially, our approach overcomes the fundamental limitation of prior approaches where parameter bounds could only grow, often uncontrollably. We show that BiCert's tighter bounds eliminate a key source of divergence issues, resulting in more stable training and higher certified accuracy. Three-in-One: Robust Enhanced Universal Transferable Anti-Facial Retrieval in Online Social Networks. (99%) Yunna Lv; Long Tang; Dengpan Ye; Caiyun Xie; Jiacheng Deng; Yiheng He Deep hash-based retrieval techniques are widely used in facial retrieval systems to improve the efficiency of facial matching. However, it also carries the danger of exposing private information. Deep hash models are easily influenced by adversarial examples, which can be leveraged to protect private images from malicious retrieval. The existing adversarial example methods against deep hash models focus on universality and transferability, lacking the research on its robustness in online social networks (OSNs), which leads to their failure in anti-retrieval after post-processing. Therefore, we provide the first in-depth discussion on robustness adversarial perturbation in universal transferable anti-facial retrieval and propose Three-in-One Adversarial Perturbation (TOAP). Specifically, we construct a local and global Compression Generator (CG) to simulate complex post-processing scenarios, which can be used to mitigate perturbation. Then, we propose robust optimization objectives based on the discovery of the variation patterns of model's distribution after post-processing, and generate adversarial examples using these objectives and meta-learning. Finally, we iteratively optimize perturbation by alternately generating adversarial examples and fine-tuning the CG, balancing the performance of perturbation while enhancing CG's ability to mitigate them. Numerous experiments demonstrate that, in addition to its advantages in universality and transferability, TOAP significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in multiple robustness metrics. It further improves universality and transferability by 5% to 28%, and achieves up to about 33% significant improvement in several simulated post-processing scenarios as well as mainstream OSNs, demonstrating that TOAP can effectively protect private images from malicious retrieval in real-world scenarios. On the Generation and Removal of Speaker Adversarial Perturbation for Voice-Privacy Protection. (95%) Chenyang Guo; Liping Chen; Zhuhai Li; Kong Aik Lee; Zhen-Hua Ling; Wu Guo Neural networks are commonly known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks mounted through subtle perturbation on the input data. Recent development in voice-privacy protection has shown the positive use cases of the same technique to conceal speaker's voice attribute with additive perturbation signal generated by an adversarial network. This paper examines the reversibility property where an entity generating the adversarial perturbations is authorized to remove them and restore original speech (e.g., the speaker him/herself). A similar technique could also be used by an investigator to deanonymize a voice-protected speech to restore criminals' identities in security and forensic analysis. In this setting, the perturbation generative module is assumed to be known in the removal process. To this end, a joint training of perturbation generation and removal modules is proposed. Experimental results on the LibriSpeech dataset demonstrated that the subtle perturbations added to the original speech can be predicted from the anonymized speech while achieving the goal of privacy protection. By removing these perturbations from the anonymized sample, the original speech can be restored. Audio samples can be found in \url{}. Real-time Identity Defenses against Malicious Personalization of Diffusion Models. (95%) Hanzhong Guo; Shen Nie; Chao Du; Tianyu Pang; Hao Sun; Chongxuan Li Personalized diffusion models, capable of synthesizing highly realistic images based on a few reference portraits, pose substantial social, ethical, and legal risks by enabling identity replication. Existing defense mechanisms rely on computationally intensive adversarial perturbations tailored to individual images, rendering them impractical for real-world deployment. This study introduces Real-time Identity Defender (RID), a neural network designed to generate adversarial perturbations through a single forward pass, bypassing the need for image-specific optimization. RID achieves unprecedented efficiency, with defense times as low as 0.12 seconds on a single GPU (4,400 times faster than leading methods) and 1.1 seconds per image on a standard Intel i9 CPU, making it suitable for edge devices such as smartphones. Despite its efficiency, RID matches state-of-the-art performance across visual and quantitative benchmarks, effectively mitigating identity replication risks. Our analysis reveals that RID's perturbations mimic the efficacy of traditional defenses while exhibiting properties distinct from natural noise, such as Gaussian perturbations. To enhance robustness, we extend RID into an ensemble framework that integrates multiple pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models, ensuring resilience against black-box attacks and post-processing techniques, including JPEG compression and diffusion-based purification. Deep Learning Model Security: Threats and Defenses. (92%) Tianyang Wang; Ziqian Bi; Yichao Zhang; Ming Liu; Weiche Hsieh; Pohsun Feng; Lawrence K. Q. Yan; Yizhu Wen; Benji Peng; Junyu Liu; Keyu Chen; Sen Zhang; Ming Li; Chuanqi Jiang; Xinyuan Song; Junjie Yang; Bowen Jing; Jintao Ren; Junhao Song; Hong-Ming Tseng; Silin Chen; Yunze Wang; Chia Xin Liang; Jiawei Xu; Xuanhe Pan; Jinlang Wang; Qian Niu Deep learning has transformed AI applications but faces critical security challenges, including adversarial attacks, data poisoning, model theft, and privacy leakage. This survey examines these vulnerabilities, detailing their mechanisms and impact on model integrity and confidentiality. Practical implementations, including adversarial examples, label flipping, and backdoor attacks, are explored alongside defenses such as adversarial training, differential privacy, and federated learning, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Advanced methods like contrastive and self-supervised learning are presented for enhancing robustness. The survey concludes with future directions, emphasizing automated defenses, zero-trust architectures, and the security challenges of large AI models. A balanced approach to performance and security is essential for developing reliable deep learning systems. A Semi Black-Box Adversarial Bit-Flip Attack with Limited DNN Model Information. (69%) Behnam Ghavami; Mani Sadati; Mohammad Shahidzadeh; Lesley Shannon; Steve Wilton Despite the rising prevalence of deep neural networks (DNNs) in cyber-physical systems, their vulnerability to adversarial bit-flip attacks (BFAs) is a noteworthy concern. This paper proposes B3FA, a semi-black-box BFA-based parameter attack on DNNs, assuming the adversary has limited knowledge about the model. We consider practical scenarios often feature a more restricted threat model for real-world systems, contrasting with the typical BFA models that presuppose the adversary's full access to a network's inputs and parameters. The introduced bit-flip approach utilizes a magnitude-based ranking method and a statistical re-construction technique to identify the vulnerable bits. We demonstrate the effectiveness of B3FA on several DNN models in a semi-black-box setting. For example, B3FA could drop the accuracy of a MobileNetV2 from 69.84% to 9% with only 20 bit-flips in a real-world setting. Evaluating Adversarial Attacks on Traffic Sign Classifiers beyond Standard Baselines. (45%) Svetlana Pavlitska; Leopold Müller; J. Marius Zöllner Adversarial attacks on traffic sign classification models were among the first successfully tried in the real world. Since then, the research in this area has been mainly restricted to repeating baseline models, such as LISA-CNN or GTSRB-CNN, and similar experiment settings, including white and black patches on traffic signs. In this work, we decouple model architectures from the datasets and evaluate on further generic models to make a fair comparison. Furthermore, we compare two attack settings, inconspicuous and visible, which are usually regarded without direct comparison. Our results show that standard baselines like LISA-CNN or GTSRB-CNN are significantly more susceptible than the generic ones. We, therefore, suggest evaluating new attacks on a broader spectrum of baselines in the future. Our code is available at \url{}. SVasP: Self-Versatility Adversarial Style Perturbation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning. (3%) Wenqian Li; Pengfei Fang; Hui Xue Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning (CD-FSL) aims to transfer knowledge from seen source domains to unseen target domains, which is crucial for evaluating the generalization and robustness of models. Recent studies focus on utilizing visual styles to bridge the domain gap between different domains. However, the serious dilemma of gradient instability and local optimization problem occurs in those style-based CD-FSL methods. This paper addresses these issues and proposes a novel crop-global style perturbation method, called \underline{\textbf{S}}elf-\underline{\textbf{V}}ersatility \underline{\textbf{A}}dversarial \underline{\textbf{S}}tyle \underline{\textbf{P}}erturbation (\textbf{SVasP}), which enhances the gradient stability and escapes from poor sharp minima jointly. Specifically, SVasP simulates more diverse potential target domain adversarial styles via diversifying input patterns and aggregating localized crop style gradients, to serve as global style perturbation stabilizers within one image, a concept we refer to as self-versatility. Then a novel objective function is proposed to maximize visual discrepancy while maintaining semantic consistency between global, crop, and adversarial features. Having the stabilized global style perturbation in the training phase, one can obtain a flattened minima in the loss landscape, boosting the transferability of the model to the target domains. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Our codes are available at Obfuscated Activations Bypass LLM Latent-Space Defenses. (2%) Luke Bailey; Alex Serrano; Abhay Sheshadri; Mikhail Seleznyov; Jordan Taylor; Erik Jenner; Jacob Hilton; Stephen Casper; Carlos Guestrin; Scott Emmons Recent latent-space monitoring techniques have shown promise as defenses against LLM attacks. These defenses act as scanners that seek to detect harmful activations before they lead to undesirable actions. This prompts the question: Can models execute harmful behavior via inconspicuous latent states? Here, we study such obfuscated activations. We show that state-of-the-art latent-space defenses -- including sparse autoencoders, representation probing, and latent OOD detection -- are all vulnerable to obfuscated activations. For example, against probes trained to classify harmfulness, our attacks can often reduce recall from 100% to 0% while retaining a 90% jailbreaking rate. However, obfuscation has limits: we find that on a complex task (writing SQL code), obfuscation reduces model performance. Together, our results demonstrate that neural activations are highly malleable: we can reshape activation patterns in a variety of ways, often while preserving a network's behavior. This poses a fundamental challenge to latent-space defenses. Towards Understanding the Robustness of LLM-based Evaluations under Perturbations. (1%) Manav Chaudhary; Harshit Gupta; Savita Bhat; Vasudeva Varma Traditional evaluation metrics like BLEU and ROUGE fall short when capturing the nuanced qualities of generated text, particularly when there is no single ground truth. In this paper, we explore the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs), specifically Google Gemini 1, to serve as automatic evaluators for non-standardized metrics in summarization and dialog-based tasks. We conduct experiments across multiple prompting strategies to examine how LLMs fare as quality evaluators when compared with human judgments on the SummEval and USR datasets, asking the model to generate both a score as well as a justification for the score. Furthermore, we explore the robustness of the LLM evaluator by using perturbed inputs. Our findings suggest that while LLMs show promise, their alignment with human evaluators is limited, they are not robust against perturbations and significant improvements are required for their standalone use as reliable evaluators for subjective metrics. L-WISE: Boosting Human Image Category Learning Through Model-Based Image Selection And Enhancement. (1%) Morgan B. Talbot; Gabriel Kreiman; James J. DiCarlo; Guy Gaziv The currently leading artificial neural network (ANN) models of the visual ventral stream -- which are derived from a combination of performance optimization and robustification methods -- have demonstrated a remarkable degree of behavioral alignment with humans on visual categorization tasks. Extending upon previous work, we show that not only can these models guide image perturbations that change the induced human category percepts, but they also can enhance human ability to accurately report the original ground truth. Furthermore, we find that the same models can also be used out-of-the-box to predict the proportion of correct human responses to individual images, providing a simple, human-aligned estimator of the relative difficulty of each image. Motivated by these observations, we propose to augment visual learning in humans in a way that improves human categorization accuracy at test time. Our learning augmentation approach consists of (i) selecting images based on their model-estimated recognition difficulty, and (ii) using image perturbations that aid recognition for novice learners. We find that combining these model-based strategies gives rise to test-time categorization accuracy gains of 33-72% relative to control subjects without these interventions, despite using the same number of training feedback trials. Surprisingly, beyond the accuracy gain, the training time for the augmented learning group was also shorter by 20-23%. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in a fine-grained categorization task with natural images, as well as tasks in two clinically relevant image domains -- histology and dermoscopy -- where visual learning is notoriously challenging. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of ANNs to increase visual learning performance in humans by enhancing category-specific features. Adversarial Purification by Consistency-aware Latent Space Optimization on Data Manifolds. (99%) Shuhai Zhang; Jiahao Yang; Hui Luo; Jie Chen; Li Wang; Feng Liu; Bo Han; Mingkui Tan Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial samples crafted by adding imperceptible perturbations to clean data, potentially leading to incorrect and dangerous predictions. Adversarial purification has been an effective means to improve DNNs robustness by removing these perturbations before feeding the data into the model. However, it faces significant challenges in preserving key structural and semantic information of data, as the imperceptible nature of adversarial perturbations makes it hard to avoid over-correcting, which can destroy important information and degrade model performance. In this paper, we break away from traditional adversarial purification methods by focusing on the clean data manifold. To this end, we reveal that samples generated by a well-trained generative model are close to clean ones but far from adversarial ones. Leveraging this insight, we propose Consistency Model-based Adversarial Purification (CMAP), which optimizes vectors within the latent space of a pre-trained consistency model to generate samples for restoring clean data. Specifically, 1) we propose a \textit{Perceptual consistency restoration} mechanism by minimizing the discrepancy between generated samples and input samples in both pixel and perceptual spaces. 2) To maintain the optimized latent vectors within the valid data manifold, we introduce a \textit{Latent distribution consistency constraint} strategy to align generated samples with the clean data distribution. 3) We also apply a \textit{Latent vector consistency prediction} scheme via an ensemble approach to enhance prediction reliability. CMAP fundamentally addresses adversarial perturbations at their source, providing a robust purification. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-100 show that our CMAP significantly enhances robustness against strong adversarial attacks while preserving high natural accuracy. Doubly-Universal Adversarial Perturbations: Deceiving Vision-Language Models Across Both Images and Text with a Single Perturbation. (98%) Hee-Seon Kim; Minbeom Kim; Changick Kim Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across multimodal tasks by integrating vision encoders with large language models (LLMs). However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Among such attacks, Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are especially powerful, as a single optimized perturbation can mislead the model across various input images. In this work, we introduce a novel UAP specifically designed for VLMs: the Doubly-Universal Adversarial Perturbation (Doubly-UAP), capable of universally deceiving VLMs across both image and text inputs. To successfully disrupt the vision encoder's fundamental process, we analyze the core components of the attention mechanism. After identifying value vectors in the middle-to-late layers as the most vulnerable, we optimize Doubly-UAP in a label-free manner with a frozen model. Despite being developed as a black-box to the LLM, Doubly-UAP achieves high attack success rates on VLMs, consistently outperforming baseline methods across vision-language tasks. Extensive ablation studies and analyses further demonstrate the robustness of Doubly-UAP and provide insights into how it influences internal attention mechanisms. Grimm: A Plug-and-Play Perturbation Rectifier for Graph Neural Networks Defending against Poisoning Attacks. (93%) Ao Liu; Wenshan Li; Beibei Li; Wengang Ma; Tao Li; Pan Zhou Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of graph neural networks (GNNs) to adversarial poisoning attacks on node classification tasks. Current defensive methods require substituting the original GNNs with defense models, regardless of the original's type. This approach, while targeting adversarial robustness, compromises the enhancements developed in prior research to boost GNNs' practical performance. Here we introduce Grimm, the first plug-and-play defense model. With just a minimal interface requirement for extracting features from any layer of the protected GNNs, Grimm is thus enabled to seamlessly rectify perturbations. Specifically, we utilize the feature trajectories (FTs) generated by GNNs, as they evolve through epochs, to reflect the training status of the networks. We then theoretically prove that the FTs of victim nodes will inevitably exhibit discriminable anomalies. Consequently, inspired by the natural parallelism between the biological nervous and immune systems, we construct Grimm, a comprehensive artificial immune system for GNNs. Grimm not only detects abnormal FTs and rectifies adversarial edges during training but also operates efficiently in parallel, thereby mirroring the concurrent functionalities of its biological counterparts. We experimentally confirm that Grimm offers four empirically validated advantages: 1) Harmlessness, as it does not actively interfere with GNN training; 2) Parallelism, ensuring monitoring, detection, and rectification functions operate independently of the GNN training process; 3) Generalizability, demonstrating compatibility with mainstream GNNs such as GCN, GAT, and GraphSAGE; and 4) Transferability, as the detectors for abnormal FTs can be efficiently transferred across different systems for one-step rectification. Exploiting the Index Gradients for Optimization-Based Jailbreaking on Large Language Models. (83%) Jiahui Li; Yongchang Hao; Haoyu Xu; Xing Wang; Yu Hong Despite the advancements in training Large Language Models (LLMs) with alignment techniques to enhance the safety of generated content, these models remain susceptible to jailbreak, an adversarial attack method that exposes security vulnerabilities in LLMs. Notably, the Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG) method has demonstrated the ability to automatically generate adversarial suffixes that jailbreak state-of-the-art LLMs. However, the optimization process involved in GCG is highly time-consuming, rendering the jailbreaking pipeline inefficient. In this paper, we investigate the process of GCG and identify an issue of Indirect Effect, the key bottleneck of the GCG optimization. To this end, we propose the Model Attack Gradient Index GCG (MAGIC), that addresses the Indirect Effect by exploiting the gradient information of the suffix tokens, thereby accelerating the procedure by having less computation and fewer iterations. Our experiments on AdvBench show that MAGIC achieves up to a 1.5x speedup, while maintaining Attack Success Rates (ASR) on par or even higher than other baselines. Our MAGIC achieved an ASR of 74% on the Llama-2 and an ASR of 54% when conducting transfer attacks on GPT-3.5. Code is available at AdvWave: Stealthy Adversarial Jailbreak Attack against Large Audio-Language Models. (82%) Mintong Kang; Chejian Xu; Bo Li Recent advancements in large audio-language models (LALMs) have enabled speech-based user interactions, significantly enhancing user experience and accelerating the deployment of LALMs in real-world applications. However, ensuring the safety of LALMs is crucial to prevent risky outputs that may raise societal concerns or violate AI regulations. Despite the importance of this issue, research on jailbreaking LALMs remains limited due to their recent emergence and the additional technical challenges they present compared to attacks on DNN-based audio models. Specifically, the audio encoders in LALMs, which involve discretization operations, often lead to gradient shattering, hindering the effectiveness of attacks relying on gradient-based optimizations. The behavioral variability of LALMs further complicates the identification of effective (adversarial) optimization targets. Moreover, enforcing stealthiness constraints on adversarial audio waveforms introduces a reduced, non-convex feasible solution space, further intensifying the challenges of the optimization process. To overcome these challenges, we develop AdvWave, the first jailbreak framework against LALMs. We propose a dual-phase optimization method that addresses gradient shattering, enabling effective end-to-end gradient-based optimization. Additionally, we develop an adaptive adversarial target search algorithm that dynamically adjusts the adversarial optimization target based on the response patterns of LALMs for specific queries. To ensure that adversarial audio remains perceptually natural to human listeners, we design a classifier-guided optimization approach that generates adversarial noise resembling common urban sounds. Extensive evaluations on multiple advanced LALMs demonstrate that AdvWave outperforms baseline methods, achieving a 40% higher average jailbreak attack success rate. Proactive Adversarial Defense: Harnessing Prompt Tuning in Vision-Language Models to Detect Unseen Backdoored Images. (45%) Kyle Stein; Andrew Arash Mahyari; Guillermo Francia; Eman El-Sheikh Backdoor attacks pose a critical threat by embedding hidden triggers into inputs, causing models to misclassify them into target labels. While extensive research has focused on mitigating these attacks in object recognition models through weight fine-tuning, much less attention has been given to detecting backdoored samples directly. Given the vast datasets used in training, manual inspection for backdoor triggers is impractical, and even state-of-the-art defense mechanisms fail to fully neutralize their impact. To address this gap, we introduce a groundbreaking method to detect unseen backdoored images during both training and inference. Leveraging the transformative success of prompt tuning in Vision Language Models (VLMs), our approach trains learnable text prompts to differentiate clean images from those with hidden backdoor triggers. Experiments demonstrate the exceptional efficacy of this method, achieving an impressive average accuracy of 86% across two renowned datasets for detecting unseen backdoor triggers, establishing a new standard in backdoor defense. Backdoor attacks on DNN and GBDT -- A Case Study from the insurance domain. (16%) Robin Debeka, Koblenz, Germany Kühlem; Daniel Debeka, Koblenz, Germany Otten; Daniel Debeka, Koblenz, Germany Ludwig; Anselm Debeka, Koblenz, Germany Department of Maths and Technology, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, Remagen, Germany Hudde; Alexander Computer Science, University of Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany Rosenbaum; Andreas Computer Science, University of Koblenz, Koblenz, Germany Mauthe Machine learning (ML) will likely play a large role in many processes in the future, also for insurance companies. However, ML models are at risk of being attacked and manipulated. In this work, the robustness of Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) models and Deep Neural Networks (DNN) within an insurance context will be evaluated. Therefore, two GBDT models and two DNNs are trained on two different tabular datasets from an insurance context. Past research in this domain mainly used homogenous data and there are comparably few insights regarding heterogenous tabular data. The ML tasks performed on the datasets are claim prediction (regression) and fraud detection (binary classification). For the backdoor attacks different samples containing a specific pattern were crafted and added to the training data. It is shown, that this type of attack can be highly successful, even with a few added samples. The backdoor attacks worked well on the models trained on one dataset but poorly on the models trained on the other. In real-world scenarios the attacker will have to face several obstacles but as attacks can work with very few added samples this risk should be evaluated. Antelope: Potent and Concealed Jailbreak Attack Strategy. (10%) Xin Zhao; Xiaojun Chen; Haoyu Gao Due to the remarkable generative potential of diffusion-based models, numerous researches have investigated jailbreak attacks targeting these frameworks. A particularly concerning threat within image models is the generation of Not-Safe-for-Work (NSFW) content. Despite the implementation of security filters, numerous efforts continue to explore ways to circumvent these safeguards. Current attack methodologies primarily encompass adversarial prompt engineering or concept obfuscation, yet they frequently suffer from slow search efficiency, conspicuous attack characteristics and poor alignment with targets. To overcome these challenges, we propose Antelope, a more robust and covert jailbreak attack strategy designed to expose security vulnerabilities inherent in generative models. Specifically, Antelope leverages the confusion of sensitive concepts with similar ones, facilitates searches in the semantically adjacent space of these related concepts and aligns them with the target imagery, thereby generating sensitive images that are consistent with the target and capable of evading detection. Besides, we successfully exploit the transferability of model-based attacks to penetrate online black-box services. Experimental evaluations demonstrate that Antelope outperforms existing baselines across multiple defensive mechanisms, underscoring its efficacy and versatility. Model-Editing-Based Jailbreak against Safety-aligned Large Language Models. (1%) Yuxi Li; Zhibo Zhang; Kailong Wang; Ling Shi; Haoyu Wang Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed numerous fields by enabling advanced natural language interactions but remain susceptible to critical vulnerabilities, particularly jailbreak attacks. Current jailbreak techniques, while effective, often depend on input modifications, making them detectable and limiting their stealth and scalability. This paper presents Targeted Model Editing (TME), a novel white-box approach that bypasses safety filters by minimally altering internal model structures while preserving the model's intended functionalities. TME identifies and removes safety-critical transformations (SCTs) embedded in model matrices, enabling malicious queries to bypass restrictions without input modifications. By analyzing distinct activation patterns between safe and unsafe queries, TME isolates and approximates SCTs through an optimization process. Implemented in the D-LLM framework, our method achieves an average Attack Success Rate (ASR) of 84.86% on four mainstream open-source LLMs, maintaining high performance. Unlike existing methods, D-LLM eliminates the need for specific triggers or harmful response collections, offering a stealthier and more effective jailbreak strategy. This work reveals a covert and robust threat vector in LLM security and emphasizes the need for stronger safeguards in model safety alignment. AHSG: Adversarial Attacks on High-level Semantics in Graph Neural Networks. (99%) Kai Yuan; Xiaobing Pei; Haoran Yang Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered significant interest among researchers due to their impressive performance in graph learning tasks. However, like other deep neural networks, GNNs are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In existing adversarial attack methods for GNNs, the metric between the attacked graph and the original graph is usually the attack budget or a measure of global graph properties. However, we have found that it is possible to generate attack graphs that disrupt the primary semantics even within these constraints. To address this problem, we propose a Adversarial Attacks on High-level Semantics in Graph Neural Networks (AHSG), which is a graph structure attack model that ensures the retention of primary semantics. The latent representations of each node can extract rich semantic information by applying convolutional operations on graph data. These representations contain both task-relevant primary semantic information and task-irrelevant secondary semantic information. The latent representations of same-class nodes with the same primary semantics can fulfill the objective of modifying secondary semantics while preserving the primary semantics. Finally, the latent representations with attack effects is mapped to an attack graph using Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) algorithm. By attacking graph deep learning models with some advanced defense strategies, we validate that AHSG has superior attack effectiveness compared to other attack methods. Additionally, we employ Contextual Stochastic Block Models (CSBMs) as a proxy for the primary semantics to detect the attacked graph, confirming that AHSG almost does not disrupt the original primary semantics of the graph. Addressing Key Challenges of Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in the Tabular Domain: A Methodological Framework for Coherence and Consistency. (99%) Yael Itzhakev; Amit Giloni; Yuval Elovici; Asaf Shabtai Machine learning models trained on tabular data are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, even in realistic scenarios where attackers have access only to the model's outputs. Researchers evaluate such attacks by considering metrics like success rate, perturbation magnitude, and query count. However, unlike other data domains, the tabular domain contains complex interdependencies among features, presenting a unique aspect that should be evaluated: the need for the attack to generate coherent samples and ensure feature consistency for indistinguishability. Currently, there is no established methodology for evaluating adversarial samples based on these criteria. In this paper, we address this gap by proposing new evaluation criteria tailored for tabular attacks' quality; we defined anomaly-based framework to assess the distinguishability of adversarial samples and utilize the SHAP explainability technique to identify inconsistencies in the model's decision-making process caused by adversarial samples. These criteria could form the basis for potential detection methods and be integrated into established evaluation metrics for assessing attack's quality Additionally, we introduce a novel technique for perturbing dependent features while maintaining coherence and feature consistency within the sample. We compare different attacks' strategies, examining black-box query-based attacks and transferability-based gradient attacks across four target models. Our experiments, conducted on benchmark tabular datasets, reveal significant differences between the examined attacks' strategies in terms of the attacker's risk and effort and the attacks' quality. The findings provide valuable insights on the strengths, limitations, and trade-offs of various adversarial attacks in the tabular domain, laying a foundation for future research on attacks and defense development. A Generative Victim Model for Segmentation. (99%) Aixuan Li; Jing Zhang; Jiawei Shi; Yiran Zhong; Yuchao Dai We find that the well-trained victim models (VMs), against which the attacks are generated, serve as fundamental prerequisites for adversarial attacks, i.e. a segmentation VM is needed to generate attacks for segmentation. In this context, the victim model is assumed to be robust to achieve effective adversarial perturbation generation. Instead of focusing on improving the robustness of the task-specific victim models, we shift our attention to image generation. From an image generation perspective, we derive a novel VM for segmentation, aiming to generate adversarial perturbations for segmentation tasks without requiring models explicitly designed for image segmentation. Our approach to adversarial attack generation diverges from conventional white-box or black-box attacks, offering a fresh outlook on adversarial attack strategies. Experiments show that our attack method is able to generate effective adversarial attacks with good transferability. Backdoor Attacks against No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Models via a Scalable Trigger. (99%) Yi Yu; Song Xia; Xun Lin; Wenhan Yang; Shijian Lu; Yap-peng Tan; Alex Kot No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA), responsible for assessing the quality of a single input image without using any reference, plays a critical role in evaluating and optimizing computer vision systems, e.g., low-light enhancement. Recent research indicates that NR-IQA models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, which can significantly alter predicted scores with visually imperceptible perturbations. Despite revealing vulnerabilities, these attack methods have limitations, including high computational demands, untargeted manipulation, limited practical utility in white-box scenarios, and reduced effectiveness in black-box scenarios. To address these challenges, we shift our focus to another significant threat and present a novel poisoning-based backdoor attack against NR-IQA (BAIQA), allowing the attacker to manipulate the IQA model's output to any desired target value by simply adjusting a scaling coefficient $\alpha$ for the trigger. We propose to inject the trigger in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain to improve the local invariance of the trigger for countering trigger diminishment in NR-IQA models due to widely adopted data augmentations. Furthermore, the universal adversarial perturbations (UAP) in the DCT space are designed as the trigger, to increase IQA model susceptibility to manipulation and improve attack effectiveness. In addition to the heuristic method for poison-label BAIQA (P-BAIQA), we explore the design of clean-label BAIQA (C-BAIQA), focusing on $\alpha$ sampling and image data refinement, driven by theoretical insights we reveal. Extensive experiments on diverse datasets and various NR-IQA models demonstrate the effectiveness of our attacks. Code can be found at Defending Against Neural Network Model Inversion Attacks via Data Poisoning. (98%) Shuai Zhou; Dayong Ye; Tianqing Zhu; Wanlei Zhou Model inversion attacks pose a significant privacy threat to machine learning models by reconstructing sensitive data from their outputs. While various defenses have been proposed to counteract these attacks, they often come at the cost of the classifier's utility, thus creating a challenging trade-off between privacy protection and model utility. Moreover, most existing defenses require retraining the classifier for enhanced robustness, which is impractical for large-scale, well-established models. This paper introduces a novel defense mechanism to better balance privacy and utility, particularly against adversaries who employ a machine learning model (i.e., inversion model) to reconstruct private data. Drawing inspiration from data poisoning attacks, which can compromise the performance of machine learning models, we propose a strategy that leverages data poisoning to contaminate the training data of inversion models, thereby preventing model inversion attacks. Two defense methods are presented. The first, termed label-preserving poisoning attacks for all output vectors (LPA), involves subtle perturbations to all output vectors while preserving their labels. Our findings demonstrate that these minor perturbations, introduced through a data poisoning approach, significantly increase the difficulty of data reconstruction without compromising the utility of the classifier. Subsequently, we introduce a second method, label-flipping poisoning for partial output vectors (LFP), which selectively perturbs a small subset of output vectors and alters their labels during the process. Empirical results indicate that LPA is notably effective, outperforming the current state-of-the-art defenses. Our data poisoning-based defense provides a new retraining-free defense paradigm that preserves the victim classifier's utility. Adversarial Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models for Time Series Forecasting. (98%) Fuqiang Liu; Sicong Jiang; Luis Miranda-Moreno; Seongjin Choi; Lijun Sun Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated significant potential in the field of time series forecasting, offering impressive capabilities in handling complex temporal data. However, their robustness and reliability in real-world applications remain under-explored, particularly concerning their susceptibility to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we introduce a targeted adversarial attack framework for LLM-based time series forecasting. By employing both gradient-free and black-box optimization methods, we generate minimal yet highly effective perturbations that significantly degrade the forecasting accuracy across multiple datasets and LLM architectures. Our experiments, which include models like TimeGPT and LLM-Time with GPT-3.5, GPT-4, LLaMa, and Mistral, show that adversarial attacks lead to much more severe performance degradation than random noise, and demonstrate the broad effectiveness of our attacks across different LLMs. The results underscore the critical vulnerabilities of LLMs in time series forecasting, highlighting the need for robust defense mechanisms to ensure their reliable deployment in practical applications. DynamicPAE: Generating Scene-Aware Physical Adversarial Examples in Real-Time. (92%) Jin Hu; Xianglong Liu; Jiakai Wang; Junkai Zhang; Xianqi Yang; Haotong Qin; Yuqing Ma; Ke Xu Physical adversarial examples (PAEs) are regarded as "whistle-blowers" of real-world risks in deep-learning applications. However, current PAE generation studies show limited adaptive attacking ability to diverse and varying scenes. The key challenges in generating dynamic PAEs are exploring their patterns under noisy gradient feedback and adapting the attack to agnostic scenario natures. To address the problems, we present DynamicPAE, the first generative framework that enables scene-aware real-time physical attacks beyond static attacks. Specifically, to train the dynamic PAE generator under noisy gradient feedback, we introduce the residual-driven sample trajectory guidance technique, which redefines the training task to break the limited feedback information restriction that leads to the degeneracy problem. Intuitively, it allows the gradient feedback to be passed to the generator through a low-noise auxiliary task, thereby guiding the optimization away from degenerate solutions and facilitating a more comprehensive and stable exploration of feasible PAEs. To adapt the generator to agnostic scenario natures, we introduce the context-aligned scene expectation simulation process, consisting of the conditional-uncertainty-aligned data module and the skewness-aligned objective re-weighting module. The former enhances robustness in the context of incomplete observation by employing a conditional probabilistic model for domain randomization, while the latter facilitates consistent stealth control across different attack targets by automatically reweighting losses based on the skewness indicator. Extensive digital and physical evaluations demonstrate the superior attack performance of DynamicPAE, attaining a 1.95 $\times$ boost (65.55% average AP drop under attack) on representative object detectors (e.g., Yolo-v8) over state-of-the-art static PAE generating methods. Adaptive Epsilon Adversarial Training for Robust Gravitational Wave Parameter Estimation Using Normalizing Flows. (86%) Yiqian Yang; Xihua Zhu; Fan Zhang Adversarial training with Normalizing Flow (NF) models is an emerging research area aimed at improving model robustness through adversarial samples. In this study, we focus on applying adversarial training to NF models for gravitational wave parameter estimation. We propose an adaptive epsilon method for Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) adversarial training, which dynamically adjusts perturbation strengths based on gradient magnitudes using logarithmic scaling. Our hybrid architecture, combining ResNet and Inverse Autoregressive Flow, reduces the Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) loss by 47\% under FGSM attacks compared to the baseline model, while maintaining an NLL of 4.2 on clean data (only 5\% higher than the baseline). For perturbation strengths between 0.01 and 0.1, our model achieves an average NLL of 5.8, outperforming both fixed-epsilon (NLL: 6.7) and progressive-epsilon (NLL: 7.2) methods. Under stronger Projected Gradient Descent attacks with perturbation strength of 0.05, our model maintains an NLL of 6.4, demonstrating superior robustness while avoiding catastrophic overfitting. What You See Is Not Always What You Get: An Empirical Study of Code Comprehension by Large Language Models. (83%) Bangshuo Zhu; Jiawen Wen; Huaming Chen Recent studies have demonstrated outstanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in software engineering domain, covering numerous tasks such as code generation and comprehension. While the benefit of LLMs for coding task is well noted, it is perceived that LLMs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we study the specific LLM vulnerability to imperceptible character attacks, a type of prompt-injection attack that uses special characters to befuddle an LLM whilst keeping the attack hidden to human eyes. We devise four categories of attacks and investigate their effects on the performance outcomes of tasks relating to code analysis and code comprehension. Two generations of ChatGPT are included to evaluate the impact of advancements made to contemporary models. Our experimental design consisted of comparing perturbed and unperturbed code snippets and evaluating two performance outcomes, which are model confidence using log probabilities of response, and correctness of response. We conclude that earlier version of ChatGPT exhibits a strong negative linear correlation between the amount of perturbation and the performance outcomes, while the recent ChatGPT presents a strong negative correlation between the presence of perturbation and performance outcomes, but no valid correlational relationship between perturbation budget and performance outcomes. We anticipate this work contributes to an in-depth understanding of leveraging LLMs for coding tasks. It is suggested future research should delve into how to create LLMs that can return a correct response even if the prompt exhibits perturbations. MAGIC: Mastering Physical Adversarial Generation in Context through Collaborative LLM Agents. (82%) Yun Xing; Nhat Chung; Jie Zhang; Yue Cao; Ivor Tsang; Yang Liu; Lei Ma; Qing Guo Physical adversarial attacks in driving scenarios can expose critical vulnerabilities in visual perception models. However, developing such attacks remains challenging due to diverse real-world backgrounds and the requirement for maintaining visual naturality. Building upon this challenge, we reformulate physical adversarial attacks as a one-shot patch-generation problem. Our approach generates adversarial patches through a deep generative model that considers the specific scene context, enabling direct physical deployment in matching environments. The primary challenge lies in simultaneously achieving two objectives: generating adversarial patches that effectively mislead object detection systems while determining contextually appropriate placement within the scene. We propose MAGIC (Mastering Physical Adversarial Generation In Context), a novel framework powered by multi-modal LLM agents to address these challenges. MAGIC automatically understands scene context and orchestrates adversarial patch generation through the synergistic interaction of language and vision capabilities. MAGIC orchestrates three specialized LLM agents: The adv-patch generation agent (GAgent) masters the creation of deceptive patches through strategic prompt engineering for text-to-image models. The adv-patch deployment agent (DAgent) ensures contextual coherence by determining optimal placement strategies based on scene understanding. The self-examination agent (EAgent) completes this trilogy by providing critical oversight and iterative refinement of both processes. We validate our method on both digital and physical level, \ie, nuImage and manually captured real scenes, where both statistical and visual results prove that our MAGIC is powerful and effectively for attacking wide-used object detection systems. FlexLLM: Exploring LLM Customization for Moving Target Defense on Black-Box LLMs Against Jailbreak Attacks. (81%) Bocheng Chen; Hanqing Guo; Qiben Yan Defense in large language models (LLMs) is crucial to counter the numerous attackers exploiting these systems to generate harmful content through manipulated prompts, known as jailbreak attacks. Although many defense strategies have been proposed, they often require access to the model's internal structure or need additional training, which is impractical for service providers using LLM APIs, such as OpenAI APIs or Claude APIs. In this paper, we propose a moving target defense approach that alters decoding hyperparameters to enhance model robustness against various jailbreak attacks. Our approach does not require access to the model's internal structure and incurs no additional training costs. The proposed defense includes two key components: (1) optimizing the decoding strategy by identifying and adjusting decoding hyperparameters that influence token generation probabilities, and (2) transforming the decoding hyperparameters and model system prompts into dynamic targets, which are continuously altered during each runtime. By continuously modifying decoding strategies and prompts, the defense effectively mitigates the existing attacks. Our results demonstrate that our defense is the most effective against jailbreak attacks in three of the models tested when using LLMs as black-box APIs. Moreover, our defense offers lower inference costs and maintains comparable response quality, making it a potential layer of protection when used alongside other defense methods. Stealthy and Robust Backdoor Attack against 3D Point Clouds through Additional Point Features. (76%) Xiaoyang Ning; Qing Xie; Jinyu Xu; Wenbo Jiang; Jiachen Li; Yanchun Ma Recently, 3D backdoor attacks have posed a substantial threat to 3D Deep Neural Networks (3D DNNs) designed for 3D point clouds, which are extensively deployed in various security-critical applications. Although the existing 3D backdoor attacks achieved high attack performance, they remain vulnerable to preprocessing-based defenses (e.g., outlier removal and rotation augmentation) and are prone to detection by human inspection. In pursuit of a more challenging-to-defend and stealthy 3D backdoor attack, this paper introduces the Stealthy and Robust Backdoor Attack (SRBA), which ensures robustness and stealthiness through intentional design considerations. The key insight of our attack involves applying a uniform shift to the additional point features of point clouds (e.g., reflection intensity) widely utilized as part of inputs for 3D DNNs as the trigger. Without altering the geometric information of the point clouds, our attack ensures visual consistency between poisoned and benign samples, and demonstrate robustness against preprocessing-based defenses. In addition, to automate our attack, we employ Bayesian Optimization (BO) to identify the suitable trigger. Extensive experiments suggest that SRBA achieves an attack success rate (ASR) exceeding 94% in all cases, and significantly outperforms previous SOTA methods when multiple preprocessing operations are applied during training. Adversarial Filtering Based Evasion and Backdoor Attacks to EEG-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces. (68%) Lubin Meng; Xue Jiang; Xiaoqing Chen; Wenzhong Liu; Hanbin Luo; Dongrui Wu A brain-computer interface (BCI) enables direct communication between the brain and an external device. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a common input signal for BCIs, due to its convenience and low cost. Most research on EEG-based BCIs focuses on the accurate decoding of EEG signals, while ignoring their security. Recent studies have shown that machine learning models in BCIs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. This paper proposes adversarial filtering based evasion and backdoor attacks to EEG-based BCIs, which are very easy to implement. Experiments on three datasets from different BCI paradigms demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed attack approaches. To our knowledge, this is the first study on adversarial filtering for EEG-based BCIs, raising a new security concern and calling for more attention on the security of BCIs. A Parametric Approach to Adversarial Augmentation for Cross-Domain Iris Presentation Attack Detection. (61%) Debasmita Pal; Redwan Sony; Arun Ross Iris-based biometric systems are vulnerable to presentation attacks (PAs), where adversaries present physical artifacts (e.g., printed iris images, textured contact lenses) to defeat the system. This has led to the development of various presentation attack detection (PAD) algorithms, which typically perform well in intra-domain settings. However, they often struggle to generalize effectively in cross-domain scenarios, where training and testing employ different sensors, PA instruments, and datasets. In this work, we use adversarial training samples of both bonafide irides and PAs to improve the cross-domain performance of a PAD classifier. The novelty of our approach lies in leveraging transformation parameters from classical data augmentation schemes (e.g., translation, rotation) to generate adversarial samples. We achieve this through a convolutional autoencoder, ADV-GEN, that inputs original training samples along with a set of geometric and photometric transformations. The transformation parameters act as regularization variables, guiding ADV-GEN to generate adversarial samples in a constrained search space. Experiments conducted on the LivDet-Iris 2017 database, comprising four datasets, and the LivDet-Iris 2020 dataset, demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method. The code is available at Na'vi or Knave: Jailbreaking Language Models via Metaphorical Avatars. (50%) Yu Yan; Sheng Sun; Junqi Tong; Min Liu; Qi Li Metaphor serves as an implicit approach to convey information, while enabling the generalized comprehension of complex subjects. However, metaphor can potentially be exploited to bypass the safety alignment mechanisms of Large Language Models (LLMs), leading to the theft of harmful knowledge. In our study, we introduce a novel attack framework that exploits the imaginative capacity of LLMs to achieve jailbreaking, the J\underline{\textbf{A}}ilbreak \underline{\textbf{V}}ia \underline{\textbf{A}}dversarial Me\underline{\textbf{TA}} -pho\underline{\textbf{R}} (\textit{AVATAR}). Specifically, to elicit the harmful response, AVATAR extracts harmful entities from a given harmful target and maps them to innocuous adversarial entities based on LLM's imagination. Then, according to these metaphors, the harmful target is nested within human-like interaction for jailbreaking adaptively. Experimental results demonstrate that AVATAR can effectively and transferablly jailbreak LLMs and achieve a state-of-the-art attack success rate across multiple advanced LLMs. Our study exposes a security risk in LLMs from their endogenous imaginative capabilities. Furthermore, the analytical study reveals the vulnerability of LLM to adversarial metaphors and the necessity of developing defense methods against jailbreaking caused by the adversarial metaphor. \textcolor{orange}{ \textbf{Warning: This paper contains potentially harmful content from LLMs.}} CapGen:An Environment-Adaptive Generator of Adversarial Patches. (13%) Chaoqun Li; Zhuodong Liu; Huanqian Yan; Hang Su Adversarial patches, often used to provide physical stealth protection for critical assets and assess perception algorithm robustness, usually neglect the need for visual harmony with the background environment, making them easily noticeable. Moreover, existing methods primarily concentrate on improving attack performance, disregarding the intricate dynamics of adversarial patch elements. In this work, we introduce the Camouflaged Adversarial Pattern Generator (CAPGen), a novel approach that leverages specific base colors from the surrounding environment to produce patches that seamlessly blend with their background for superior visual stealthiness while maintaining robust adversarial performance. We delve into the influence of both patterns (i.e., color-agnostic texture information) and colors on the effectiveness of attacks facilitated by patches, discovering that patterns exert a more pronounced effect on performance than colors. Based on these findings, we propose a rapid generation strategy for adversarial patches. This involves updating the colors of high-performance adversarial patches to align with those of the new environment, ensuring visual stealthiness without compromising adversarial impact. This paper is the first to comprehensively examine the roles played by patterns and colors in the context of adversarial patches. PrisonBreak: Jailbreaking Large Language Models with Fewer Than Twenty-Five Targeted Bit-flips. (9%) Zachary Coalson; Jeonghyun Woo; Shiyang Chen; Yu Sun; Lishan Yang; Prashant Nair; Bo Fang; Sanghyun Hong We introduce a new class of attacks on commercial-scale (human-aligned) language models that induce jailbreaking through targeted bitwise corruptions in model parameters. Our adversary can jailbreak billion-parameter language models with fewer than 25 bit-flips in all cases$-$and as few as 5 in some$-$using up to 40$\times$ less bit-flips than existing attacks on computer vision models at least 100$\times$ smaller. Unlike prompt-based jailbreaks, our attack renders these models in memory 'uncensored' at runtime, allowing them to generate harmful responses without any input modifications. Our attack algorithm efficiently identifies target bits to flip, offering up to 20$\times$ more computational efficiency than previous methods. This makes it practical for language models with billions of parameters. We show an end-to-end exploitation of our attack using software-induced fault injection, Rowhammer (RH). Our work examines 56 DRAM RH profiles from DDR4 and LPDDR4X devices with different RH vulnerabilities. We show that our attack can reliably induce jailbreaking in systems similar to those affected by prior bit-flip attacks. Moreover, our approach remains effective even against highly RH-secure systems (e.g., 46$\times$ more secure than previously tested systems). Our analyses further reveal that: (1) models with less post-training alignment require fewer bit flips to jailbreak; (2) certain model components, such as value projection layers, are substantially more vulnerable than others; and (3) our method is mechanistically different than existing jailbreaks. Our findings highlight a pressing, practical threat to the language model ecosystem and underscore the need for research to protect these models from bit-flip attacks. Buster: Implanting Semantic Backdoor into Text Encoder to Mitigate NSFW Content Generation. (2%) Xin Zhao; Xiaojun Chen; Yuexin Xuan; Zhendong Zhao; Xiaojun Jia; Xinfeng Li; Xiaofeng Wang The rise of deep learning models in the digital era has raised substantial concerns regarding the generation of Not-Safe-for-Work (NSFW) content. Existing defense methods primarily involve model fine-tuning and post-hoc content moderation. Nevertheless, these approaches largely lack scalability in eliminating harmful content, degrade the quality of benign image generation, or incur high inference costs. To address these challenges, we propose an innovative framework named \textit{Buster}, which injects backdoors into the text encoder to prevent NSFW content generation. Buster leverages deep semantic information rather than explicit prompts as triggers, redirecting NSFW prompts towards targeted benign prompts. Additionally, Buster employs energy-based training data generation through Langevin dynamics for adversarial knowledge augmentation, thereby ensuring robustness in harmful concept definition. This approach demonstrates exceptional resilience and scalability in mitigating NSFW content. Particularly, Buster fine-tunes the text encoder of Text-to-Image models within merely five minutes, showcasing its efficiency. Our extensive experiments denote that Buster outperforms nine state-of-the-art baselines, achieving a superior NSFW content removal rate of at least 91.2\% while preserving the quality of harmless images. Take Fake as Real: Realistic-like Robust Black-box Adversarial Attack to Evade AIGC Detection. (99%) Caiyun Xie; Dengpan Ye; Yunming Zhang; Long Tang; Yunna Lv; Jiacheng Deng; Jiawei Song The security of AI-generated content (AIGC) detection is crucial for ensuring multimedia content credibility. To enhance detector security, research on adversarial attacks has become essential. However, most existing adversarial attacks focus only on GAN-generated facial images detection, struggle to be effective on multi-class natural images and diffusion-based detectors, and exhibit poor invisibility. To fill this gap, we first conduct an in-depth analysis of the vulnerability of AIGC detectors and discover the feature that detectors vary in vulnerability to different post-processing. Then, considering that the detector is agnostic in real-world scenarios and given this discovery, we propose a Realistic-like Robust Black-box Adversarial attack (R$^2$BA) with post-processing fusion optimization. Unlike typical perturbations, R$^2$BA uses real-world post-processing, i.e., Gaussian blur, JPEG compression, Gaussian noise and light spot to generate adversarial examples. Specifically, we use a stochastic particle swarm algorithm with inertia decay to optimize post-processing fusion intensity and explore the detector's decision boundary. Guided by the detector's fake probability, R$^2$BA enhances/weakens the detector-vulnerable/detector-robust post-processing intensity to strike a balance between adversariality and invisibility. Extensive experiments on popular/commercial AIGC detectors and datasets demonstrate that R$^2$BA exhibits impressive anti-detection performance, excellent invisibility, and strong robustness in GAN-based and diffusion-based cases. Compared to state-of-the-art white-box and black-box attacks, R$^2$BA shows significant improvements of 15\%--72\% and 21\%--47\% in anti-detection performance under the original and robust scenario respectively, offering valuable insights for the security of AIGC detection in real-world applications. Defensive Dual Masking for Robust Adversarial Defense. (99%) Wangli Yang; Jie Yang; Yi Guo; Johan Barthelemy The field of textual adversarial defenses has gained considerable attention in recent years due to the increasing vulnerability of natural language processing (NLP) models to adversarial attacks, which exploit subtle perturbations in input text to deceive models. This paper introduces the Defensive Dual Masking (DDM) algorithm, a novel approach designed to enhance model robustness against such attacks. DDM utilizes a unique adversarial training strategy where [MASK] tokens are strategically inserted into training samples to prepare the model to handle adversarial perturbations more effectively. During inference, potentially adversarial tokens are dynamically replaced with [MASK] tokens to neutralize potential threats while preserving the core semantics of the input. The theoretical foundation of our approach is explored, demonstrating how the selective masking mechanism strengthens the model's ability to identify and mitigate adversarial manipulations. Our empirical evaluation across a diverse set of benchmark datasets and attack mechanisms consistently shows that DDM outperforms state-of-the-art defense techniques, improving model accuracy and robustness. Moreover, when applied to Large Language Models (LLMs), DDM also enhances their resilience to adversarial attacks, providing a scalable defense mechanism for large-scale NLP applications. A Real-Time Defense Against Object Vanishing Adversarial Patch Attacks for Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles. (97%) Jaden Mu Autonomous vehicles (AVs) increasingly use DNN-based object detection models in vision-based perception. Correct detection and classification of obstacles is critical to ensure safe, trustworthy driving decisions. Adversarial patches aim to fool a DNN with intentionally generated patterns concentrated in a localized region of an image. In particular, object vanishing patch attacks can cause object detection models to fail to detect most or all objects in a scene, posing a significant practical threat to AVs. This work proposes ADAV (Adversarial Defense for Autonomous Vehicles), a novel defense methodology against object vanishing patch attacks specifically designed for autonomous vehicles. Unlike existing defense methods which have high latency or are designed for static images, ADAV runs in real-time and leverages contextual information from prior frames in an AV's video feed. ADAV checks if the object detector's output for the target frame is temporally consistent with the output from a previous reference frame to detect the presence of a patch. If the presence of a patch is detected, ADAV uses gradient-based attribution to localize adversarial pixels that break temporal consistency. This two stage procedure allows ADAV to efficiently process clean inputs, and both stages are optimized to be low latency. ADAV is evaluated using real-world driving data from the Berkeley Deep Drive BDD100K dataset, and demonstrates high adversarial and clean performance. Data Free Backdoor Attacks. (64%) Bochuan Cao; Jinyuan Jia; Chuxuan Hu; Wenbo Guo; Zhen Xiang; Jinghui Chen; Bo Li; Dawn Song Backdoor attacks aim to inject a backdoor into a classifier such that it predicts any input with an attacker-chosen backdoor trigger as an attacker-chosen target class. Existing backdoor attacks require either retraining the classifier with some clean data or modifying the model's architecture. As a result, they are 1) not applicable when clean data is unavailable, 2) less efficient when the model is large, and 3) less stealthy due to architecture changes. In this work, we propose DFBA, a novel retraining-free and data-free backdoor attack without changing the model architecture. Technically, our proposed method modifies a few parameters of a classifier to inject a backdoor. Through theoretical analysis, we verify that our injected backdoor is provably undetectable and unremovable by various state-of-the-art defenses under mild assumptions. Our evaluation on multiple datasets further demonstrates that our injected backdoor: 1) incurs negligible classification loss, 2) achieves 100% attack success rates, and 3) bypasses six existing state-of-the-art defenses. Moreover, our comparison with a state-of-the-art non-data-free backdoor attack shows our attack is more stealthy and effective against various defenses while achieving less classification accuracy loss. On Evaluating the Durability of Safeguards for Open-Weight LLMs. (38%) Xiangyu Qi; Boyi Wei; Nicholas Carlini; Yangsibo Huang; Tinghao Xie; Luxi He; Matthew Jagielski; Milad Nasr; Prateek Mittal; Peter Henderson Stakeholders -- from model developers to policymakers -- seek to minimize the dual-use risks of large language models (LLMs). An open challenge to this goal is whether technical safeguards can impede the misuse of LLMs, even when models are customizable via fine-tuning or when model weights are fully open. In response, several recent studies have proposed methods to produce durable LLM safeguards for open-weight LLMs that can withstand adversarial modifications of the model's weights via fine-tuning. This holds the promise of raising adversaries' costs even under strong threat models where adversaries can directly fine-tune model weights. However, in this paper, we urge for more careful characterization of the limits of these approaches. Through several case studies, we demonstrate that even evaluating these defenses is exceedingly difficult and can easily mislead audiences into thinking that safeguards are more durable than they really are. We draw lessons from the evaluation pitfalls that we identify and suggest future research carefully cabin claims to more constrained, well-defined, and rigorously examined threat models, which can provide more useful and candid assessments to stakeholders. Machine Unlearning Doesn't Do What You Think: Lessons for Generative AI Policy, Research, and Practice. (3%) A. Feder Cooper; Christopher A. Choquette-Choo; Miranda Bogen; Matthew Jagielski; Katja Filippova; Ken Ziyu Liu; Alexandra Chouldechova; Jamie Hayes; Yangsibo Huang; Niloofar Mireshghallah; Ilia Shumailov; Eleni Triantafillou; Peter Kairouz; Nicole Mitchell; Percy Liang; Daniel E. Ho; Yejin Choi; Sanmi Koyejo; Fernando Delgado; James Grimmelmann; Vitaly Shmatikov; Sa Christopher De; Solon Barocas; Amy Cyphert; Mark Lemley; danah boyd; Jennifer Wortman Vaughan; Miles Brundage; David Bau; Seth Neel; Abigail Z. Jacobs; Andreas Terzis; Hanna Wallach; Nicolas Papernot; Katherine Lee We articulate fundamental mismatches between technical methods for machine unlearning in Generative AI, and documented aspirations for broader impact that these methods could have for law and policy. These aspirations are both numerous and varied, motivated by issues that pertain to privacy, copyright, safety, and more. For example, unlearning is often invoked as a solution for removing the effects of targeted information from a generative-AI model's parameters, e.g., a particular individual's personal data or in-copyright expression of Spiderman that was included in the model's training data. Unlearning is also proposed as a way to prevent a model from generating targeted types of information in its outputs, e.g., generations that closely resemble a particular individual's data or reflect the concept of "Spiderman." Both of these goals--the targeted removal of information from a model and the targeted suppression of information from a model's outputs--present various technical and substantive challenges. We provide a framework for thinking rigorously about these challenges, which enables us to be clear about why unlearning is not a general-purpose solution for circumscribing generative-AI model behavior in service of broader positive impact. We aim for conceptual clarity and to encourage more thoughtful communication among machine learning (ML), law, and policy experts who seek to develop and apply technical methods for compliance with policy objectives. StyleMark: A Robust Watermarking Method for Art Style Images Against Black-Box Arbitrary Style Transfer. (2%) Yunming Zhang; Dengpan Ye; Sipeng Shen; Jun Wang Arbitrary Style Transfer (AST) achieves the rendering of real natural images into the painting styles of arbitrary art style images, promoting art communication. However, misuse of unauthorized art style images for AST may infringe on artists' copyrights. One countermeasure is robust watermarking, which tracks image propagation by embedding copyright watermarks into carriers. Unfortunately, AST-generated images lose the structural and semantic information of the original style image, hindering end-to-end robust tracking by watermarks. To fill this gap, we propose StyleMark, the first robust watermarking method for black-box AST, which can be seamlessly applied to art style images achieving precise attribution of artistic styles after AST. Specifically, we propose a new style watermark network that adjusts the mean activations of style features through multi-scale watermark embedding, thereby planting watermark traces into the shared style feature space of style images. Furthermore, we design a distribution squeeze loss, which constrain content statistical feature distortion, forcing the reconstruction network to focus on integrating style features with watermarks, thus optimizing the intrinsic watermark distribution. Finally, based on solid end-to-end training, StyleMark mitigates the optimization conflict between robustness and watermark invisibility through decoder fine-tuning under random noise. Experimental results demonstrate that StyleMark exhibits significant robustness against black-box AST and common pixel-level distortions, while also securely defending against malicious adaptive attacks. Understanding Gradient Descent through the Training Jacobian. (1%) Nora Belrose; Adam Scherlis We examine the geometry of neural network training using the Jacobian of trained network parameters with respect to their initial values. Our analysis reveals low-dimensional structure in the training process which is dependent on the input data but largely independent of the labels. We find that the singular value spectrum of the Jacobian matrix consists of three distinctive regions: a "chaotic" region of values orders of magnitude greater than one, a large "bulk" region of values extremely close to one, and a "stable" region of values less than one. Along each bulk direction, the left and right singular vectors are nearly identical, indicating that perturbations to the initialization are carried through training almost unchanged. These perturbations have virtually no effect on the network's output in-distribution, yet do have an effect far out-of-distribution. While the Jacobian applies only locally around a single initialization, we find substantial overlap in bulk subspaces for different random seeds. Vulnerability, Where Art Thou? An Investigation of Vulnerability Management in Android Smartphone Chipsets. (1%) Daniel Klischies; Philipp Mackensen; Veelasha Moonsamy Vulnerabilities in Android smartphone chipsets have severe consequences, as recent real-world attacks have demonstrated that adversaries can leverage vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code or exfiltrate confidential information. Despite the far-reaching impact of such attacks, the lifecycle of chipset vulnerabilities has yet to be investigated, with existing papers primarily investigating vulnerabilities in the Android operating system. This paper provides a comprehensive and empirical study of the current state of smartphone chipset vulnerability management within the Android ecosystem. For the first time, we create a unified knowledge base of 3,676 chipset vulnerabilities affecting 437 chipset models from all four major chipset manufacturers, combined with 6,866 smartphone models. Our analysis revealed that the same vulnerabilities are often included in multiple generations of chipsets, providing novel empirical evidence that vulnerabilities are inherited through multiple chipset generations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the commonly accepted 90-day responsible vulnerability disclosure period is seldom adhered to. We find that a single vulnerability often affects hundreds to thousands of different smartphone models, for which update availability is, as we show, often unclear or heavily delayed. Leveraging the new insights gained from our empirical analysis, we recommend several changes that chipset manufacturers can implement to improve the security posture of their products. At the same time, our knowledge base enables academic researchers to conduct more representative evaluations of smartphone chipsets, accurately assess the impact of vulnerabilities they discover, and identify avenues for future research. Adversarial Transferability in Deep Denoising Models: Theoretical Insights and Robustness Enhancement via Out-of-Distribution Typical Set Sampling. (99%) Jie Ning; Jiebao Sun; Shengzhu Shi; Zhichang Guo; Yao Li; Hongwei Li; Boying Wu Deep learning-based image denoising models demonstrate remarkable performance, but their lack of robustness analysis remains a significant concern. A major issue is that these models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, where small, carefully crafted perturbations to input data can cause them to fail. Surprisingly, perturbations specifically crafted for one model can easily transfer across various models, including CNNs, Transformers, unfolding models, and plug-and-play models, leading to failures in those models as well. Such high adversarial transferability is not observed in classification models. We analyze the possible underlying reasons behind the high adversarial transferability through a series of hypotheses and validation experiments. By characterizing the manifolds of Gaussian noise and adversarial perturbations using the concept of typical set and the asymptotic equipartition property, we prove that adversarial samples deviate slightly from the typical set of the original input distribution, causing the models to fail. Based on these insights, we propose a novel adversarial defense method: the Out-of-Distribution Typical Set Sampling Training strategy (TS). TS not only significantly enhances the model's robustness but also marginally improves denoising performance compared to the original model. An Effective and Resilient Backdoor Attack Framework against Deep Neural Networks and Vision Transformers. (89%) Xueluan Gong; Bowei Tian; Meng Xue; Yuan Wu; Yanjiao Chen; Qian Wang Recent studies have revealed the vulnerability of Deep Neural Network (DNN) models to backdoor attacks. However, existing backdoor attacks arbitrarily set the trigger mask or use a randomly selected trigger, which restricts the effectiveness and robustness of the generated backdoor triggers. In this paper, we propose a novel attention-based mask generation methodology that searches for the optimal trigger shape and location. We also introduce a Quality-of-Experience (QoE) term into the loss function and carefully adjust the transparency value of the trigger in order to make the backdoored samples to be more natural. To further improve the prediction accuracy of the victim model, we propose an alternating retraining algorithm in the backdoor injection process. The victim model is retrained with mixed poisoned datasets in even iterations and with only benign samples in odd iterations. Besides, we launch the backdoor attack under a co-optimized attack framework that alternately optimizes the backdoor trigger and backdoored model to further improve the attack performance. Apart from DNN models, we also extend our proposed attack method against vision transformers. We evaluate our proposed method with extensive experiments on VGG-Flower, CIFAR-10, GTSRB, CIFAR-100, and ImageNette datasets. It is shown that we can increase the attack success rate by as much as 82\% over baselines when the poison ratio is low and achieve a high QoE of the backdoored samples. Our proposed backdoor attack framework also showcases robustness against state-of-the-art backdoor defenses. Understanding the Impact of Graph Reduction on Adversarial Robustness in Graph Neural Networks. (78%) Kerui Wu; Ka-Ho Chow; Wenqi Wei; Lei Yu As Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) become increasingly popular for learning from large-scale graph data across various domains, their susceptibility to adversarial attacks when using graph reduction techniques for scalability remains underexplored. In this paper, we present an extensive empirical study to investigate the impact of graph reduction techniques, specifically graph coarsening and sparsification, on the robustness of GNNs against adversarial attacks. Through extensive experiments involving multiple datasets and GNN architectures, we examine the effects of four sparsification and six coarsening methods on the poisoning attacks. Our results indicate that, while graph sparsification can mitigate the effectiveness of certain poisoning attacks, such as Mettack, it has limited impact on others, like PGD. Conversely, graph coarsening tends to amplify the adversarial impact, significantly reducing classification accuracy as the reduction ratio decreases. Additionally, we provide a novel analysis of the causes driving these effects and examine how defensive GNN models perform under graph reduction, offering practical insights for designing robust GNNs within graph acceleration systems. Anti-Reference: Universal and Immediate Defense Against Reference-Based Generation. (22%) Yiren Song; Shengtao Lou; Xiaokang Liu; Hai Ci; Pei Yang; Jiaming Liu; Mike Zheng Shou Diffusion models have revolutionized generative modeling with their exceptional ability to produce high-fidelity images. However, misuse of such potent tools can lead to the creation of fake news or disturbing content targeting individuals, resulting in significant social harm. In this paper, we introduce Anti-Reference, a novel method that protects images from the threats posed by reference-based generation techniques by adding imperceptible adversarial noise to the images. We propose a unified loss function that enables joint attacks on fine-tuning-based customization methods, non-fine-tuning customization methods, and human-centric driving methods. Based on this loss, we train a Adversarial Noise Encoder to predict the noise or directly optimize the noise using the PGD method. Our method shows certain transfer attack capabilities, effectively challenging both gray-box models and some commercial APIs. Extensive experiments validate the performance of Anti-Reference, establishing a new benchmark in image security. PBI-Attack: Prior-Guided Bimodal Interactive Black-Box Jailbreak Attack for Toxicity Maximization. (15%) Ruoxi Cheng; Yizhong Ding; Shuirong Cao; Ranjie Duan; Xiaoshuang Jia; Shaowei Yuan; Zhiqiang Wang; Xiaojun Jia Understanding the vulnerabilities of Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) to jailbreak attacks is essential for their responsible real-world deployment. Most previous work requires access to model gradients, or is based on human knowledge (prompt engineering) to complete jailbreak, and they hardly consider the interaction of images and text, resulting in inability to jailbreak in black box scenarios or poor performance. To overcome these limitations, we propose a Prior-Guided Bimodal Interactive Black-Box Jailbreak Attack for toxicity maximization, referred to as PBI-Attack. Our method begins by extracting malicious features from a harmful corpus using an alternative LVLM and embedding these features into a benign image as prior information. Subsequently, we enhance these features through bidirectional cross-modal interaction optimization, which iteratively optimizes the bimodal perturbations in an alternating manner through greedy search, aiming to maximize the toxicity of the generated response. The toxicity level is quantified using a well-trained evaluation model. Experiments demonstrate that PBI-Attack outperforms previous state-of-the-art jailbreak methods, achieving an average attack success rate of 92.5% across three open-source LVLMs and around 67.3% on three closed-source LVLMs. Disclaimer: This paper contains potentially disturbing and offensive content. SABER: Model-agnostic Backdoor Attack on Chain-of-Thought in Neural Code Generation. (4%) Naizhu Jin; Zhong Li; Yinggang Guo; Chao Su; Tian Zhang; Qingkai Zeng Recent studies have proposed integrating Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning to further enhance the reliability of Code Language Models (CLMs) in generating code, a step-by-step approach that breaks down complex programming tasks into manageable sub-problems. Advances in this area have introduced CoT models, specifically designed to integrate CoT reasoning effectively into language models, achieving notable improvements in code generation. Despite these advancements, the security of CoT models has not been systematically studied. In this study, we aim to fill this gap by investigating the vulnerability of CoT models to backdoor injection in code generation tasks. To address this, we propose a model-agnostic backdoor attack method SABER (\textbf{S}elf-\textbf{A}ttention-\textbf{B}as\textbf{E}d backdoo\textbf{R}) based on the self-attention mechanism. SABER begins by selecting a malicious output as the backdoor using code mutation operations. It then identifies tokens most relevant to poisoned content by analyzing self-attention scores in the CodeBERT model. Finally, it applies semantic-preserving perturbations to generate adaptive and natural triggers. Our experiments on HumanEval-CoT and OpenEval-CoT test sets demonstrate that CoT models are susceptible to backdoor attacks via data poisoning. Taking the OpenEval-CoT dataset as an example, SABER achieves an ASR of 76.19%, representing an improvement of 14.29% over RIPPLe and a substantial 23.08% enhancement compared to BadPre. Further evaluations using ONION for automated detection and human studies reveal that SABER is stealthier and harder to detect, bypassing 77.27% of automated detection, with a human detection rate of just 3.17%. Our findings reveal that backdoors can be injected into CoT models to manipulate downstream code generation tasks. Enhancing Adversarial Resistance in LLMs with Recursion. (1%) Bryan Li; Sounak Bagchi; Zizhan Wang The increasing integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into society necessitates robust defenses against vulnerabilities from jailbreaking and adversarial prompts. This project proposes a recursive framework for enhancing the resistance of LLMs to manipulation through the use of prompt simplification techniques. By increasing the transparency of complex and confusing adversarial prompts, the proposed method enables more reliable detection and prevention of malicious inputs. Our findings attempt to address a critical problem in AI safety and security, providing a foundation for the development of systems able to distinguish harmless inputs from prompts containing malicious intent. As LLMs continue to be used in diverse applications, the importance of such safeguards will only grow. Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Federated Learning: A Survey. (1%) Li Bai; Haibo Hu; Qingqing Ye; Haoyang Li; Leixia Wang; Jianliang Xu Federated learning is a decentralized machine learning approach where clients train models locally and share model updates to develop a global model. This enables low-resource devices to collaboratively build a high-quality model without requiring direct access to the raw training data. However, despite only sharing model updates, federated learning still faces several privacy vulnerabilities. One of the key threats is membership inference attacks, which target clients' privacy by determining whether a specific example is part of the training set. These attacks can compromise sensitive information in real-world applications, such as medical diagnoses within a healthcare system. Although there has been extensive research on membership inference attacks, a comprehensive and up-to-date survey specifically focused on it within federated learning is still absent. To fill this gap, we categorize and summarize membership inference attacks and their corresponding defense strategies based on their characteristics in this setting. We introduce a unique taxonomy of existing attack research and provide a systematic overview of various countermeasures. For these studies, we thoroughly analyze the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. Finally, we identify and discuss key future research directions for readers interested in advancing the field. PrivAgent: Agentic-based Red-teaming for LLM Privacy Leakage. (92%) Yuzhou Nie; Zhun Wang; Ye Yu; Xian Wu; Xuandong Zhao; Wenbo Guo; Dawn Song Recent studies have discovered that LLMs have serious privacy leakage concerns, where an LLM may be fooled into outputting private information under carefully crafted adversarial prompts. These risks include leaking system prompts, personally identifiable information, training data, and model parameters. Most existing red-teaming approaches for privacy leakage rely on humans to craft the adversarial prompts. A few automated methods are proposed for system prompt extraction, but they cannot be applied to more severe risks (e.g., training data extraction) and have limited effectiveness even for system prompt extraction. In this paper, we propose PrivAgent, a novel black-box red-teaming framework for LLM privacy leakage. We formulate different risks as a search problem with a unified attack goal. Our framework trains an open-source LLM through reinforcement learning as the attack agent to generate adversarial prompts for different target models under different risks. We propose a novel reward function to provide effective and fine-grained rewards for the attack agent. Finally, we introduce customizations to better fit our general framework to system prompt extraction and training data extraction. Through extensive evaluations, we first show that PrivAgent outperforms existing automated methods in system prompt leakage against six popular LLMs. Notably, our approach achieves a 100% success rate in extracting system prompts from real-world applications in OpenAI's GPT Store. We also show PrivAgent's effectiveness in extracting training data from an open-source LLM with a success rate of 5.9%. We further demonstrate PrivAgent's effectiveness in evading the existing guardrail defense and its helpfulness in enabling better safety alignment. Finally, we validate our customized designs through a detailed ablation study. We release our code here DeMem: Privacy-Enhanced Robust Adversarial Learning via De-Memorization. (76%) Xiaoyu Luo; Qiongxiu Li Adversarial robustness, the ability of a model to withstand manipulated inputs that cause errors, is essential for ensuring the trustworthiness of machine learning models in real-world applications. However, previous studies have shown that enhancing adversarial robustness through adversarial training increases vulnerability to privacy attacks. While differential privacy can mitigate these attacks, it often compromises robustness against both natural and adversarial samples. Our analysis reveals that differential privacy disproportionately impacts low-risk samples, causing an unintended performance drop. To address this, we propose DeMem, which selectively targets high-risk samples, achieving a better balance between privacy protection and model robustness. DeMem is versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into various adversarial training techniques. Extensive evaluations across multiple training methods and datasets demonstrate that DeMem significantly reduces privacy leakage while maintaining robustness against both natural and adversarial samples. These results confirm DeMem's effectiveness and broad applicability in enhancing privacy without compromising robustness. From Flexibility to Manipulation: The Slippery Slope of XAI Evaluation. (47%) Kristoffer Wickstrøm; Marina Marie-Claire Höhne; Anna Hedström The lack of ground truth explanation labels is a fundamental challenge for quantitative evaluation in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). This challenge becomes especially problematic when evaluation methods have numerous hyperparameters that must be specified by the user, as there is no ground truth to determine an optimal hyperparameter selection. It is typically not feasible to do an exhaustive search of hyperparameters so researchers typically make a normative choice based on similar studies in the literature, which provides great flexibility for the user. In this work, we illustrate how this flexibility can be exploited to manipulate the evaluation outcome. We frame this manipulation as an adversarial attack on the evaluation where seemingly innocent changes in hyperparameter setting significantly influence the evaluation outcome. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our manipulation across several datasets with large changes in evaluation outcomes across several explanation methods and models. Lastly, we propose a mitigation strategy based on ranking across hyperparameters that aims to provide robustness towards such manipulation. This work highlights the difficulty of conducting reliable XAI evaluation and emphasizes the importance of a holistic and transparent approach to evaluation in XAI. Nearly Solved? Robust Deepfake Detection Requires More than Visual Forensics. (33%) Guy Levy; Nathan Liebmann Deepfakes are on the rise, with increased sophistication and prevalence allowing for high-profile social engineering attacks. Detecting them in the wild is therefore important as ever, giving rise to new approaches breaking benchmark records in this task. In line with previous work, we show that recently developed state-of-the-art detectors are susceptible to classical adversarial attacks, even in a highly-realistic black-box setting, putting their usability in question. We argue that crucial 'robust features' of deepfakes are in their higher semantics, and follow that with evidence that a detector based on a semantic embedding model is less susceptible to black-box perturbation attacks. We show that large visuo-lingual models like GPT-4o can perform zero-shot deepfake detection better than current state-of-the-art methods, and introduce a novel attack based on high-level semantic manipulation. Finally, we argue that hybridising low- and high-level detectors can improve adversarial robustness, based on their complementary strengths and weaknesses. Uncovering Vision Modality Threats in Image-to-Image Tasks. (8%) Hao Cheng; Erjia Xiao; Jiayan Yang; Jiahang Cao; Qiang Zhang; Jize Zhang; Kaidi Xu; Jindong Gu; Renjing Xu Current image generation models can effortlessly produce high-quality, highly realistic images, but this also increases the risk of misuse. In various Text-to-Image or Image-to-Image tasks, attackers can generate a series of images containing inappropriate content by simply editing the language modality input. Currently, to prevent this security threat, the various guard or defense methods that are proposed also focus on defending the language modality. However, in practical applications, threats in the visual modality, particularly in tasks involving the editing of real-world images, pose greater security risks as they can easily infringe upon the rights of the image owner. Therefore, this paper uses a method named typographic attack to reveal that various image generation models also commonly face threats in the vision modality. Furthermore, we also evaluate the defense performance of various existing methods when facing threats in the vision modality and uncover their ineffectiveness. Finally, we propose the Vision Modal Threats in Image Generation Models (VMT-IGMs) dataset, which would serve as a baseline for evaluating the vision modality vulnerability of various image generation models. Towards Predicting the Success of Transfer-based Attacks by Quantifying Shared Feature Representations. (2%) Ashley S. Dale; Mei Qiu; Foo Bin Che; Thomas Bsaibes; Lauren Christopher; Paul Salama Much effort has been made to explain and improve the success of transfer-based attacks (TBA) on black-box computer vision models. This work provides the first attempt at a priori prediction of attack success by identifying the presence of vulnerable features within target models. Recent work by Chen and Liu (2024) proposed the manifold attack model, a unifying framework proposing that successful TBA exist in a common manifold space. Our work experimentally tests the common manifold space hypothesis by a new methodology: first, projecting feature vectors from surrogate and target feature extractors trained on ImageNet onto the same low-dimensional manifold; second, quantifying any observed structure similarities on the manifold; and finally, by relating these observed similarities to the success of the TBA. We find that shared feature representation moderately correlates with increased success of TBA (\r{ho}= 0.56). This method may be used to predict whether an attack will transfer without information of the model weights, training, architecture or details of the attack. The results confirm the presence of shared feature representations between two feature extractors of different sizes and complexities, and demonstrate the utility of datasets from different target domains as test signals for interpreting black-box feature representations. Backdooring Outlier Detection Methods: A Novel Attack Approach. (2%) ZeinabSadat Taghavi; Hossein Mirzaei There have been several efforts in backdoor attacks, but these have primarily focused on the closed-set performance of classifiers (i.e., classification). This has left a gap in addressing the threat to classifiers' open-set performance, referred to as outlier detection in the literature. Reliable outlier detection is crucial for deploying classifiers in critical real-world applications such as autonomous driving and medical image analysis. First, we show that existing backdoor attacks fall short in affecting the open-set performance of classifiers, as they have been specifically designed to confuse intra-closed-set decision boundaries. In contrast, an effective backdoor attack for outlier detection needs to confuse the decision boundary between the closed and open sets. Motivated by this, in this study, we propose BATOD, a novel Backdoor Attack targeting the Outlier Detection task. Specifically, we design two categories of triggers to shift inlier samples to outliers and vice versa. We evaluate BATOD using various real-world datasets and demonstrate its superior ability to degrade the open-set performance of classifiers compared to previous attacks, both before and after applying defenses. LIAR: Leveraging Alignment (Best-of-N) to Jailbreak LLMs in Seconds. (1%) James Beetham; Souradip Chakraborty; Mengdi Wang; Furong Huang; Amrit Singh Bedi; Mubarak Shah Many existing jailbreak techniques rely on solving discrete combinatorial optimization, while more recent approaches involve training LLMs to generate multiple adversarial prompts. However, both approaches require significant computational resources to produce even a single adversarial prompt. We hypothesize that the inefficiency of current approaches stems from an inadequate characterization of the jailbreak problem. To address this gap, we formulate the jailbreak problem in terms of alignment. By starting from an available safety-aligned model, we leverage an unsafe reward to guide the safe model towards generating unsafe outputs using alignment techniques (e.g., reinforcement learning from human feedback), effectively performing jailbreaking via alignment. We propose a novel jailbreak method called LIAR (LeveragIng Alignment to jailbReak). To demonstrate the simplicity and effectiveness of our approach, we employ a best-of-N method to solve the alignment problem. LIAR offers significant advantages: lower computational requirements without additional training, fully black-box operation, competitive attack success rates, and more human-readable prompts. We provide theoretical insights into the possibility of jailbreaking a safety-aligned model, revealing inherent vulnerabilities in current alignment strategies for LLMs. We also provide sub-optimality guarantees for the proposed \algo. Experimentally, we achieve ASR comparable to the SoTA with a 10x improvement to perplexity and a Time-to-Attack measured in seconds rather than tens of hours. Intriguing Properties of Robust Classification. (96%) Bernd Prach; Christoph H. Lampert Despite extensive research since the community learned about adversarial examples 10 years ago, we still do not know how to train high-accuracy classifiers that are guaranteed to be robust to small perturbations of their inputs. Previous works often argued that this might be because no classifier exists that is robust and accurate at the same time. However, in computer vision this assumption does not match reality where humans are usually accurate and robust on most tasks of interest. We offer an alternative explanation and show that in certain settings robust generalization is only possible with unrealistically large amounts of data. More precisely we find a setting where a robust classifier exists, it is easy to learn an accurate classifier, yet it requires an exponential amount of data to learn a robust classifier. Based on this theoretical result, we explore how well robust classifiers generalize on datasets such as CIFAR-10. We come to the conclusion that on this datasets, the limitation of current robust models also lies in the generalization, and that they require a lot of data to do well on the test set. We also show that the problem is not in the expressiveness or generalization capabilities of current architectures, and that there are low magnitude features in the data which are useful for non-robust generalization but are not available for robust classifiers. On the Lack of Robustness of Binary Function Similarity Systems. (92%) Gianluca Capozzi; Tong Tang; Jie Wan; Ziqi Yang; Daniele Cono D'Elia; Luna Giuseppe Antonio Di; Lorenzo Cavallaro; Leonardo Querzoni Binary function similarity, which often relies on learning-based algorithms to identify what functions in a pool are most similar to a given query function, is a sought-after topic in different communities, including machine learning, software engineering, and security. Its importance stems from the impact it has in facilitating several crucial tasks, from reverse engineering and malware analysis to automated vulnerability detection. Whereas recent work cast light around performance on this long-studied problem, the research landscape remains largely lackluster in understanding the resiliency of the state-of-the-art machine learning models against adversarial attacks. As security requires to reason about adversaries, in this work we assess the robustness of such models through a simple yet effective black-box greedy attack, which modifies the topology and the content of the control flow of the attacked functions. We demonstrate that this attack is successful in compromising all the models, achieving average attack success rates of 57.06% and 95.81% depending on the problem settings (targeted and untargeted attacks). Our findings are insightful: top performance on clean data does not necessarily relate to top robustness properties, which explicitly highlights performance-robustness trade-offs one should consider when deploying such models, calling for further research. Megatron: Evasive Clean-Label Backdoor Attacks against Vision Transformer. (76%) Xueluan Gong; Bowei Tian; Meng Xue; Shuike Li; Yanjiao Chen; Qian Wang Vision transformers have achieved impressive performance in various vision-related tasks, but their vulnerability to backdoor attacks is under-explored. A handful of existing works focus on dirty-label attacks with wrongly-labeled poisoned training samples, which may fail if a benign model trainer corrects the labels. In this paper, we propose Megatron, an evasive clean-label backdoor attack against vision transformers, where the attacker injects the backdoor without manipulating the data-labeling process. To generate an effective trigger, we customize two loss terms based on the attention mechanism used in transformer networks, i.e., latent loss and attention diffusion loss. The latent loss aligns the last attention layer between triggered samples and clean samples of the target label. The attention diffusion loss emphasizes the attention diffusion area that encompasses the trigger. A theoretical analysis is provided to underpin the rationale behind the attention diffusion loss. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, GTSRB, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet demonstrate the effectiveness of Megatron. Megatron can achieve attack success rates of over 90% even when the position of the trigger is slightly shifted during testing. Furthermore, Megatron achieves better evasiveness than baselines regarding both human visual inspection and defense strategies (i.e., DBAVT, BAVT, Beatrix, TeCo, and SAGE). Can Targeted Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks Generalize? (13%) Zhizhen Chen; Subrat Kishore Dutta; Zhengyu Zhao; Chenhao Lin; Chao Shen; Xiao Zhang Targeted poisoning attacks aim to compromise the model's prediction on specific target samples. In a common clean-label setting, they are achieved by slightly perturbing a subset of training samples given access to those specific targets. Despite continuous efforts, it remains unexplored whether such attacks can generalize to unknown variations of those targets. In this paper, we take the first step to systematically study this generalization problem. Observing that the widely adopted, cosine similarity-based attack exhibits limited generalizability, we propose a well-generalizable attack that leverages both the direction and magnitude of model gradients. In particular, we explore diverse target variations, such as an object with varied viewpoints and an animal species with distinct appearances. Extensive experiments across various generalization scenarios demonstrate that our method consistently achieves the best attack effectiveness. For example, our method outperforms the cosine similarity-based attack by 20.95% in attack success rate with similar overall accuracy, averaged over four models on two image benchmark datasets. The code is available at LaserGuider: A Laser Based Physical Backdoor Attack against Deep Neural Networks. (8%) Yongjie Xu; Guangke Chen; Fu Song; Yuqi Chen Backdoor attacks embed hidden associations between triggers and targets in deep neural networks (DNNs), causing them to predict the target when a trigger is present while maintaining normal behavior otherwise. Physical backdoor attacks, which use physical objects as triggers, are feasible but lack remote control, temporal stealthiness, flexibility, and mobility. To overcome these limitations, in this work, we propose a new type of backdoor triggers utilizing lasers that feature long-distance transmission and instant-imaging properties. Based on the laser-based backdoor triggers, we present a physical backdoor attack, called LaserGuider, which possesses remote control ability and achieves high temporal stealthiness, flexibility, and mobility. We also introduce a systematic approach to optimize laser parameters for improving attack effectiveness. Our evaluation on traffic sign recognition DNNs, critical in autonomous vehicles, demonstrates that LaserGuider with three different laser-based triggers achieves over 90% attack success rate with negligible impact on normal inputs. Additionally, we release LaserMark, the first dataset of real world traffic signs stamped with physical laser spots, to support further research in backdoor attacks and defenses. Safeguarding Text-to-Image Generation via Inference-Time Prompt-Noise Optimization. (3%) Jiangweizhi Peng; Zhiwei Tang; Gaowen Liu; Charles Fleming; Mingyi Hong Text-to-Image (T2I) diffusion models are widely recognized for their ability to generate high-quality and diverse images based on text prompts. However, despite recent advances, these models are still prone to generating unsafe images containing sensitive or inappropriate content, which can be harmful to users. Current efforts to prevent inappropriate image generation for diffusion models are easy to bypass and vulnerable to adversarial attacks. How to ensure that T2I models align with specific safety goals remains a significant challenge. In this work, we propose a novel, training-free approach, called Prompt-Noise Optimization (PNO), to mitigate unsafe image generation. Our method introduces a novel optimization framework that leverages both the continuous prompt embedding and the injected noise trajectory in the sampling process to generate safe images. Extensive numerical results demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance in suppressing toxic image generations and demonstrates robustness to adversarial attacks, without needing to tune the model parameters. Furthermore, compared with existing methods, PNO uses comparable generation time while offering the best tradeoff between the conflicting goals of safe generation and prompt-image alignment. Targeting the Core: A Simple and Effective Method to Attack RAG-based Agents via Direct LLM Manipulation. (2%) Xuying Li; Zhuo Li; Yuji Kosuga; Yasuhiro Yoshida; Victor Bian AI agents, powered by large language models (LLMs), have transformed human-computer interactions by enabling seamless, natural, and context-aware communication. While these advancements offer immense utility, they also inherit and amplify inherent safety risks such as bias, fairness, hallucinations, privacy breaches, and a lack of transparency. This paper investigates a critical vulnerability: adversarial attacks targeting the LLM core within AI agents. Specifically, we test the hypothesis that a deceptively simple adversarial prefix, such as \textit{Ignore the document}, can compel LLMs to produce dangerous or unintended outputs by bypassing their contextual safeguards. Through experimentation, we demonstrate a high attack success rate (ASR), revealing the fragility of existing LLM defenses. These findings emphasize the urgent need for robust, multi-layered security measures tailored to mitigate vulnerabilities at the LLM level and within broader agent-based architectures. Does Safety Training of LLMs Generalize to Semantically Related Natural Prompts? (99%) Sravanti Addepalli; Yerram Varun; Arun Suggala; Karthikeyan Shanmugam; Prateek Jain Large Language Models (LLMs) are known to be susceptible to crafted adversarial attacks or jailbreaks that lead to the generation of objectionable content despite being aligned to human preferences using safety fine-tuning methods. While the large dimensionality of input token space makes it inevitable to find adversarial prompts that can jailbreak these models, we aim to evaluate whether safety fine-tuned LLMs are safe against natural prompts which are semantically related to toxic seed prompts that elicit safe responses after alignment. We surprisingly find that popular aligned LLMs such as GPT-4 can be compromised using naive prompts that are NOT even crafted with an objective of jailbreaking the model. Furthermore, we empirically show that given a seed prompt that elicits a toxic response from an unaligned model, one can systematically generate several semantically related natural prompts that can jailbreak aligned LLMs. Towards this, we propose a method of Response Guided Question Augmentation (ReG-QA) to evaluate the generalization of safety aligned LLMs to natural prompts, that first generates several toxic answers given a seed question using an unaligned LLM (Q to A), and further leverages an LLM to generate questions that are likely to produce these answers (A to Q). We interestingly find that safety fine-tuned LLMs such as GPT-4o are vulnerable to producing natural jailbreak questions from unsafe content (without denial) and can thus be used for the latter (A to Q) step. We obtain attack success rates that are comparable to/ better than leading adversarial attack methods on the JailbreakBench leaderboard, while being significantly more stable against defenses such as Smooth-LLM and Synonym Substitution, which are effective against existing all attacks on the leaderboard. NODE-AdvGAN: Improving the transferability and perceptual similarity of adversarial examples by dynamic-system-driven adversarial generative model. (99%) Xinheng Xie; Yue Wu; Cuiyu He Understanding adversarial examples is crucial for improving the model's robustness, as they introduce imperceptible perturbations that deceive models. Effective adversarial examples, therefore, offer the potential to train more robust models by removing their singularities. We propose NODE-AdvGAN, a novel approach that treats adversarial generation as a continuous process and employs a Neural Ordinary Differential Equation (NODE) for simulating the dynamics of the generator. By mimicking the iterative nature of traditional gradient-based methods, NODE-AdvGAN generates smoother and more precise perturbations that preserve high perceptual similarity when added to benign images. We also propose a new training strategy, NODE-AdvGAN-T, which enhances transferability in black-box attacks by effectively tuning noise parameters during training. Experiments demonstrate that NODE-AdvGAN and NODE-AdvGAN-T generate more effective adversarial examples that achieve higher attack success rates while preserving better perceptual quality than traditional GAN-based methods. Less is More: A Stealthy and Efficient Adversarial Attack Method for DRL-based Autonomous Driving Policies. (98%) Junchao Fan; Xuyang Lei; Xiaolin Chang; Jelena Mišić; Vojislav B. Mišić Despite significant advancements in deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based autonomous driving policies, these policies still exhibit vulnerability to adversarial attacks. This vulnerability poses a formidable challenge to the practical deployment of these policies in autonomous driving. Designing effective adversarial attacks is an indispensable prerequisite for enhancing the robustness of these policies. In view of this, we present a novel stealthy and efficient adversarial attack method for DRL-based autonomous driving policies. Specifically, we introduce a DRL-based adversary designed to trigger safety violations (e.g., collisions) by injecting adversarial samples at critical moments. We model the attack as a mixed-integer optimization problem and formulate it as a Markov decision process. Then, we train the adversary to learn the optimal policy for attacking at critical moments without domain knowledge. Furthermore, we introduce attack-related information and a trajectory clipping method to enhance the learning capability of the adversary. Finally, we validate our method in an unprotected left-turn scenario across different traffic densities. The experimental results show that our method achieves more than 90% collision rate within three attacks in most cases. Furthermore, our method achieves more than 130% improvement in attack efficiency compared to the unlimited attack method. A Taxonomy of System-Level Attacks on Deep Learning Models in Autonomous Vehicles. (76%) Masoud Jamshidiyan Tehrani; Jinhan Kim; Rosmael Zidane Lekeufack Foulefack; Alessandro Marchetto; Paolo Tonella The advent of deep learning and its astonishing performance in perception tasks, such as object recognition and classification, has enabled its usage in complex systems, including autonomous vehicles. On the other hand, deep learning models are susceptible to mis-predictions when small, adversarial changes are introduced into their input. Such mis-predictions can be triggered in the real world and can propagate to a failure of the entire system, as opposed to a localized mis-prediction. In recent years, a growing number of research works have investigated ways to mount attacks against autonomous vehicles that exploit deep learning components for perception tasks. Such attacks are directed toward elements of the environment where these systems operate and their effectiveness is assessed in terms of system-level failures triggered by them. There has been however no systematic attempt to analyze and categorize such attacks. In this paper, we present the first taxonomy of system-level attacks against autonomous vehicles. We constructed our taxonomy by first collecting 8,831 papers, then filtering them down to 1,125 candidates and eventually selecting a set of 19 highly relevant papers that satisfy all inclusion criteria. Then, we tagged them with taxonomy categories, involving three assessors per paper. The resulting taxonomy includes 12 top-level categories and several sub-categories. The taxonomy allowed us to investigate the attack features, the most attacked components, the underlying threat models, and the propagation chains from input perturbation to system-level failure. We distilled several lessons for practitioners and identified possible directions for future work for researchers. PBP: Post-training Backdoor Purification for Malware Classifiers. (76%) Dung Thuy Nguyen; Ngoc N. Tran; Taylor T. Johnson; Kevin Leach In recent years, the rise of machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity has brought new challenges, including the increasing threat of backdoor poisoning attacks on ML malware classifiers. For instance, adversaries could inject malicious samples into public malware repositories, contaminating the training data and potentially misclassifying malware by the ML model. Current countermeasures predominantly focus on detecting poisoned samples by leveraging disagreements within the outputs of a diverse set of ensemble models on training data points. However, these methods are not suitable for scenarios where Machine Learning-as-a-Service (MLaaS) is used or when users aim to remove backdoors from a model after it has been trained. Addressing this scenario, we introduce PBP, a post-training defense for malware classifiers that mitigates various types of backdoor embeddings without assuming any specific backdoor embedding mechanism. Our method exploits the influence of backdoor attacks on the activation distribution of neural networks, independent of the trigger-embedding method. In the presence of a backdoor attack, the activation distribution of each layer is distorted into a mixture of distributions. By regulating the statistics of the batch normalization layers, we can guide a backdoored model to perform similarly to a clean one. Our method demonstrates substantial advantages over several state-of-the-art methods, as evidenced by experiments on two datasets, two types of backdoor methods, and various attack configurations. Notably, our approach requires only a small portion of the training data -- only 1\% -- to purify the backdoor and reduce the attack success rate from 100\% to almost 0\%, a 100-fold improvement over the baseline methods. Our code is available at \url{}. Testing Neural Network Verifiers: A Soundness Benchmark with Hidden Counterexamples. (13%) Xingjian Zhou; Hongji Xu; Andy Xu; Zhouxing Shi; Cho-Jui Hsieh; Huan Zhang In recent years, many neural network (NN) verifiers have been developed to formally verify certain properties of neural networks such as robustness. Although many benchmarks have been constructed to evaluate the performance of NN verifiers, they typically lack a ground-truth for hard instances where no current verifier can verify and no counterexample can be found, which makes it difficult to check the soundness of a new verifier if it claims to verify hard instances which no other verifier can do. We propose to develop a soundness benchmark for NN verification. Our benchmark contains instances with deliberately inserted counterexamples while we also try to hide the counterexamples from regular adversarial attacks which can be used for finding counterexamples. We design a training method to produce neural networks with such hidden counterexamples. Our benchmark aims to be used for testing the soundness of NN verifiers and identifying falsely claimed verifiability when it is known that hidden counterexamples exist. We systematically construct our benchmark and generate instances across diverse model architectures, activation functions, input sizes, and perturbation radii. We demonstrate that our benchmark successfully identifies bugs in state-of-the-art NN verifiers, as well as synthetic bugs, providing a crucial step toward enhancing the reliability of testing NN verifiers. Our code is available at and our benchmark is available at Black-Box Forgery Attacks on Semantic Watermarks for Diffusion Models. (12%) Andreas Müller; Denis Lukovnikov; Jonas Thietke; Asja Fischer; Erwin Quiring Integrating watermarking into the generation process of latent diffusion models (LDMs) simplifies detection and attribution of generated content. Semantic watermarks, such as Tree-Rings and Gaussian Shading, represent a novel class of watermarking techniques that are easy to implement and highly robust against various perturbations. However, our work demonstrates a fundamental security vulnerability of semantic watermarks. We show that attackers can leverage unrelated models, even with different latent spaces and architectures (UNet vs DiT), to perform powerful and realistic forgery attacks. Specifically, we design two watermark forgery attacks. The first imprints a targeted watermark into real images by manipulating the latent representation of an arbitrary image in an unrelated LDM to get closer to the latent representation of a watermarked image. We also show that this technique can be used for watermark removal. The second attack generates new images with the target watermark by inverting a watermarked image and re-generating it with an arbitrary prompt. Both attacks just need a single reference image with the target watermark. Overall, our findings question the applicability of semantic watermarks by revealing that attackers can easily forge or remove these watermarks under realistic conditions. Designing DNNs for a trade-off between robustness and processing performance in embedded devices. (11%) Jon Gutiérrez-Zaballa; Koldo Basterretxea; Javier Echanobe Machine learning-based embedded systems employed in safety-critical applications such as aerospace and autonomous driving need to be robust against perturbations produced by soft errors. Soft errors are an increasing concern in modern digital processors since smaller transistor geometries and lower voltages give electronic devices a higher sensitivity to background radiation. The resilience of deep neural network (DNN) models to perturbations in their parameters is determined, to a large extent, by the structure of the model itself, and also by the selected numerical representation and used arithmetic precision. When compression techniques such as model pruning and model quantization are applied to reduce memory footprint and computational complexity for deployment, both model structure and numerical representation are modified and thus, soft error robustness also changes. In this sense, although the choice of activation functions (AFs) in DNN models is frequently ignored, it conditions not only their accuracy and trainability, but also compressibility rates and numerical robustness. This paper investigates the suitability of using bounded AFs to improve model robustness against DNN parameter perturbations, assessing at the same time the impact of this choice on deployment in terms of model accuracy, compressibility, and computational burden. In particular, we analyze encoder-decoder fully convolutional models aimed at performing semantic segmentation tasks on hyperspectral images for scene understanding in autonomous driving. Deployment characterization is performed experimentally on an AMD-Xilinx's KV260 SoM. Pre-trained Multiple Latent Variable Generative Models are good defenders against Adversarial Attacks. (4%) Dario Serez; Marco Cristani; Bue Alessio Del; Vittorio Murino; Pietro Morerio Attackers can deliberately perturb classifiers' input with subtle noise, altering final predictions. Among proposed countermeasures, adversarial purification employs generative networks to preprocess input images, filtering out adversarial noise. In this study, we propose specific generators, defined Multiple Latent Variable Generative Models (MLVGMs), for adversarial purification. These models possess multiple latent variables that naturally disentangle coarse from fine features. Taking advantage of these properties, we autoencode images to maintain class-relevant information, while discarding and re-sampling any detail, including adversarial noise. The procedure is completely training-free, exploring the generalization abilities of pre-trained MLVGMs on the adversarial purification downstream task. Despite the lack of large models, trained on billions of samples, we show that smaller MLVGMs are already competitive with traditional methods, and can be used as foundation models. Official code released at Evaluating Single Event Upsets in Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation: an embedded system perspective. (1%) Jon Gutiérrez-Zaballa; Koldo Basterretxea; Javier Echanobe As the deployment of artifical intelligence (AI) algorithms at edge devices becomes increasingly prevalent, enhancing the robustness and reliability of autonomous AI-based perception and decision systems is becoming as relevant as precision and performance, especially in applications areas considered safety-critical such as autonomous driving and aerospace. This paper delves into the robustness assessment in embedded Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), particularly focusing on the impact of parameter perturbations produced by single event upsets (SEUs) on convolutional neural networks (CNN) for image semantic segmentation. By scrutinizing the layer-by-layer and bit-by-bit sensitivity of various encoder-decoder models to soft errors, this study thoroughly investigates the vulnerability of segmentation DNNs to SEUs and evaluates the consequences of techniques like model pruning and parameter quantization on the robustness of compressed models aimed at embedded implementations. The findings offer valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying SEU-induced failures that allow for evaluating the robustness of DNNs once trained in advance. Moreover, based on the collected data, we propose a set of practical lightweight error mitigation techniques with no memory or computational cost suitable for resource-constrained deployments. The code used to perform the fault injection (FI) campaign is available at , while the code to implement proposed techniques is available at . Sustainable Self-evolution Adversarial Training. (99%) Wenxuan Wang; Chenglei Wang; Huihui Qi; Menghao Ye; Xuelin Qian; Peng Wang; Yanning Zhang With the wide application of deep neural network models in various computer vision tasks, there has been a proliferation of adversarial example generation strategies aimed at deeply exploring model security. However, existing adversarial training defense models, which rely on single or limited types of attacks under a one-time learning process, struggle to adapt to the dynamic and evolving nature of attack methods. Therefore, to achieve defense performance improvements for models in long-term applications, we propose a novel Sustainable Self-Evolution Adversarial Training (SSEAT) framework. Specifically, we introduce a continual adversarial defense pipeline to realize learning from various kinds of adversarial examples across multiple stages. Additionally, to address the issue of model catastrophic forgetting caused by continual learning from ongoing novel attacks, we propose an adversarial data replay module to better select more diverse and key relearning data. Furthermore, we design a consistency regularization strategy to encourage current defense models to learn more from previously trained ones, guiding them to retain more past knowledge and maintain accuracy on clean samples. Extensive experiments have been conducted to verify the efficacy of the proposed SSEAT defense method, which demonstrates superior defense performance and classification accuracy compared to competitors. Gaussian Splatting Under Attack: Investigating Adversarial Noise in 3D Objects. (99%) Abdurrahman Zeybey; Mehmet Ergezer; Tommy Nguyen 3D Gaussian Splatting has advanced radiance field reconstruction, enabling high-quality view synthesis and fast rendering in 3D modeling. While adversarial attacks on object detection models are well-studied for 2D images, their impact on 3D models remains underexplored. This work introduces the Masked Iterative Fast Gradient Sign Method (M-IFGSM), designed to generate adversarial noise targeting the CLIP vision-language model. M-IFGSM specifically alters the object of interest by focusing perturbations on masked regions, degrading the performance of CLIP's zero-shot object detection capability when applied to 3D models. Using eight objects from the Common Objects 3D (CO3D) dataset, we demonstrate that our method effectively reduces the accuracy and confidence of the model, with adversarial noise being nearly imperceptible to human observers. The top-1 accuracy in original model renders drops from 95.4\% to 12.5\% for train images and from 91.2\% to 35.4\% for test images, with confidence levels reflecting this shift from true classification to misclassification, underscoring the risks of adversarial attacks on 3D models in applications such as autonomous driving, robotics, and surveillance. The significance of this research lies in its potential to expose vulnerabilities in modern 3D vision models, including radiance fields, prompting the development of more robust defenses and security measures in critical real-world applications. Multi-Granularity Tibetan Textual Adversarial Attack Method Based on Masked Language Model. (98%) Xi Cao; Nuo Qun; Quzong Gesang; Yulei Zhu; Trashi Nyima In social media, neural network models have been applied to hate speech detection, sentiment analysis, etc., but neural network models are susceptible to adversarial attacks. For instance, in a text classification task, the attacker elaborately introduces perturbations to the original texts that hardly alter the original semantics in order to trick the model into making different predictions. By studying textual adversarial attack methods, the robustness of language models can be evaluated and then improved. Currently, most of the research in this field focuses on English, and there is also a certain amount of research on Chinese. However, there is little research targeting Chinese minority languages. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology and the emergence of Chinese minority language models, textual adversarial attacks become a new challenge for the information processing of Chinese minority languages. In response to this situation, we propose a multi-granularity Tibetan textual adversarial attack method based on masked language models called TSTricker. We utilize the masked language models to generate candidate substitution syllables or words, adopt the scoring mechanism to determine the substitution order, and then conduct the attack method on several fine-tuned victim models. The experimental results show that TSTricker reduces the accuracy of the classification models by more than 28.70% and makes the classification models change the predictions of more than 90.60% of the samples, which has an evidently higher attack effect than the baseline method. Pay Attention to the Robustness of Chinese Minority Language Models! Syllable-level Textual Adversarial Attack on Tibetan Script. (98%) Xi Cao; Dolma Dawa; Nuo Qun; Trashi Nyima The textual adversarial attack refers to an attack method in which the attacker adds imperceptible perturbations to the original texts by elaborate design so that the NLP (natural language processing) model produces false judgments. This method is also used to evaluate the robustness of NLP models. Currently, most of the research in this field focuses on English, and there is also a certain amount of research on Chinese. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is little research targeting Chinese minority languages. Textual adversarial attacks are a new challenge for the information processing of Chinese minority languages. In response to this situation, we propose a Tibetan syllable-level black-box textual adversarial attack called TSAttacker based on syllable cosine distance and scoring mechanism. And then, we conduct TSAttacker on six models generated by fine-tuning two PLMs (pre-trained language models) for three downstream tasks. The experiment results show that TSAttacker is effective and generates high-quality adversarial samples. In addition, the robustness of the involved models still has much room for improvement. Underload: Defending against Latency Attacks for Object Detectors on Edge Devices. (93%) Tianyi Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Wang; Zichen Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Wang; Cong Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Wang; Yuanchao Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Shu; Ruilong Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Deng; Peng Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Cheng; Jiming Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China Chen Object detection is a fundamental enabler for many real-time downstream applications such as autonomous driving, augmented reality and supply chain management. However, the algorithmic backbone of neural networks is brittle to imperceptible perturbations in the system inputs, which were generally known as misclassifying attacks. By targeting the real-time processing capability, a new class of latency attacks are reported recently. They exploit new attack surfaces in object detectors by creating a computational bottleneck in the post-processing module, that leads to cascading failure and puts the real-time downstream tasks at risks. In this work, we take an initial attempt to defend against this attack via background-attentive adversarial training that is also cognizant of the underlying hardware capabilities. We first draw system-level connections between latency attack and hardware capacity across heterogeneous GPU devices. Based on the particular adversarial behaviors, we utilize objectness loss as a proxy and build background attention into the adversarial training pipeline, and achieve a reasonable balance between clean and robust accuracy. The extensive experiments demonstrate the defense effectiveness of restoring real-time processing capability from $13$ FPS to $43$ FPS on Jetson Orin NX, with a better trade-off between the clean and robust accuracy. Hijacking Vision-and-Language Navigation Agents with Adversarial Environmental Attacks. (80%) Zijiao Yang; Xiangxi Shi; Eric Slyman; Stefan Lee Assistive embodied agents that can be instructed in natural language to perform tasks in open-world environments have the potential to significantly impact labor tasks like manufacturing or in-home care -- benefiting the lives of those who come to depend on them. In this work, we consider how this benefit might be hijacked by local modifications in the appearance of the agent's operating environment. Specifically, we take the popular Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) task as a representative setting and develop a whitebox adversarial attack that optimizes a 3D attack object's appearance to induce desired behaviors in pretrained VLN agents that observe it in the environment. We demonstrate that the proposed attack can cause VLN agents to ignore their instructions and execute alternative actions after encountering the attack object -- even for instructions and agent paths not considered when optimizing the attack. For these novel settings, we find our attacks can induce early-termination behaviors or divert an agent along an attacker-defined multi-step trajectory. Under both conditions, environmental attacks significantly reduce agent capabilities to successfully follow user instructions. TSCheater: Generating High-Quality Tibetan Adversarial Texts via Visual Similarity. (76%) Xi Cao; Quzong Gesang; Yuan Sun; Nuo Qun; Tashi Nyima Language models based on deep neural networks are vulnerable to textual adversarial attacks. While rich-resource languages like English are receiving focused attention, Tibetan, a cross-border language, is gradually being studied due to its abundant ancient literature and critical language strategy. Currently, there are several Tibetan adversarial text generation methods, but they do not fully consider the textual features of Tibetan script and overestimate the quality of generated adversarial texts. To address this issue, we propose a novel Tibetan adversarial text generation method called TSCheater, which considers the characteristic of Tibetan encoding and the feature that visually similar syllables have similar semantics. This method can also be transferred to other abugidas, such as Devanagari script. We utilize a self-constructed Tibetan syllable visual similarity database called TSVSDB to generate substitution candidates and adopt a greedy algorithm-based scoring mechanism to determine substitution order. After that, we conduct the method on eight victim language models. Experimentally, TSCheater outperforms existing methods in attack effectiveness, perturbation magnitude, semantic similarity, visual similarity, and human acceptance. Finally, we construct the first Tibetan adversarial robustness evaluation benchmark called AdvTS, which is generated by existing methods and proofread by humans. The Efficacy of Transfer-based No-box Attacks on Image Watermarking: A Pragmatic Analysis. (61%) Qilong Wu; Varun Chandrasekaran Watermarking approaches are widely used to identify if images being circulated are authentic or AI-generated. Determining the robustness of image watermarking methods in the ``no-box'' setting, where the attacker is assumed to have no knowledge about the watermarking model, is an interesting problem. Our main finding is that evading the no-box setting is challenging: the success of optimization-based transfer attacks (involving training surrogate models) proposed in prior work~\cite{hu2024transfer} depends on impractical assumptions, including (i) aligning the architecture and training configurations of both the victim and attacker's surrogate watermarking models, as well as (ii) a large number of surrogate models with potentially large computational requirements. Relaxing these assumptions i.e., moving to a more pragmatic threat model results in a failed attack, with an evasion rate at most $21.1\%$. We show that when the configuration is mostly aligned, a simple non-optimization attack we propose, OFT, with one single surrogate model can already exceed the success of optimization-based efforts. Under the same $\ell_\infty$ norm perturbation budget of $0.25$, prior work~\citet{hu2024transfer} is comparable to or worse than OFT in $11$ out of $12$ configurations and has a limited advantage on the remaining one. The code used for all our experiments is available at \url{}. Defending Against Diverse Attacks in Federated Learning Through Consensus-Based Bi-Level Optimization. (22%) Nicolás García Trillos; Aditya Kumar Akash; Sixu Li; Konstantin Riedl; Yuhua Zhu Adversarial attacks pose significant challenges in many machine learning applications, particularly in the setting of distributed training and federated learning, where malicious agents seek to corrupt the training process with the goal of jeopardizing and compromising the performance and reliability of the final models. In this paper, we address the problem of robust federated learning in the presence of such attacks by formulating the training task as a bi-level optimization problem. We conduct a theoretical analysis of the resilience of consensus-based bi-level optimization (CB$^2$O), an interacting multi-particle metaheuristic optimization method, in adversarial settings. Specifically, we provide a global convergence analysis of CB$^2$O in mean-field law in the presence of malicious agents, demonstrating the robustness of CB$^2$O against a diverse range of attacks. Thereby, we offer insights into how specific hyperparameter choices enable to mitigate adversarial effects. On the practical side, we extend CB$^2$O to the clustered federated learning setting by proposing FedCB$^2$O, a novel interacting multi-particle system, and design a practical algorithm that addresses the demands of real-world applications. Extensive experiments demonstrate the robustness of the FedCB$^2$O algorithm against label-flipping attacks in decentralized clustered federated learning scenarios, showcasing its effectiveness in practical contexts. OODFace: Benchmarking Robustness of Face Recognition under Common Corruptions and Appearance Variations. (11%) Caixin Kang; Yubo Chen; Shouwei Ruan; Shiji Zhao; Ruochen Zhang; Jiayi Wang; Shan Fu; Xingxing Wei With the rise of deep learning, facial recognition technology has seen extensive research and rapid development. Although facial recognition is considered a mature technology, we find that existing open-source models and commercial algorithms lack robustness in certain real-world Out-of-Distribution (OOD) scenarios, raising concerns about the reliability of these systems. In this paper, we introduce OODFace, which explores the OOD challenges faced by facial recognition models from two perspectives: common corruptions and appearance variations. We systematically design 30 OOD scenarios across 9 major categories tailored for facial recognition. By simulating these challenges on public datasets, we establish three robustness benchmarks: LFW-C/V, CFP-FP-C/V, and YTF-C/V. We then conduct extensive experiments on 19 different facial recognition models and 3 commercial APIs, along with extended experiments on face masks, Vision-Language Models (VLMs), and defense strategies to assess their robustness. Based on the results, we draw several key insights, highlighting the vulnerability of facial recognition systems to OOD data and suggesting possible solutions. Additionally, we offer a unified toolkit that includes all corruption and variation types, easily extendable to other datasets. We hope that our benchmarks and findings can provide guidance for future improvements in facial recognition model robustness. AdvDreamer Unveils: Are Vision-Language Models Truly Ready for Real-World 3D Variations? (3%) Shouwei Ruan; Hanqing Liu; Yao Huang; Xiaoqi Wang; Caixin Kang; Hang Su; Yinpeng Dong; Xingxing Wei Vision Language Models (VLMs) have exhibited remarkable generalization capabilities, yet their robustness in dynamic real-world scenarios remains largely unexplored. To systematically evaluate VLMs' robustness to real-world 3D variations, we propose AdvDreamer, the first framework that generates physically reproducible adversarial 3D transformation (Adv-3DT) samples from single-view images. AdvDreamer integrates advanced generative techniques with two key innovations and aims to characterize the worst-case distributions of 3D variations from natural images. To ensure adversarial effectiveness and method generality, we introduce an Inverse Semantic Probability Objective that executes adversarial optimization on fundamental vision-text alignment spaces, which can be generalizable across different VLM architectures and downstream tasks. To mitigate the distribution discrepancy between generated and real-world samples while maintaining physical reproducibility, we design a Naturalness Reward Model that provides regularization feedback during adversarial optimization, preventing convergence towards hallucinated and unnatural elements. Leveraging AdvDreamer, we establish MM3DTBench, the first VQA dataset for benchmarking VLMs' 3D variations robustness. Extensive evaluations on representative VLMs with diverse architectures highlight that 3D variations in the real world may pose severe threats to model performance across various tasks. Gracefully Filtering Backdoor Samples for Generative Large Language Models without Retraining. (2%) Zongru Wu; Pengzhou Cheng; Lingyong Fang; Zhuosheng Zhang; Gongshen Liu Backdoor attacks remain significant security threats to generative large language models (LLMs). Since generative LLMs output sequences of high-dimensional token logits instead of low-dimensional classification logits, most existing backdoor defense methods designed for discriminative models like BERT are ineffective for generative LLMs. Inspired by the observed differences in learning behavior between backdoor and clean mapping in the frequency space, we transform gradients of each training sample, directly influencing parameter updates, into the frequency space. Our findings reveal a distinct separation between the gradients of backdoor and clean samples in the frequency space. Based on this phenomenon, we propose Gradient Clustering in the Frequency Space for Backdoor Sample Filtering (GraCeFul), which leverages sample-wise gradients in the frequency space to effectively identify backdoor samples without requiring retraining LLMs. Experimental results show that GraCeFul outperforms baselines significantly. Notably, GraCeFul exhibits remarkable computational efficiency, achieving nearly 100% recall and F1 scores in identifying backdoor samples, reducing the average success rate of various backdoor attacks to 0% with negligible drops in clean accuracy across multiple free-style question answering datasets. Additionally, GraCeFul generalizes to Llama-2 and Vicuna. The codes are publicly available at GenMix: Effective Data Augmentation with Generative Diffusion Model Image Editing. (1%) Khawar Islam; Muhammad Zaigham Zaheer; Arif Mahmood; Karthik Nandakumar; Naveed Akhtar Data augmentation is widely used to enhance generalization in visual classification tasks. However, traditional methods struggle when source and target domains differ, as in domain adaptation, due to their inability to address domain gaps. This paper introduces GenMix, a generalizable prompt-guided generative data augmentation approach that enhances both in-domain and cross-domain image classification. Our technique leverages image editing to generate augmented images based on custom conditional prompts, designed specifically for each problem type. By blending portions of the input image with its edited generative counterpart and incorporating fractal patterns, our approach mitigates unrealistic images and label ambiguity, improving the performance and adversarial robustness of the resulting models. Efficacy of our method is established with extensive experiments on eight public datasets for general and fine-grained classification, in both in-domain and cross-domain settings. Additionally, we demonstrate performance improvements for self-supervised learning, learning with data scarcity, and adversarial robustness. As compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods, our technique achieves stronger performance across the board. Traversing the Subspace of Adversarial Patches. (83%) Jens Bayer; Stefan Becker; David Münch; Michael Arens; Jürgen Beyerer Despite ongoing research on the topic of adversarial examples in deep learning for computer vision, some fundamentals of the nature of these attacks remain unclear. As the manifold hypothesis posits, high-dimensional data tends to be part of a low-dimensional manifold. To verify the thesis with adversarial patches, this paper provides an analysis of a set of adversarial patches and investigates the reconstruction abilities of three different dimensionality reduction methods. Quantitatively, the performance of reconstructed patches in an attack setting is measured and the impact of sampled patches from the latent space during adversarial training is investigated. The evaluation is performed on two publicly available datasets for person detection. The results indicate that more sophisticated dimensionality reduction methods offer no advantages over a simple principal component analysis. DiffPatch: Generating Customizable Adversarial Patches using Diffusion Model. (82%) Zhixiang Wang; Guangnan Ye; Xiaosen Wang; Siheng Chen; Zhibo Wang; Xingjun Ma; Yu-Gang Jiang Physical adversarial patches printed on clothing can easily allow individuals to evade person detectors. However, most existing adversarial patch generation methods prioritize attack effectiveness over stealthiness, resulting in patches that are aesthetically unpleasing. Although existing methods using generative adversarial networks or diffusion models can produce more natural-looking patches, they often struggle to balance stealthiness with attack effectiveness and lack flexibility for user customization. To address these challenges, we propose a novel diffusion-based customizable patch generation framework termed DiffPatch, specifically tailored for creating naturalistic and customizable adversarial patches. Our approach enables users to utilize a reference image as the source, rather than starting from random noise, and incorporates masks to craft naturalistic patches of various shapes, not limited to squares. To prevent the original semantics from being lost during the diffusion process, we employ Null-text inversion to map random noise samples to a single input image and generate patches through Incomplete Diffusion Optimization (IDO). Notably, while maintaining a natural appearance, our method achieves a comparable attack performance to state-of-the-art non-naturalistic patches when using similarly sized attacks. Using DiffPatch, we have created a physical adversarial T-shirt dataset, AdvPatch-1K, specifically targeting YOLOv5s. This dataset includes over a thousand images across diverse scenarios, validating the effectiveness of our attack in real-world environments. Moreover, it provides a valuable resource for future research. Exploring the Robustness of AI-Driven Tools in Digital Forensics: A Preliminary Study. (74%) Silvia Lucia Sanna; Leonardo Regano; Davide Maiorca; Giorgio Giacinto Nowadays, many tools are used to facilitate forensic tasks about data extraction and data analysis. In particular, some tools leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically label examined data into specific categories (\ie, drugs, weapons, nudity). However, this raises a serious concern about the robustness of the employed AI algorithms against adversarial attacks. Indeed, some people may need to hide specific data to AI-based digital forensics tools, thus manipulating the content so that the AI system does not recognize the offensive/prohibited content and marks it at as suspicious to the analyst. This could be seen as an anti-forensics attack scenario. For this reason, we analyzed two of the most important forensics tools employing AI for data classification: Magnet AI, used by Magnet Axiom, and Excire Photo AI, used by X-Ways Forensics. We made preliminary tests using about $200$ images, other $100$ sent in $3$ chats about pornography and teenage nudity, drugs and weapons to understand how the tools label them. Moreover, we loaded some deepfake images (images generated by AI forging real ones) of some actors to understand if they would be classified in the same category as the original images. From our preliminary study, we saw that the AI algorithm is not robust enough, as we expected since these topics are still open research problems. For example, some sexual images were not categorized as nudity, and some deepfakes were categorized as the same real person, while the human eye can see the clear nudity image or catch the difference between the deepfakes. Building on these results and other state-of-the-art works, we provide some suggestions for improving how digital forensics analysis tool leverage AI and their robustness against adversarial attacks or different scenarios than the trained one. Adversarial Sample-Based Approach for Tighter Privacy Auditing in Final Model-Only Scenarios. (69%) Sangyeon Yoon; Wonje Jeung; Albert No Auditing Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) in the final model setting is challenging and often results in empirical lower bounds that are significantly looser than theoretical privacy guarantees. We introduce a novel auditing method that achieves tighter empirical lower bounds without additional assumptions by crafting worst-case adversarial samples through loss-based input-space auditing. Our approach surpasses traditional canary-based heuristics and is effective in both white-box and black-box scenarios. Specifically, with a theoretical privacy budget of $\varepsilon = 10.0$, our method achieves empirical lower bounds of $6.68$ in white-box settings and $4.51$ in black-box settings, compared to the baseline of $4.11$ for MNIST. Moreover, we demonstrate that significant privacy auditing results can be achieved using in-distribution (ID) samples as canaries, obtaining an empirical lower bound of $4.33$ where traditional methods produce near-zero leakage detection. Our work offers a practical framework for reliable and accurate privacy auditing in differentially private machine learning. Robust and Transferable Backdoor Attacks Against Deep Image Compression With Selective Frequency Prior. (67%) Yi Yu; Yufei Wang; Wenhan Yang; Lanqing Guo; Shijian Lu; Ling-Yu Duan; Yap-Peng Tan; Alex C. Kot Recent advancements in deep learning-based compression techniques have surpassed traditional methods. However, deep neural networks remain vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where pre-defined triggers induce malicious behaviors. This paper introduces a novel frequency-based trigger injection model for launching backdoor attacks with multiple triggers on learned image compression models. Inspired by the widely used DCT in compression codecs, triggers are embedded in the DCT domain. We design attack objectives tailored to diverse scenarios, including: 1) degrading compression quality in terms of bit-rate and reconstruction accuracy; 2) targeting task-driven measures like face recognition and semantic segmentation. To improve training efficiency, we propose a dynamic loss function that balances loss terms with fewer hyper-parameters, optimizing attack objectives effectively. For advanced scenarios, we evaluate the attack's resistance to defensive preprocessing and propose a two-stage training schedule with robust frequency selection to enhance resilience. To improve cross-model and cross-domain transferability for downstream tasks, we adjust the classification boundary in the attack loss during training. Experiments show that our trigger injection models, combined with minor modifications to encoder parameters, successfully inject multiple backdoors and their triggers into a single compression model, demonstrating strong performance and versatility. (*Due to the notification of arXiv "The Abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the appeared Abstract is shortened. For the full Abstract, please download the Article.) Adversarial Attacks on Hyperbolic Networks. (26%) Spengler Max van; Jan Zahálka; Pascal Mettes As hyperbolic deep learning grows in popularity, so does the need for adversarial robustness in the context of such a non-Euclidean geometry. To this end, this paper proposes hyperbolic alternatives to the commonly used FGM and PGD adversarial attacks. Through interpretable synthetic benchmarks and experiments on existing datasets, we show how the existing and newly proposed attacks differ. Moreover, we investigate the differences in adversarial robustness between Euclidean and fully hyperbolic networks. We find that these networks suffer from different types of vulnerabilities and that the newly proposed hyperbolic attacks cannot address these differences. Therefore, we conclude that the shifts in adversarial robustness are due to the models learning distinct patterns resulting from their different geometries. Compromising the Intelligence of Modern DNNs: On the Effectiveness of Targeted RowPress. (13%) Ranyang Zhou; Jacqueline T. Liu; Sabbir Ahmed; Shaahin Angizi; Adnan Siraj Rakin Recent advancements in side-channel attacks have revealed the vulnerability of modern Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to malicious adversarial weight attacks. The well-studied RowHammer attack has effectively compromised DNN performance by inducing precise and deterministic bit-flips in the main memory (e.g., DRAM). Similarly, RowPress has emerged as another effective strategy for flipping targeted bits in DRAM. However, the impact of RowPress on deep learning applications has yet to be explored in the existing literature, leaving a fundamental research question unanswered: How does RowPress compare to RowHammer in leveraging bit-flip attacks to compromise DNN performance? This paper is the first to address this question and evaluate the impact of RowPress on DNN applications. We conduct a comparative analysis utilizing a novel DRAM-profile-aware attack designed to capture the distinct bit-flip patterns caused by RowHammer and RowPress. Eleven widely-used DNN architectures trained on different benchmark datasets deployed on a Samsung DRAM chip conclusively demonstrate that they suffer from a drastically more rapid performance degradation under the RowPress attack compared to RowHammer. The difference in the underlying attack mechanism of RowHammer and RowPress also renders existing RowHammer mitigation mechanisms ineffective under RowPress. As a result, RowPress introduces a new vulnerability paradigm for DNN compute platforms and unveils the urgent need for corresponding protective measures. CopyrightShield: Spatial Similarity Guided Backdoor Defense against Copyright Infringement in Diffusion Models. (10%) Zhixiang Guo; Siyuan Liang; Aishan Liu; Dacheng Tao The diffusion model has gained significant attention due to its remarkable data generation ability in fields such as image synthesis. However, its strong memorization and replication abilities with respect to the training data also make it a prime target for copyright infringement attacks. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the spatial similarity of replication in diffusion model and leverages this key characteristic to design a method for detecting poisoning data. By employing a joint assessment of spatial-level and feature-level information from the detected segments, we effectively identify covertly dispersed poisoned samples. Building upon detected poisoning data, we propose a novel defense method specifically targeting copyright infringement attacks by introducing a protection constraint term into the loss function to mitigate the impact of poisoning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves an average F1 score of 0.709 in detecting copyright infringement backdoors, resulting in an average increase of 68.1% in First-Attack Epoch (FAE) and an average decrease of 51.4% in Copyright Infringement Rate (CIR) of the poisoned model, effectively defending against copyright infringement. Additionally, we introduce the concept of copyright feature inversion, which aids in determining copyright responsibility and expands the application scenarios of defense strategies. R.I.P.: A Simple Black-box Attack on Continual Test-time Adaptation. (5%) Trung-Hieu Hoang; Duc Minh Vo; Minh N. Do Test-time adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a promising solution to tackle the continual domain shift in machine learning by allowing model parameters to change at test time, via self-supervised learning on unlabeled testing data. At the same time, it unfortunately opens the door to unforeseen vulnerabilities for degradation over time. Through a simple theoretical continual TTA model, we successfully identify a risk in the sampling process of testing data that could easily degrade the performance of a continual TTA model. We name this risk as Reusing of Incorrect Prediction (RIP) that TTA attackers can employ or as a result of the unintended query from general TTA users. The risk posed by RIP is also highly realistic, as it does not require prior knowledge of model parameters or modification of testing samples. This simple requirement makes RIP as the first black-box TTA attack algorithm that stands out from existing white-box attempts. We extensively benchmark the performance of the most recent continual TTA approaches when facing the RIP attack, providing insights on its success, and laying out potential roadmaps that could enhance the resilience of future continual TTA systems. Reactive Synthesis of Sensor Revealing Strategies in Hypergames on Graphs. (1%) Sumukha Udupa; Ahmed Hemida; Charles A. Kamhoua; Jie Fu In many security applications of cyber-physical systems, a system designer must guarantee that critical missions are satisfied against attacks in the sensors and actuators of the CPS. Traditional security design of CPSs often assume that attackers have complete knowledge of the system. In this article, we introduce a class of deception techniques and study how to leverage asymmetric information created by deception to strengthen CPS security. Consider an adversarial interaction between a CPS defender and an attacker, who can perform sensor jamming attacks. To mitigate such attacks, the defender introduces asymmetrical information by deploying a "hidden sensor," whose presence is initially undisclosed but can be revealed if queried. We introduce hypergames on graphs to model this game with asymmetric information. Building on the solution concept called subjective rationalizable strategies in hypergames, we identify two stages in the game: An initial game stage where the defender commits to a strategy perceived rationalizable by the attacker until he deviates from the equilibrium in the attacker's perceptual game; Upon the deviation, a delay-attack game stage starts where the defender plays against the attacker, who has a bounded delay in attacking the sensor being revealed. Based on backward induction, we develop an algorithm that determines, for any given state, if the defender can benefit from hiding a sensor and revealing it later. If the answer is affirmative, the algorithm outputs a sensor revealing strategy to determine when to reveal the sensor during dynamic interactions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our deceptive strategies through two case studies related to CPS security applications. Precision Profile Pollution Attack on Sequential Recommenders via Influence Function. (1%) Xiaoyu Du; Yingying Chen; Yang Zhang; Jinhui Tang Sequential recommendation approaches have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in modeling user preferences. Nevertheless, they are susceptible to profile pollution attacks (PPA), wherein items are introduced into a user's interaction history deliberately to influence the recommendation list. Since retraining the model for each polluted item is time-consuming, recent PPAs estimate item influence based on gradient directions to identify the most effective attack candidates. However, the actual item representations diverge significantly from the gradients, resulting in disparate outcomes.To tackle this challenge, we introduce an INFluence Function-based Attack approach INFAttack that offers a more accurate estimation of the influence of polluting items. Specifically, we calculate the modifications to the original model using the influence function when generating polluted sequences by introducing specific items. Subsequently, we choose the sequence that has been most significantly influenced to substitute the original sequence, thus promoting the target item. Comprehensive experiments conducted on five real-world datasets illustrate that INFAttack surpasses all baseline methods and consistently delivers stable attack performance for both popular and unpopular items. Intermediate Outputs Are More Sensitive Than You Think. (61%) Tao Huang; Qingyu Huang; Jiayang Meng The increasing reliance on deep computer vision models that process sensitive data has raised significant privacy concerns, particularly regarding the exposure of intermediate results in hidden layers. While traditional privacy risk assessment techniques focus on protecting overall model outputs, they often overlook vulnerabilities within these intermediate representations. Current privacy risk assessment techniques typically rely on specific attack simulations to assess risk, which can be computationally expensive and incomplete. This paper introduces a novel approach to measuring privacy risks in deep computer vision models based on the Degrees of Freedom (DoF) and sensitivity of intermediate outputs, without requiring adversarial attack simulations. We propose a framework that leverages DoF to evaluate the amount of information retained in each layer and combines this with the rank of the Jacobian matrix to assess sensitivity to input variations. This dual analysis enables systematic measurement of privacy risks at various model layers. Our experimental validation on real-world datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach in providing deeper insights into privacy risks associated with intermediate representations. Hiding Faces in Plain Sight: Defending DeepFakes by Disrupting Face Detection. (16%) Delong Zhu; Yuezun Li; Baoyuan Wu; Jiaran Zhou; Zhibo Wang; Siwei Lyu This paper investigates the feasibility of a proactive DeepFake defense framework, {\em FacePosion}, to prevent individuals from becoming victims of DeepFake videos by sabotaging face detection. The motivation stems from the reliance of most DeepFake methods on face detectors to automatically extract victim faces from videos for training or synthesis (testing). Once the face detectors malfunction, the extracted faces will be distorted or incorrect, subsequently disrupting the training or synthesis of the DeepFake model. To achieve this, we adapt various adversarial attacks with a dedicated design for this purpose and thoroughly analyze their feasibility. Based on FacePoison, we introduce {\em VideoFacePoison}, a strategy that propagates FacePoison across video frames rather than applying them individually to each frame. This strategy can largely reduce the computational overhead while retaining the favorable attack performance. Our method is validated on five face detectors, and extensive experiments against eleven different DeepFake models demonstrate the effectiveness of disrupting face detectors to hinder DeepFake generation. Online Poisoning Attack Against Reinforcement Learning under Black-box Environments. (11%) Jianhui Li; Bokang Zhang; Junfeng Wu This paper proposes an online environment poisoning algorithm tailored for reinforcement learning agents operating in a black-box setting, where an adversary deliberately manipulates training data to lead the agent toward a mischievous policy. In contrast to prior studies that primarily investigate white-box settings, we focus on a scenario characterized by \textit{unknown} environment dynamics to the attacker and a \textit{flexible} reinforcement learning algorithm employed by the targeted agent. We first propose an attack scheme that is capable of poisoning the reward functions and state transitions. The poisoning task is formalized as a constrained optimization problem, following the framework of \cite{ma2019policy}. Given the transition probabilities are unknown to the attacker in a black-box environment, we apply a stochastic gradient descent algorithm, where the exact gradients are approximated using sample-based estimates. A penalty-based method along with a bilevel reformulation is then employed to transform the problem into an unconstrained counterpart and to circumvent the double-sampling issue. The algorithm's effectiveness is validated through a maze environment. Hard-Label Black-Box Attacks on 3D Point Clouds. (99%) Daizong Liu; Yunbo Tao; Pan Zhou; Wei Hu With the maturity of depth sensors in various 3D safety-critical applications, 3D point cloud models have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Almost all existing 3D attackers simply follow the white-box or black-box setting to iteratively update coordinate perturbations based on back-propagated or estimated gradients. However, these methods are hard to deploy in real-world scenarios (no model details are provided) as they severely rely on parameters or output logits of victim models. To this end, we propose point cloud attacks from a more practical setting, i.e., hard-label black-box attack, in which attackers can only access the prediction label of 3D input. We introduce a novel 3D attack method based on a new spectrum-aware decision boundary algorithm to generate high-quality adversarial samples. In particular, we first construct a class-aware model decision boundary, by developing a learnable spectrum-fusion strategy to adaptively fuse point clouds of different classes in the spectral domain, aiming to craft their intermediate samples without distorting the original geometry. Then, we devise an iterative coordinate-spectrum optimization method with curvature-aware boundary search to move the intermediate sample along the decision boundary for generating adversarial point clouds with trivial perturbations. Experiments demonstrate that our attack competitively outperforms existing white/black-box attackers in terms of attack performance and adversary quality. Exposing LLM Vulnerabilities: Adversarial Scam Detection and Performance. (69%) Chen-Wei Chang; Shailik Sarkar; Shutonu Mitra; Qi Zhang; Hossein Salemi; Hemant Purohit; Fengxiu Zhang; Michin Hong; Jin-Hee Cho; Chang-Tien Lu Can we trust Large Language Models (LLMs) to accurately predict scam? This paper investigates the vulnerabilities of LLMs when facing adversarial scam messages for the task of scam detection. We addressed this issue by creating a comprehensive dataset with fine-grained labels of scam messages, including both original and adversarial scam messages. The dataset extended traditional binary classes for the scam detection task into more nuanced scam types. Our analysis showed how adversarial examples took advantage of vulnerabilities of a LLM, leading to high misclassification rate. We evaluated the performance of LLMs on these adversarial scam messages and proposed strategies to improve their robustness. Exact Certification of (Graph) Neural Networks Against Label Poisoning. (22%) Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam; Lukas Gosch; Stephan Günnemann; Debarghya Ghoshdastidar Machine learning models are highly vulnerable to label flipping, i.e., the adversarial modification (poisoning) of training labels to compromise performance. Thus, deriving robustness certificates is important to guarantee that test predictions remain unaffected and to understand worst-case robustness behavior. However, for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), the problem of certifying label flipping has so far been unsolved. We change this by introducing an exact certification method, deriving both sample-wise and collective certificates. Our method leverages the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK) to capture the training dynamics of wide networks enabling us to reformulate the bilevel optimization problem representing label flipping into a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP). We apply our method to certify a broad range of GNN architectures in node classification tasks. Thereby, concerning the worst-case robustness to label flipping: $(i)$ we establish hierarchies of GNNs on different benchmark graphs; $(ii)$ quantify the effect of architectural choices such as activations, depth and skip-connections; and surprisingly, $(iii)$ uncover a novel phenomenon of the robustness plateauing for intermediate perturbation budgets across all investigated datasets and architectures. While we focus on GNNs, our certificates are applicable to sufficiently wide NNs in general through their NTK. Thus, our work presents the first exact certificate to a poisoning attack ever derived for neural networks, which could be of independent interest. Jailbreak Large Vision-Language Models Through Multi-Modal Linkage. (12%) Yu Wang; Xiaofei Zhou; Yichen Wang; Geyuan Zhang; Tianxing He With the significant advancement of Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs), concerns about their potential misuse and abuse have grown rapidly. Previous studies have highlighted VLMs' vulnerability to jailbreak attacks, where carefully crafted inputs can lead the model to produce content that violates ethical and legal standards. However, existing methods struggle against state-of-the-art VLMs like GPT-4o, due to the over-exposure of harmful content and lack of stealthy malicious guidance. In this work, we propose a novel jailbreak attack framework: Multi-Modal Linkage (MML) Attack. Drawing inspiration from cryptography, MML utilizes an encryption-decryption process across text and image modalities to mitigate over-exposure of malicious information. To align the model's output with malicious intent covertly, MML employs a technique called "evil alignment", framing the attack within a video game production scenario. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate MML's effectiveness. Specifically, MML jailbreaks GPT-4o with attack success rates of 97.80% on SafeBench, 98.81% on MM-SafeBench and 99.07% on HADES-Dataset. Our code is available at Towards Class-wise Robustness Analysis. (99%) Tejaswini Medi; Julia Grabinski; Margret Keuper While being very successful in solving many downstream tasks, the application of deep neural networks is limited in real-life scenarios because of their susceptibility to domain shifts such as common corruptions, and adversarial attacks. The existence of adversarial examples and data corruption significantly reduces the performance of deep classification models. Researchers have made strides in developing robust neural architectures to bolster decisions of deep classifiers. However, most of these works rely on effective adversarial training methods, and predominantly focus on overall model robustness, disregarding class-wise differences in robustness, which are critical. Exploiting weakly robust classes is a potential avenue for attackers to fool the image recognition models. Therefore, this study investigates class-to-class biases across adversarially trained robust classification models to understand their latent space structures and analyze their strong and weak class-wise properties. We further assess the robustness of classes against common corruptions and adversarial attacks, recognizing that class vulnerability extends beyond the number of correct classifications for a specific class. We find that the number of false positives of classes as specific target classes significantly impacts their vulnerability to attacks. Through our analysis on the Class False Positive Score, we assess a fair evaluation of how susceptible each class is to misclassification. FLARE: Towards Universal Dataset Purification against Backdoor Attacks. (81%) Linshan Hou; Wei Luo; Zhongyun Hua; Songhua Chen; Leo Yu Zhang; Yiming Li Deep neural networks (DNNs) are susceptible to backdoor attacks, where adversaries poison datasets with adversary-specified triggers to implant hidden backdoors, enabling malicious manipulation of model predictions. Dataset purification serves as a proactive defense by removing malicious training samples to prevent backdoor injection at its source. We first reveal that the current advanced purification methods rely on a latent assumption that the backdoor connections between triggers and target labels in backdoor attacks are simpler to learn than the benign features. We demonstrate that this assumption, however, does not always hold, especially in all-to-all (A2A) and untargeted (UT) attacks. As a result, purification methods that analyze the separation between the poisoned and benign samples in the input-output space or the final hidden layer space are less effective. We observe that this separability is not confined to a single layer but varies across different hidden layers. Motivated by this understanding, we propose FLARE, a universal purification method to counter various backdoor attacks. FLARE aggregates abnormal activations from all hidden layers to construct representations for clustering. To enhance separation, FLARE develops an adaptive subspace selection algorithm to isolate the optimal space for dividing an entire dataset into two clusters. FLARE assesses the stability of each cluster and identifies the cluster with higher stability as poisoned. Extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of FLARE against 22 representative backdoor attacks, including all-to-one (A2O), all-to-all (A2A), and untargeted (UT) attacks, and its robustness to adaptive attacks. Robust Table Integration in Data Lakes. (56%) Daomin Ji; Hui Luo; Zhifeng Bao; Shane Culpepper In this paper, we investigate the challenge of integrating tables from data lakes, focusing on three core tasks: 1) pairwise integrability judgment, which determines whether a tuple pair in a table is integrable, accounting for any occurrences of semantic equivalence or typographical errors; 2) integrable set discovery, which aims to identify all integrable sets in a table based on pairwise integrability judgments established in the first task; 3) multi-tuple conflict resolution, which resolves conflicts among multiple tuples during integration. We train a binary classifier to address the task of pairwise integrability judgment. Given the scarcity of labeled data, we propose a self-supervised adversarial contrastive learning algorithm to perform classification, which incorporates data augmentation methods and adversarial examples to autonomously generate new training data. Upon the output of pairwise integrability judgment, each integrable set is considered as a community, a densely connected sub-graph where nodes and edges correspond to tuples in the table and their pairwise integrability, respectively. We proceed to investigate various community detection algorithms to address the integrable set discovery objective. Moving forward to tackle multi-tuple conflict resolution, we introduce an novel in-context learning methodology. This approach capitalizes on the knowledge embedded within pretrained large language models to effectively resolve conflicts that arise when integrating multiple tuples. Notably, our method minimizes the need for annotated data. Since no suitable test collections are available for our tasks, we develop our own benchmarks using two real-word dataset repositories: Real and Join. We conduct extensive experiments on these benchmarks to validate the robustness and applicability of our methodologies in the context of integrating tables within data lakes. On the Adversarial Robustness of Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models for Code. (38%) Md Imran Hossen; Xiali Hei The advent of instruction-tuned Large Language Models designed for coding tasks (Code LLMs) has transformed software engineering practices. However, their robustness against various input challenges remains a critical concern. This study introduces DegradePrompter, a novel method designed to systematically evaluate the robustness of instruction-tuned Code LLMs. We assess the impact of diverse input challenges on the functionality and correctness of generated code using rigorous metrics and established benchmarks. Our comprehensive evaluation includes five state-of-the-art open-source models and three production-grade closed-source models, revealing varying degrees of robustness. Open-source models demonstrate an increased susceptibility to input perturbations, resulting in declines in functional correctness ranging from 12% to 34%. In contrast, commercial models demonstrate relatively greater resilience, with performance degradation ranging from 3% to 24%. To enhance the robustness of the models against these vulnerabilities, we investigate a straightforward yet effective mitigation strategy. Our findings highlight the need for robust defense mechanisms and comprehensive evaluations during both the development and deployment phases to ensure the resilience and reliability of automated code generation systems. Parallel Stacked Aggregated Network for Voice Authentication in IoT-Enabled Smart Devices. (10%) Awais Khan; Ijaz Ul Haq; Khalid Mahmood Malik Voice authentication on IoT-enabled smart devices has gained prominence in recent years due to increasing concerns over user privacy and security. The current authentication systems are vulnerable to different voice-spoofing attacks (e.g., replay, voice cloning, and audio deepfakes) that mimic legitimate voices to deceive authentication systems and enable fraudulent activities (e.g., impersonation, unauthorized access, financial fraud, etc.). Existing solutions are often designed to tackle a single type of attack, leading to compromised performance against unseen attacks. On the other hand, existing unified voice anti-spoofing solutions, not designed specifically for IoT, possess complex architectures and thus cannot be deployed on IoT-enabled smart devices. Additionally, most of these unified solutions exhibit significant performance issues, including higher equal error rates or lower accuracy for specific attacks. To overcome these issues, we present the parallel stacked aggregation network (PSA-Net), a lightweight framework designed as an anti-spoofing defense system for voice-controlled smart IoT devices. The PSA-Net processes raw audios directly and eliminates the need for dataset-dependent handcrafted features or pre-computed spectrograms. Furthermore, PSA-Net employs a split-transform-aggregate approach, which involves the segmentation of utterances, the extraction of intrinsic differentiable embeddings through convolutions, and the aggregation of them to distinguish legitimate from spoofed audios. In contrast to existing deep Resnet-oriented solutions, we incorporate cardinality as an additional dimension in our network, which enhances the PSA-Net ability to generalize across diverse attacks. The results show that the PSA-Net achieves more consistent performance for different attacks that exist in current anti-spoofing solutions. Fusing Physics-Driven Strategies and Cross-Modal Adversarial Learning: Toward Multi-Domain Applications. (1%) Hana Satou; Alan Mitkiy The convergence of cross-modal adversarial learning and physics-driven methods represents a cutting-edge direction for tackling challenges in complex multi-modal tasks and scientific computing. This review focuses on systematically analyzing how these two approaches can be synergistically integrated to enhance performance and robustness across diverse application domains. By addressing key obstacles such as modality discrepancies, limited data availability, and insufficient model robustness, this paper highlights the role of physics-based optimization frameworks in facilitating efficient and interpretable adversarial perturbation generation. The review also explores significant advancements in cross-modal adversarial learning, including applications in tasks such as image cross-modal retrieval (e.g., infrared and RGB matching), scientific computing (e.g., solving partial differential equations), and optimization under physical consistency constraints in vision systems. By examining theoretical foundations and experimental outcomes, this study demonstrates the potential of combining these approaches to handle complex scenarios and improve the security of multi-modal systems. Finally, we outline future directions, proposing a novel framework that unifies physical principles with adversarial optimization, providing a pathway for researchers to develop robust and adaptable cross-modal learning methods with both theoretical and practical significance. SURE-VQA: Systematic Understanding of Robustness Evaluation in Medical VQA Tasks. (1%) Kim-Celine Kahl; Selen Erkan; Jeremias Traub; Carsten T. Lüth; Klaus Maier-Hein; Lena Maier-Hein; Paul F. Jaeger Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have great potential in medical tasks, like Visual Question Answering (VQA), where they could act as interactive assistants for both patients and clinicians. Yet their robustness to distribution shifts on unseen data remains a critical concern for safe deployment. Evaluating such robustness requires a controlled experimental setup that allows for systematic insights into the model's behavior. However, we demonstrate that current setups fail to offer sufficiently thorough evaluations, limiting their ability to accurately assess model robustness. To address this gap, our work introduces a novel framework, called SURE-VQA, centered around three key requirements to overcome the current pitfalls and systematically analyze the robustness of VLMs: 1) Since robustness on synthetic shifts does not necessarily translate to real-world shifts, robustness should be measured on real-world shifts that are inherent to the VQA data; 2) Traditional token-matching metrics often fail to capture underlying semantics, necessitating the use of large language models (LLMs) for more accurate semantic evaluation; 3) Model performance often lacks interpretability due to missing sanity baselines, thus meaningful baselines should be reported that allow assessing the multimodal impact on the VLM. To demonstrate the relevance of this framework, we conduct a study on the robustness of various fine-tuning methods across three medical datasets with four different types of distribution shifts. Our study reveals several important findings: 1) Sanity baselines that do not utilize image data can perform surprisingly well; 2) We confirm LoRA as the best-performing PEFT method; 3) No PEFT method consistently outperforms others in terms of robustness to shifts. Code is provided at SceneTAP: Scene-Coherent Typographic Adversarial Planner against Vision-Language Models in Real-World Environments. (84%) Yue Cao; Yun Xing; Jie Zhang; Di Lin; Tianwei Zhang; Ivor Tsang; Yang Liu; Qing Guo Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in interpreting visual content. While existing works demonstrate these models' vulnerability to deliberately placed adversarial texts, such texts are often easily identifiable as anomalous. In this paper, we present the first approach to generate scene-coherent typographic adversarial attacks that mislead advanced LVLMs while maintaining visual naturalness through the capability of the LLM-based agent. Our approach addresses three critical questions: what adversarial text to generate, where to place it within the scene, and how to integrate it seamlessly. We propose a training-free, multi-modal LLM-driven scene-coherent typographic adversarial planning (SceneTAP) that employs a three-stage process: scene understanding, adversarial planning, and seamless integration. The SceneTAP utilizes chain-of-thought reasoning to comprehend the scene, formulate effective adversarial text, strategically plan its placement, and provide detailed instructions for natural integration within the image. This is followed by a scene-coherent TextDiffuser that executes the attack using a local diffusion mechanism. We extend our method to real-world scenarios by printing and placing generated patches in physical environments, demonstrating its practical implications. Extensive experiments show that our scene-coherent adversarial text successfully misleads state-of-the-art LVLMs, including ChatGPT-4o, even after capturing new images of physical setups. Our evaluations demonstrate a significant increase in attack success rates while maintaining visual naturalness and contextual appropriateness. This work highlights vulnerabilities in current vision-language models to sophisticated, scene-coherent adversarial attacks and provides insights into potential defense mechanisms. PEFT-as-an-Attack! Jailbreaking Language Models during Federated Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. (69%) Shenghui Li; Edith C. -H. Ngai; Fanghua Ye; Thiemo Voigt Federated Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (FedPEFT) has emerged as a promising paradigm for privacy-preserving and efficient adaptation of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) in Federated Learning (FL) settings. It preserves data privacy by keeping the data decentralized and training the model on local devices, ensuring that raw data never leaves the user's device. Moreover, the integration of PEFT methods such as LoRA significantly reduces the number of trainable parameters compared to fine-tuning the entire model, thereby minimizing communication costs and computational overhead. Despite its potential, the security implications of FedPEFT remain underexplored. This paper introduces a novel security threat to FedPEFT, termed PEFT-as-an-Attack (PaaA), which exposes how PEFT can be exploited as an attack vector to circumvent PLMs' safety alignment and generate harmful content in response to malicious prompts. Our evaluation of PaaA reveals that with less than 1% of the model's parameters set as trainable, and a small subset of clients acting maliciously, the attack achieves an approximate 80% attack success rate using representative PEFT methods such as LoRA. To mitigate this threat, we further investigate potential defense strategies, including Robust Aggregation Schemes (RASs) and Post-PEFT Safety Alignment (PPSA). However, our empirical analysis highlights the limitations of these defenses, i.e., even the most advanced RASs, such as DnC and ClippedClustering, struggle to defend against PaaA in scenarios with highly heterogeneous data distributions. Similarly, while PPSA can reduce attack success rates to below 10%, it severely degrades the model's accuracy on the target task. Our results underscore the urgent need for more effective defense mechanisms that simultaneously ensure security and maintain the performance of the FedPEFT paradigm. Random Sampling for Diffusion-based Adversarial Purification. (26%) Jiancheng Zhang; Peiran Dong; Yongyong Chen; Yin-Ping Zhao; Song Guo Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) have gained great attention in adversarial purification. Current diffusion-based works focus on designing effective condition-guided mechanisms while ignoring a fundamental problem, i.e., the original DDPM sampling is intended for stable generation, which may not be the optimal solution for adversarial purification. Inspired by the stability of the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM), we propose an opposite sampling scheme called random sampling. In brief, random sampling will sample from a random noisy space during each diffusion process, while DDPM and DDIM sampling will continuously sample from the adjacent or original noisy space. Thus, random sampling obtains more randomness and achieves stronger robustness against adversarial attacks. Correspondingly, we also introduce a novel mediator conditional guidance to guarantee the consistency of the prediction under the purified image and clean image input. To expand awareness of guided diffusion purification, we conduct a detailed evaluation with different sampling methods and our random sampling achieves an impressive improvement in multiple settings. Leveraging mediator-guided random sampling, we also establish a baseline method named DiffAP, which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in performance and defensive stability. Remarkably, under strong attack, our DiffAP even achieves a more than 20% robustness advantage with 10$\times$ sampling acceleration. Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in banking sector: opportunities and risks. (12%) Ana Kovacevic; Sonja D. Radenkovic; Dragana Nikolic The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have presented new opportunities for enhancing efficiency and economic competitiveness across various industries, espcially in banking. Machine learning (ML), as a subset of artificial intelligence, enables systems to adapt and learn from vast datasets, revolutionizing decision-making processes, fraud detection, and customer service automation. However, these innovations also introduce new challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Adversarial attacks, such as data poisoning and evasion attacks, represent critical threats to machine learning models, exploiting vulnerabilities to manipulate outcomes or compromise sensitive information. Furthermore, this study highlights the dual-use nature of AI tools, which can be used by malicious users. To address these challenges, the paper emphasizes the importance of developing machine learning models with key characteristics such as security, trust, resilience and robustness. These features are essential to mitigating risks and ensuring the secure deployment of AI technologies in banking sectors, where the protection of financial data is paramount. The findings underscore the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity frameworks and continuous improvements in defensive mechanisms. By exploring both opportunities and risks, this paper aims to guide the responsible integration of AI in the banking sector, paving the way for innovation while safeguarding against emerging threats. Understanding and Improving Training-Free AI-Generated Image Detections with Vision Foundation Models. (11%) Chung-Ting Tsai; Ching-Yun Ko; I-Hsin Chung; Yu-Chiang Frank Wang; Pin-Yu Chen The rapid advancement of generative models has introduced serious risks, including deepfake techniques for facial synthesis and editing. Traditional approaches rely on training classifiers and enhancing generalizability through various feature extraction techniques. Meanwhile, training-free detection methods address issues like limited data and overfitting by directly leveraging statistical properties from vision foundation models to distinguish between real and fake images. The current leading training-free approach, RIGID, utilizes DINOv2 sensitivity to perturbations in image space for detecting fake images, with fake image embeddings exhibiting greater sensitivity than those of real images. This observation prompts us to investigate how detection performance varies across model backbones, perturbation types, and datasets. Our experiments reveal that detection performance is closely linked to model robustness, with self-supervised (SSL) models providing more reliable representations. While Gaussian noise effectively detects general objects, it performs worse on facial images, whereas Gaussian blur is more effective due to potential frequency artifacts. To further improve detection, we introduce Contrastive Blur, which enhances performance on facial images, and MINDER (MINimum distance DetEctoR), which addresses noise type bias, balancing performance across domains. Beyond performance gains, our work offers valuable insights for both the generative and detection communities, contributing to a deeper understanding of model robustness property utilized for deepfake detection. LADDER: Multi-objective Backdoor Attack via Evolutionary Algorithm. (2%) Dazhuang Liu; Yanqi Qiao; Rui Wang; Kaitai Liang; Georgios Smaragdakis Current black-box backdoor attacks in convolutional neural networks formulate attack objective(s) as single-objective optimization problems in single domain. Designing triggers in single domain harms semantics and trigger robustness as well as introduces visual and spectral anomaly. This work proposes a multi-objective black-box backdoor attack in dual domains via evolutionary algorithm (LADDER), the first instance of achieving multiple attack objectives simultaneously by optimizing triggers without requiring prior knowledge about victim model. In particular, we formulate LADDER as a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) and solve it via multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). MOEA maintains a population of triggers with trade-offs among attack objectives and uses non-dominated sort to drive triggers toward optimal solutions. We further apply preference-based selection to MOEA to exclude impractical triggers. We state that LADDER investigates a new dual-domain perspective for trigger stealthiness by minimizing the anomaly between clean and poisoned samples in the spectral domain. Lastly, the robustness against preprocessing operations is achieved by pushing triggers to low-frequency regions. Extensive experiments comprehensively showcase that LADDER achieves attack effectiveness of at least 99%, attack robustness with 90.23% (50.09% higher than state-of-the-art attacks on average), superior natural stealthiness (1.12x to 196.74x improvement) and excellent spectral stealthiness (8.45x enhancement) as compared to current stealthy attacks by the average $l_2$-norm across 5 public datasets. Enhancing Neural Network Robustness Against Fault Injection Through Non-linear Weight Transformations. (2%) Ninnart Fuengfusin; Hakaru Tamukoh Deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) in real-world environments poses challenges due to faults that can manifest in physical hardware from radiation, aging, and temperature fluctuations. To address this, previous works have focused on protecting DNNs via activation range restriction using clipped ReLU and finding the optimal clipping threshold. However, this work instead focuses on constraining DNN weights by applying saturated activation functions (SAFs): Tanh, Arctan, and others. SAFs prevent faults from causing DNN weights to become excessively large, which can lead to model failure. These methods not only enhance the robustness of DNNs against fault injections but also improve DNN performance by a small margin. Before deployment, DNNs are trained with weights constrained by SAFs. During deployment, the weights without applied SAF are written to mediums with faults. When read, weights with faults are applied with SAFs and are used for inference. We demonstrate our proposed method across three datasets (CIFAR10, CIFAR100, ImageNet 2012) and across three datatypes (32-bit floating point (FP32), 16-bit floating point, and 8-bit fixed point). We show that our method enables FP32 ResNet18 with ImageNet 2012 to operate at a bit-error rate of 0.00001 with minor accuracy loss, while without the proposed method, the FP32 DNN only produces random guesses. Furthermore, to accelerate the training process, we demonstrate that an ImageNet 2012 pre-trained ResNet18 can be adapted to SAF by training for a few epochs with a slight improvement in Top-1 accuracy while still ensuring robustness against fault injection. Visual Adversarial Attack on Vision-Language Models for Autonomous Driving. (99%) Tianyuan Zhang; Lu Wang; Xinwei Zhang; Yitong Zhang; Boyi Jia; Siyuan Liang; Shengshan Hu; Qiang Fu; Aishan Liu; Xianglong Liu Vision-language models (VLMs) have significantly advanced autonomous driving (AD) by enhancing reasoning capabilities. However, these models remain highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. While existing research has primarily focused on general VLM attacks, the development of attacks tailored to the safety-critical AD context has been largely overlooked. In this paper, we take the first step toward designing adversarial attacks specifically targeting VLMs in AD, exposing the substantial risks these attacks pose within this critical domain. We identify two unique challenges for effective adversarial attacks on AD VLMs: the variability of textual instructions and the time-series nature of visual scenarios. To this end, we propose ADvLM, the first visual adversarial attack framework specifically designed for VLMs in AD. Our framework introduces Semantic-Invariant Induction, which uses a large language model to create a diverse prompt library of textual instructions with consistent semantic content, guided by semantic entropy. Building on this, we introduce Scenario-Associated Enhancement, an approach where attention mechanisms select key frames and perspectives within driving scenarios to optimize adversarial perturbations that generalize across the entire scenario. Extensive experiments on several AD VLMs over multiple benchmarks show that ADvLM achieves state-of-the-art attack effectiveness. Moreover, real-world attack studies further validate its applicability and potential in practice. Fall Leaf Adversarial Attack on Traffic Sign Classification. (99%) Anthony Etim; Jakub Szefer Adversarial input image perturbation attacks have emerged as a significant threat to machine learning algorithms, particularly in image classification setting. These attacks involve subtle perturbations to input images that cause neural networks to misclassify the input images, even though the images remain easily recognizable to humans. One critical area where adversarial attacks have been demonstrated is in automotive systems where traffic sign classification and recognition is critical, and where misclassified images can cause autonomous systems to take wrong actions. This work presents a new class of adversarial attacks. Unlike existing work that has focused on adversarial perturbations that leverage human-made artifacts to cause the perturbations, such as adding stickers, paint, or shining flashlights at traffic signs, this work leverages nature-made artifacts: tree leaves. By leveraging nature-made artifacts, the new class of attacks has plausible deniability: a fall leaf stuck to a street sign could come from a near-by tree, rather than be placed there by an malicious human attacker. To evaluate the new class of the adversarial input image perturbation attacks, this work analyses how fall leaves can cause misclassification in street signs. The work evaluates various leaves from different species of trees, and considers various parameters such as size, color due to tree leaf type, and rotation. The work demonstrates high success rate for misclassification. The work also explores the correlation between successful attacks and how they affect the edge detection, which is critical in many image classification algorithms. Immune: Improving Safety Against Jailbreaks in Multi-modal LLMs via Inference-Time Alignment. (67%) Soumya Suvra Ghosal; Souradip Chakraborty; Vaibhav Singh; Tianrui Guan; Mengdi Wang; Ahmad Beirami; Furong Huang; Alvaro Velasquez; Dinesh Manocha; Amrit Singh Bedi With the widespread deployment of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) for visual-reasoning tasks, improving their safety has become crucial. Recent research indicates that despite training-time safety alignment, these models remain vulnerable to jailbreak attacks. In this work, we first highlight an important safety gap to describe that alignment achieved solely through safety training may be insufficient against jailbreak attacks. To address this vulnerability, we propose Immune, an inference-time defense framework that leverages a safe reward model through controlled decoding to defend against jailbreak attacks. Additionally, we provide a mathematical characterization of Immune, offering provable guarantees against jailbreaks. Extensive evaluations on diverse jailbreak benchmarks using recent MLLMs reveal that Immune effectively enhances model safety while preserving the model's original capabilities. For instance, against text-based jailbreak attacks on LLaVA-1.6, Immune reduces the attack success rate by 57.82% and 16.78% compared to the base MLLM and state-of-the-art defense strategy, respectively. Neutralizing Backdoors through Information Conflicts for Large Language Models. (26%) Chen Chen; Yuchen Sun; Xueluan Gong; Jiaxin Gao; Kwok-Yan Lam Large language models (LLMs) have seen significant advancements, achieving superior performance in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, from understanding to reasoning. However, they remain vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where models behave normally for standard queries but generate harmful responses or unintended output when specific triggers are activated. Existing backdoor defenses often suffer from drawbacks that they either focus on detection without removal, rely on rigid assumptions about trigger properties, or prove to be ineffective against advanced attacks like multi-trigger backdoors. In this paper, we present a novel method to eliminate backdoor behaviors from LLMs through the construction of information conflicts using both internal and external mechanisms. Internally, we leverage a lightweight dataset to train a conflict model, which is then merged with the backdoored model to neutralize malicious behaviors by embedding contradictory information within the model's parametric memory. Externally, we incorporate convincing contradictory evidence into the prompt to challenge the model's internal backdoor knowledge. Experimental results on classification and conversational tasks across 4 widely used LLMs demonstrate that our method outperforms 8 state-of-the-art backdoor defense baselines. We can reduce the attack success rate of advanced backdoor attacks by up to 98% while maintaining over 90% clean data accuracy. Furthermore, our method has proven to be robust against adaptive backdoor attacks. The code will be open-sourced upon publication. Hidden Data Privacy Breaches in Federated Learning. (22%) Xueluan Gong; Yuji Wang; Shuaike Li; Mengyuan Sun; Songze Li; Qian Wang; Kwok-Yan Lam; Chen Chen Federated Learning (FL) emerged as a paradigm for conducting machine learning across broad and decentralized datasets, promising enhanced privacy by obviating the need for direct data sharing. However, recent studies show that attackers can steal private data through model manipulation or gradient analysis. Existing attacks are constrained by low theft quantity or low-resolution data, and they are often detected through anomaly monitoring in gradients or weights. In this paper, we propose a novel data-reconstruction attack leveraging malicious code injection, supported by two key techniques, i.e., distinctive and sparse encoding design and block partitioning. Unlike conventional methods that require detectable changes to the model, our method stealthily embeds a hidden model using parameter sharing to systematically extract sensitive data. The Fibonacci-based index design ensures efficient, structured retrieval of memorized data, while the block partitioning method enhances our method's capability to handle high-resolution images by dividing them into smaller, manageable units. Extensive experiments on 4 datasets confirmed that our method is superior to the five state-of-the-art data-reconstruction attacks under the five respective detection methods. Our method can handle large-scale and high-resolution data without being detected or mitigated by state-of-the-art data reconstruction defense methods. In contrast to baselines, our method can be directly applied to both FedAVG and FedSGD scenarios, underscoring the need for developers to devise new defenses against such vulnerabilities. We will open-source our code upon acceptance. SoK: Watermarking for AI-Generated Content. (3%) Xuandong Zhao; Sam Gunn; Miranda Christ; Jaiden Fairoze; Andres Fabrega; Nicholas Carlini; Sanjam Garg; Sanghyun Hong; Milad Nasr; Florian Tramer; Somesh Jha; Lei Li; Yu-Xiang Wang; Dawn Song As the outputs of generative AI (GenAI) techniques improve in quality, it becomes increasingly challenging to distinguish them from human-created content. Watermarking schemes are a promising approach to address the problem of distinguishing between AI and human-generated content. These schemes embed hidden signals within AI-generated content to enable reliable detection. While watermarking is not a silver bullet for addressing all risks associated with GenAI, it can play a crucial role in enhancing AI safety and trustworthiness by combating misinformation and deception. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of watermarking techniques for GenAI, beginning with the need for watermarking from historical and regulatory perspectives. We formalize the definitions and desired properties of watermarking schemes and examine the key objectives and threat models for existing approaches. Practical evaluation strategies are also explored, providing insights into the development of robust watermarking techniques capable of resisting various attacks. Additionally, we review recent representative works, highlight open challenges, and discuss potential directions for this emerging field. By offering a thorough understanding of watermarking in GenAI, this work aims to guide researchers in advancing watermarking methods and applications, and support policymakers in addressing the broader implications of GenAI. From Open Vocabulary to Open World: Teaching Vision Language Models to Detect Novel Objects. (1%) Zizhao Li; Zhengkang Xiang; Joseph West; Kourosh Khoshelham Traditional object detection methods operate under the closed-set assumption, where models can only detect a fixed number of objects predefined in the training set. Recent works on open vocabulary object detection (OVD) enable the detection of objects defined by an unbounded vocabulary, which reduces the cost of training models for specific tasks. However, OVD heavily relies on accurate prompts provided by an ''oracle'', which limits their use in critical applications such as driving scene perception. OVD models tend to misclassify near-out-of-distribution (NOOD) objects that have similar semantics to known classes, and ignore far-out-of-distribution (FOOD) objects. To address theses limitations, we propose a framework that enables OVD models to operate in open world settings, by identifying and incrementally learning novel objects. To detect FOOD objects, we propose Open World Embedding Learning (OWEL) and introduce the concept of Pseudo Unknown Embedding which infers the location of unknown classes in a continuous semantic space based on the information of known classes. We also propose Multi-Scale Contrastive Anchor Learning (MSCAL), which enables the identification of misclassified unknown objects by promoting the intra-class consistency of object embeddings at different scales. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in common open world object detection and autonomous driving benchmarks. Adversarial Training in Low-Label Regimes with Margin-Based Interpolation. (99%) Tian Ye; Rajgopal Kannan; Viktor Prasanna Adversarial training has emerged as an effective approach to train robust neural network models that are resistant to adversarial attacks, even in low-label regimes where labeled data is scarce. In this paper, we introduce a novel semi-supervised adversarial training approach that enhances both robustness and natural accuracy by generating effective adversarial examples. Our method begins by applying linear interpolation between clean and adversarial examples to create interpolated adversarial examples that cross decision boundaries by a controlled margin. This sample-aware strategy tailors adversarial examples to the characteristics of each data point, enabling the model to learn from the most informative perturbations. Additionally, we propose a global epsilon scheduling strategy that progressively adjusts the upper bound of perturbation strengths during training. The combination of these strategies allows the model to develop increasingly complex decision boundaries with better robustness and natural accuracy. Empirical evaluations show that our approach effectively enhances performance against various adversarial attacks, such as PGD and AutoAttack. BadScan: An Architectural Backdoor Attack on Visual State Space Models. (98%) Om Suhas Deshmukh; Sankalp Nagaonkar; Achyut Mani Tripathi; Ashish Mishra The newly introduced Visual State Space Model (VMamba), which employs \textit{State Space Mechanisms} (SSM) to interpret images as sequences of patches, has shown exceptional performance compared to Vision Transformers (ViT) across various computer vision tasks. However, recent studies have highlighted that deep models are susceptible to adversarial attacks. One common approach is to embed a trigger in the training data to retrain the model, causing it to misclassify data samples into a target class, a phenomenon known as a backdoor attack. In this paper, we first evaluate the robustness of the VMamba model against existing backdoor attacks. Based on this evaluation, we introduce a novel architectural backdoor attack, termed BadScan, designed to deceive the VMamba model. This attack utilizes bit plane slicing to create visually imperceptible backdoored images. During testing, if a trigger is detected by performing XOR operations between the $k^{th}$ bit planes of the modified triggered patches, the traditional 2D selective scan (SS2D) mechanism in the visual state space (VSS) block of VMamba is replaced with our newly designed BadScan block, which incorporates four newly developed scanning patterns. We demonstrate that the BadScan backdoor attack represents a significant threat to visual state space models and remains effective even after complete retraining from scratch. Experimental results on two widely used image classification datasets, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet-1K, reveal that while visual state space models generally exhibit robustness against current backdoor attacks, the BadScan attack is particularly effective, achieving a higher Triggered Accuracy Ratio (TAR) in misleading the VMamba model and its variants. Stealthy Multi-Task Adversarial Attacks. (92%) Jiacheng Guo; Tianyun Zhang; Lei Li; Haochen Yang; Hongkai Yu; Minghai Qin Deep Neural Networks exhibit inherent vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks, which can significantly compromise their outputs and reliability. While existing research primarily focuses on attacking single-task scenarios or indiscriminately targeting all tasks in multi-task environments, we investigate selectively targeting one task while preserving performance in others within a multi-task framework. This approach is motivated by varying security priorities among tasks in real-world applications, such as autonomous driving, where misinterpreting critical objects (e.g., signs, traffic lights) poses a greater security risk than minor depth miscalculations. Consequently, attackers may hope to target security-sensitive tasks while avoiding non-critical tasks from being compromised, thus evading being detected before compromising crucial functions. In this paper, we propose a method for the stealthy multi-task attack framework that utilizes multiple algorithms to inject imperceptible noise into the input. This novel method demonstrates remarkable efficacy in compromising the target task while simultaneously maintaining or even enhancing performance across non-targeted tasks - a criterion hitherto unexplored in the field. Additionally, we introduce an automated approach for searching the weighting factors in the loss function, further enhancing attack efficiency. Experimental results validate our framework's ability to successfully attack the target task while preserving the performance of non-targeted tasks. The automated loss function weight searching method demonstrates comparable efficacy to manual tuning, establishing a state-of-the-art multi-task attack framework. Adversarial Bounding Boxes Generation (ABBG) Attack against Visual Object Trackers. (82%) Fatemeh Nourilenjan Nokabadi; Jean-Francois Lalonde; Christian Gagné Adversarial perturbations aim to deceive neural networks into predicting inaccurate results. For visual object trackers, adversarial attacks have been developed to generate perturbations by manipulating the outputs. However, transformer trackers predict a specific bounding box instead of an object candidate list, which limits the applicability of many existing attack scenarios. To address this issue, we present a novel white-box approach to attack visual object trackers with transformer backbones using only one bounding box. From the tracker predicted bounding box, we generate a list of adversarial bounding boxes and compute the adversarial loss for those bounding boxes. Experimental results demonstrate that our simple yet effective attack outperforms existing attacks against several robust transformer trackers, including TransT-M, ROMTrack, and MixFormer, on popular benchmark tracking datasets such as GOT-10k, UAV123, and VOT2022STS. MADE: Graph Backdoor Defense with Masked Unlearning. (82%) Xiao Lin; Mingjie Li; Yisen Wang Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have garnered significant attention from researchers due to their outstanding performance in handling graph-related tasks, such as social network analysis, protein design, and so on. Despite their widespread application, recent research has demonstrated that GNNs are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, implemented by injecting triggers into the training datasets. Trained on the poisoned data, GNNs will predict target labels when attaching trigger patterns to inputs. This vulnerability poses significant security risks for applications of GNNs in sensitive domains, such as drug discovery. While there has been extensive research into backdoor defenses for images, strategies to safeguard GNNs against such attacks remain underdeveloped. Furthermore, we point out that conventional backdoor defense methods designed for images cannot work well when directly implemented on graph data. In this paper, we first analyze the key difference between image backdoor and graph backdoor attacks. Then we tackle the graph defense problem by presenting a novel approach called MADE, which devises an adversarial mask generation mechanism that selectively preserves clean sub-graphs and further leverages masks on edge weights to eliminate the influence of triggers effectively. Extensive experiments across various graph classification tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of MADE in significantly reducing the attack success rate (ASR) while maintaining a high classification accuracy. Exploring Visual Vulnerabilities via Multi-Loss Adversarial Search for Jailbreaking Vision-Language Models. (75%) Shuyang Hao; Bryan Hooi; Jun Liu; Kai-Wei Chang; Zi Huang; Yujun Cai Despite inheriting security measures from underlying language models, Vision-Language Models (VLMs) may still be vulnerable to safety alignment issues. Through empirical analysis, we uncover two critical findings: scenario-matched images can significantly amplify harmful outputs, and contrary to common assumptions in gradient-based attacks, minimal loss values do not guarantee optimal attack effectiveness. Building on these insights, we introduce MLAI (Multi-Loss Adversarial Images), a novel jailbreak framework that leverages scenario-aware image generation for semantic alignment, exploits flat minima theory for robust adversarial image selection, and employs multi-image collaborative attacks for enhanced effectiveness. Extensive experiments demonstrate MLAI's significant impact, achieving attack success rates of 77.75% on MiniGPT-4 and 82.80% on LLaVA-2, substantially outperforming existing methods by margins of 34.37% and 12.77% respectively. Furthermore, MLAI shows considerable transferability to commercial black-box VLMs, achieving up to 60.11% success rate. Our work reveals fundamental visual vulnerabilities in current VLMs safety mechanisms and underscores the need for stronger defenses. Warning: This paper contains potentially harmful example text. Privacy-preserving Robotic-based Multi-factor Authentication Scheme for Secure Automated Delivery System. (9%) Yang Yang; Aryan Mohammadi Pasikhani; Prosanta Gope; Biplab Sikdar Package delivery is a critical aspect of various industries, but it often incurs high financial costs and inefficiencies when relying solely on human resources. The last-mile transport problem, in particular, contributes significantly to the expenditure of human resources in major companies. Robot-based delivery systems have emerged as a potential solution for last-mile delivery to address this challenge. However, robotic delivery systems still face security and privacy issues, like impersonation, replay, man-in-the-middle attacks (MITM), unlinkability, and identity theft. In this context, we propose a privacy-preserving multi-factor authentication scheme specifically designed for robot delivery systems. Additionally, AI-assisted robotic delivery systems are susceptible to machine learning-based attacks (e.g. FGSM, PGD, etc.). We introduce the \emph{first} transformer-based audio-visual fusion defender to tackle this issue, which effectively provides resilience against adversarial samples. Furthermore, we provide a rigorous formal analysis of the proposed protocol and also analyse the protocol security using a popular symbolic proof tool called ProVerif and Scyther. Finally, we present a real-world implementation of the proposed robotic system with the computation cost and energy consumption analysis. Code and pre-trained models are available at: PEFTGuard: Detecting Backdoor Attacks Against Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. (2%) Zhen Sun; Tianshuo Cong; Yule Liu; Chenhao Lin; Xinlei He; Rongmao Chen; Xingshuo Han; Xinyi Huang Fine-tuning is an essential process to improve the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in specific domains, with Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) gaining popularity due to its capacity to reduce computational demands through the integration of low-rank adapters. These lightweight adapters, such as LoRA, can be shared and utilized on open-source platforms. However, adversaries could exploit this mechanism to inject backdoors into these adapters, resulting in malicious behaviors like incorrect or harmful outputs, which pose serious security risks to the community. Unfortunately, few of the current efforts concentrate on analyzing the backdoor patterns or detecting the backdoors in the adapters. To fill this gap, we first construct (and will release) PADBench, a comprehensive benchmark that contains 13,300 benign and backdoored adapters fine-tuned with various datasets, attack strategies, PEFT methods, and LLMs. Moreover, we propose PEFTGuard, the first backdoor detection framework against PEFT-based adapters. Extensive evaluation upon PADBench shows that PEFTGuard outperforms existing detection methods, achieving nearly perfect detection accuracy (100%) in most cases. Notably, PEFTGuard exhibits zero-shot transferability on three aspects, including different attacks, PEFT methods, and adapter ranks. In addition, we consider various adaptive attacks to demonstrate the high robustness of PEFTGuard. We further explore several possible backdoor mitigation defenses, finding fine-mixing to be the most effective method. We envision our benchmark and method can shed light on future LLM backdoor detection research. Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for Automated Resilient Cyber Defence. (1%) Ross O'Driscoll; Claudia Hagen; Joe Bater; James M. Adams Cyber-attacks pose a security threat to military command and control networks, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems, and civilian critical national infrastructure. The use of artificial intelligence and autonomous agents in these attacks increases the scale, range, and complexity of this threat and the subsequent disruption they cause. Autonomous Cyber Defence (ACD) agents aim to mitigate this threat by responding at machine speed and at the scale required to address the problem. Sequential decision-making algorithms such as Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) provide a promising route to create ACD agents. These algorithms focus on a single objective such as minimizing the intrusion of red agents on the network, by using a handcrafted weighted sum of rewards. This approach removes the ability to adapt the model during inference, and fails to address the many competing objectives present when operating and protecting these networks. Conflicting objectives, such as restoring a machine from a back-up image, must be carefully balanced with the cost of associated down-time, or the disruption to network traffic or services that might result. Instead of pursing a Single-Objective RL (SORL) approach, here we present a simple example of a multi-objective network defence game that requires consideration of both defending the network against red-agents and maintaining critical functionality of green-agents. Two Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) algorithms, namely Multi-Objective Proximal Policy Optimization (MOPPO), and Pareto-Conditioned Networks (PCN), are used to create two trained ACD agents whose performance is compared on our Multi-Objective Cyber Defence game. The benefits and limitations of MORL ACD agents in comparison to SORL ACD agents are discussed based on the investigations of this game. Improved Parallel Derandomization via Finite Automata with Applications. (1%) Jeff Giliberti; David G. Harris One main genre of algorithmic derandomization comes from the construction of probability distributions with small support that fool a randomized algorithm. This is especially well-suited to parallelization, i.e. NC algorithms. A significant abstraction of these methods can be formulated in terms of fooling polynomial-space statistical tests computed via finite automata (Sivakumar 2002); this encompasses $k$-wise independence, sums of random variables, and many other properties. We describe new parallel algorithms to fool general finite-state automata with significantly reduced processor complexity. The analysis is also simplified because we can cleanly separate the problem-specific optimizations from the general lattice discrepancy problems at the core of the automaton-fooling construction. We illustrate with improved applications to the Gale-Berlekamp Switching Game and to approximate MAX-CUT via SDP rounding. Unlocking The Potential of Adaptive Attacks on Diffusion-Based Purification. (99%) Andre Kassis; Urs Hengartner; Yaoliang Yu Diffusion-based purification (DBP) is a defense against adversarial examples (AEs), amassing popularity for its ability to protect classifiers in an attack-oblivious manner and resistance to strong adversaries with access to the defense. Its robustness has been claimed to ensue from the reliance on diffusion models (DMs) that project the AEs onto the natural distribution. We revisit this claim, focusing on gradient-based strategies that back-propagate the loss gradients through the defense, commonly referred to as ``adaptive attacks". Analytically, we show that such an optimization method invalidates DBP's core foundations, effectively targeting the DM rather than the classifier and restricting the purified outputs to a distribution over malicious samples instead. Thus, we reassess the reported empirical robustness, uncovering implementation flaws in the gradient back-propagation techniques used thus far for DBP. We fix these issues, providing the first reliable gradient library for DBP and demonstrating how adaptive attacks drastically degrade its robustness. We then study a less efficient yet stricter majority-vote setting where the classifier evaluates multiple purified copies of the input to make its decision. Here, DBP's stochasticity enables it to remain partially robust against traditional norm-bounded AEs. We propose a novel adaptation of a recent optimization method against deepfake watermarking that crafts systemic malicious perturbations while ensuring imperceptibility. When integrated with the adaptive attack, it completely defeats DBP, even in the majority-vote setup. Our findings prove that DBP, in its current state, is not a viable defense against AEs. Imperceptible Adversarial Examples in the Physical World. (99%) Weilin Xu; Sebastian Szyller; Cory Cornelius; Luis Murillo Rojas; Marius Arvinte; Alvaro Velasquez; Jason Martin; Nageen Himayat Adversarial examples in the digital domain against deep learning-based computer vision models allow for perturbations that are imperceptible to human eyes. However, producing similar adversarial examples in the physical world has been difficult due to the non-differentiable image distortion functions in visual sensing systems. The existing algorithms for generating physically realizable adversarial examples often loosen their definition of adversarial examples by allowing unbounded perturbations, resulting in obvious or even strange visual patterns. In this work, we make adversarial examples imperceptible in the physical world using a straight-through estimator (STE, a.k.a. BPDA). We employ STE to overcome the non-differentiability -- applying exact, non-differentiable distortions in the forward pass of the backpropagation step, and using the identity function in the backward pass. Our differentiable rendering extension to STE also enables imperceptible adversarial patches in the physical world. Using printout photos, and experiments in the CARLA simulator, we show that STE enables fast generation of $\ell_\infty$ bounded adversarial examples despite the non-differentiable distortions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work demonstrating imperceptible adversarial examples bounded by small $\ell_\infty$ norms in the physical world that force zero classification accuracy in the global perturbation threat model and cause near-zero ($4.22\%$) AP50 in object detection in the patch perturbation threat model. We urge the community to re-evaluate the threat of adversarial examples in the physical world. Scaling Laws for Black box Adversarial Attacks. (99%) Chuan Liu; Huanran Chen; Yichi Zhang; Yinpeng Dong; Jun Zhu A longstanding problem of deep learning models is their vulnerability to adversarial examples, which are often generated by applying imperceptible perturbations to natural examples. Adversarial examples exhibit cross-model transferability, enabling to attack black-box models with limited information about their architectures and parameters. Model ensembling is an effective strategy to improve the transferability by attacking multiple surrogate models simultaneously. However, as prior studies usually adopt few models in the ensemble, there remains an open question of whether scaling the number of models can further improve black-box attacks. Inspired by the findings in large foundation models, we investigate the scaling laws of black-box adversarial attacks in this work. By analyzing the relationship between the number of surrogate models and transferability of adversarial examples, we conclude with clear scaling laws, emphasizing the potential of using more surrogate models to enhance adversarial transferability. Extensive experiments verify the claims on standard image classifiers, multimodal large language models, and even proprietary models like GPT-4o, demonstrating consistent scaling effects and impressive attack success rates with more surrogate models. Further studies by visualization indicate that scaled attacks bring better interpretability in semantics, indicating that the common features of models are captured. Privacy Protection in Personalized Diffusion Models via Targeted Cross-Attention Adversarial Attack. (81%) Xide Xu; Muhammad Atif Butt; Sandesh Kamath; Bogdan Raducanu The growing demand for customized visual content has led to the rise of personalized text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models. Despite their remarkable potential, they pose significant privacy risk when misused for malicious purposes. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient adversarial attack method, Concept Protection by Selective Attention Manipulation (CoPSAM) which targets only the cross-attention layers of a T2I diffusion model. For this purpose, we carefully construct an imperceptible noise to be added to clean samples to get their adversarial counterparts. This is obtained during the fine-tuning process by maximizing the discrepancy between the corresponding cross-attention maps of the user-specific token and the class-specific token, respectively. Experimental validation on a subset of CelebA-HQ face images dataset demonstrates that our approach outperforms existing methods. Besides this, our method presents two important advantages derived from the qualitative evaluation: (i) we obtain better protection results for lower noise levels than our competitors; and (ii) we protect the content from unauthorized use thereby protecting the individual's identity from potential misuse. UVCG: Leveraging Temporal Consistency for Universal Video Protection. (54%) KaiZhou Li; Jindong Gu; Xinchun Yu; Junjie Cao; Yansong Tang; Xiao-Ping Zhang The security risks of AI-driven video editing have garnered significant attention. Although recent studies indicate that adding perturbations to images can protect them from malicious edits, directly applying image-based methods to perturb each frame in a video becomes ineffective, as video editing techniques leverage the consistency of inter-frame information to restore individually perturbed content. To address this challenge, we leverage the temporal consistency of video content to propose a straightforward and efficient, yet highly effective and broadly applicable approach, Universal Video Consistency Guard (UVCG). UVCG embeds the content of another video(target video) within a protected video by introducing continuous, imperceptible perturbations which has the ability to force the encoder of editing models to map continuous inputs to misaligned continuous outputs, thereby inhibiting the generation of videos consistent with the intended textual prompts. Additionally leveraging similarity in perturbations between adjacent frames, we improve the computational efficiency of perturbation generation by employing a perturbation-reuse strategy. We applied UVCG across various versions of Latent Diffusion Models (LDM) and assessed its effectiveness and generalizability across multiple LDM-based editing pipelines. The results confirm the effectiveness, transferability, and efficiency of our approach in safeguarding video content from unauthorized modifications. Guarding the Gate: ConceptGuard Battles Concept-Level Backdoors in Concept Bottleneck Models. (50%) Songning Lai; Yu Huang; Jiayu Yang; Gaoxiang Huang; Wenshuo Chen; Yutao Yue The increasing complexity of AI models, especially in deep learning, has raised concerns about transparency and accountability, particularly in high-stakes applications like medical diagnostics, where opaque models can undermine trust. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to address these issues by providing clear, interpretable models. Among XAI techniques, Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) enhance transparency by using high-level semantic concepts. However, CBMs are vulnerable to concept-level backdoor attacks, which inject hidden triggers into these concepts, leading to undetectable anomalous behavior. To address this critical security gap, we introduce ConceptGuard, a novel defense framework specifically designed to protect CBMs from concept-level backdoor attacks. ConceptGuard employs a multi-stage approach, including concept clustering based on text distance measurements and a voting mechanism among classifiers trained on different concept subgroups, to isolate and mitigate potential triggers. Our contributions are threefold: (i) we present ConceptGuard as the first defense mechanism tailored for concept-level backdoor attacks in CBMs; (ii) we provide theoretical guarantees that ConceptGuard can effectively defend against such attacks within a certain trigger size threshold, ensuring robustness; and (iii) we demonstrate that ConceptGuard maintains the high performance and interpretability of CBMs, crucial for trustworthiness. Through comprehensive experiments and theoretical proofs, we show that ConceptGuard significantly enhances the security and trustworthiness of CBMs, paving the way for their secure deployment in critical applications. Edit Away and My Face Will not Stay: Personal Biometric Defense against Malicious Generative Editing. (50%) Hanhui Wang; Yihua Zhang; Ruizheng Bai; Yue Zhao; Sijia Liu; Zhengzhong Tu Recent advancements in diffusion models have made generative image editing more accessible, enabling creative edits but raising ethical concerns, particularly regarding malicious edits to human portraits that threaten privacy and identity security. Existing protection methods primarily rely on adversarial perturbations to nullify edits but often fail against diverse editing requests. We propose FaceLock, a novel approach to portrait protection that optimizes adversarial perturbations to destroy or significantly alter biometric information, rendering edited outputs biometrically unrecognizable. FaceLock integrates facial recognition and visual perception into perturbation optimization to provide robust protection against various editing attempts. We also highlight flaws in commonly used evaluation metrics and reveal how they can be manipulated, emphasizing the need for reliable assessments of protection. Experiments show FaceLock outperforms baselines in defending against malicious edits and is robust against purification techniques. Ablation studies confirm its stability and broad applicability across diffusion-based editing algorithms. Our work advances biometric defense and sets the foundation for privacy-preserving practices in image editing. The code is available at: Sparse patches adversarial attacks via extrapolating point-wise information. (47%) Yaniv Nemcovsky; Avi Mendelson; Chaim Baskin Sparse and patch adversarial attacks were previously shown to be applicable in realistic settings and are considered a security risk to autonomous systems. Sparse adversarial perturbations constitute a setting in which the adversarial perturbations are limited to affecting a relatively small number of points in the input. Patch adversarial attacks denote the setting where the sparse attacks are limited to a given structure, i.e., sparse patches with a given shape and number. However, previous patch adversarial attacks do not simultaneously optimize multiple patches' locations and perturbations. This work suggests a novel approach for sparse patches adversarial attacks via point-wise trimming dense adversarial perturbations. Our approach enables simultaneous optimization of multiple sparse patches' locations and perturbations for any given number and shape. Moreover, our approach is also applicable for standard sparse adversarial attacks, where we show that it significantly improves the state-of-the-art over multiple extensive settings. A reference implementation of the proposed method and the reported experiments is provided at \url{} DeDe: Detecting Backdoor Samples for SSL Encoders via Decoders. (10%) Sizai Hou; Songze Li; Duanyi Yao Self-supervised learning (SSL) is pervasively exploited in training high-quality upstream encoders with a large amount of unlabeled data. However, it is found to be susceptible to backdoor attacks merely via polluting a small portion of training data. The victim encoders mismatch triggered inputs with target embeddings, e.g., match the triggered cat input to an airplane embedding, such that the downstream tasks are affected to misbehave when the trigger is activated. Emerging backdoor attacks have shown great threats in different SSL paradigms such as contrastive learning and CLIP, while few research is devoted to defending against such attacks. Besides, the existing ones fall short in detecting advanced stealthy backdoors. To address the limitations, we propose a novel detection mechanism, DeDe, which detects the activation of the backdoor mapping with the cooccurrence of victim encoder and trigger inputs. Specifically, DeDe trains a decoder for the SSL encoder on an auxiliary dataset (can be out-of-distribution or even slightly poisoned), such that for any triggered input that misleads to the target embedding, the decoder outputs an image significantly different from the input. We empirically evaluate DeDe on both contrastive learning and CLIP models against various types of backdoor attacks, and demonstrate its superior performance over SOTA detection methods in both upstream detection performance and ability of preventing backdoors in downstream tasks. RED: Robust Environmental Design. (10%) Jinghan Yang The classification of road signs by autonomous systems, especially those reliant on visual inputs, is highly susceptible to adversarial attacks. Traditional approaches to mitigating such vulnerabilities have focused on enhancing the robustness of classification models. In contrast, this paper adopts a fundamentally different strategy aimed at increasing robustness through the redesign of road signs themselves. We propose an attacker-agnostic learning scheme to automatically design road signs that are robust to a wide array of patch-based attacks. Empirical tests conducted in both digital and physical environments demonstrate that our approach significantly reduces vulnerability to patch attacks, outperforming existing techniques. BadSFL: Backdoor Attack against Scaffold Federated Learning. (3%) Xingshuo Han; Xuanye Zhang; Xiang Lan; Haozhao Wang; Shengmin Xu; Shen Ren; Jason Zeng; Ming Wu; Michael Heinrich; Tianwei Zhang Federated learning (FL) enables the training of deep learning models on distributed clients to preserve data privacy. However, this learning paradigm is vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where malicious clients can upload poisoned local models to embed backdoors into the global model, leading to attacker-desired predictions. Existing backdoor attacks mainly focus on FL with independently and identically distributed (IID) scenarios, while real-world FL training data are typically non-IID. Current strategies for non-IID backdoor attacks suffer from limitations in maintaining effectiveness and durability. To address these challenges, we propose a novel backdoor attack method, BadSFL, specifically designed for the FL framework using the scaffold aggregation algorithm in non-IID settings. BadSFL leverages a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based on the global model to complement the training set, achieving high accuracy on both backdoor and benign samples. It utilizes a specific feature as the backdoor trigger to ensure stealthiness, and exploits the Scaffold's control variate to predict the global model's convergence direction, ensuring the backdoor's persistence. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the high effectiveness, stealthiness, and durability of BadSFL. Notably, our attack remains effective over 60 rounds in the global model and up to 3 times longer than existing baseline attacks after stopping the injection of malicious updates. Why the Agent Made that Decision: Explaining Deep Reinforcement Learning with Vision Masks. (2%) Rui Zuo; Zifan Wang; Simon Khan; Garrett Ethan Katz; Qinru Qiu Due to the inherent lack of transparency in deep neural networks, it is challenging for deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agents to gain trust and acceptance from users, especially in safety-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and military operations. Existing methods for explaining an agent's decision either require to retrain the agent using models that support explanation generation or rely on perturbation-based techniques to reveal the significance of different input features in the decision making process. However, retraining the agent may compromise its integrity and performance, while perturbation-based methods have limited performance and lack knowledge accumulation or learning capabilities. Moreover, since each perturbation is performed independently, the joint state of the perturbed inputs may not be physically meaningful. To address these challenges, we introduce $\textbf{VisionMask}$, a standalone explanation model trained end-to-end to identify the most critical regions in the agent's visual input that can explain its actions. VisionMask is trained in a self-supervised manner without relying on human-generated labels. Importantly, its training does not alter the agent model, hence preserving the agent's performance and integrity. We evaluate VisionMask on Super Mario Bros (SMB) and three Atari games. Compared to existing methods, VisionMask achieves a 14.9% higher insertion accuracy and a 30.08% higher F1-Score in reproducing original actions from the selected visual explanations. We also present examples illustrating how VisionMask can be used for counterfactual analysis. XAI and Android Malware Models. (2%) Maithili Kulkarni; Mark Stamp Android malware detection based on machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models is widely used for mobile device security. Such models offer benefits in terms of detection accuracy and efficiency, but it is often difficult to understand how such learning models make decisions. As a result, these popular malware detection strategies are generally treated as black boxes, which can result in a lack of trust in the decisions made, as well as making adversarial attacks more difficult to detect. The field of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) attempts to shed light on such black box models. In this paper, we apply XAI techniques to ML and DL models that have been trained on a challenging Android malware classification problem. Specifically, the classic ML models considered are Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest, and $k$-Nearest Neighbors ($k$-NN), while the DL models we consider are Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The state-of-the-art XAI techniques that we apply to these trained models are Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), PDP plots, ELI5, and Class Activation Mapping (CAM). We obtain global and local explanation results, and we discuss the utility of XAI techniques in this problem domain. We also provide a literature review of XAI work related to Android malware. Revisiting Marr in Face: The Building of 2D--2.5D--3D Representations in Deep Neural Networks. (1%) Xiangyu Zhu; Chang Yu; Jiankuo Zhao; Zhaoxiang Zhang; Stan Z. Li; Zhen Lei David Marr's seminal theory of vision proposes that the human visual system operates through a sequence of three stages, known as the 2D sketch, the 2.5D sketch, and the 3D model. In recent years, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have been widely thought to have reached a level comparable to human vision. However, the mechanisms by which DNNs accomplish this and whether they adhere to Marr's 2D--2.5D--3D construction theory remain unexplored. In this paper, we delve into the perception task to explore these questions and find evidence supporting Marr's theory. We introduce a graphics probe, a sub-network crafted to reconstruct the original image from the network's intermediate layers. The key to the graphics probe is its flexible architecture that supports image in both 2D and 3D formats, as well as in a transitional state between them. By injecting graphics probes into neural networks, and analyzing their behavior in reconstructing images, we find that DNNs initially encode images as 2D representations in low-level layers, and finally construct 3D representations in high-level layers. Intriguingly, in mid-level layers, DNNs exhibit a hybrid state, building a geometric representation that s sur normals within a narrow depth range, akin to the appearance of a low-relief sculpture. This stage resembles the 2.5D representations, providing a view of how DNNs evolve from 2D to 3D in the perception process. The graphics probe therefore serves as a tool for peering into the mechanisms of DNN, providing empirical support for Marr's theory. Chain of Attack: On the Robustness of Vision-Language Models Against Transfer-Based Adversarial Attacks. (99%) Peng Xie; Yequan Bie; Jianda Mao; Yangqiu Song; Yang Wang; Hao Chen; Kani Chen Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have showcased remarkable performance in image and natural language understanding, such as image captioning and response generation. As the practical applications of vision-language models become increasingly widespread, their potential safety and robustness issues raise concerns that adversaries may evade the system and cause these models to generate toxic content through malicious attacks. Therefore, evaluating the robustness of open-source VLMs against adversarial attacks has garnered growing attention, with transfer-based attacks as a representative black-box attacking strategy. However, most existing transfer-based attacks neglect the importance of the semantic correlations between vision and text modalities, leading to sub-optimal adversarial example generation and attack performance. To address this issue, we present Chain of Attack (CoA), which iteratively enhances the generation of adversarial examples based on the multi-modal semantic update using a series of intermediate attacking steps, achieving superior adversarial transferability and efficiency. A unified attack success rate computing method is further proposed for automatic evasion evaluation. Extensive experiments conducted under the most realistic and high-stakes scenario, demonstrate that our attacking strategy can effectively mislead models to generate targeted responses using only black-box attacks without any knowledge of the victim models. The comprehensive robustness evaluation in our paper provides insight into the vulnerabilities of VLMs and offers a reference for the safety considerations of future model developments. ExAL: An Exploration Enhanced Adversarial Learning Algorithm. (92%) A Vinil; Aneesh Sreevallabh Chivukula; Pranav Chintareddy Adversarial learning is critical for enhancing model robustness, aiming to defend against adversarial attacks that jeopardize machine learning systems. Traditional methods often lack efficient mechanisms to explore diverse adversarial perturbations, leading to limited model resilience. Inspired by game-theoretic principles, where adversarial dynamics are analyzed through frameworks like Nash equilibrium, exploration mechanisms in such setups allow for the discovery of diverse strategies, enhancing system robustness. However, existing adversarial learning methods often fail to incorporate structured exploration effectively, reducing their ability to improve model defense comprehensively. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Exploration-enhanced Adversarial Learning Algorithm (ExAL), leveraging the Exponentially Weighted Momentum Particle Swarm Optimizer (EMPSO) to generate optimized adversarial perturbations. ExAL integrates exploration-driven mechanisms to discover perturbations that maximize impact on the model's decision boundary while preserving structural coherence in the data. We evaluate the performance of ExAL on the MNIST Handwritten Digits and Blended Malware datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that ExAL significantly enhances model resilience to adversarial attacks by improving robustness through adversarial learning. A Tunable Despeckling Neural Network Stabilized via Diffusion Equation. (64%) Yi Ran; Zhichang Guo; Jia Li; Yao Li; Martin Burger; Boying Wu The removal of multiplicative Gamma noise is a critical research area in the application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, where neural networks serve as a potent tool. However, real-world data often diverges from theoretical models, exhibiting various disturbances, which makes the neural network less effective. Adversarial attacks can be used as a criterion for judging the adaptability of neural networks to real data, since adversarial attacks can find the most extreme perturbations that make neural networks ineffective. In this work, the diffusion equation is designed as a regularization block to provide sufficient regularity to the whole neural network, due to its spontaneous dissipative nature. We propose a tunable, regularized neural network framework that unrolls a shallow denoising neural network block and a diffusion regularity block into a single network for end-to-end training. The linear heat equation, known for its inherent smoothness and low-pass filtering properties, is adopted as the diffusion regularization block. In our model, a single time step hyperparameter governs the smoothness of the outputs and can be adjusted dynamically, significantly enhancing flexibility. The stability and convergence of our model are theoretically proven. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model effectively eliminates high-frequency oscillations induced by adversarial attacks. Finally, the proposed model is benchmarked against several state-of-the-art denoising methods on simulated images, adversarial samples, and real SAR images, achieving superior performance in both quantitative and visual evaluations. Hide in Plain Sight: Clean-Label Backdoor for Auditing Membership Inference. (10%) Depeng Chen; Hao Chen; Hulin Jin; Jie Cui; Hong Zhong Membership inference attacks (MIAs) are critical tools for assessing privacy risks and ensuring compliance with regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, their potential for auditing unauthorized use of data remains under explored. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel clean-label backdoor-based approach for MIAs, designed specifically for robust and stealthy data auditing. Unlike conventional methods that rely on detectable poisoned samples with altered labels, our approach retains natural labels, enhancing stealthiness even at low poisoning rates. Our approach employs an optimal trigger generated by a shadow model that mimics the target model's behavior. This design minimizes the feature-space distance between triggered samples and the source class while preserving the original data labels. The result is a powerful and undetectable auditing mechanism that overcomes limitations of existing approaches, such as label inconsistencies and visual artifacts in poisoned samples. The proposed method enables robust data auditing through black-box access, achieving high attack success rates across diverse datasets and model architectures. Additionally, it addresses challenges related to trigger stealthiness and poisoning durability, establishing itself as a practical and effective solution for data auditing. Comprehensive experiments validate the efficacy and generalizability of our approach, outperforming several baseline methods in both stealth and attack success metrics. Stealth Attacks Against Moving Target Defense for Smart Grid. (2%) Ke Sun; Iñaki Esnaola; H. Vincent Poor Data injection attacks (DIAs) pose a significant cybersecurity threat to the Smart Grid by enabling an attacker to compromise the integrity of data acquisition and manipulate estimated states without triggering bad data detection procedures. To mitigate this vulnerability, the moving target defense (MTD) alters branch admittances to mismatch the system information that is available to an attacker, thereby inducing an imperfect DIA construction that results in degradation of attack performance. In this paper, we first analyze the existence of stealth attacks for the case in which the MTD strategy only changes the admittance of a single branch. Equipped with this initial insight, we then extend the results to the case in which multiple branches are protected by the MTD strategy. Remarkably, we show that stealth attacks can be constructed with information only about which branches are protected, without knowledge about the particular admittance value changes. Furthermore, we provide a sufficient protection condition for the MTD strategy via graph-theoretic tools that guarantee that the system is not vulnerable to DIAs. Numerical simulations are implemented on IEEE test systems to validate the obtained results. DRIVE: Dual-Robustness via Information Variability and Entropic Consistency in Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (2%) Ruiqiang Xiao; Songning Lai; Yijun Yang; Jiemin Wu; Yutao Yue; Lei Zhu Adapting machine learning models to new domains without labeled data, especially when source data is inaccessible, is a critical challenge in applications like medical imaging, autonomous driving, and remote sensing. This task, known as Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SFUDA), involves adapting a pre-trained model to a target domain using only unlabeled target data, which can lead to issues such as overfitting, underfitting, and poor generalization due to domain discrepancies and noise. Existing SFUDA methods often rely on single-model architectures, struggling with uncertainty and variability in the target domain. To address these challenges, we propose DRIVE (Dual-Robustness through Information Variability and Entropy), a novel SFUDA framework leveraging a dual-model architecture. The two models, initialized with identical weights, work in parallel to capture diverse target domain characteristics. One model is exposed to perturbations via projection gradient descent (PGD) guided by mutual information, focusing on high-uncertainty regions. We also introduce an entropy-aware pseudo-labeling strategy that adjusts label weights based on prediction uncertainty, ensuring the model focuses on reliable data while avoiding noisy regions. The adaptation process has two stages: the first aligns the models on stable features using a mutual information consistency loss, and the second dynamically adjusts the perturbation level based on the loss from the first stage, encouraging the model to explore a broader range of the target domain while preserving existing performance. This enhances generalization capabilities and robustness against interference. Evaluations on standard SFUDA benchmarks show that DRIVE consistently outperforms previous methods, delivering improved adaptation accuracy and stability across complex target domains. Improving Transferable Targeted Attacks with Feature Tuning Mixup. (99%) Kaisheng Liang; Xuelong Dai; Yanjie Li; Dong Wang; Bin Xiao Deep neural networks exhibit vulnerability to adversarial examples that can transfer across different models. A particularly challenging problem is developing transferable targeted attacks that can mislead models into predicting specific target classes. While various methods have been proposed to enhance attack transferability, they often incur substantial computational costs while yielding limited improvements. Recent clean feature mixup methods use random clean features to perturb the feature space but lack optimization for disrupting adversarial examples, overlooking the advantages of attack-specific perturbations. In this paper, we propose Feature Tuning Mixup (FTM), a novel method that enhances targeted attack transferability by combining both random and optimized noises in the feature space. FTM introduces learnable feature perturbations and employs an efficient stochastic update strategy for optimization. These learnable perturbations facilitate the generation of more robust adversarial examples with improved transferability. We further demonstrate that attack performance can be enhanced through an ensemble of multiple FTM-perturbed surrogate models. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet-compatible dataset across various models demonstrate that our method achieves significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods while maintaining low computational cost. Enhancing the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition with Diverse Parameters Augmentation. (99%) Fengfan Zhou; Bangjie Yin; Hefei Ling; Qianyu Zhou; Wenxuan Wang Face Recognition (FR) models are vulnerable to adversarial examples that subtly manipulate benign face images, underscoring the urgent need to improve the transferability of adversarial attacks in order to expose the blind spots of these systems. Existing adversarial attack methods often overlook the potential benefits of augmenting the surrogate model with diverse initializations, which limits the transferability of the generated adversarial examples. To address this gap, we propose a novel method called Diverse Parameters Augmentation (DPA) attack method, which enhances surrogate models by incorporating diverse parameter initializations, resulting in a broader and more diverse set of surrogate models. Specifically, DPA consists of two key stages: Diverse Parameters Optimization (DPO) and Hard Model Aggregation (HMA). In the DPO stage, we initialize the parameters of the surrogate model using both pre-trained and random parameters. Subsequently, we save the models in the intermediate training process to obtain a diverse set of surrogate models. During the HMA stage, we enhance the feature maps of the diversified surrogate models by incorporating beneficial perturbations, thereby further improving the transferability. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed attack method can effectively enhance the transferability of the crafted adversarial face examples. Semantic Shield: Defending Vision-Language Models Against Backdooring and Poisoning via Fine-grained Knowledge Alignment. (4%) Alvi Md Ishmam; Christopher Thomas In recent years there has been enormous interest in vision-language models trained using self-supervised objectives. However, the use of large-scale datasets scraped from the web for training also makes these models vulnerable to potential security threats, such as backdooring and poisoning attacks. In this paper, we propose a method for mitigating such attacks on contrastively trained vision-language models. Our approach leverages external knowledge extracted from a language model to prevent models from learning correlations between image regions which lack strong alignment with external knowledge. We do this by imposing constraints to enforce that attention paid by the model to visual regions is proportional to the alignment of those regions with external knowledge. We conduct extensive experiments using a variety of recent backdooring and poisoning attacks on multiple datasets and architectures. Our results clearly demonstrate that our proposed approach is highly effective at defending against such attacks across multiple settings, while maintaining model utility and without requiring any changes at inference time LoBAM: LoRA-Based Backdoor Attack on Model Merging. (2%) Ming Yin; Jingyang Zhang; Jingwei Sun; Minghong Fang; Hai Li; Yiran Chen Model merging is an emerging technique that integrates multiple models fine-tuned on different tasks to create a versatile model that excels in multiple domains. This scheme, in the meantime, may open up backdoor attack opportunities where one single malicious model can jeopardize the integrity of the merged model. Existing works try to demonstrate the risk of such attacks by assuming substantial computational resources, focusing on cases where the attacker can fully fine-tune the pre-trained model. Such an assumption, however, may not be feasible given the increasing size of machine learning models. In practice where resources are limited and the attacker can only employ techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to produce the malicious model, it remains unclear whether the attack can still work and pose threats. In this work, we first identify that the attack efficacy is significantly diminished when using LoRA for fine-tuning. Then, we propose LoBAM, a method that yields high attack success rate with minimal training resources. The key idea of LoBAM is to amplify the malicious weights in an intelligent way that effectively enhances the attack efficacy. We demonstrate that our design can lead to improved attack success rate through both theoretical proof and extensive empirical experiments across various model merging scenarios. Moreover, we show that our method has strong stealthiness and is difficult to detect. Exploring the Robustness and Transferability of Patch-Based Adversarial Attacks in Quantized Neural Networks. (99%) Amira Guesmi; Bassem Ouni; Muhammad Shafique Quantized neural networks (QNNs) are increasingly used for efficient deployment of deep learning models on resource-constrained platforms, such as mobile devices and edge computing systems. While quantization reduces model size and computational demands, its impact on adversarial robustness-especially against patch-based attacks-remains inadequately addressed. Patch-based attacks, characterized by localized, high-visibility perturbations, pose significant security risks due to their transferability and resilience. In this study, we systematically evaluate the vulnerability of QNNs to patch-based adversarial attacks across various quantization levels and architectures, focusing on factors that contribute to the robustness of these attacks. Through experiments analyzing feature representations, quantization strength, gradient alignment, and spatial sensitivity, we find that patch attacks consistently achieve high success rates across bitwidths and architectures, demonstrating significant transferability even in heavily quantized models. Contrary to the expectation that quantization might enhance adversarial defenses, our results show that QNNs remain highly susceptible to patch attacks due to the persistence of distinct, localized features within quantized representations. These findings underscore the need for quantization-aware defenses that address the specific challenges posed by patch-based attacks. Our work contributes to a deeper understanding of adversarial robustness in QNNs and aims to guide future research in developing secure, quantization-compatible defenses for real-world applications. Gradient Masking All-at-Once: Ensemble Everything Everywhere Is Not Robust. (99%) Jie Zhang; Kristina Nikolić; Nicholas Carlini; Florian Tramèr Ensemble everything everywhere is a defense to adversarial examples that was recently proposed to make image classifiers robust. This defense works by ensembling a model's intermediate representations at multiple noisy image resolutions, producing a single robust classification. This defense was shown to be effective against multiple state-of-the-art attacks. Perhaps even more convincingly, it was shown that the model's gradients are perceptually aligned: attacks against the model produce noise that perceptually resembles the targeted class. In this short note, we show that this defense is not robust to adversarial attack. We first show that the defense's randomness and ensembling method cause severe gradient masking. We then use standard adaptive attack techniques to reduce the defense's robust accuracy from 48% to 1% on CIFAR-100 and from 62% to 4% on CIFAR-10, under the $\ell_\infty$-norm threat model with $\varepsilon=8/255$. Steering Away from Harm: An Adaptive Approach to Defending Vision Language Model Against Jailbreaks. (98%) Han Wang; Gang Wang; Huan Zhang Vision Language Models (VLMs) can produce unintended and harmful content when exposed to adversarial attacks, particularly because their vision capabilities create new vulnerabilities. Existing defenses, such as input preprocessing, adversarial training, and response evaluation-based methods, are often impractical for real-world deployment due to their high costs. To address this challenge, we propose ASTRA, an efficient and effective defense by adaptively steering models away from adversarial feature directions to resist VLM attacks. Our key procedures involve finding transferable steering vectors representing the direction of harmful response and applying adaptive activation steering to remove these directions at inference time. To create effective steering vectors, we randomly ablate the visual tokens from the adversarial images and identify those most strongly associated with jailbreaks. These tokens are then used to construct steering vectors. During inference, we perform the adaptive steering method that involves the projection between the steering vectors and calibrated activation, resulting in little performance drops on benign inputs while strongly avoiding harmful outputs under adversarial inputs. Extensive experiments across multiple models and baselines demonstrate our state-of-the-art performance and high efficiency in mitigating jailbreak risks. Additionally, ASTRA exhibits good transferability, defending against both unseen attacks at design time (i.e., structured-based attacks) and adversarial images from diverse distributions. Derivative-Free Diffusion Manifold-Constrained Gradient for Unified XAI. (45%) Won Jun Kim; Hyungjin Chung; Jaemin Kim; Sangmin Lee; Byeongsu Sim; Jong Chul Ye Gradient-based methods are a prototypical family of explainability techniques, especially for image-based models. Nonetheless, they have several shortcomings in that they (1) require white-box access to models, (2) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, and (3) produce attributions that lie off the image manifold, leading to explanations that are not actually faithful to the model and do not align well with human perception. To overcome these challenges, we introduce Derivative-Free Diffusion Manifold-Constrainted Gradients (FreeMCG), a novel method that serves as an improved basis for explainability of a given neural network than the traditional gradient. Specifically, by leveraging ensemble Kalman filters and diffusion models, we derive a derivative-free approximation of the model's gradient projected onto the data manifold, requiring access only to the model's outputs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of FreeMCG by applying it to both counterfactual generation and feature attribution, which have traditionally been treated as distinct tasks. Through comprehensive evaluation on both tasks, counterfactual explanation and feature attribution, we show that our method yields state-of-the-art results while preserving the essential properties expected of XAI tools. Who Can Withstand Chat-Audio Attacks? An Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models. (41%) Wanqi Yang; Yanda Li; Meng Fang; Yunchao Wei; Tianyi Zhou; Ling Chen Adversarial audio attacks pose a significant threat to the growing use of large language models (LLMs) in voice-based human-machine interactions. While existing research has primarily focused on model-specific adversarial methods, real-world applications demand a more generalizable and universal approach to audio adversarial attacks. In this paper, we introduce the Chat-Audio Attacks (CAA) benchmark including four distinct types of audio attacks, which aims to explore the the vulnerabilities of LLMs to these audio attacks in conversational scenarios. To evaluate the robustness of LLMs, we propose three evaluation strategies: Standard Evaluation, utilizing traditional metrics to quantify model performance under attacks; GPT-4o-Based Evaluation, which simulates real-world conversational complexities; and Human Evaluation, offering insights into user perception and trust. We evaluate six state-of-the-art LLMs with voice interaction capabilities, including Gemini-1.5-Pro, GPT-4o, and others, using three distinct evaluation methods on the CAA benchmark. Our comprehensive analysis reveals the impact of four types of audio attacks on the performance of these models, demonstrating that GPT-4o exhibits the highest level of resilience. Universal and Context-Independent Triggers for Precise Control of LLM Outputs. (31%) Jiashuo Liang; Guancheng Li; Yang Yu Large language models (LLMs) have been widely adopted in applications such as automated content generation and even critical decision-making systems. However, the risk of prompt injection allows for potential manipulation of LLM outputs. While numerous attack methods have been documented, achieving full control over these outputs remains challenging, often requiring experienced attackers to make multiple attempts and depending heavily on the prompt context. Recent advancements in gradient-based white-box attack techniques have shown promise in tasks like jailbreaks and system prompt leaks. Our research generalizes gradient-based attacks to find a trigger that is (1) Universal: effective irrespective of the target output; (2) Context-Independent: robust across diverse prompt contexts; and (3) Precise Output: capable of manipulating LLM inputs to yield any specified output with high accuracy. We propose a novel method to efficiently discover such triggers and assess the effectiveness of the proposed attack. Furthermore, we discuss the substantial threats posed by such attacks to LLM-based applications, highlighting the potential for adversaries to taking over the decisions and actions made by AI agents. Benchmarking the Robustness of Optical Flow Estimation to Corruptions. (13%) Zhonghua Yi; Hao Shi; Qi Jiang; Yao Gao; Ze Wang; Yufan Zhang; Kailun Yang; Kaiwei Wang Optical flow estimation is extensively used in autonomous driving and video editing. While existing models demonstrate state-of-the-art performance across various benchmarks, the robustness of these methods has been infrequently investigated. Despite some research focusing on the robustness of optical flow models against adversarial attacks, there has been a lack of studies investigating their robustness to common corruptions. Taking into account the unique temporal characteristics of optical flow, we introduce 7 temporal corruptions specifically designed for benchmarking the robustness of optical flow models, in addition to 17 classical single-image corruptions, in which advanced PSF Blur simulation method is performed. Two robustness benchmarks, KITTI-FC and GoPro-FC, are subsequently established as the first corruption robustness benchmark for optical flow estimation, with Out-Of-Domain (OOD) and In-Domain (ID) settings to facilitate comprehensive studies. Robustness metrics, Corruption Robustness Error (CRE), Corruption Robustness Error ratio (CREr), and Relative Corruption Robustness Error (RCRE) are further introduced to quantify the optical flow estimation robustness. 29 model variants from 15 optical flow methods are evaluated, yielding 10 intriguing observations, such as 1) the absolute robustness of the model is heavily dependent on the estimation performance; 2) the corruptions that diminish local information are more serious than that reduce visual effects. We also give suggestions for the design and application of optical flow models. We anticipate that our benchmark will serve as a foundational resource for advancing research in robust optical flow estimation. The benchmarks and source code will be released at Twin Trigger Generative Networks for Backdoor Attacks against Object Detection. (4%) Zhiying Li; Zhi Liu; Guanggang Geng; Shreyank N Gowda; Shuyuan Lin; Jian Weng; Xiaobo Jin Object detectors, which are widely used in real-world applications, are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. This vulnerability arises because many users rely on datasets or pre-trained models provided by third parties due to constraints on data and resources. However, most research on backdoor attacks has focused on image classification, with limited investigation into object detection. Furthermore, the triggers for most existing backdoor attacks on object detection are manually generated, requiring prior knowledge and consistent patterns between the training and inference stages. This approach makes the attacks either easy to detect or difficult to adapt to various scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose novel twin trigger generative networks in the frequency domain to generate invisible triggers for implanting stealthy backdoors into models during training, and visible triggers for steady activation during inference, making the attack process difficult to trace. Specifically, for the invisible trigger generative network, we deploy a Gaussian smoothing layer and a high-frequency artifact classifier to enhance the stealthiness of backdoor implantation in object detectors. For the visible trigger generative network, we design a novel alignment loss to optimize the visible triggers so that they differ from the original patterns but still align with the malicious activation behavior of the invisible triggers. Extensive experimental results and analyses prove the possibility of using different triggers in the training stage and the inference stage, and demonstrate the attack effectiveness of our proposed visible trigger and invisible trigger generative networks, significantly reducing the mAP_0.5 of the object detectors by 70.0% and 84.5%, including YOLOv5 and YOLOv7 with different settings, respectively. Geminio: Language-Guided Gradient Inversion Attacks in Federated Learning. (2%) Junjie Shan; Ziqi Zhao; Jialin Lu; Rui Zhang; Siu Ming Yiu; Ka-Ho Chow Foundation models that bridge vision and language have made significant progress, inspiring numerous life-enriching applications. However, their potential for misuse to introduce new threats remains largely unexplored. This paper reveals that vision-language models (VLMs) can be exploited to overcome longstanding limitations in gradient inversion attacks (GIAs) within federated learning (FL), where an FL server reconstructs private data samples from gradients shared by victim clients. Current GIAs face challenges in reconstructing high-resolution images, especially when the victim has a large local data batch. While focusing reconstruction on valuable samples rather than the entire batch is promising, existing methods lack the flexibility to allow attackers to specify their target data. In this paper, we introduce Geminio, the first approach to transform GIAs into semantically meaningful, targeted attacks. Geminio enables a brand new privacy attack experience: attackers can describe, in natural language, the types of data they consider valuable, and Geminio will prioritize reconstruction to focus on those high-value samples. This is achieved by leveraging a pretrained VLM to guide the optimization of a malicious global model that, when shared with and optimized by a victim, retains only gradients of samples that match the attacker-specified query. Extensive experiments demonstrate Geminio's effectiveness in pinpointing and reconstructing targeted samples, with high success rates across complex datasets under FL and large batch sizes and showing resilience against existing defenses. Heavy-tailed Contamination is Easier than Adversarial Contamination. (1%) Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri; Daniel Lee A large body of work in the statistics and computer science communities dating back to Huber (Huber, 1960) has led to statistically and computationally efficient outlier-robust estimators. Two particular outlier models have received significant attention: the adversarial and heavy-tailed models. While the former models outliers as the result of a malicious adversary manipulating the data, the latter relaxes distributional assumptions on the data allowing outliers to naturally occur as part of the data generating process. In the first setting, the goal is to develop estimators robust to the largest fraction of outliers while in the second, one seeks estimators to combat the loss of statistical efficiency, where the dependence on the failure probability is paramount. Despite these distinct motivations, the algorithmic approaches to both these settings have converged, prompting questions on the relationship between the models. In this paper, we investigate and provide a principled explanation for this phenomenon. First, we prove that any adversarially robust estimator is also resilient to heavy-tailed outliers for any statistical estimation problem with i.i.d data. As a corollary, optimal adversarially robust estimators for mean estimation, linear regression, and covariance estimation are also optimal heavy-tailed estimators. Conversely, for arguably the simplest high-dimensional estimation task of mean estimation, we construct heavy-tailed estimators whose application to the adversarial setting requires any black-box reduction to remove almost all the outliers in the data. Taken together, our results imply that heavy-tailed estimation is likely easier than adversarially robust estimation opening the door to novel algorithmic approaches for the heavy-tailed setting. Additionally, confidence intervals obtained for adversarially robust estimation also hold with high-probability. Exploiting Watermark-Based Defense Mechanisms in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Unauthorized Data Usage. (1%) Soumil Datta; Shih-Chieh Dai; Leo Yu; Guanhong Tao Text-to-image diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, have shown exceptional potential in generating high-quality images. However, recent studies highlight concerns over the use of unauthorized data in training these models, which may lead to intellectual property infringement or privacy violations. A promising approach to mitigate these issues is to apply a watermark to images and subsequently check if generative models reproduce similar watermark features. In this paper, we examine the robustness of various watermark-based protection methods applied to text-to-image models. We observe that common image transformations are ineffective at removing the watermark effect. Therefore, we propose RATTAN, that leverages the diffusion process to conduct controlled image generation on the protected input, preserving the high-level features of the input while ignoring the low-level details utilized by watermarks. A small number of generated images are then used to fine-tune protected models. Our experiments on three datasets and 140 text-to-image diffusion models reveal that existing state-of-the-art protections are not robust against RATTAN. Reliable Evaluation of Attribution Maps in CNNs: A Perturbation-Based Approach. (1%) Lars Nieradzik; Henrike Stephani; Janis Keuper In this paper, we present an approach for evaluating attribution maps, which play a central role in interpreting the predictions of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We show that the widely used insertion/deletion metrics are susceptible to distribution shifts that affect the reliability of the ranking. Our method proposes to replace pixel modifications with adversarial perturbations, which provides a more robust evaluation framework. By using smoothness and monotonicity measures, we illustrate the effectiveness of our approach in correcting distribution shifts. In addition, we conduct the most comprehensive quantitative and qualitative assessment of attribution maps to date. Introducing baseline attribution maps as sanity checks, we find that our metric is the only contender to pass all checks. Using Kendall's $\tau$ rank correlation coefficient, we show the increased consistency of our metric across 15 dataset-architecture combinations. Of the 16 attribution maps tested, our results clearly show SmoothGrad to be the best map currently available. This research makes an important contribution to the development of attribution maps by providing a reliable and consistent evaluation framework. To ensure reproducibility, we will provide the code along with our results. Generating Realistic Adversarial Examples for Business Processes using Variational Autoencoders. (99%) Alexander Stevens; Jari Peeperkorn; Smedt Johannes De; Weerdt Jochen De In predictive process monitoring, predictive models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where input perturbations can lead to incorrect predictions. Unlike in computer vision, where these perturbations are designed to be imperceptible to the human eye, the generation of adversarial examples in predictive process monitoring poses unique challenges. Minor changes to the activity sequences can create improbable or even impossible scenarios to occur due to underlying constraints such as regulatory rules or process constraints. To address this, we focus on generating realistic adversarial examples tailored to the business process context, in contrast to the imperceptible, pixel-level changes commonly seen in computer vision adversarial attacks. This paper introduces two novel latent space attacks, which generate adversaries by adding noise to the latent space representation of the input data, rather than directly modifying the input attributes. These latent space methods are domain-agnostic and do not rely on process-specific knowledge, as we restrict the generation of adversarial examples to the learned class-specific data distributions by directly perturbing the latent space representation of the business process executions. We evaluate these two latent space methods with six other adversarial attacking methods on eleven real-life event logs and four predictive models. The first three attacking methods directly permute the activities of the historically observed business process executions. The fourth method constrains the adversarial examples to lie within the same data distribution as the original instances, by projecting the adversarial examples to the original data distribution. Learning Fair Robustness via Domain Mixup. (81%) Meiyu Zhong; Ravi Tandon Adversarial training is one of the predominant techniques for training classifiers that are robust to adversarial attacks. Recent work, however has found that adversarial training, which makes the overall classifier robust, it does not necessarily provide equal amount of robustness for all classes. In this paper, we propose the use of mixup for the problem of learning fair robust classifiers, which can provide similar robustness across all classes. Specifically, the idea is to mix inputs from the same classes and perform adversarial training on mixed up inputs. We present a theoretical analysis of this idea for the case of linear classifiers and show that mixup combined with adversarial training can provably reduce the class-wise robustness disparity. This method not only contributes to reducing the disparity in class-wise adversarial risk, but also the class-wise natural risk. Complementing our theoretical analysis, we also provide experimental results on both synthetic data and the real world dataset (CIFAR-10), which shows improvement in class wise disparities for both natural and adversarial risks. GASP: Efficient Black-Box Generation of Adversarial Suffixes for Jailbreaking LLMs. (78%) Advik Raj Basani; Xiao Zhang Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive proficiency across a range of natural language processing tasks yet remain vulnerable to adversarial prompts, known as jailbreak attacks, carefully designed to elicit harmful responses from LLMs. Traditional methods rely on manual heuristics, which suffer from limited generalizability. While being automatic, optimization-based attacks often produce unnatural jailbreak prompts that are easy to detect by safety filters or require high computational overhead due to discrete token optimization. Witnessing the limitations of existing jailbreak methods, we introduce Generative Adversarial Suffix Prompter (GASP), a novel framework that combines human-readable prompt generation with Latent Bayesian Optimization (LBO) to improve adversarial suffix creation in a fully black-box setting. GASP leverages LBO to craft adversarial suffixes by efficiently exploring continuous embedding spaces, gradually optimizing the model to improve attack efficacy while balancing prompt coherence through a targeted iterative refinement procedure. Our experiments show that GASP can generate natural jailbreak prompts, significantly improving attack success rates, reducing training times, and accelerating inference speed, thus making it an efficient and scalable solution for red-teaming LLMs. Adversarial Prompt Distillation for Vision-Language Models. (75%) Lin Luo; Xin Wang; Bojia Zi; Shihao Zhao; Xingjun Ma Large pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) have been shown to be susceptible to adversarial attacks, raising concerns about their deployment in safety-critical scenarios like autonomous driving and medical diagnosis. One promising approach for improving the robustness of pre-trained VLMs is Adversarial Prompt Tuning (APT), which combines adversarial training with prompt tuning. However, existing APT methods are mostly single-modal methods that design prompt(s) for only the visual or textual modality, limiting their effectiveness in either robustness or clean accuracy. In this work, we propose a novel method called Adversarial Prompt Distillation (APD) that combines APT with knowledge distillation to boost the adversarial robustness of CLIP. Specifically, APD is a bimodal method that adds prompts for both the visual and textual modalities while leveraging a cleanly pre-trained teacher CLIP model to distill and boost the performance of the student CLIP model on downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our APD over the current state-of-the-art APT methods in terms of both natural and adversarial performances. The effectiveness of our APD method validates the possibility of using a non-robust teacher to improve the generalization and robustness of VLMs. AnywhereDoor: Multi-Target Backdoor Attacks on Object Detection. (74%) Jialin Lu; Junjie Shan; Ziqi Zhao; Ka-Ho Chow As object detection becomes integral to many safety-critical applications, understanding its vulnerabilities is essential. Backdoor attacks, in particular, pose a significant threat by implanting hidden backdoor in a victim model, which adversaries can later exploit to trigger malicious behaviors during inference. However, current backdoor techniques are limited to static scenarios where attackers must define a malicious objective before training, locking the attack into a predetermined action without inference-time adaptability. Given the expressive output space in object detection, including object existence detection, bounding box estimation, and object classification, the feasibility of implanting a backdoor that provides inference-time control with a high degree of freedom remains unexplored. This paper introduces AnywhereDoor, a flexible backdoor attack tailored for object detection. Once implanted, AnywhereDoor enables adversaries to specify different attack types (object vanishing, fabrication, or misclassification) and configurations (untargeted or targeted with specific classes) to dynamically control detection behavior. This flexibility is achieved through three key innovations: (i) objective disentanglement to support a broader range of attack combinations well beyond what existing methods allow; (ii) trigger mosaicking to ensure backdoor activations are robust, even against those object detectors that extract localized regions from the input image for recognition; and (iii) strategic batching to address object-level data imbalances that otherwise hinders a balanced manipulation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that AnywhereDoor provides attackers with a high degree of control, achieving an attack success rate improvement of nearly 80% compared to adaptations of existing methods for such flexible control. Indiscriminate Disruption of Conditional Inference on Multivariate Gaussians. (50%) William N. Caballero; Matthew LaRosa; Alexander Fisher; Vahid Tarokh The multivariate Gaussian distribution underpins myriad operations-research, decision-analytic, and machine-learning models (e.g., Bayesian optimization, Gaussian influence diagrams, and variational autoencoders). However, despite recent advances in adversarial machine learning (AML), inference for Gaussian models in the presence of an adversary is notably understudied. Therefore, we consider a self-interested attacker who wishes to disrupt a decisionmaker's conditional inference and subsequent actions by corrupting a set of evidentiary variables. To avoid detection, the attacker also desires the attack to appear plausible wherein plausibility is determined by the density of the corrupted evidence. We consider white- and grey-box settings such that the attacker has complete and incomplete knowledge about the decisionmaker's underlying multivariate Gaussian distribution, respectively. Select instances are shown to reduce to quadratic and stochastic quadratic programs, and structural properties are derived to inform solution methods. We assess the impact and efficacy of these attacks in three examples, including, real estate evaluation, interest rate estimation and signals processing. Each example leverages an alternative underlying model, thereby highlighting the attacks' broad applicability. Through these applications, we also juxtapose the behavior of the white- and grey-box attacks to understand how uncertainty and structure affect attacker behavior. GraphTheft: Quantifying Privacy Risks in Graph Prompt Learning. (4%) Jiani Zhu; Xi Lin; Yuxin Qi; Qinghua Mao Graph Prompt Learning (GPL) represents an innovative approach in graph representation learning, enabling task-specific adaptations by fine-tuning prompts without altering the underlying pre-trained model. Despite its growing prominence, the privacy risks inherent in GPL remain unexplored. In this study, we provide the first evaluation of privacy leakage in GPL across three attacker capabilities: black-box attacks when GPL as a service, and scenarios where node embeddings and prompt representations are accessible to third parties. We assess GPL's privacy vulnerabilities through Attribute Inference Attacks (AIAs) and Link Inference Attacks (LIAs), finding that under any capability, attackers can effectively infer the properties and relationships of sensitive nodes, and the success rate of inference on some data sets is as high as 98%. Importantly, while targeted inference attacks on specific prompts (e.g., GPF-plus) maintain high success rates, our analysis suggests that the prompt-tuning in GPL does not significantly elevate privacy risks compared to traditional GNNs. To mitigate these risks, we explored defense mechanisms, identifying that Laplacian noise perturbation can substantially reduce inference success, though balancing privacy protection with model performance remains challenging. This work highlights critical privacy risks in GPL, offering new insights and foundational directions for future privacy-preserving strategies in graph learning. Global Challenge for Safe and Secure LLMs Track 1. (4%) Xiaojun Jia; Yihao Huang; Yang Liu; Peng Yan Tan; Weng Kuan Yau; Mun-Thye Mak; Xin Ming Sim; Wee Siong Ng; See Kiong Ng; Hanqing Liu; Lifeng Zhou; Huanqian Yan; Xiaobing Sun; Wei Liu; Long Wang; Yiming Qian; Yong Liu; Junxiao Yang; Zhexin Zhang; Leqi Lei; Renmiao Chen; Yida Lu; Shiyao Cui; Zizhou Wang; Shaohua Li; Yan Wang; Rick Siow Mong Goh; Liangli Zhen; Yingjie Zhang; Zhe Zhao This paper introduces the Global Challenge for Safe and Secure Large Language Models (LLMs), a pioneering initiative organized by AI Singapore (AISG) and the CyberSG R&D Programme Office (CRPO) to foster the development of advanced defense mechanisms against automated jailbreaking attacks. With the increasing integration of LLMs in critical sectors such as healthcare, finance, and public administration, ensuring these models are resilient to adversarial attacks is vital for preventing misuse and upholding ethical standards. This competition focused on two distinct tracks designed to evaluate and enhance the robustness of LLM security frameworks. Track 1 tasked participants with developing automated methods to probe LLM vulnerabilities by eliciting undesirable responses, effectively testing the limits of existing safety protocols within LLMs. Participants were challenged to devise techniques that could bypass content safeguards across a diverse array of scenarios, from offensive language to misinformation and illegal activities. Through this process, Track 1 aimed to deepen the understanding of LLM vulnerabilities and provide insights for creating more resilient models. TrojanEdit: Backdooring Text-Based Image Editing Models. (3%) Ji Guo; Peihong Chen; Wenbo Jiang; Guoming Lu As diffusion models have achieved success in image generation tasks, many studies have extended them to other related fields like image editing. Unlike image generation, image editing aims to modify an image based on user requests while keeping other parts of the image unchanged. Among these, text-based image editing is the most representative task.Some studies have shown that diffusion models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where attackers may poison the training data to inject the backdoor into models. However, previous backdoor attacks on diffusion models primarily focus on image generation models without considering image editing models. Given that image editing models accept multimodal inputs, it raises a new question regarding the effectiveness of different modalities triggers in backdoor attacks on these models. To address this question, we propose a backdoor attack framework for image editing models, named TrojanEdit, which can handle different modalities triggers. We explore five types of visual triggers, three types of textual triggers, and combine them together as fifteen types of multimodal triggers, conducting extensive experiments for three types of backdoor attack goals. Our experimental results show that the image editing model has a backdoor bias for texture triggers. Compared to visual triggers, textual triggers have stronger attack effectiveness but also cause more damage to the model's normal functionality. Furthermore, we found that multimodal triggers can achieve a good balance between the attack effectiveness and model's normal functionality. Evaluating the Robustness of Analogical Reasoning in Large Language Models. (1%) Martha Lewis; Melanie Mitchell LLMs have performed well on several reasoning benchmarks, including ones that test analogical reasoning abilities. However, there is debate on the extent to which they are performing general abstract reasoning versus employing non-robust processes, e.g., that overly rely on similarity to pre-training data. Here we investigate the robustness of analogy-making abilities previously claimed for LLMs on three of four domains studied by Webb, Holyoak, and Lu (2023): letter-string analogies, digit matrices, and story analogies. For each domain we test humans and GPT models on robustness to variants of the original analogy problems that test the same abstract reasoning abilities but are likely dissimilar from tasks in the pre-training data. The performance of a system that uses robust abstract reasoning should not decline substantially on these variants. On simple letter-string analogies, we find that while the performance of humans remains high for two types of variants we tested, the GPT models' performance declines sharply. This pattern is less pronounced as the complexity of these problems is increased, as both humans and GPT models perform poorly on both the original and variant problems requiring more complex analogies. On digit-matrix problems, we find a similar pattern but only on one out of the two types of variants we tested. On story-based analogy problems, we find that, unlike humans, the performance of GPT models are susceptible to answer-order effects, and that GPT models also may be more sensitive than humans to paraphrasing. This work provides evidence that LLMs often lack the robustness of zero-shot human analogy-making, exhibiting brittleness on most of the variations we tested. More generally, this work points to the importance of carefully evaluating AI systems not only for accuracy but also robustness when testing their cognitive capabilities. Memory Backdoor Attacks on Neural Networks. (1%) Eden Luzon; Guy Amit; Roy Weiss; Yisroel Mirsky Neural networks, such as image classifiers, are frequently trained on proprietary and confidential datasets. It is generally assumed that once deployed, the training data remains secure, as adversaries are limited to query response interactions with the model, where at best, fragments of arbitrary data can be inferred without any guarantees on their authenticity. In this paper, we propose the memory backdoor attack, where a model is covertly trained to memorize specific training samples and later selectively output them when triggered with an index pattern. What makes this attack unique is that it (1) works even when the tasks conflict (making a classifier output images), (2) enables the systematic extraction of training samples from deployed models and (3) offers guarantees on the extracted authenticity of the data. We demonstrate the attack on image classifiers, segmentation models, and a large language model (LLM). We demonstrate the attack on image classifiers, segmentation models, and a large language model (LLM). With this attack, it is possible to hide thousands of images and texts in modern vision architectures and LLMs respectively, all while maintaining model performance. The memory back door attack poses a significant threat not only to conventional model deployments but also to federated learning paradigms and other modern frameworks. Therefore, we suggest an efficient and effective countermeasure that can be immediately applied and advocate for further work on the topic. Towards Million-Scale Adversarial Robustness Evaluation With Stronger Individual Attacks. (98%) Yong Xie; Weijie Zheng; Hanxun Huang; Guangnan Ye; Xingjun Ma As deep learning models are increasingly deployed in safety-critical applications, evaluating their vulnerabilities to adversarial perturbations is essential for ensuring their reliability and trustworthiness. Over the past decade, a large number of white-box adversarial robustness evaluation methods (i.e., attacks) have been proposed, ranging from single-step to multi-step methods and from individual to ensemble methods. Despite these advances, challenges remain in conducting meaningful and comprehensive robustness evaluations, particularly when it comes to large-scale testing and ensuring evaluations reflect real-world adversarial risks. In this work, we focus on image classification models and propose a novel individual attack method, Probability Margin Attack (PMA), which defines the adversarial margin in the probability space rather than the logits space. We analyze the relationship between PMA and existing cross-entropy or logits-margin-based attacks, and show that PMA can outperform the current state-of-the-art individual methods. Building on PMA, we propose two types of ensemble attacks that balance effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, we create a million-scale dataset, CC1M, derived from the existing CC3M dataset, and use it to conduct the first million-scale white-box adversarial robustness evaluation of adversarially-trained ImageNet models. Our findings provide valuable insights into the robustness gaps between individual versus ensemble attacks and small-scale versus million-scale evaluations. TAPT: Test-Time Adversarial Prompt Tuning for Robust Inference in Vision-Language Models. (96%) Xin Wang; Kai Chen; Jiaming Zhang; Jingjing Chen; Xingjun Ma Large pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP have demonstrated excellent zero-shot generalizability across various downstream tasks. However, recent studies have shown that the inference performance of CLIP can be greatly degraded by small adversarial perturbations, especially its visual modality, posing significant safety threats. To mitigate this vulnerability, in this paper, we propose a novel defense method called Test-Time Adversarial Prompt Tuning (TAPT) to enhance the inference robustness of CLIP against visual adversarial attacks. TAPT is a test-time defense method that learns defensive bimodal (textual and visual) prompts to robustify the inference process of CLIP. Specifically, it is an unsupervised method that optimizes the defensive prompts for each test sample by minimizing a multi-view entropy and aligning adversarial-clean distributions. We evaluate the effectiveness of TAPT on 11 benchmark datasets, including ImageNet and 10 other zero-shot datasets, demonstrating that it enhances the zero-shot adversarial robustness of the original CLIP by at least 48.9% against AutoAttack (AA), while largely maintaining performance on clean examples. Moreover, TAPT outperforms existing adversarial prompt tuning methods across various backbones, achieving an average robustness improvement of at least 36.6%. Provably Efficient Action-Manipulation Attack Against Continuous Reinforcement Learning. (86%) Zhi Luo; Xiyuan Yang; Pan Zhou; Di Wang Manipulating the interaction trajectories between the intelligent agent and the environment can control the agent's training and behavior, exposing the potential vulnerabilities of reinforcement learning (RL). For example, in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) controlled by RL, the attacker can manipulate the actions of the adopted RL to other actions during the training phase, which will lead to bad consequences. Existing work has studied action-manipulation attacks in tabular settings, where the states and actions are discrete. As seen in many up-and-coming RL applications, such as autonomous driving, continuous action space is widely accepted, however, its action-manipulation attacks have not been thoroughly investigated yet. In this paper, we consider this crucial problem in both white-box and black-box scenarios. Specifically, utilizing the knowledge derived exclusively from trajectories, we propose a black-box attack algorithm named LCBT, which uses the Monte Carlo tree search method for efficient action searching and manipulation. Additionally, we demonstrate that for an agent whose dynamic regret is sub-linearly related to the total number of steps, LCBT can teach the agent to converge to target policies with only sublinear attack cost, i.e., $O\left(\mathcal{R}(T) + MH^3K^E\log (MT)\right)(0